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KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro

04-07-2016 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by flawz01
So many judgmental pricks on this thread, I actually couldn't believe some of the comments I was reading. The OP suffers with depression and addiction and you guys respond with OD and suicide jokes. You've done your very best to bring down an already down person. Where's the satisfaction in that, why even comment? Would you go and tip a disabled guy out of his wheelchair because it's a burden you don't share? I could half understand if the OP was deluded with a massive ego, but the guy's been honest and humble throughout IMO.

KK, I'm sure you know this already mate, but you just need to flat out ignore people that don't support you. I was in a really **** place for a long time and a lot of the "advice" I received from people was generic and just flat out wrong in most cases. Ultimately, it's you who knows what's best for you and only you who can apply it. Immersing yourself in the ramblings of socially awkward, self-righteous ****s with no empathy isn't going to do you any favours. My only advice to you would be to meditate (if you don't already). A lot of what you feel is just negative programming that has accumulated over the years and meditation goes a long way to rectify that.

From one human being to another, I wish you all the best and hope things pan out for you in the end.
I know that you think you are doing KK/OP a favor, and if it dissuades him of any ill thoughts then you are. But you should not encourage he continue to "pursue" his dream just because it's a "dream," irrespective of any evidence or reason to think it will succeed

KK, bro I have no ill wishes towards you at all. I honestly wish you the best. I think youre a funny guy and I respect the balls to play a game you love for money in spite of what society tells you. Ok, just in my humble opinion, I think "professional" poker is not your route. Or it could be, but the way you're approaching it is a dead failure

Let's forget that you folded KQs to a CO or Hijack open raise. But you still, within 10 posts, said that you needed extra inventive to do well which you thought was the purpose of being "staked." Brother, just so you know, true professionals do not need any extra "inventive" to play well. Your entire approach and lack of work ethic is a disaster. And you might lack the raw materials, too. But for sure, if you can't fix the former and need strangers money go motivate you to do your "job" well, just think about another career man.

And try to approach my comments objectively, cause I tried to remove any bias from them
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by flawz01
So many judgmental pricks on this thread, I actually couldn't believe some of the comments I was reading. The OP suffers with depression and addiction and you guys respond with OD and suicide jokes. You've done your very best to bring down an already down person. Where's the satisfaction in that, why even comment? Would you go and tip a disabled guy out of his wheelchair because it's a burden you don't share? I could half understand if the OP was deluded with a massive ego, but the guy's been honest and humble throughout IMO.

KK, I'm sure you know this already mate, but you just need to flat out ignore people that don't support you. I was in a really **** place for a long time and a lot of the "advice" I received from people was generic and just flat out wrong in most cases. Ultimately, it's you who knows what's best for you and only you who can apply it. Immersing yourself in the ramblings of socially awkward, self-righteous ****s with no empathy isn't going to do you any favours. My only advice to you would be to meditate (if you don't already). A lot of what you feel is just negative programming that has accumulated over the years and meditation goes a long way to rectify that.

From one human being to another, I wish you all the best and hope things pan out for you in the end.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 06:21 AM
All those guys who have sympathy for him have done him no good.

He hasn't laid out a clear cut plan to actually succeed in poker or life. And wallows in self-righteous pity comparing himself to Phil Ivey when reality is far, far away.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 08:35 AM
I'm not saying to beat around the bush and tell him he's gonna do great if you don't believe that to be the case. However, there's a way of wording things constructively rather than just attacking him personally as so many on this thread have done. At the height of my depression, even something as small as someone telling me to "suck it up and go to work" would have been enough to bring me down and lock myself away for week, let alone presumed piers ripping into me. It might sound silly to those of you that have never been through it, but I can assure you it's very real. I left a job that paid just under £200 per day to play poker for 1/10th of that, in spite of what everyone told me. I feel more balanced and happier now than I ever have in all honesty. Had I continued to live my life according to everyone else's ideals, I can guarantee you I'd still be in a hole today, or worse....

Point is you don't have to agree with OP's decisions because they aren't yours to make. If playing poker gives him some sort of purpose, keeps him active or just less suicidal/depressed in general then how is it a bad thing. I think religion as a whole is laughable. I'd still never try to enlighten someone as to why they're wasting their time because it serves a purpose in their life and who the **** am I to challenge that.

So many of you could have said something constructive but instead joined in on the trolling 'cos all the cool kids were doing it.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 08:53 AM
KK if you're serious about pursuing poker as a career, then I agree you need to apply yourself more. Study hard, grind long hours and put yourself in a position where poker isn't your only option. I think that's what most of these dream killers were trying to get at in their own autisticy sort of way. I don't know of many success stories taking the line of "and then I listened to everyone, gave up on my dream and now I work in retail".

EDIT : Also Spasibo (and others like you), have you noticed how half your posts are on other people's goals threads telling them to give up poker and get a job (on a poker site of all places). There's so many whiny regs like you complaining poker is dead and at the same time discouraging aspiring players from getting involved. Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy, no? Try not to project your own shortcomings and negativity onto others if you can help it, it's a cold enough world as it is...

Last edited by flawz01; 04-07-2016 at 09:11 AM.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 09:27 AM
I never complained that poker is dead. Far from it. Just realistic that most people can't make a living at it. You got all these threads with 18, 19 yr olds trying to grind 2 or 5nl. i mean come on, is this a joke. Someone needs to wake them up!

There's enough rich money and gamblers out there that don't give 2 ****s. I mean today I got a guy to call me with 10/6 off on a preflop raise of $75. I have AQ. Flop is Q/10/x...I shove he calls...rivers a 10. I could have said WTF to him. Fish are aplenty.

This Kingkrab doesn't even have his life in order yet wants to win at poker? He needs to listen to podcasts from pros, have a set schedule, build good habits, be consistent.

His whole life's a mess. poker ain't his savior
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by dogarse
But he never wanted to play in the first place. He wasn't asking for a stake to play on live at the bike, it was other posters who wanted him to play because they thought it was a good laugh. And then you offered him the ****tiest deal ever to have a laugh at expense.

If I was KK the only deal I would have accepted was a 100% stake and keeping 100% profit as KK was the only one that the money meant anything to. Everyone was just happy to burn $50 for entertainment value.
You are seriously as smart as a dog ass.

Also, be happy your not KK you would prob be doing worse then him.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 09:47 AM
I never complained that poker is dead. Far from it. Just realistic that most people can't make a living at it. You got all these threads with 18, 19 yr olds trying to grind 2 or 5nl. i mean come on, is this a joke. Someone needs to wake them up!

There's enough rich money and gamblers out there that don't give 2 ****s. I mean today I got a guy to call me with 10/6 off on a preflop raise of $75. I have AQ. Flop is Q/10/x...I shove he calls...rivers a 10. I could have said WTF to him. Fish are aplenty.

This Kingkrab doesn't even have his life in order yet wants to win at poker? He needs to listen to podcasts from pros, have a set schedule, build good habits, be consistent.

His whole life's a mess. poker ain't his savior
So someone comes to you and basically says "my life is a mess", and you respond with "your life is a mess". Like I said before, OP isn't deluded. From what I've read he's aware of his current situation/state of mind and is actively working to improve both. Even if it's at a slower pace than some of you life experts are accustomed to, he is moving in the right direction regarding his attitude to life and I can back that up with personal experience.

His life might be an absolute disaster to some of the people posting here, but it's all relative. When you wake up contemplating suicide because the thought of making it through another day is just too daunting, the prospect of a mediocre life that you actually feel comfortable living seems like a massive plus, wouldn't you agree?

The 3rd line of your last comment is about as close to being constructive as we can ever hope from you I suppose. You could have actually recommended some podcasts, given some tips towards building an efficient schedule and possibly have given some insight as to what habits have worked for you in the past. That comment would have read a lot better than the hateful cynicism you chose to go with instead.

Last edited by flawz01; 04-07-2016 at 10:04 AM. Reason: (Added quote)
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Yenomez
You are seriously as smart as a dog ass.

Also, be happy your not KK you would prob be doing worse then him.

Look up irony. It's spelled how I wrote it in case you're wondering.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Spasibo23
There's enough rich money and gamblers out there that don't give 2 ****s. I mean today I got a guy to call me with 10/6 off on a preflop raise of $75.
At this point everyone has sniffed out the upcoming bad beat rant.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 11:40 AM
flawz you do realize that sometimes you need to be blunt especially when dealing with a delusional person? Most of the people being nice to him are actually trolling him cause they just want to see him fail even harder. Don't be delusional yourself.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 11:57 AM
You're never gonna take someone's dream away, if you have experience - just advise him. I can't imagine being homeless and having to play poker for a living. It's bad enough I still live with my mother. IMO the problem with getting a job as well (if you can't afford to sustain yourself) is that it takes away so many hours from poker/learning poker/studying poker you're kinda shooting yourself.

It's a tough one, I hope you make lots of money though, dude.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by flawz01

Look up irony. It's spelled how I wrote it in case you're wondering.
Posting from my iPhone. My sentence was clear and accurate and understandable.

I would correct ppls grammar too if that was the only thing I would be right about ever.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by LordRiverRat
flawz you do realize that sometimes you need to be blunt especially when dealing with a delusional person? Most of the people being nice to him are actually trolling him cause they just want to see him fail even harder. Don't be delusional yourself.
Ye but there's being blunt and there's being a prick. Saying to him "I don't think you're good enough to be playing the games/stakes you're playing" is blunt. Saying "hasn't OP OD'd yet" or "quit poker (your dream) and get a job" both lean towards the prick side of things.

Passing judgment on things like whether or not it's worth his time or whether he'd be happier or more successful doing something else is so subjective it's just irrelevant and counter productive.

My point is this: It's what he wants to do, and only he is equipped to truly answer that question. So, if people aren't here to support him or at the very least offer some relevant "blunt" criticism, then why post? The only reason I can think of is that it reinforces their set of beliefs and decisions they've made in life. Like a parent pushing their child into making the same soul sucking decisions they did. You know, the sort of people we love to hate in films and such.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Yenomez
Posting from my iPhone. My sentence was clear and accurate and understandable.

I would correct ppls grammar too if that was the only thing I would be right about ever.
I don't make a habit of it, but given the nature of your comment I thought it was appropriate. Also, your sentence might have understandable, but again had no actual content or relevance to the thread. You literally just picked a post you didn't agree with and put "haha your stupid and bad at poker" with a few words either side in the hope of getting a laugh.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by flawz01
Saying "hasn't OP OD'd yet" or "quit poker (your dream) and get a job" both lean towards the prick side of things.
If someone's dream is being a homeless drug addict who's wasting the remainder of their 20s, then yes I'm gonna tell them to wake the fvck up and get a job. Btw is OP already 29 and turning 30 this year?
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by LordRiverRat
If someone's dream is being a homeless drug addict who's wasting the remainder of their 20s, then yes I'm gonna tell them to wake the fvck up and get a job. Btw is OP already 29 and turning 30 this year?
To YOU he's wasting it. You'd have to be a proper self righteous prick to say flat out that he's wasting it. Maybe by your standards, but again, it's all very subjective. A life you might not consider worth living would be a big upgrade to a lot of people. Maybe OP is happy with the direction his life is moving. Each to their own, you don't have to play god. If the world is that black and white to you then maybe it's you who needs to wake up mate. OP just needs to get better at poker. (Jk Jk)

It's very easy to judge others from a position of privilege. I'm assuming this about you of course but I've found that people who have endured a lot of **** tend to empathize better with others.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 12:54 PM
There are so many toxic people in this thread its so gross. What is it about poker that breeds asshats like you all. Don't try to justify, most of you aren't genuinely trying to help this guy with your so called toxic "advice". Its your intentions that matter not your words.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by yjs1210
There are so many toxic people in this thread its so gross. What is it about poker that breeds asshats like you all. Don't try to justify, most of you aren't genuinely trying to help this guy with your so called toxic "advice". Its your intentions that matter not your words.
people who say this haven't been follow that long.

yes some people just randomly are disrespectful.
but rat has been in the thread for a while and has, somewhat of a reason to be lol.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by flawz01
So many judgmental pricks on this thread, I actually couldn't believe some of the comments I was reading. The OP suffers with depression and addiction and you guys respond with OD and suicide jokes. You've done your very best to bring down an already down person. Where's the satisfaction in that, why even comment? Would you go and tip a disabled guy out of his wheelchair because it's a burden you don't share? I could half understand if the OP was deluded with a massive ego, but the guy's been honest and humble throughout IMO.

KK, I'm sure you know this already mate, but you just need to flat out ignore people that don't support you. I was in a really **** place for a long time and a lot of the "advice" I received from people was generic and just flat out wrong in most cases. Ultimately, it's you who knows what's best for you and only you who can apply it. Immersing yourself in the ramblings of socially awkward, self-righteous ****s with no empathy isn't going to do you any favours. My only advice to you would be to meditate (if you don't already). A lot of what you feel is just negative programming that has accumulated over the years and meditation goes a long way to rectify that.

From one human being to another, I wish you all the best and hope things pan out for you in the end.
Agree with everything you said here except for the humble part, especially in the first year of this thread.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 02:11 PM
lol flawz. You're right about it being relative. I guess if you're a starving kid in a third world country who's forced into 60 hours a week of child labour then yeah you'd be jealous of his life. But for those of us fortunate enough to be living in first world countries it's a no brainer what he's doing with his life. I'm not being subjective at all anyone with any self-respect won't want that kind of life. And humble? This guy just compared himself to Phil Ivey. Deluded with a massive ego describes him perfectly.

You may think you're being a good guy defending him and calling out everyone ITT talking sh|t about OP but you're not.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 02:26 PM
OP is living the dream and most people are just jealous of his lifestyle as they slave away at their 9 to 5s.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
OP is living the dream and most people are just jealous of his lifestyle as they slave away at their 9 to 5s.
Dream Crusher the sarcasm is oozing outta you. OP has gotten plenty of advice and whatnot. we aren't his mom. He has all the resources and tools to improve his game here. Honestly no one on a forum will care 2 cents what happens to him. he binks a big tourney great, he OD's or falls slave to a bad habit who cares. won't affect my life one bit
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-07-2016 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Spasibo23
Dream Crusher the sarcasm is oozing outta you.
It's hilarious how OP thanks guys like him for those kind of comments cause he can't detect the sarcasm.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
04-08-2016 , 12:16 AM
Honestly, I get that KK's work ethic is terrible bit I think that it takes a ridiculous amount of courage to completely let go. Most people go through their entire lives living in quiet desperation to quote Thoreau. KK completely let go of all the fear, of all the bull****, of the system. If he ever decides to devote himself to a sick work ethic, he will be successful.
KingKrab, Homeless to Poker Pro Quote
