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Life of a SNG Grinder Life of a SNG Grinder

06-26-2010 , 03:24 AM
Hey all, my names josh and im a 19 yr old micro/mid stakes sng grinder that has played for a living since dropping out of college in april.

I'm making this blog mainly because it helps me focus my thoughts and also will motivate me to play more.

I have mainly been a 180 man grinder after switching to stars from FTP soon after turning pro, and it has gone well. I did a prop bet for 180s for june, and now, im simply sick of 180s atm, and I am wanting to play more 18/45s.

Link to the prop bet thread:

Update on the prop:
Andy: 1361 points
me: 1455 points

AndrewFox1 1,219 $0 $2 16% $424 - N/A PokerStars 6/1/2010 6/26/2010 E180-180 S<=2 SNG Only x
slayerv1fan 1,095 $1 $2 24% $582 Super Tilt N/A PokerStars 6/1/2010 6/26/2010 E180-180 S<=2 SNG Only x
slayerv1fan 1,261 $1 $3 27% $1,562 Super Tilt N/A PokerStars 6/1/2010 6/26/2010 E180-180 SNG Only

I recently had my screename changed on stars from my name "joshuahoesel" to "slayerv1fan" as I had someone google my name and get info on me and that person started emailing me (was kind of weird.) So Stars agreed to a one time change, and now im the ole slayerv1fan (ala charder30 and chader30fanobv ).

I'll try to post updates in this thread every few days with some graphs and maybe some HH's. Tomorrows looking to be an epic 180 grind since the person im in the prop against is currently running a 24 hr sesh and I dont want to lose the bet, and finally out of the 2 of us, hes motivating us to play .

In July, I will be switching my focus as i said from 180s to 18/45s, but i will still be mixing in 180s as well. I want to play at least 3k games, but would prefer if I ended my month somewhere around the 4-5k game mark, but no promises on that as I havent even played 3k in a month yet.

Heres my overall SNG stats on 2010

Joshua Hoesel Visit my Blog @ 2,027 $5 $9 49% $9,320 - N/A FullTilt E>=18 Rakeback27 x
2,713 $2 $5 27% $4,283 N/A N/A Global Alias Year2010 E18-180joshuahoesel (PS)
slayerv1fan (PS)

Well, I'll look to update this by sunday night with results from my weekend; gl to all playing.

06-26-2010 , 03:43 AM
06-27-2010 , 05:39 PM
I'm switching from FT to Stars this weekend to hopefully crush those 180 mans. They just dont fill up fast enough on FT...

How many tables do you play at once?
06-27-2010 , 07:38 PM
Good luck
06-27-2010 , 07:40 PM
gl man i hear that the 45s are crazy hard atm
06-27-2010 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Rossi46
I'm switching from FT to Stars this weekend to hopefully crush those 180 mans. They just dont fill up fast enough on FT...

How many tables do you play at once?
yep, thats exactly why i switched from FTP 45/90s to stars; because of how slow the games fill. During peaktimes i can be up to 40 tabling, but thats a rare occasion, usually like 18-26 tabling.

Originally Posted by Screaming It
Good luck

Originally Posted by DaBulls
gl man i hear that the 45s are crazy hard atm
Meh, yea, they are regfested, but most of the regs are bad, and if you're decent and go over HH"s you can find good ranges for all the mass grinders. I dont have a sample of 45s but between a buddy of mine and myself, we're both killing 45s over our small samples; its obviously not sustainable but I firmly believe that you can beat these at a 13% roi up through the 6s.

Heres our stats for the last month---basically been the start of us adding them in with our grinds.

1MTM91 758 $1 $6 16% $815 Tilt N/A PokerStars <1Mths E45-45 S<=15 x

slayerv1fan 208 $3 $5 44% $545 Super Tilt N/A PokerStars <1Mths E45-45 S<=15

Now for a small update. I didnt really grind today, i just messed around in a few satties and then in a 108.50 british pound sattie to the ukipt brighton which i bubbled . I played 3 750 fpp double shootouts to the sunday mil and shipped 2 of them, and then I played 2 x $13 double shootouts to the $530 sunday 500 and I shipped one of them.

Tonight's turbo night and im running a huge schedule so hopefully I run decently.

2.20 5k
33 18k
21 HT 6max
11 6max 8k
1.10r turbo 7k
10.20 HT HU
3.30 turbo
5 HT
31 HT
2.20 turbo
27.50 20k
22 stud h/l turbo 1k
27 turbo KO
5 nl omaha HT
2.20 turbo 2k
77 6m turbo 15k
2.20 turbo
11 HT
8.80 turbo
33 horse turbo 1.5k
4.40 plo turbo
3.30 turbo 5k
109 30k
11 HT 6m
3.30 turbo
55 turbo 12k
11 plo turbo
33 turbo 12k
21 HT 6m
5.50 turbo
9.90 FT only paid turbo
109 15k
2.20 turbo
11 nl omaha HT
31 HT 6m
2.20r turbo 7.5k
21 HT
41 HT 6m


Starting tomorrow I will be starting a 60 hr grind session at noon central, and playing til the end of the month

thread for that:

06-28-2010 , 12:23 AM
Will be looking forward to updates!

Do you have 2 monitor's for 60 tables or how do you set that up?
06-28-2010 , 01:43 AM
No self respecting sng grinder would do anything but stack tables.
06-28-2010 , 01:45 AM
good luck
06-28-2010 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by InFlamesWeTrust
No self respecting sng grinder would do anything but stack tables.
06-28-2010 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Rafybass
Psh, cascade = win.

06-28-2010 , 03:26 AM
I cascade as well, but then again I only 10 table, at most. Doing more than that I think I'd misclick more than I already do and thats no good

I would stack, but I have dialup, its a lot harder to tell if my net froze by watching one table than seeing them all.
06-28-2010 , 04:52 AM
Chris use tableninja. You can assign a hotkey to toggle between all your tables. You can set it to autoatically click im back if you time out.

Anything but stacking is too hard on both your eyes and neck having to move around a large monitor constantly. It might not seem like much but if youre putting in a ton of hours, little strains like that start to add up.
06-28-2010 , 10:27 PM
Yea, definitely stacking with TN is where its at.

My setup is:
1. Poker/skype laptop: connected to 52" HDTV
2. Internet laptop: 2p2, sharkscope, opr, etc, connected to a 24" tv
3. Music/Movie laptop: self explanatory haha, connected to a 24" tv.

Once I move to vegas, which will be happening sometime before 2011, I plan on getting this setup here (pretty sick imo).

Alright guys, unfortunately the 60 hr prop got cancelled because the Andy had bad storms today and his net was down over half the day so he wouldnt have been able to kinda glad cuz i really wasnt looking forward to playing a sesh that long haha.

I lost some at turbo night; maybe 300 or so; sucked as I got 7th in the $51 6max hyper turbo for the overall CL with 7 left...winner got ~3k.

The other bad thing is that it is turbo night again tonight lolol; so GG more money imo .

I am switching it up and will be grinding a lot of 45s in the next few days with some 180s mixed in; i had my SS blocked as I had planned once my prop bet was over, so I wont be able to give SS lines but ill continue giving BR updates along with thoughts etc on the days.

If anyone has any questions about me/grinding micro sngs for a living/my setup/etc etc, please, do not hesitate to ask.

06-28-2010 , 11:11 PM
bacon or eggs

incubus or sublime
06-28-2010 , 11:42 PM
Wondering how many more tables you can play profitably with Ninja vs just standard mouse poker...

For example say I can 16 tbl w/o Ninja, I could 24 tbl w Ninja?

Just wondering if it's worth it, never have used it but hear it's great to increase tables/reduce work.

06-29-2010 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by InFlamesWeTrust
bacon or eggs

incubus or sublime
bacon, im allergic to straight eggs and yes, i puke when eat them (tried it many a times)

sublime ftw

Originally Posted by JHolsinger88
Wondering how many more tables you can play profitably with Ninja vs just standard mouse poker...

For example say I can 16 tbl w/o Ninja, I could 24 tbl w Ninja?

Just wondering if it's worth it, never have used it but hear it's great to increase tables/reduce work.

Yes, TN and SNGwiz will 100% be the fastest 2 poker tools that pay for themselves once you buy them. I used to have a hard time keeping 16 tables up manually regging, and now I can up to 40 table no probs.

Something that you can also think about when you get TN is to use an xbox/ps3 controller with xpadder and theres people that can 50+ table easily doing that. While I've never bothered to set it up (I do own xpadder), I could see where it would be beneficial in fighting arthritis from mouseclicking.
06-29-2010 , 07:59 PM
hmm, might be making a mad dash to maintain plat star tonight.

Obviously i wont be able to grind on my laptop which has TN as I need a new modem in my house and the cable company wont come til saturday, so im stuck on a desktop in my dining room which lags with TN up.

But, I'm gonna still attempt this mad dash and play a combo of 18s-45s.

Currently 1200.31 vpps away with a little under 30 hrs left til the end of the month.

The beginning of this sesh will dictate whether i actually go for it or not

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 06-29-2010 at 08:17 PM. Reason: spelling ftw
06-30-2010 , 02:17 AM
meh, i have a terribad headache and without TN, im just gonna hit the hay.

I'll be back tomorrow with some july goals etc.

06-30-2010 , 02:42 AM
How did you get started grinding sng's for a living?

I currently play as much as I can when I'm not at work and have built a roll through the micro mtt sng's but would like to move up to a place where it might be my sole source of income. Have any tips for someone who has it set in his mind that he will make it eventually?

(Sry of the formatting is terrible, posting from blackberry at work.)
06-30-2010 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
yep, thats exactly why i switched from FTP 45/90s to stars; because of how slow the games fill. During peaktimes i can be up to 40 tabling, but thats a rare occasion, usually like 18-26 tabling.


Meh, yea, they are regfested, but most of the regs are bad, and if you're decent and go over HH"s you can find good ranges for all the mass grinders. I dont have a sample of 45s but between a buddy of mine and myself, we're both killing 45s over our small samples; its obviously not sustainable but I firmly believe that you can beat these at a 13% roi up through the 6s.

Heres our stats for the last month---basically been the start of us adding them in with our grinds.

1MTM91 758 $1 $6 16% $815 Tilt N/A PokerStars <1Mths E45-45 S<=15 x

slayerv1fan 208 $3 $5 44% $545 Super Tilt N/A PokerStars <1Mths E45-45 S<=15

I will definately be following this, gl sir. You say the regs are definately beatable at the 45's. How do you figure out their ranges if I may ask ?
06-30-2010 , 12:55 PM
Hey Josh - Had a couple questions for ya. Similar to Doboy I work full time as well and spend most of my free time playing poker.

How many hours per week do you play?
What stakes?
What has your average weekly net been since "going pro" in April?

I've been considering TableNinja and can probably find some more info around here but haven't looked too much yet, what are the real advantages? I play on a 15" laptop for the most part and can 12 table on my touchpad without a problem. Does this mean if I was to bother to hook up a mouse/xbox controller with TN that I could effectively 24 table?

Lastly, how do you manage finding new games, ie going to the lobby and registering for another game, without losing track of any of your tables when stacking/cascading 20+ if you play continuously that is which I must assume you do when playing 45+ man tourneys. I believe you only play on one monitor at a time is why I ask.

Thanks for the response. Figured I'd ask here instead of Skype to get the questions out there for some other folk as well.
06-30-2010 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Doboyfusion
How did you get started grinding sng's for a living?

I currently play as much as I can when I'm not at work and have built a roll through the micro mtt sng's but would like to move up to a place where it might be my sole source of income. Have any tips for someone who has it set in his mind that he will make it eventually?

(Sry of the formatting is terrible, posting from blackberry at work.)
Well ive played a combo of sngs and mtts for a long time, well before i started playing for a living, and it basically comes down to sngs making a more regular income in the short term as mtts are swongy as hell. I mean, I still add in mtts to my grinds almost everyday (normally just the turbos) and i have hit some scores off of them.

A few good things to remember are to always use really good brm (I use a like 300 BI brm for my normal grind game and then i shottake higher at off times) and to be aware that if you're playing mtt sngs (or really any type of sng ) there can be huge swings.

Originally Posted by not2secure4u
I will definitely be following this, gl sir. You say the regs are definitely beatable at the 45's. How do you figure out their ranges if I may ask ?
thank you, and I've basically gotten ranges on different regs by going through my HH's. I then note on stars on my player notes what the calling range is per reg....if I don't have a note with a specific reg, I just adjust to my normal calling range (not gonna give out my specific ranges on people).

So here's an example of what my player note looks like.

Range= xx+, xx+, xx+, xx+
Jenniina Click for details 9,249 $1 $5 18% $5,766 - N/A PokerStars E45-45 x

The "xx" is obviously filled in with my different ranges for the player.

Another standard is to obviously call randoms tighter than regs, especially randoms from before the button as they just don't shove wide.
06-30-2010 , 01:38 PM
U stole the title from my boy SNGriner

Yea all MTTs under $20 should be turbo

U still play 45s, do you think u still have an edge them w/ so many regs?
06-30-2010 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by BAEVentures
Hey Josh - Had a couple questions for ya. Similar to Doboy I work full time as well and spend most of my free time playing poker.

How many hours per week do you play?
What stakes?
What has your average weekly net been since "going pro" in April?

I've been considering TableNinja and can probably find some more info around here but haven't looked too much yet, what are the real advantages? I play on a 15" laptop for the most part and can 12 table on my touchpad without a problem. Does this mean if I was to bother to hook up a mouse/xbox controller with TN that I could effectively 24 table?

Lastly, how do you manage finding new games, ie going to the lobby and registering for another game, without losing track of any of your tables when stacking/cascading 20+ if you play continuously that is which I must assume you do when playing 45+ man tourneys. I believe you only play on one monitor at a time is why I ask.

Thanks for the response. Figured I'd ask here instead of Skype to get the questions out there for some other folk as well.
Well I'll start off with the easy questions.

1. I am on my computer prolly 70 hours a week and I consider this as all my playing time, yet i prolly spend about 30 of these hours 0-2 tabling just messing around on skype/forums/etc.

2. My normal game is any mtt sng from $2-$12 even though I'm overrolled for it; im just a huge br nit (as i said in my last post, use about a 300 BI brm). I played mostly 45/90s on ftp my first 2 weeks of going pro (on ftp) and then I switched to 180s on stars for may and june for the most part. I am going to be playing a lot of 18/45s though this month. Mostly $3/6/12 45s and 3/6 18s til i get my roi back at 0% lolol (its like -4% over 300 games). I'll also mix in 3r 180s and 12 180s at night seshes most likely

3. Since turning pro on April 22nd (just checked to see when i dropped out of school cuz i quit my job the same day) I have made $7719 total profit between all games, not including cash games which i have a small profit in over a few thousand hands. Tomorrow will complete my 10th week as a pro, so im averaging $771.90 a week which is better than the average employee in the entire US.

Umm, table ninja is very beneficial and as I've said before, it and sngwiz will pay for itself quickest out of any poker tool on the market. With TN, I was able to increase myself to be able to continuously 40 table (which doesnt happen often) whereas before I had a hard time doing 16 tables continously, so it definitely improved my efficiency on loading games.

And yes, I do use 1 screen but its a 52" screen, but TN auto reloads my games, except when im shottaking, which I usually only do late at night when im not using TN to load my games as im never more than 16 tabling usually at nighttime.
