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Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker.

02-13-2024 , 08:54 PM
Lazy man tries to improve health, golf, and poker.

Health goals. Meditate and exercise daily. Be a good friend and partner, extend this compassion to yourself as well. Build good relationships and communicate honestly. Really strenuous workouts are tough for me to maintain over a long period of time so my goal is roughly 30 minutes of exercise a day, without focusing too much on how vigorous the exercise is.

Poker goals.
Online move from NL10 to NL 50.
Volume goals. Play 1.5k hands per week. I'm really bad at multitabling. If i can improve in this area maybe I'll increase my volume goal.
Bankroll plan. Move up when I've won 40 buyins at current stake, or played 50k hands with a win rate of 5 evbb/100.

Live Poker goal. Become an established 2/5 player. For the past 1-2 years I've played exclusively online. I know I'm missing out on the most profitable opportunity available to me by not playing live. Right now my financial situation is not as good as it usually is so playing live is a little bit difficult, but this could change quickly. I have an ok job and I plan to take some shots when I have a few buyins that I can spare. Bankroll plan is to shot take at 2/5 when I've made something like 7-9k profit at 1/3. This is assuming I've held on to the money and not spent it on life expenses or debts. Right now online play is still the main focus.

Golf goals. I just started playing 2.5 months ago, so it's a bit difficult to establish goals. I've taken three lessons and been practicing on the range a few times a week. Goal is to continue practicing 2-3x a week, take lessons once per month, and play a round of golf within the next 4 months. Hopefully after that I'll be able to play enough rounds to establish a handicap and then I'll be able to set more concrete goals. Right now I'm too new to know what a reasonable goal is.

NL 5 results

NL 10 results.

Will try to update monthly with results. Or more often if anyone is interested. I’m a pretty boring guy so I don't expect or want much interest. Hoping to make myself more accountable with this.
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
03-01-2024 , 05:57 AM

Poker goals: Volume was really bad. Next month will be better. I'm continuing to run bad, but I'm also discovering major leaks so i can't blame it all on run bad. Goal this month is to quit watching youtube and browsing internet while I play so I can increase amount of tables.

February results

Total NL10 results

Health goals: I took a trip to Disneyland this month where i ate a lot of junk food and drank a lot of wine. I was 6-7 lbs heavier when i came back. I've managed to lose most of it back. My weight is between 250-255. I would be pleased to get down to 240. I need to focus on food quality and not just caloric restriction. Exercise goals have been a mixed bag. I've exercised a little almost every day but it's been minimal. Meditation goals have been going very well. I've gotten a session in almost every day and my anxiety and depression feels very under control.

Personal Relationship goals: This is also going well. I've been able to be honest with my gf about things i may have been deceptive about in the past and I feel like it's working well. My main goal next month is to make or of an effort to connect with good friends. I can be a really solitary person and months fly by without me realizing I haven't seen or spoken to someone.

Golf goals: I wish I'd squeezed in a few more practice sessions this month. One week I only hit the driving range once, but every other week i got in 2-3x per week. Hoping to play my first round in the next few months. I had another lesson on February 29th. I want to increase the range time this month to at least twice a week, but hopefully three times per week. I'm having a lot of fun.
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
04-16-2024 , 08:13 PM
Kind of failing on all fronts tbh. Playing very little volume, haven't hit a golf ball in a few weeks, and my weight is up to about 260.

NL 10 results so far

last 1k hands
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
04-16-2024 , 10:26 PM
What is your current workout plan?
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
04-17-2024 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Jack Kingsman
What is your current workout plan?
I do a calisthenics routine 3-4x a week. On off days I do yoga or walk or shadow box rounds.
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
04-19-2024 , 01:53 AM
Sometimes it can be good to switch up the routine so you're not just going through the motions of doing your usual workout -- maybe try biking or jogging for cardio and lifting weights occasionally as a supplement to your calisthenics.

Changing your fitness habits while keeping them interesting & fun will cross over to you being more mentally disciplined and motivated towards bringing about the other positive changes you wish to see in your life.
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
04-19-2024 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jack Kingsman
Sometimes it can be good to switch up the routine so you're not just going through the motions of doing your usual workout -- maybe try biking or jogging for cardio and lifting weights occasionally as a supplement to your calisthenics.

Changing your fitness habits while keeping them interesting & fun will cross over to you being more mentally disciplined and motivated towards bringing about the other positive changes you wish to see in your life.
Thanks for the tip Jack. I can't jog, any running or jumping is out because of back injuries but I'll definitely look to mix it up and maybe join a gym and start lifting
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
04-27-2024 , 03:34 AM
Nice results at 5NL. I'm sure your results at 10 NL will catch up seeing as the two stakes aren't that different.
What are your issues with multitabling?
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
04-27-2024 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by garyuuougi
Nice results at 5NL. I'm sure your results at 10 NL will catch up seeing as the two stakes aren't that different.
What are your issues with multitabling?
I have two issues. One is being results oriented and wanting to watch the outcome of each hand instead of just clicking and moving on. The other is taking longer than I need on decisions because I get a little tilted when I think I've made mistakes. I also have a bad habit of multitasking while playing, surfing internet, YouTube, talking to gf etc.
Lazy donk tries to improve health, golf, and poker. Quote
