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Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne

04-27-2013 , 11:53 PM
Also it would be interesting to get an opinion on how the rake here effect both winrate and the game.

First of all I'll explain the rake at crown were I play. There is rake in all pots, even the ones who didn't go to a flop. For example, if someone opens 15 and I 3b and win the pot here, the pot is 15x2+blinds. They rake 10% capped on $12. So in the above example they'd rake $3.

this surely cuts off a fair bit of the winrate, but also should effect things such as how profitable it is to 3b bluff pre etc. What are your thoughts about adjustments here, and how much extra do you think I rake per hour in average? I basically don't 3b as wide as I would like to IP against 1 opponent, other then that nothing much different. But it's obv gonna be a lot less profitable taking down small pots were 10% is raked. And so much money will be eaten up from my winrate in pots were I c-bet/win a pot, in comperacy to 5% rake.

Last edited by lowstejkfish; 04-27-2013 at 11:59 PM.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
04-29-2013 , 09:02 AM
Do they do time charge there as well?
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
04-29-2013 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by GizYaChips
Do they do time charge there as well?
Only seating charge so it's ok. $5 at 2/4 and $10 at 5/5.

Originally Posted by lowstejkfish
next week I will do shorter sessions were I decide a time to leave beforehand.
Did a short 4h session today, up $450. pretty uneventful day at the tables to be honest. I was tracking all the pots were I VPIP'd. It ended up being 24 hands but can't remember action/runouts in all. Mostly small pots and one were I stacked off a super fish. Too tired for a long post now but will be doing this tomorrow aswell and hopefully I'll post something. Think It's a good idea and hopefully it will do me good. It's never a bad idea to go thrue everything twice, even the most obvious things.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-01-2013 , 11:04 AM
Little lazy with the updates but keeping up with the short sessions as planned. Maybe not as much analyzing but tracked all the VPIP'ed pots for 3 days now and been playing around a little bit with some explo spots I think I can make more money in.

I'm planning to experament some with limp/3betting pre from early pos. Generally I'm pretty sceptical to this but think it's very usefull if you use it the right way at tables who plays a certain way. I'll get back with a post about this later.

Three short sessions this week so far and about a BI profit on all. I'm also gonna win the shane werne superstack tournament this weekend, so that'll be good for the bankroll.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-01-2013 , 11:22 AM
Super effective if you have the aggro players playing from HJ>BTN.

Seen so much money being made pre-flop because the person who raises the limp defends to your 3b with almost their entire iso range.

GL in the SWSS.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-02-2013 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by GizYaChips
Super effective if you have the aggro players playing from HJ>BTN.

Seen so much money being made pre-flop because the person who raises the limp defends to your 3b with almost their entire iso range.

GL in the SWSS.
That is very true! Same things apply in normal 3b pot, and heaps of free money is made here by c-betting them off hands when they dont flop tp+...
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-02-2013 , 09:23 PM
Another profit session booked. Plz keep it like this for a while now! *unjinx*
4 figured one which was pretty sweet. Had a complete ATM at the table for a while. He busted like $2-3k playing 100% of the hands. I saw him doing the same thing the other day aswell, pretty sick. He's a young guy probably around 20 and the quiet type, not at all the kind of person you'd expect doing this. Wonder were he got his money from cuz it's obv not poker, but it didn't seem to bother him dropping 5-6 BI's. Just another reload after dropping a $800 stack over and over again. I got one buy in.

Tomorrow I'm playing day 1 SWSS, think it might be the worst of all day 1s but didn't have the right feeling today for a long tournament day and had a great CG table. Saturday I'm likely gonna be hungovered. Tomorrow starts 12.10 so most "normal" people work but **** it.

A few hands from today:

Hand1: Very first hand at the table, villain is an asian middle age guy that I think I've seen before. Villain has ~$275.

Pre: three limps, Hero makes it $25 from bb with TT, other guy call villain call.

Flop: (pot ~$75) 883
Hero leads $50 other guy fold villain call.

Turn: (pot ~$170) Blank
Hero bets $80, villain calls.

River: (pot ~$330) J
Hero check, villain shoves ~$120, hero sigh call

Villain shows 99 and I take down the pot. Expect him to check back most hands here that I beat otr (like 99 for example). The problem is I'm not sure if he calls my 3rd berral otr with worse if I jam. I regret not comitting more ott but miss calculated a little. Don't love ch/c here but see this kind of things too often to fold though and he can have busted flush draw aswell. Also feels cold to go for value flop+turn and then c/f otr here. The J doesn't really matter. Basically only 8, AJhh 33 beats me so think he makes the shove with other random often enough. May have been better just shoving river for thin value if I'm planning to stack off when I'm beat anyway, but though I was better off letting him make mistakes...

Hand2: Villain1 is a fish and limper is a mediocre asian girl.

pre: Hero with 88, makes it $20 over one limp, fish call, limp call.

Flop: (pot ~$60) K46
Limper leads out $20, Hero call, fish call.

Turn: Blank (pot ~$115)
Check, Check, Check

River: T (pot ~115)
Limper bet $20, Hero raise $120...

When limper leads river for about 1/6 pot I think she barely ever has the flush, fish can have pretty much anything and I can't see anyone playing a two pair/set otf or ott that passive three ways with a flushdraw out there. Fish won't probably think much but any mediocre live fish will give me credit for flush here, especially when I have a tight image. Think it's a great spot, unfortiunatly both call, fish with TT limper Q high flush, owned

Hand3: This one was not standard and very read/game flow based. Villain is a 30 something guy. He opens 25 frequently and I've 3b him once and he folded pre and made a comment to the guy next to him "I should 4b there, I know". This hand occurs 5-10 minutes later, villain has $325 in front of him and seems slightly tilted.

villain opens $25, MP flat, Hero 3b $85 from BTN, Villain thinks for a bit and makes it $205, MP fold. I think for about 15 sec and he calls time on me and a few moments later he grabs his cards making himself ready to muck his hand, indicating he knows I'm gonna fold. I think he does this with at least AQ+ TT+, which would give me ~35%. I think he is often gonna be wider though and wouldn't be suprised to see AJ/77-99 sometimes. I need about 35-38% to get it in here (I assume he never folds for the last $120 obv). I flip good against JJ and he reloads and move seat next to me going "I'm gonna sit here, I'm after his stack". This one was pretty thin and I rarely get AQ in pre in a standard game at crown but think this one was +EV. FWIW, if I'm gonna 3b/fold AQ here I rather flat that hand from BTN.

Last edited by lowstejkfish; 05-02-2013 at 09:36 PM.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-02-2013 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by straykatbluz
utg JJ, MP AK, you KK/QQ?

i dont play cash so maybe I'm WAY OFF haha.

some of the hands you post are so so gross, really hope things turn around for you. keep the updates coming!
BTW in his one UTG had A4o, MP 99, a 9 on the board.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-03-2013 , 04:09 AM
Busted the SWSS at 400/800-100. worked my stack up to 30k ish (25k start) before the first break, then had a couple of cold hours were I had to 3b fold and raise/fold a few times, bad timeing in most spots basically. Shoved my 23bb with 9Ts sb vs BTN steal. Fish on BTN made it 3x, not sure what that indicates really when random old aussie fish 3x first in on BTN. Can probably be anything from strong, weak, or something like " I have AK don't wanna see a flop". I wasn't paying attention about his previous sizeing. I hadn't been involved in any pots for a long time so I was probably viewed as tight. Might have been a little thin and prefer to chose a Ax kinda hands so I at least have blockers and one living card if he calls with TT+. Anyway don't think it was all that bad but could maybe have waited for a better spot. BB woke up with AA and held up. Depending on what I do tonight I might take a 2nd bullet tomorrow, great value tournament so would be really nice to run deep in this one for final day.

Had a little funny hand:

100/200-25 Hero 56

MP raise 425, one call, sb call, Hero calls from BB.

Flop: (pot 1950) AQ3r
Checked around

Turn: (pot 1950) 4
sb bets 1100, Hero raise, 2500, fold, fold, sb calls.

River (pot 6950) Tx
SB check, check

If I ever want to bluff this river here 56 is the absolut first hand I should considre it with here (absolute bottom of my range) if we follow GTO river table. I thought at this point that if he decide to call turn (even with only Ax) I think he will call another bet otr. Villain is classic live fish who doesn't like to fold here and very bad at evaluating his hand. I checked behind, but after thinking about it I don't like my river decision. He can have missed flushdraw here or even 56 for split. I could have made a tiny bet here getting him off his air hands (air beats my air obv). If I bet like 1500 here or somthing and I doubt many player have balls to go ch/r there. Also could make the raise bigger ott if I'm not planning to bet river, although I did plan to bet any
villain shows 56 for split lol
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-04-2013 , 09:37 PM
Played a second bullet in SWSS yesterday. Didn't run very well but made it through to day 2 with 26k, avg ~70k. Lost with set of K's twice within the first 2h before 1st break. Luckily no one wanted to stack me on QTKr in 3b pot with their AJ, and got away on Txx XK. Thx for deepstack and weak/passive slowplaying fish. Don't remember meny hands well, but here's a good old "stop bet". Can be pretty useful imo from an unbalanced perspective vs fish.

MTT hand:
Villain is a 50 something aussie lady whom I've never seen. Doesn't seem to know much about poker and most likely just there for a random saturday gamble trying out her luck.

Pre: 50/100 Hero 58
3 limps, hero complete sb, bb check.

Flop: (pot 500) 55A
Hero check, two check, villain bet 500, hero calls, everyone else folds

Turn: (pot 1500)J
Hero check, villain bets 1000, hero call.

River: (pot 3750) blank
Hero donk 1200, villain calls

hero shows 58, villain mucks.

Think I lose minimum vs 95+ here by donking out small otr unless I was planning to c/f. Also think I win maximum against Ax since I expect her to check that back otr, and don't think she finds a fold with tp. Every other street seems standard to me, our hand is beat pretty often already when facing that pot bet otf 5 handed.

Ended up playing some $2/4 after that, down about a BI.

Most lol hand:
BTN is an old man who has been making loads of big strange preflop raises like 37 by putting in a few $5's and all his $1's. He also 3bets frequently, even though I don't think he knows what he's doing. BB is a fish Who lost $5-600 past 30 minutes. we're about 500 effective.

Hero open $15, BTN raise $43, BB flats, Hero makes it $140, BTN flats, BB all in, Hero folds, BTN call.

BTN shows A9o, BB KJs.... KJ made straight.

Day two starts in 40 minutes. Lets run good today!
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-05-2013 , 01:29 AM
Whatta tournament this was. Cannot even start to describe how bad everyone is playing <20bb, especially <10bb. One situation was just too much! I was absolutly crying out of laughter (in my head obv) when one guy opens 17k with 45k in his stack at 3000/6000-1000, other guy shove over the top and got about 45k aswell. opener tanks for about a minute before a french guy sighs and call time. Everyone gets upset for him being rude calling time. It kinda is but seriously, french guy has a ponit, stop wasting our time! He folds and cleims he had AK. He really was serious and he confirmed later on and I'm almost sure he was telling the truth. There isn't even words for how bad that is. I can't even make up a worse decission in my head unless you 5b fold AA pre or something in a cg.

Anyway, I got my stack up to ~80k from my 26k without seeing a flop before I busted in a 3 way all in pre with QQ up against KJ+AA... A little unfortunate timeing.

I made a semi sick explo laydown. The only fairly solid guy at the table who has an understanding of push/fold concept has been shoving wide and got to SD with very thin hands like Q2o. He has only played push/fold so far and this hand he min raise with about 8-10bb stack on 4k/8k-1000 from CO. I pick up 77 in sb and think for a few moments before I muck it. I would shove this against anyone with a big fat smile on my face not being super suprised getting people off 88 or A8-AJ here. In this spot I'm almost sure he is suoer unbalanced here raising almost exclusively monsters and jamming anything else. He gets it in with AA vs BB. I tapped myself on the shoulder.

Really looking forward to ANZPT, wish I can play the "higher" ones aswell but might need to sell some action for that. Have no experiance doing so here so not sure how it'd go....
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-06-2013 , 05:35 AM
lol at that fold. how does his arm even allow him to move in a forward motion to muck. I couldn't physically do it? haha
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-06-2013 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by straykatbluz
lol at that fold. how does his arm even allow him to move in a forward motion to muck. I couldn't physically do it? haha
Yeah I know! If I had to chose between making that fold or chucking a $1k chip in the sea I would have to think about my decission!
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-06-2013 , 08:53 AM
Another 4 figured day today at the CG. Repaired the weekend hole from SSWS and the loosing CG session. Pretty good start on the month so far hopefully I'll keep that up for a while now after 6 consecutive **** weeks(before last week).

Will post two hands aswell. Nothing too exciting but had to make a laydown with two pair otr and got some extra $$ with my flopped trips... Stacked off a reg with set today aswell. Don't think I won one pot over 25bb with set during the whole march/april...

Hand1: Villain is a hobby reg at crown, the same guy with 99 in the hand I posted earlier were I offered 20 bucks for their hands... He is a experienced live player and thinking, but massive leaks in theoretical understanding of the game, like most live players.

4way limped hero check down 64o from blinds.

Flop: (pot $16) 648r
Hero leads $12, villain calls, others fold

Turn: (pot $40) Q
hero bets $25, villain calls

River: (pot $90) x
Hero bets $35, villain raise $135, hero folds

Pretty standard all streets without special reads. Almost always good on flop obv and want value + protect my very vulnerable hand. Turn is very good for me, basically only Q8 sucked me out, getting value again from 8x or if he limped and flatted flop KQ/AQ. River I valuebet again, he can easely bluffcatch me here with an 8 with our dynamics, any Q float otf or if he limped 99-JJ (seen him limp/call JJ pre). When he raise I need to be good 100/360=~28% and I only beat a bluff. I don't think he will bluff anywere near that here and 8x makes much sense. I said nh and showed my laydown, he said wp and showed flush...


Utg limps, one limp, hero raise $25 KQs from sb (or bb can't remember), Utg calls everyone else fold

Flop: (pot $58) KK7r
Hero bet $30, utg calls

Turn: (pot $118) 6
Hero bet $55, utg calls

River: (pot $228) 4
Hero bets $90, villain raise $200, hero thinks 5-10 sec and calls.

Not that much to talk about untill river, think I get 3 streets of value sometimes from 7x, 88+ and obv wanna get maximum vs Kx. Otr I'm not super thrilled but most hands that would beat me doesn't make sense. There is a slight chance he'll limp/call AK utg but don't expect that, not even in a fishy low stake live game. 66 I sometimes fold out otf, not always though. K7, 77 is possible but also expect him to raise me if not otf ott to be able to get it all in. I need to be right 110/628=~17,5% to make the call. I think he might do this with <KJ sometimes to get called from QQ/AA etc, sometimes a random move out of confusion. I was viewed as LAG after having a little card rush winning lots of pots recently. Expect to be good way more often then I need! I invite regs to exploit me now if anyone reads here, but sick if he shoved and made me considre folding the top of my range, especially since I'm not having 66/44/77/K7/K6/K4 im my range pre here... Not a big deal maybe but hope if any reg reads here they'd at least mention it.

Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:01 AM
Welcome to Australian live poker. 90% are absolutely ******ed fish.

GG in the SWSS.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-07-2013 , 04:51 AM
Shorter update today. 4h, $600. Keep not getting sucked out and get to be on the right side of things mostly. Very good feeling that I had almost forgotten.

Ended up in a similar spot that i posted earlier with 56dd. This one I float flop With J9 IP on 7TK. Villain bets small ott x, I raise and she calls. River is K and she checks, I don't expect to get her off almost any value hand here with a normal bet. I might but not expecting it! She still has QJ and hands in her range, I bet out $25 in to ~$200 to get her off high card hands >J. This time I ran good and she folded, I snap showed her J high and she got tilted. lol
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-07-2013 , 09:30 AM
nice work mate, seems like youre on the rebound, keep killing it!
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-08-2013 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by
nice work mate, seems like youre on the rebound, keep killing it!
This. Good to see things turning around
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-08-2013 , 11:20 PM
Ty guys for comments!

Lined up another 4 figure sess yesterday. Had a couple of interesting hands vs a reg. Very first hand at the table, literally they just opened the table. I open JJ 6 handed and reg calls. Not sure of exact runout here I realize, but flop was something like 775, I cbet oop and reg floats. Turn A and I check, reg bets $35 in to ~$55, I call. River is Q and I check, he bets $75 and I think for 5-10 sec and call, I win vs 89.

^^ His floating range doesn't contain super many A hands. The A looks way more scary then it actually is. If he made the flush or have the 7 nh!. When he bets the river I'm almost sure he doesn't have A or Q, expect him to check that back with SD value, think strong A like AK/AQ he'd 3b pre. I think this player will have enough bluffs in his range here, and he basically rep a 7, flush or bluff, think I'm right often enough.

Not that long after, not 100% of exact details:

One limp, Hero raise $20 with AJ from MP, one calls, reg calls from blinds, limper calls.

- Preflop standard

Flop: pot ~$80 995

- don't think it's profitable to c-bet here 4 ways when most people calls too much

Turn: pot ~$80 7
Check, check, hero bets $35, folds, reg raise $75, limper folds, hero raise $130, reg flats

- Here is were it starts to get interesting. When the reg and the limper checks twice I almost never expect them to have a 9, especially with flushdraws out there. Neither 88-JJ etc since they want value and almost any card is bad for them. I think they've almost always just given up. Maybe sometimes they check super nuts twice for c/r, like 79/55/77. Same thing with last agressor, don't think he's gonna check that back otf. I think I can steal it very often here, could have made it like $50-60 instead and always give up vs any action though. When the reg c/r me here it doesn't change the range I'm putting him on very much, I'd like to do the same thing in his spot because of the reasons mentioned. I make a raise IP letting him practically make a decision for his whole stack. I don't know if he flats here oop when he wants to get it in, it didn't look that strong to me at the time at least.

River: pot ~$340 Q
reg check, hero bet $190

- At this point I still thought I'll get him off often enough. His flat ott and then check river oop didn't seem strong to me at the time. Not at all saying it would be bad if he had nuts and wanted it to go in though! I threw out a confident $190 bet within 2-3 sec and he tanked and folded. Not sure if this is good or spew but felt good at the time and worked this time! Also relevant info he had just stacked off 10-15 mins earlier with AK vs QQ and was down >1BI, so not sure if he was in the right mindset for a hero call.

5h of 2/4 and $1150 I decided to play the $200 wednesday donkament. My 2/4 table was 6 handed with 2 regs and 3 semifish so fealt like going home or play the tournie. Got slowrolled JJ vs KK ai pre 15bb, but can't really complain!
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-09-2013 , 08:06 AM
Another session done. Sat at 2/4 for about 4h, was down about $100 and my table wsn't that great. They had a 5/10/20 running and I decided to try 2 bullets shortstacking it. Straddle was optional and everyone did it, so think it's good value to shortstack if I don't straddle. 5/10+ is $25 time charge but no rake.

Realized when I saw the table it was pretty tough, 5 known 5/5 regs and 2 known fish + 2 unknown. Still thought it was value though if not straddling and had made up my mind so I sat down. Started off getting it in QQ vs JJ pre and got sucked out. Reload and then it was time to pay time charge. We ended up 5 handed with no fish, but there were 4 people on waitlist so I thought it was still worth a go. Unfortunatly no one joined and it stayed 5 handed. Probably no value playing 4 of the better regs at the entire casino but had just payed time and no rake so I thought watta hell lets go! I dropped to $400 after a 3b hand were I had to give up (no one straddled anymore). I open $25 with Q6 from BTN, sb and bb calls. Flop 374 and BB donks out $25, I raise $125, sb folds bb calls. Turn 2, BB check I tank push for a little under a PSB, he insta snap and turn over AT and no 1 outer... Pretty unfortunate. Next time I'll be on the right side of two all ins and leave with +$2k instead!!


Last edited by lowstejkfish; 05-09-2013 at 08:23 AM.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-09-2013 , 11:29 PM
Just realized 7 in hand2 post #69 should be 7...

Think I take a day off from grind today. Try to work on the game from home a little. Wanted to sign up for some training site, but not sure if there is much about live fullring CG out there. Especially on a more advanced level. Feels pointless to watch too basic things. From what I've heard RunItOnce should be good over all... If anyone got any tips within this subject that's appreciated!

Also chuck me a PM if anyone would be up for a tennis here in Melbourne... Need a tennis buddy!
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-10-2013 , 06:04 AM
Run it once has quite a few full ring videos. Heard good things about them. I've only watched two or three of them but they're good value videos.

How much longer are you in Melbourne?
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-13-2013 , 05:38 AM
First session since thursday today. Got to crown around 12 noon and there is an overnight table running that's sick juicy! The guy I've written about before that opened $750 blind etc sat with $3-4k and I was lucky enough to get a seat after only ~30 minutes of waiting. Got it in 3way with JJ, vs him (we can call him P) and another gambeling happy fish. P binked A otr. Was down 2 BI but ended stuck only $200 at the table after winning TT AI pre, board run out JTQKx and I wasn't too happy before he turned over JTo...

Table broke after this and 5/10/20 started. I couldn't not take a shot in this game, It's surely a $300+/h expected game if beeing full stacked, probably a lot more if playing 200bb+ deep. Bought in for $600 and ran better this time. Key hand I limp/3b AA UTG with P in CO and aggressiv regs in LP. Other reg raise-got it in with QQ and my AA held for a ~$2,1k pot. Up ~$1800 and I left after 2,5h just before we were gonna pay time.

Might walk back down and see if there is still good action. Also wanted to see if there are good chances for an overnight table for tomorrow. In that case I'm setting the alarm for 7!

Originally Posted by GizYaChips
Run it once has quite a few full ring videos. Heard good things about them. I've only watched two or three of them but they're good value videos.

How much longer are you in Melbourne?
Thx for comment! Yeah trying out the essential membership to see how I like it, only seen one video which wasn't really anything special, I mostly agreed with everything but nothing revolutionary...

My visa actually runs out in the end of july. It's complicated and expensive if I want to extend it so I figure I might go back to europe in the end of June, since it's summer there and winter here. I'll see, I may be comming back again if I really feel like it but it remains to be seen...

Last edited by lowstejkfish; 05-13-2013 at 06:03 AM.
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-14-2013 , 06:53 AM
5h session today at 2/4. Was planning to get back to 8h+ sessions this week to get in some volume but didn't play well the last two hours so decided to quit. Actually the first time in weeks I don't feel like I play really well and focused. Spewed off $200 in two different spots and didn't feel like a winner, so I racked up. Ended up +$400 though after luckboxing a 7 outer in a 3b pot. First time I got to do that in a big pot for quite some time aswell. Better to run good and play bad then the other way around!

Money goes in every time in this spot with given action pre, although villains 3b isn't very good imo.

Hand: 9-handed
Villain is some young guy I've never seen who claims he's just quit his job and is going to vegas (lol). He's probably winning at $2/4 but seems way too bad to go pro.

Hero opens $20 from UTG with AK, Villain 3b $60 from UTG+1, everyone folds, Hero call.

Flop: pot ~$120 A7x
H check, Villain cbet $70, hero call

Turn: Pot ~$260 A
H check, Villain shove ~$200, hero call

River: K

SD: hero shows AK, villain shows 77.

Spew hand 1:

EP opens $15, MP calls, CO calls, hero 3b from BTN A3 to $70, guy with 77 in hand above flats from blinds, MP calls, everyone elso folds.

Flop: pot ~$210 AJx
guy from blinds check, MP shove $130, I decide to call

- MP is a 55ish year old random guy who sat down 20-30 minutes ago. He bought in minimum ($200) and haven't seen anything special from him yet. Think he's almost never (maybe 10% of the times) gonna shove here with anything other then A+. It's so standard for these kind of guys to call 1/3 of there stack pre and then fold if they miss with AK/AQ etc. It's extra bad since guy in blinds acts after me and will wake up with AJ+ JJ etc some of the times. I get a nice flop for my hand but it just doesn't really matter.

Pre is a great 3b spot though. Will pick up the pot here very often since everyone exept opener has a sick amount of random hands in there range. Or I get someone to call to see a flop and then play face up if they hit good. I c-bet extreamly profitable here (not quite as good vs shortstack but still good) and when they hit they are practically gonna tell me (like here). The fish tricked me this time lol...

Hand 3:
This one is very uncommon in live lowstakes. Blind vs blind against a reg. Villain is a solid 2/4 reg, we don't have massive history but I estimate him to be one of the top 3 regs at 2/4. Last time we played I also had pos on him and the one and only time we got to a chop spot he gave me a walk. I chucked him his $2 back and he refused them saying he don't chop cus he thinks he has edge. I replyd "I don't think you'll have any edge sb vs bb anyway, especially not with the rake here"

Villain opens sb to $15, hero calls 78o

Flop: pot $27, 69K
Villain cbet $20, hero call

Turn: pot $63, 9
Villain check, hero bet $35, villain calls

River: pot $128, Q
Villain check, Hero bet $55, villain folds

- defending very wide pre here, flat a lot of hands and also 3b quite aggressively. Flop I like to float with the intention to raise if he bets again on most turns, and bet if he checks. River I rep value bet and most regs are very unbalanced when they check turn here, not very often they do this to ch/r or ch/c twice. They barrel twice with like all value hands and ch/c once with weak SD hands. Notice that I'm not thinking he likes to continue with enywere near all his value hands vs a raise when he's oop ott if he berrals.

This post is getting ridiculously long now and not even that interesting, but have to tell a funny situation. Very nitty and bad old man opens $12 utg. I've literally never seen him with a stack over $400 and he plays every day. He always grinds off his stack with a very loose passive style and super face up as soon as he hits nuts. Anyway, several callers and flop is JQ2, villain bets out $50 and everyone folds. I look at him and say "set of J ha?", he looks surprised and flip over JJ, lol. Everyone was impressed but he can literally only have JJ+ here when he opens utg and cbet big in to like 5 players. Also he probably often makes AA/KK bigger pre. He's probably playing something like 55/4 VPIP/PFR...
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
05-17-2013 , 12:37 PM
Decided to take a short friday session, nothing too eventful. Ended up +~1BI.
Weekends can be pretty sick at crown. This must take the price though;

Board is something like 4 5 6 8 K, Young asian guy who seems extremly unexperienced bets out $15, other guy raise, asian guy ask the dealer "what's better, five in a row or five of the same suit?", the dealer says he can't tell him that. Asian guy tanks 15 seconds and decide to call, and show the A. That made my day... Note that he also didn't know the word for straight or flush
Making a living overseas - Live cash @ Crown Melbourne Quote
