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Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker

03-13-2014 , 03:38 AM
Two players just tank called a 100bb preflop shove with A9o and 55. PFR didnt show. And I'm buried ???
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03-13-2014 , 04:29 AM
Only down $600 in 3 hours but seriously FML for not being up at that game.
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03-13-2014 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by shippery

How does LATB know the whole cards? I don't see cameras in the table so my tiny brain can't compute.
RFID chips in the cards along with sensors built into the table.
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03-13-2014 , 05:41 AM
i figured out the secret to cash game hours during tournament time: don't play when the tournament is going on
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
03-13-2014 , 11:51 AM
I love playing when tournament runs. You get an influx of busted tourney players who wanna get even. =x
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03-13-2014 , 06:06 PM
is it just me or it seems pretty easy to iso harry?
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03-13-2014 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by shippery

How does LATB know the whole cards? I don't see cameras in the table so my tiny brain can't compute.
See the circles on the table where the players put their cards? There is a RFID reader in those and all of the cards are chipped. Makes the cards slightly thicker.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
03-13-2014 , 09:31 PM
Hey hope everything is okay with you. I saw you at the bike but didn't want to disturb you. You looked a bit shellshocked. i'll cheering for you man!
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03-14-2014 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
Watching LATB replay.
What a results oriented clown Owais is with that 1010 hand near the beginning.
Aesah's raise was really bad; it just served no purpose. Owais is not being a results orientated clown.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
03-14-2014 , 02:58 AM
I think Aesah's raise wasn't optimal but it wasn't as bad as it was made out to be, primarily b/c there was no discussion of why it could be good to raise in that spot:

1) People rarely donk lead a XXY board where X>Y and neither X or Y is>T. When people do donk lead in this scenario, its much more often with a weaker hand. When Kevin donks there, Don can still raise for value, but mainly for protection, because there is still a lot of overcards that can come on the turn.
2) If Don flats and Harry raises, Don will simply have to fold and that is usually terrible because Harry's raising range on the flop, most of them don't beat TT.
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03-14-2014 , 09:05 AM
Where do I go to watch these episodes? Sounds interestimg.
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03-14-2014 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by acescracked84
Aesah's raise was really bad; it just served no purpose. Owais is not being a results orientated clown.
not sure if true, but this reminded me of Aesah's donk lead with 99 on 457 and then fgodchao raise the flop lead with KK. Shouldn't we be flatting here, esp vs Aesah? Are we raise/calling a shove? Interesting line by both players.
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03-14-2014 , 12:34 PM
Dons lead isn't optimal imo but its certainly not useless nor terrible. Firstly, hands like 88 99 don't neccesarly fold; if they did Don could profitably raise any two. More importantly, FDs behind Don likely fold which often have at least 1 over and 40%+ equity. That's a win. Biggest cons of raising are that vs clarevoyant opponents they will realize you so seldom have trips+ and can profitably 3b the flop. If Don felt that wasn't a concern which is likely the case vs these opponents raise/folding is fine. Its not an information raise it's a thin value raise. If he does receive information via a 3bet that is just a cursory benefit. Also one other downside from a range perspective is that if he raises this hand his flatting range becomes weak. Although he can still flat Kk , AA which are less susceptible to FDs.
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03-14-2014 , 02:06 PM
commentator is bad. "he hit his one outer, so sick. he only had 2 outs or running pair"...

live commentary is hard but dude needs to organize his thoughts before commenting. also messed up action.

Don, can you comment on the TT hand? I don't like flatting either but also can't really make a good case for raising other than what a previous poster said.
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03-14-2014 , 03:35 PM
I played with Kevin in Florida, he's a tight player and I didn't think he'd play many 7x preflop so he's repping extremely narrow. He just had part of his narrow value range here.

I do think it's a bad line in a vacuum, and very possibly a mistake in this spot as well. I don't profess to play perfectly
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03-14-2014 , 03:46 PM
I do think people in general are always very results oriented though. When you take "non-standard" lines like betting into the PFR you get berated but ONLY if you lose.

No one complained about me leading KQ into AK, hmmmmmm?

Or check/calling T9 on 875 as PFR? Or check/calling KQ on KT7 as PFR? Because in those last two hands it was the right play vs. villains' exact holdings, I would have gotten flak if they had something else no doubt.
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03-14-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Aesah
I do think people in general are always very results oriented though. When you take "non-standard" lines like betting into the PFR you get berated but ONLY if you lose.

No one complained about me leading KQ into AK, hmmmmmm?

Or check/calling T9 on 875 as PFR? Or check/calling KQ on KT7 as PFR?
Isn't balancing like that [KQ/T9 hand^] good to sprinkle in?
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03-14-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Aesah
I do think people in general are always very results oriented though. When you take "non-standard" lines like betting into the PFR you get berated but ONLY if you lose.

No one complained about me leading KQ into AK, hmmmmmm?

Or check/calling T9 on 875 as PFR? Or check/calling KQ on KT7 as PFR? Because in those last two hands it was the right play vs. villains' exact holdings, I would have gotten flak if they had something else no doubt.
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03-14-2014 , 03:57 PM
For example I bluffed the river in the T9 hand. If I led flop I would have almost certainly faced a raise vs. villain's exact holdings, then not been able to do that and not win the hand.

Therefore I did not get berated for that play.

However if I check there, QTo checks behind and the turn is a T and I value-own myself, I definitely get berated 100% lol.


Likewise, in the TT hand if Kevin doesn't actually have a fullhouse or trips and folds (which seems totally reasonable), and Tony calls with 96hh, 0% chance people berate me for that play (even though, like I said anything I do can easily be a mistake. I'm not Phil Ivey, who has never done anything like, muck a winning hand at showdown ).
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03-14-2014 , 04:03 PM
I guarantee I also would have gotten flak for value-betting 3rd pair on the river if Harry called with better there ("what worse is calling?").

So in conclusion, leading 99 into KK is not OK because you just get raised then you lose money. However leading KQ into AK is OK because you make a backdoor flush then win money. REMEMBER THAT GUYS. Ok I'm done, probably overreacting to criticism, which I do appreciate- I encourage everyone to post 100% of their thoughts.

Thanks for the comments everyone <3

Originally Posted by Eifersuchtig
Isn't balancing like that [KQ/T9 hand^] good to sprinkle in?
Balancing is bad in 99.9% of situations you'll encounter in live poker
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03-14-2014 , 04:38 PM
I think as far as the 10 10 hand goes if you feel that Kevin is a tight player in your perspective it should be considered that he is leading into a lot of players on that flop. I don't know of many tight players that would lead a hand like 88 into 4 players on a paired board.

With that said it is a pretty gross spot to be in. I do feel that if you flat the flop here perhaps you can give Harry a chance to spew and in the process Kevin will have to expose his hand strength.
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03-14-2014 , 04:55 PM
well obviously if he's only leading trips or better than raising is bad. i don't think much else has to be said about that
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03-14-2014 , 05:50 PM
Don you played like a fish in that 99 hand. But the KQ hand was genius!
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03-14-2014 , 08:58 PM
**** lost with AA62 vs A775 aipf for $2k. So tired of losing
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03-14-2014 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Aesah
**** lost with AA62 vs A775 aipf for $2k. So tired of losing
Well as you know far better than me Omaha variance is a bitch.

When I was in DC last week I played in a private 10-10-25 game that featured two rounds NLH, one round each of PLO and PLO8. The first round when I sat in it was PLO-8, picked up AA24ds black on the button. Loose player brought it in for 100, I made it 400 got three calls. Flop came qj10 red, UTG bet out 1500, UTG+1 shoved, OBV fold for me. I won every holdem hand I played but only hit one flop in omaha - ended up losing 4k. Not serious for that size game but a bit frustrating.
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