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lot of rake to do before 2012 ends lot of rake to do before 2012 ends

09-13-2012 , 03:47 PM

today i've already made the 500€, at the end lost 430€, its 9.45pm, i could easly play other 2 or 3 hours before going to sleep but im tired and i dont want to whine -.-

-47291€ -95days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-14-2012 , 06:57 PM

at half session, for the pleasure of vergato, i must say it... -500€ from the highest point, sick life..

[ x ] 500€ rake/day

- 46750€ -94days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-15-2012 , 05:49 PM

very swingy, today i've played very bad i think... at the end sick crazy bluff against a fish (total air 3betted turn after he minraised my delay cbet + overbet shove 60x on a blank after he called the turn, of course when i called ott i had trips, with a duces -.-" ) + some hands played passivly, i was downswingnig again after reaching +1k, then some lucky spot against fish who love to trhow their money on me and so i close with a decent profit for today.
now im not playing perfectly, i made my rake, the table are tooo easy atm, but i dont wanna whine, so ill watch for the first time batman 3 lol..

monday back to school... so i've to make a plan for make everyday 500€ of rake...

[ x ] 500€ rake/day

- 46239€ -93days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-16-2012 , 04:13 PM
huge tilt now, hem collapsed i cannot verify license due to a problem with servers of hem, so now i cant play as many table as im used to, so i prefere to not play and gg.
today worst day of the week (in italy it stars on monday and ends on sunday) with +293€ (yes, still positive, not so velied brag lol).

i didnt make the 500€ of rake today, as i said yesterday, tomorrow i got school, so from this point this challenge will be VERY VERY hard since i will not have 48h a week to use for grind, so lets see how it will goes...

tomorrow ive to wake up at 7am, sick life

-46013€ -92days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-17-2012 , 04:53 PM

lucky on ev today, played less than i would like because of the school but it's ok... i think i could play easly on wendsday, thursday, friday, saturday for 500€+ of rake, other days i can only for about 250.

i've ordred 2 week ago a power rack + a bench for doin some exercices.. i wasnt home today so i didnt got dealt these things, but i read that the wehight of the box is 160kg LOL... tomorrow i'll eat the 3rd pizza in 3 days (it's a brag lol), maybe even the 4th, but for the luch i think i'll eat at japanese restaurant isntead of a pizza cause on dinner ill go out with my firends.

milestones of 1750€ at -45.000
- 45.740€ -91days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-19-2012 , 06:03 PM
yesterday i made only 50€ of rake then ive to go out, small profit of about 200€, today i made 500€ of rake, in the we i'll made other days with 500€ of rake for the promo on my site and seeing what happens to this challenge.. today very swingy, won only 250€ on 7k hands, played very very bad and get a bit unlucky..

-45.183€ -89days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-20-2012 , 06:29 PM
today very busy day but haven't school so i played a decent amount of hands
+1159€ at the tables
+1750€ milestone
u do the math lol...

i hope to make other 4k before 30/9

[ x ] 500€/day rake

-44682€ -88days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-21-2012 , 05:46 PM
today swingest day of the month and 2nd worst day of the month, sick life

i lost 2 stack at nl400 in 200 hands...
kk < aa ai pf, plus other things a8 < aj on a87xjr where oppo donkbet river psb

[ x ] 500€/day rake

maybe ill play some hands later..

-44.085€ -87days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-21-2012 , 07:27 PM
lol lost 600€ ev 0 in 30 min, why im so stupid to play at night... dunno... a lot result oriented, mybe i could have done a big fold with ak at nl400, but i really cant against 50x fish with 2% 3bet + 2pair < sd + over < oesd... i really dunno what to think...
i already said that, i want to make other 4k before the month ends... and ill do...
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-22-2012 , 11:22 AM

wtf im under scam.. impossible to wind a hand, up and down, up and down, up and down, and now this huge down... really stressed.. im losing 2k of ev in the last 2 days... really dunno what to do...
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-22-2012 , 12:48 PM
you might have ran really well for a lot of hands before this..

Im about 4bi under ev every single day this month. **** happens
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-22-2012 , 04:11 PM
i took a break of 1 hour, then i came back and here it is the graph of the day:
beetween hand 4300 and 5300 -1k posted here

last 2 days

so, pretty happy at all... even if i could win some extra money (1k of ev -.-" ) but its ok, for this month i won more than i deserved about the ev... so, -3k to go

[ x ] 500€/rake

and now its 10pm, tomorrow nothing to do, now ill read my sould and feel if my 6th sense tell me to play or to not play, yesterday it said to not play... lol.

3k to go for this month...

-43.513€ - 86day

Originally Posted by ...|...
you might have ran really well for a lot of hands before this..

Im about 4bi under ev every single day this month. **** happens
sick, i know a bit of that feeling, last month for example lost a lot on ev after 11st august...
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-23-2012 , 07:07 AM
unreal.. other -1,4k this morning, running like ****, with this motherfu** which hit every ****in hands... played very tilted, very bad, but today was impossible to win a single pot... let see in the afternoon but im really really sick of all of this shi*
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-23-2012 , 05:18 PM
today lost a lot, very tired, played really bad, runned bad, wrost day of the month, i think that my aim (20k/month) will not be reached.. sick sick sick
plus i lost 400€ on stars this morining when no talbes where running on my site, but the global alias set that i lost them in the date of yesterday (same time) instead of today, someone know how to change the time of stars on hem2 ?

-43.101 -85days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-23-2012 , 05:24 PM
What an odd way to measure success. You simply just have to play a 100% VPIP style and try to build pots. It does not seem much of a challenge.
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-24-2012 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by JimmyRare
What an odd way to measure success. You simply just have to play a 100% VPIP style and try to build pots. It does not seem much of a challenge.
Lol... Easy game but i would like to make some money, btw i call any minraise in the bb lol. I should play hu. If i could not achive the goal i think ill play nl150 cap 5bb = 7,5e allin every hand rofl. Hoping to not losing too much money. Of course my first goal is to win a lot of money, the challenge is for put me on pressure to make higher volume than i would make normally and grind from jan 13 to march 13 with 70%+ rb

I think next month ill try new brm but i wait to tell u for the 30 sept, it will be very aggro and very swingy so stay tuned
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-24-2012 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by !llusioNz
Lol... Easy game but i would like to make some money, btw i call any minraise in the bb lol. I should play hu. If i could not achive the goal i think ill play nl150 cap 5bb = 7,5e allin every hand rofl. Hoping to not losing too much money. Of course my first goal is to win a lot of money, the challenge is for put me on pressure to make higher volume than i would make normally and grind from jan 13 to march 13 with 70%+ rb

I think next month ill try new brm but i wait to tell u for the 30 sept, it will be very aggro and very swingy so stay tuned
Hehe, I understand. Good Luck!
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-24-2012 , 05:27 PM

+ lost 350€ on ps mobile lol..
lost 5 stack overpair against set in 3betted pot (2 times) and raised pot (3 times), 5 times on 5 against the same opponents today, really unbelievable...
a lot disappointend, palyed bad, im not playin anymore my agame, ev says im lucky but i took lot of bad hands, for example 22 on q2q i donk 2 opponents call, 5 turn, i bet fish shoves 100x, shove 55 at nl200 :S. won aks > aa with a flush rr lol at nl100. shooted nl1000 with 2 fish, but one died early so i played only 5 hands with -7bb lol.

6 days to go, 3,5k€ to go, im still here... lets hope to run god.

-42.727€ -84days

Originally Posted by JimmyRare
Hehe, I understand. Good Luck!
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-25-2012 , 04:57 PM
no 20k/month for me, sick life,
i wanna die, unreal, losing against this **** ******s... all, 1 by 1,

nl200 -1600 eff / -645 exp biggest pot won was 60bb and lost 4 flips + lost a stack making a missclick in 3bet, oppo called and hitted 2pair ak < at on atx + 180x aa < ak at nl100. of course played a bit tilted, not my a-game. and this ***** idi*ts tell me im a goodrunner (its over 1 year that i beat their stakes, im still here killing them everyday, and they cry dont knowing my secret).
really unbelievable, tomorrow last day of the week at school and then lets start to kill all this ******s hoping to run good.

on the last 4k hands at nl200:
net won -3600 ev -2100 wtsd 21 wssd 39 -.-"

-42.335€ -83days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-26-2012 , 04:14 AM
Dude very motivating threat. So if im getting it right. You are playing on some ongame skin for italian? Can u tell us more about that super bonus that you are hunting? Best of luck to you
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-26-2012 , 08:24 AM
we still dont even know if he means rake or rakeback
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-26-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Kutcher
Dude very motivating threat. So if im getting it right. You are playing on some ongame skin for italian? Can u tell us more about that super bonus that you are hunting? Best of luck to you
im play from an italian skin of ongame, actually the biggest and principal room of ongame network. atm there is a problem beetwin with my room (gd = giocodigitale) and other skins. the owner of gd is the same owner of ongame, the skins were giving a lot of rakeback (around 50% ) only by moving small portion of rake, so now gd as cutted a lot of tables to this skins and they cant play anymore the number of tables a player of gd can.

mmm... which superbonus?
atm if i hit the status vip (is equal and superior than sne on stars in % of rakeback which is about 70%+ adding ladder bonuses and bonus from promo) i should increase my hourly rate of atleast 14€/h if i continue playin the same number of hands and the same number of tables i do now. this only till march '13, it would be wonderfull if i hit the status reconfermed for all the 2012 and the 2013, but should make 82k of rake which is huge amount, ive not enough time and maybe niether the skill to play too much tables for too much hours at higher stakes (i think i should play at least nl200 + nl400 cutting nl100 for a little chance to reach this goal).

so for this month there were a promo, if u make 500€ of rake per days for 30 days , at the end of the 30 days ull take 3000€ which is 20% of rakeback added... unfortunally i cant do all the 30 days, ill made about 17, getting only 500€, and i could get 1250€ if i make 20 days at 500€+. the promo is till 10th october.

ty again!

Originally Posted by ...|...
we still dont even know if he means rake or rakeback
oh, sorry if i dont have been precise, i mean just rake (but it would be better if it were 40k of rakeback lol). atm i got a 55% of rakeback counting bonus and other stuff...

today i havent played on my skin, i played only on ps mobile and won about 300€ playin in train lol. today ill offers for the first time a dinner to my parents in a nice restaurant (i think will pay 70€/each, i know that there are baller restaurant but its the first time, im not yet that rich :P ) and then when ill be back home i've planned to make the 500€ of rake playing from 11pm to 5am ( for the promo the day starts at 6 am and ends at 6 am of the next day). other rl things... mmmm... friday ill buy the new iphone (it's the launch day in italy) and give free my old 4s at my younger sister and she'll give her 4 to my mum lol. have 2 friends starting with poker from the micros, ill coach them totally free without taking 1€ from them (neither from some deal of staking) and hoping they'll win as i do in not much time - of course on another network lol - . what to say... oh, forget.. today it's my birthday!

2.52 no birthday, no days off!

im sooo motivated... and my ego is huge!

Last edited by !llusioNz; 09-26-2012 at 01:45 PM.
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-26-2012 , 02:30 PM
im still wondering why u dont just play on one of the softer italian sites? Rakeback is great but as an italian you can play on dollaro safely.. you could make 7-10ptbb mass tabling 400nl. Also a lot of smaller 1k~ user rooms at night(i know im on one of them with 40% rb)
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-26-2012 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
im still wondering why u dont just play on one of the softer italian sites? Rakeback is great but as an italian you can play on dollaro safely.. you could make 7-10ptbb mass tabling 400nl. Also a lot of smaller 1k~ user rooms at night(i know im on one of them with 40% rb)
when room as dollaro were well knowed (2(??) years ago) i didnt know neither with how many cards he has to be played lol.. im a young player, i play since an 1 and an half a year...

i've asked a bit around about this .ret rooms, they told me in the last period (it was about august '11) i had to be affiliated to a poker school or to have a decent agent to be payed, a lot of players didnt got their money back. plus its illegal, we cant play on .com or .ret (sites are locked by italian amministration), insteand on .it every win is already taxed by the state, so we dont have to pay other things.
i prefer to play safetly and to have sure money in my account. mr monti (italian premier) hates me

atm i didint played a hand but i think for this dinner ive payed 100€ more than i should, maybe i make confusion with the payment... sick life rofl... tomorrow ill recount my money, its a big bad beat to lose 100€ like this.. btw the price was only 224 for 4 peoples...

ps: its seems like im the guy who speak speak and doesnt make anything, but today im really to tired to play, i wake up at 6.30 am had school till 6.3pm and not at 11pm im really dead...
i made +64 of profit counting the dinner today, raked about 10€ on my site lol...
tomorrow ill make what i havent made today.

Last edited by !llusioNz; 09-26-2012 at 06:20 PM.
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
09-27-2012 , 06:53 PM

dunno what to say... keep grinding, tomorrow it's another day...
850€ of rake today

-41472€ -81days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
