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Legacy of the PopayJR Legacy of the PopayJR

01-05-2022 , 10:34 AM
Hey all!

Welcome on my blog where i will be posting my progress in poker. But let start step by step:

Who am i?
I am 29 years old guy from Slovenia who is full time employed and wants to change that and live from playing poker. Two years ago i finnished my master degree of law, but my passion is in this amazing game. Currently i live in a small town in Slovenia with my girlfriend. We are paying a rent for flat 400 € per month (200€ / person), so i think we have pretty good conditions for playing poker. It is not that expensive that it could be. However, besides poker i am also a big fan of Iron Maiden.

How do i take care of my mindset?
- running (+ other sports),
- healthy food,
- ice cold shower,
- meditation

My poker journey so far:
I am playing poker for more than 10 years, but only as side income. Last year i decide to go more seriously in it. I bought a courses and i started studying and playing more. If i point out that in 2020 i was break even player, then i think i did improved my game - last year i made almost 4000$ profit. It could be better, i know, but it was really turbulent year (one month i was away from tables due to covid, i lost my job,...). Right now, i am in my CFP deal, goal is make 20k $ profit. I have a lot of videos and other content there + 1 on 1 sessions with coach. Currently i am at 2k$ profit after 160k hands.

I am playing No - limit 6 - max cash game. Currently i am at NL 25 and making a shots to NL 50. My winrate on NL 20 is 10-12 bb/100 hands over more than 100k hands.

Goals for this year:
- Become more constant player and crushing NL 50 till the summer.

Blog update:
Every monday with the results for past week + goals for new week.

Here is my first graph for last 100k hands on NL 20:

So, see you next monday!
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-10-2022 , 06:39 AM
Hello all,

Here is report of first week in the new year. I was in quarantine this week so i had more time for studying and playing. I think i was playing good, but not the best i can, especially when i had bad run i made some stupid mistakes. However, i was shooting on NL 50, played there 10k hands and made 3 BI up. I was doing great on NL 25, playing there only around 4k hands and made 9 BI up.

Results for this year after first 9 days:

- playing sessions: 9
- up sessions: 7
- down sessions: 2
- hands: 14.468
- profit: + 381,61 $

Graph (NL 25, NL 50):

Goals for new week:
- playing 7 sessions,
- 10k hands,
- watch 3 videos,
- playing same game all the time (especially when i will have badrun)

See you!
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-17-2022 , 07:00 AM
Hi all!

New week - new update. It started badly because i lost job on Tuesday. I decide to find a new one, it will be less stressful for poker and i can save some money. Till then i will study and play as much as i can, but i hope i will find new job till the end of this month. Probably this was also evident in the game because i made too much mistakes, especially in big pots. I call too loose and value bet too aggressive. I was 2 BI down, which is not terrible but i should play with more focus which is primary goal for next week.

- playing sessions: 7
- limits: NL 50
- watched videos: 2,5
- hands: 8.973
- profit: - 97,20 $


Goals for next week:
- 10.000 hands,
- play 7 sessions,
- watch 3 videos,
- focusing on big pots
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-17-2022 , 09:42 AM
Hey, I'm also from Slovenia, almost the same age as you, playing on the same site as you, at the same stakes and also have a thread here. What a coincidence

Anyways, good luck with the challenge. You can post some interesting hands every once in a while. 50nl games on ipoker can be really brutal, but we don't have many other options from our country, do we?
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-19-2022 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by ZKesic
Hey, I'm also from Slovenia, almost the same age as you, playing on the same site as you, at the same stakes and also have a thread here. What a coincidence

Anyways, good luck with the challenge. You can post some interesting hands every once in a while. 50nl games on ipoker can be really brutal, but we don't have many other options from our country, do we?
Hey! heheh yeah, a wesome!! Thanks man, i will check your blog! We have Stars, GG network, Winamax, iPoker...
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-24-2022 , 06:06 AM

Few coolers and suckout + bad run and some stupid mistakes led me to a bad week on NL 50. I also stopped meditating, which is not good. I downloaded an app which teaches you how to meditate and breathe properly. I will watch all introduction videos this week and then start 30 - day challenge and meditate every day. Even if i had enough big bankroll to continue shooting on NL 50, i decide to go back to NL 25 to get self confidence back and then shoot again next month.

- playing sessions: 7
- limits: NL 50
- watched videos: 3
- hands: 9.765
- profit: - 361,46 $


Goals for next week:
- 8.000 hands,
- play 6 sessions,
- watch 3 videos,
- focusing on big pots
- start meditating back
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-24-2022 , 10:46 AM
Hi, PopayJR!

I think you are an experienced fighter and you know what dispersion is capable of in this game.
Therefore, we focus on our decisions and the results will definitely come.

Could you post a few interesting hands?
Perhaps we could discuss something with other forum members.

Good luck!
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-24-2022 , 08:24 PM
Best of luck my friend, I didn't even know you have a blog! Am a subscriber now
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-26-2022 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by slyless
Hi, PopayJR!

I think you are an experienced fighter and you know what dispersion is capable of in this game.
Therefore, we focus on our decisions and the results will definitely come.

Could you post a few interesting hands?
Perhaps we could discuss something with other forum members.

Good luck!
Thank you!

Originally Posted by imaiden
Best of luck my friend, I didn't even know you have a blog! Am a subscriber now
Thank you for your subscription my friend!
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-28-2022 , 08:11 PM
Nice thread !!

Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
01-30-2022 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfrancis
Nice thread !!

Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-01-2022 , 01:45 PM
Hi all!

I got a new job this week It's going to be a little harder now, but i need job to build bankroll. Anway I will give 110% of myself to succeed. Let's go back to poker; I was playing good last week, but i had some brutal coolers (4x KK<AA + some suckouts - all on NL 60 ). I started meditating and I think that was evident in my game - i am happy how i played, even if i had break even week. Weird thing is that I ran so bad for the first time after i opened the blog. I had never had such a long downswing before. I decided to work only on the mindset game this week (i will watch mindset videos) and next week go back to the strategy videos. I have enough big bankroll to keep shooting on NL 50 so i will do that!

- playing sessions: 6
- limits: NL 20 - NL 60
- watched videos: 2
- hands: 7.373
- profit: - 26,34 $
- created a new HUD


Goals for next week:
- 5.000 hands,
- play 4 sessions (i am going on a short holdiays),
- watch 3 videos,
- meditate every day (7x)

January report:
I started well and then lost my job which affected my mindset. I got new one and I will do my best to terminate my employment I'am still loosing too much money on a downswing days - when i will manage this everything will be easier.

Some numbers:
- hands: 40.579
- limits: NL 25, NL 50
- playing days: 29
- hours of playing: 108
- profit: + 520,56 $
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-02-2022 , 05:14 PM
how much banking and how many tables do you play?
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-04-2022 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Reis
how much banking and how many tables do you play?
Some more than 30BI. Depends where i am playing, average from 4 to 6 (around 400 hands/hour)
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-07-2022 , 02:17 PM
Hi all!

I took a few days off this weekend, i went on short vacation to a seaside town with my girlfirend. It was very nice to put my brain on off We walked around and explored new beautiful places.

I also swam in the sea, it has only 9°C. I did brathing exercises from Wim Hof before that - amazing!

However, i will post poker results next week for both of weeks together.

Goals for next week:
- 8.000 hands,
- play 7 sessions,
- watch 2 videos,
- coaching session with coach,
- meditate every day (7x)

Last edited by PopayJR; 02-07-2022 at 02:37 PM.
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-07-2022 , 07:03 PM

Damn, that's cold!
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-08-2022 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Habman

Damn, that's cold!
hehe, goal is even colder water thanks!
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-08-2022 , 03:31 PM
I do enjoy the cold water dip... but there needs to be a heat source (hot tub, sauna, etc) nearby.

The alternating hot/cold feels amazing.

+1 Wim Hof!
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-09-2022 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Habman
I do enjoy the cold water dip... but there needs to be a heat source (hot tub, sauna, etc) nearby.

The alternating hot/cold feels amazing.

+1 Wim Hof!
I will try this too, thanks! Yeah, he is amazing guy!
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-14-2022 , 01:53 PM
Hey all!

I started working more on the mindset which was also seen in the game - i was playing way more focused than in past few weeks. I'm not completely satisfied yet, but you can't change that in a week. It's not sprint, It's a marathon - and i like marathons (btw I'm training for a Istrian marathon in early April ). I meditated deeply every day! Much more deeply than ever. That is awesome feeling. So I will continue to do this and meditate every day, even when I am not playing.

I am not that happy with results - it was break even week. I started it good, but last two days was brutal. I'm a little sad when i look at the graph since i started the week really well. But we don't have time to cry - hard work at it will be better. I am happy because i think i improve my mindset game. Maybe i was playing my B or C game when i ran bad, but i wasn't tilting. And at the end i am still shooting on higher limits. It's my 2nd shoot so i shouldn't except that I will immediately crush that limits. I have now 10k hands on NL 40 with winrate 9,1 bb/100 hands. It doesn't mean much for me because it is small sample of hands but the good news is that i can continue shooting on NL 40. LET'S GO!

I did all the goals I set for past week, except 1 on 1 with coach. When we started the session I realized that my microphone was not working. I'm waiting for a new one from Amazon

- playing sessions: 7
- meditating days: 7
- limits: NL 20 - NL 40
- watched videos: 2
- hands: 8.237
- profit: - 9,90 $


Goals for next week:
- 7.500 hands,
- watch 2 videos,
- coaching session with coach (if i get microphone),
- meditate every day (7x),
- play 6 sessions
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-21-2022 , 12:02 PM
Hey all!

I meditated every day this week which also led me to solid results. I think i was playing disciplinated all the time. The only downside of the week was that I didn’t study anything, I need to fix it next week. Also I am not happy with volume, played only 6,3 k hands. But at the end is better to play a little less with discipline than focus only on volume. I was playing NL 40 most of the time (95% of the hands) and some NL 20 when i didn't find enough NL 40 tables.

- playing sessions: 6
- meditating days: 7
- limits: NL 20 - NL 40
- watched videos: 0
- hands: 6.323
- profit: +382,49 $


Goals for next week:
- 7.500 hands,
- watch 2 videos,
- meditate every day (7x),
- play 6 sessions
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-21-2022 , 01:00 PM
When you say “watch videos…” what are you watching?
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
02-22-2022 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by Habman
When you say “watch videos…” what are you watching?
Strategy and mindset videos 🙂
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
03-01-2022 , 02:15 PM
Hey all!

Here is qiuck update from last week:

- playing sessions: 5
- meditating days: 7
- limits: NL 40 - NL 60
- watched videos: 1
- hands: 5.936
- profit: +114,40 $


Goals for next week:
- 7.500 hands,
- watch 2 videos,
- meditate every day (7x),
- play 7 sessions

February report:
- hands: 24.849
- limits: NL 20 - NL 60
- playing days: 24
- hours of playing: 79
- profit: + 568,86 $

Goals for March:
- 35.000 hands on NL 40 and NL 60
- meditate every day
- 2 coaching sessions with coach
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
03-06-2022 , 04:13 PM
Hey all!

I think i was playing good last week, only bad thing is volume. I played just 5 sessions, less than 4,5 k hands. I just get too tired from work during the week and i don't manage my time okay. So main goal for this week is that i find where i spent too much time and improve my volume. I also meditated every day, which is a very good thing

- playing sessions: 5
- meditating days: 7
- limits: NL 40 - NL 60
- watched videos: 1
- hands: 4.391
- profit: +558,73 $


Goals for next week:
- 7.500 hands,
- watch 1 video,
- coaching session with a coach,
- meditate every day (7x),
- play 7 sessions
Legacy of the PopayJR Quote
