Interesting month. This was my lowest volume in maybe over a year? Mainly due to computer issues.
As you can see below my liquid cooling started to leak. At first I thought even though it was on the graphics card, maybe I just need a new PSU (The PSU was soaked) and cooling unit. It worked for a bit by just by changing those, but after a few days I had to change the graphics card too. The cooling unit was less than a year old and who knows how long it was leaking for.
Back to poker here was my March results:
I was already planning for more quality over quantity and playing less volume, but this was a bit much haha. On the bright side, I did do a lot of studying and I feel like my game is really solid right now.
Here was my March goals:
- 75k hands (X)
- 2:1 Study to play ratio (
- Follow stream schedule (X)
April Goals:
- 75k hands
- 2:1 Study to play ratio
- Follow stream schedule
I feel really good about my game right now so I will likely continue to play 200nl and see how it goes.
On a side note, it was this time last year I was getting ready to go to Vegas for my cousin's 21st birthday. Then everything got shut down. I can't wait until everything is back to normal so we can go. I miss that place, it's been too long! Maybe for his 23rd birthday at this point
Not only that, I miss going down to Toronto for a couple weekends throughout the year to see some friends and watch some sports games.
Lastly, It was around this time last year I was just starting to play 200z. Feels like yesterday. Where did the time go?
Anyways, lets crush April! 💰