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Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health

08-18-2015 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by GrimIsCool
And with point a), which is a bit off topic anyway in my opinion, no way does an hour of poker consume more energy than an hour of work, and if you believe that then you haven't worked hard enough. I put as much effort and energy into my job as I did with my poker playing.
I assume you're talking about online here? If so I've gotta completely disagree. When you're playing online you're making decisions and calculations every few seconds for literally the full hour. You have no downtime whatsoever. I can't think of many jobs where you have both the level of intensity and the lack of respite from that intensity. It's not like you can take even 30s to just sit back and reset/gaze out of the window/have a chat with a co-worker or whatever (unless you sit out obv, but we're talking about a constant hour of poker here).

If you're talking about live, then yeah, you do about 10 minutes of work every hour probably.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by a octopus
great thread, great progress. i really enjoy checking this thread.

in all the discussion of not looking at results, i never understand how people don't accidentally see cashier from time to time. i don't play on Stars so i don't know if theres a way to hide cashier or something.

are you guys referring to not checking graphs? or being totally blind about session and daily results entirely?
U can hide ur balance, tables get jooned automatically and if u open cashier u avoid to look at balance.

Originally Posted by lvr
itt nobody has actually had a real job

I guarantee any real job is 100x more stressful than poker

Especially any job that earns the same amount of money as the poker player earns
I worked in teh real world. In onlinepoker u have to be focussed every single session. If u misclick4bet theres no way to take that back, if u make an atrocious rivercall theres no way to make that undone. If u misspell a word in an email that doesnt cost u 100bucks, if u make a typo in an excel sheet u can correct it later on.
There arent m(any) jobs which take as much focus and dedication as poker does
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
I worked in teh real world. In onlinepoker u have to be focussed every single session. If u misclick4bet theres no way to take that back, if u make an atrocious rivercall theres no way to make that undone. If u misspell a word in an email that doesnt cost u 100bucks, if u make a typo in an excel sheet u can correct it later on.
There arent m(any) jobs which take as much focus and dedication as poker does
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
U can hide ur balance, tables get jooned automatically and if u open cashier u avoid to look at balance.

I worked in teh real world. In onlinepoker u have to be focussed every single session. If u misclick4bet theres no way to take that back, if u make an atrocious rivercall theres no way to make that undone. If u misspell a word in an email that doesnt cost u 100bucks, if u make a typo in an excel sheet u can correct it later on.
There arent m(any) jobs which take as much focus and dedication as poker does
Some jobs take far more. If I don't spot a typo in my day job it could cost my clients far more than a misclick at the tables could ever cost you.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
itt nobody has actually had a real job

I guarantee any real job is 100x more stressful than poker

Especially any job that earns the same amount of money as the poker player earns
This isn't true at all. There are definitely stressful jobs, and I can only speak for my field, but I played poker to put myself through university and the job I have now (engineer in oil and gas, make more money than I did playing 200nl 5 or 6 years ago) is way less stressful most days.

Every decision doesn't affect your bottom line the same way it does in poker, and you don't need to concentrate nearly as much during an average 8 hour work day. I would take the stress of the real world over the stress of poker any day; there is nothing better than a guaranteed hourly.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 09:57 AM
while i agree that in theory poker is more stressful than the average job ppl could be working maybe i m in the minority here but it doesnt feel stressful to me and i prob play the longest sessions of anybody itt

dont we all just ignore the fact that we condition ourselves to just handle the tons of decisions we have to make, or even enjoy the rush of those and the information thrown at us? i feel like the 'stress' of our job is more than made up for but the enjoyment we get from outwitting out opponents, from making good decisions and finishing a session knowing we played as good as we can.

going back to rl jobs, that feeling of satisfaction in said avg job is going to be super rare but its fairly easy to get regularly after a session (provided some proper experience and mental game)

i ve met a ton of ppl whose gfs couldnt tell if they had won or lost in their session prior and not only did that do wonders for their relationship itself - it made the player so much more confident

i just woke up so if the above is a boring rable just carry on as normal
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by thunderbolts
Some jobs take far more. If I don't spot a typo in my day job it could cost my clients far more than a misclick at the tables could ever cost you.
Think you missed the point. In any reasonable work environment , either you have time to double check your work, or there is a process in place (eg. 4 eyes check, or a system) to catch errors. None of that exists in online poker, so I'm with Tim on this. If those things don't exist in your work place, then yes you are in a stressful world, but it is stressful due to poor design, not due to a quality inherent to the work.

Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Ian_944
Think you missed the point. In any reasonable work environment , either you have time to double check your work, or there is a process in place (eg. 4 eyes check, or a system) to catch errors. None of that exists in online poker, so I'm with Tim on this. If those things don't exist in your work place, then yes you are in a stressful world, but it is stressful due to poor design, not due to a quality inherent to the work.

You're assuming all real world jobs have the luxury of infinite time and infinite resources. I can assure you this isn't the case. However many systems are put in place, there will be phenomenally stressful situations, and I am pretty sure that anyone who thinks multitabling Stars is more stressful than any real world job I could care to name is playing way above their bankroll. The effect of good BRM is to minimise the stress associated with any particular decision. You don't have that luxury in many real world situations.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 10:27 AM
The people who play poker for a living will say poker is most stressful and those who have actual jobs will say jobs are more stressful. Yeeeey, solved the discussion guys.

How many who say poker is more stressful have had actual non mong jobs? Can't really compare delivering pizza with poker.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 10:43 AM
I'm sure being a surgeon or ceo responsible for p&l and 100s of people's livelihood is super duper stress.

But the avg 20something and early 30s person doing entry or mid level managerial work has pretty low levels of every day work stress (I imagine). I'm sure the stress comes from worrying about promotions job stability etc
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 10:45 AM
When I was a dentist I never got home angry and it wasnt stressful either. an hour of poker is a lot heavier on the mind and theres no comparison.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by thunderbolts
You're assuming all real world jobs have the luxury of infinite time and infinite resources. I can assure you this isn't the case. However many systems are put in place, there will be phenomenally stressful situations, and I am pretty sure that anyone who thinks multitabling Stars is more stressful than any real world job I could care to name is playing way above their bankroll.
No, I'm not making any assumptions about jobs. I think after 15yrs in investment banking and management consulting I've got a pretty good feel for how corporations work and what a deadline looks like.

Your post implied that normal jobs regularly have critical moments where a mistake cannot be undone or where there are no checks and balances. That is simply not true for the vast majority of time for the vast majority of jobs.

Clearly you can find specific moments in some jobs where the right decision is critical and the safety net is small, but that's not the norm.

Poker is different in that it is many decisions in a short period of time, where its you and only you, so I would generally agree with the view that an average hour of multitabling poker is more intense than an average hour of 9+5 work.

Having said alll that, trying to determine which job is more stressful is a silly exercise (but if we're going to do this, let's at least make reasonable statements). It's going to depend on the individual and how they deal with their "day in the office"

What i personally view as definitely true is that it will be very,very hard for OP to do a 9-5 job, and 30hrs of poker and maintain a strong relationship with someone.

Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 11:24 AM
You can't just say that either is more stressful than the other. When poker goes well, it's the easiest, most stress free job in the world. When you're in the middle of a huge downswing, it's way more stressful than the vast majority of other jobs out there.

Either way, an hour of full on poker still requires more concentration and focus than an hour in most other jobs. You can balance that out by spreading your hours around and being more flexible with your time, which you can't generally do with other jobs.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
I worked in teh real world. In onlinepoker u have to be focussed every single session. If u misclick4bet theres no way to take that back, if u make an atrocious rivercall theres no way to make that undone. If u misspell a word in an email that doesnt cost u 100bucks, if u make a typo in an excel sheet u can correct it later on.
There arent m(any) jobs which take as much focus and dedication as poker does
No offence to you but I'm guessing it was some pleb administration job at best? The reason I said comparative money wise is because someone earning 100k in poker would never be stressed as someone earning 100k in the world,

Most of the problems you guys associate with poker seem to be mental leaks at the worst. The thing with poker is that if you are stressed then you can just stop. If you are sick then you can just take a break. You did a bad river call and start getting mad? Turn off your computer and go outside. Now imagine meeting a clients deadline with a few hours to go and you start getting stressed out? Can you just stop and cool off?

Imagine a client/ceo/director calling you 3am in the morning about work that needs to be done. Can you just take a break then?

The fact you are the only person accountable for your actions is what makes it easy as well. You guys don't need to deal with other people to complete tasks. You don't need to worry about other people in the group completing the work or people completing tasks that you set out for them. Not dealing with office bs or putting on a face whenever you meet people you hate.

Imagine poker was a team game of sorts and pepeman and timstone were on a team and each of their earnings were shared. Could you imagine them working together in any way?
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by lvr

Imagine a client/ceo/director calling you 3am in the morning about work that needs to be done. Can you just take a break then?
Imagine waking up at 9:30am with teh sound of ur script and scout jesus at ur highest stake. Can u just continue sleeping then?
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Imagine waking up at 9:30am with teh sound of ur script and scout jesus at ur highest stake. Can u just continue sleeping then?

Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
08-18-2015 , 04:29 PM
wow, jesus christ, things seem to have blown up in here. I'm gunna respond to a few of the first, lighter posts as i really think you guys have covered all bases in this discussion

Originally Posted by A_Schupick
I like your girlfriend. Seems seems the right mix of honest, but supportive.
thanks mate! I'd have to agree

Originally Posted by SpewNL
If u are struggling with the temptation of checking results u can just install that app that blocks access to the cashier. Think its called tiltbreaker in hm2.
For me it took one or two months to get used to but nowadays it doesn't bother me at all and never have that 'urge' to check results.

In the gf department it seems like u pretty much flopped the nuts.
U should be very grateful to have such support from ur gf but i'm sure u already know that.
I'll look into tiltbreaker. I think i used it once and got so angry with it (albeit this was when i tilted pretty hard) i uninstalled it haha. It's a big commitment to make!

Originally Posted by Godspeed1
She seems like a keeper. You also seem like a rly nice guy, gl to both of you! You deserve each other
thanks for the kind words mate, appreciate it

Originally Posted by TimStone
If gf becomes available again at any point in future pls drop me a pm. Sounds alot too smart for teh timstone but my looks have to count for something. Thanks in advance0

Originally Posted by blakkman08
Boy do you run good
Originally Posted by Andre_787
confirmed GTO gf

Originally Posted by x_ROSH125_x
Just start spending some of your winnings on your gf's and they will soon come round

Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
as soon as you posted that hand was looking forward to everyone telling you you had to check it, you should have gone with the GTO posting of saying you cbet it 100% though!

I'm going to be more of a dick than Ben here and tell you that you will not find a worthwhile girlfriend living this kind of life. Showed my gf this post earlier and she just straight up laughed at you sounding confused about her not being supportive. Poker isn't the same as a fulltime job in the stresses it puts on a relationship;
a) an hour playing consumes much more energy than an hour real world working,
b) the hours of peak games are generally unconducive to being sociable
c) unless you're a mental game god it will effect your external mood more than real world hours.
d) minor but still not to be overlooked, it puts some strain on your other etc too when she has to explain to friends and relatives what you do without implying your some kind of degenerate

All of the above considered imo means that you can't really expect to play real world hours of poker with study and maintain a good relationship, and 30 hours ON TOP of a 9 to 5, and assuming you're studying too, is just going to be corrosive to you personally let alone anyone else imo.
Personally I manage 25-30 hours playing then maybe 10 studying/coaching a week and feel like I'm pushing the bar, obviously everyone is different but just think it's important to realise how much strain hours of poker can put on relationships with people who aren't part of the game, it's just a very hard thing to fully grasp.
Definitely agree with some of this but not all. I think that Ron pretty much sums it up perfectly for me. The bolded bit stands out more than anything. Arguing either way, work or poker being harder for an hour, with poker you have the option to stop working/playing and take an hour/day/week off. I think they're actually both incomparable tbh. Dealing with downswings in poker or having a dickhead boss to deal with can both be equally painful to have to manage.

Originally Posted by PokerRon247
You can't just say that either is more stressful than the other. When poker goes well, it's the easiest, most stress free job in the world. When you're in the middle of a huge downswing, it's way more stressful than the vast majority of other jobs out there.

Either way, an hour of full on poker still requires more concentration and focus than an hour in most other jobs. You can balance that out by spreading your hours around and being more flexible with your time, which you can't generally do with other jobs.
Originally Posted by randomtom
Charlotte is a pretty damn good player herself. She was certainly better than all the other fishregs at the uni game I used to run!
hahaha, charlotte LOVED this comment!


Hopefully we can put this discussion to bed now...


Poker was average today. Was winning a decent amount and then got totally smashed up. Would say i ended slightly up for the day.

0% equity vs a HUGE whale. The pain

    Poker Stars, $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37074769

    CO: $80 (40 bb)
    BTN: $344.71 (172.4 bb)
    SB: $245.18 (122.6 bb)
    Hero (BB): $352.65 (176.3 bb)
    UTG: $229.49 (114.7 bb)
    MP: $224.11 (112.1 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with 4 5
    UTG raises to $6, 2 folds, BTN raises to $10, SB folds, Hero calls $8, UTG calls $4

    Flop: ($31) 5 4 8 (3 players)
    Hero checks, UTG checks, BTN bets $14.80, Hero raises to $56.24, UTG folds, BTN calls $41.44

    Turn: ($143.48) Q (2 players)
    Hero bets $286.41, BTN calls $278.47

    River: ($700.42) 9 (2 players)

    Results: $700.42 pot ($2.80 rake)
    Final Board: 5 4 8 Q 9
    BTN showed Q Q and won $697.62 ($352.91 net)
    Hero showed 4 5 and won $0.00 (-$344.71 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Fish doing the work for me. I didnt cbet as his fold to cbet in 3b pot was 0 off 4 ops.

      Poker Stars, $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37074770

      MP: $234.13 (117.1 bb)
      Hero (CO): $215.56 (107.8 bb)
      BTN: $94.38 (47.2 bb)
      SB: $203.46 (101.7 bb)
      BB: $205.50 (102.8 bb)
      UTG: $180.70 (90.4 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is CO with J K
      UTG raises to $4, MP folds, Hero raises to $14, 3 folds, UTG calls $10

      Flop: ($31) T 7 A (2 players)
      UTG checks, Hero checks

      Turn: ($31) Q (2 players)
      UTG checks, Hero bets $20.72, UTG calls $20.72

      River: ($72.44) 2 (2 players)
      UTG bets $70, Hero raises to $180.84 and is all-in, UTG calls $75.98 and is all-in

      Results: $364.40 pot ($2.80 rake)
      Final Board: T 7 A Q 2
      Hero showed J K and won $361.60 ($180.90 net)
      UTG showed 4 A and lost (-$180.70 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

      One of my goooood friends is back at the tables too. Dunno if some of you remember the hands i posted last year sometime. Well anyway, he's back, he's playing the same as always but unfortunately i haven't managed to win a single ***** pot vs them yet. Pots like this ergh:

        Poker Stars, $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
        Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37074771

        MP: $346.53 (173.3 bb)
        CO: $387.06 (193.5 bb)
        BTN: $431.42 (215.7 bb)
        Hero (SB): $275.55 (137.8 bb)
        BB: $430.41 (215.2 bb)

        Preflop: Hero is SB with 4 6
        3 folds, Hero raises to $5, BB raises to $15, Hero calls $10

        Flop: ($30) 5 T 2 (2 players)
        Hero checks, BB bets $28.65, Hero calls $28.65

        Turn: ($87.30) 5 (2 players)
        Hero checks, BB bets $84.50, Hero calls $84.50

        River: ($256.30) 8 (2 players)
        Hero checks, BB checks

        Results: $256.30 pot ($2.80 rake)
        Final Board: 5 T 2 5 8
        Hero showed 4 6 and lost (-$128.15 net)
        BB showed A J and won $253.50 ($125.35 net)

        Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

        and this hmmmmmmm

          Poker Stars, $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37074772

          BB: $80 (40 bb)
          UTG: $945.10 (472.6 bb)
          MP: $413.89 (206.9 bb)
          Hero (CO): $273.54 (136.8 bb)
          BTN: $204.80 (102.4 bb)
          SB: $247.55 (123.8 bb)

          Preflop: Hero is CO with A 8
          UTG raises to $6, MP folds, Hero raises to $18, 3 folds, UTG calls $12

          Flop: ($39) 3 6 7 (2 players)
          UTG bets $18.62, Hero calls $18.62

          Turn: ($76.24) 9 (2 players)
          UTG bets $36.72, Hero calls $36.72

          River: ($149.68) 4 (2 players)
          UTG checks, Hero checks

          Results: $149.68 pot ($2.80 rake)
          Final Board: 3 6 7 9 4
          UTG showed 6 A and won $146.88 ($73.54 net)
          Hero mucked A 8 and lost (-$73.34 net)

          Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

          Saw my clients for the the last time before going away so will be nice to have a proper break from any kind of therapeutic work, whether it be personal therapy or being the therapist for the next 2 weeks.

          We lost the final as expected last night 5-3. Actually so tilting cus the opposition are just the scummiest players i've ever played against. Wasting time, making horrendous challenges, throwing around the word c*** at any opportunity at any of our team/ref and generally being awful sportsmen/fightclub. Oh well, it makes it even sweeter if we ever beat them! Got our other final on wednesday which we should definitely win so will update after that.

          Big grind tomorrow hopefully. glgl
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
          08-19-2015 , 12:21 AM
          Originally Posted by lvr
          itt nobody has actually had a real job

          I guarantee any real job is 100x more stressful than poker

          Especially any job that earns the same amount of money as the poker player earns
          wtf not everyone owns 2 businesses + children or wetever, how can you state that? plasticelephant is ridiculously spot on imo.. altho i agree it depends on the person.

          Originally Posted by lvr
          The thing with poker is that if you are stressed then you can just stop. If you are sick then you can just take a break. You did a bad river call and start getting mad? Turn off your computer and go outside.
          yep and everything is solved you are now a winner for the month
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
          08-19-2015 , 01:22 AM
          lol nits and jobs. just get a script, find some whales and print $. proceed to ball out afterwards. u nits can thank me afterwards
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
          08-19-2015 , 02:14 AM
          Bad trolling, timstone would never be posting on 2+2 at this time. Teh real timstone spends this time dreaming of teh fancie quorvettes
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
          08-19-2015 , 02:29 AM
          I guess it depends on your personality, I personally don't find poker more stressful than playing starcraft lol
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
          08-19-2015 , 03:11 AM
          Only MTT regs are stressed

          **** that life
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
          08-19-2015 , 03:16 AM
          Don't know what you mean we re hardened professionals
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
          08-19-2015 , 03:37 AM
          6+ hours to finish any tournament


          don't think I have done more than 3 hour sessions ever
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
          08-19-2015 , 03:51 AM
          You ve prob never won 200 buyins in a session either
          Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
