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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2018 Challenge: 300,000+ SNGs / 2500+ Hours TurboKings Style Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2018 Challenge: 300,000+ SNGs / 2500+ Hours TurboKings Style

11-20-2018 , 06:01 AM
Nice thread Jdawg91.

I am trying to achieve the same but volume will be much less and lower stakes ofcourse.
Starting out at the .10 cent 180 turbo and .50cent 180 turbo playing 50 to 100 tables a week should be attainable with a full time job.
During weekends I will play a minimum of 5 hours. I am aiming for 3000 mtt sng 180 turbos during 2019 which is attainable from my point of view.

The reasoning behind this is getting better in shortstack play which I will encounter alot during big field mtt's.

To become a better player I have to study some spots afterwards. Do you have some tips about how to selfstudy on a subjective manner or should I hire a coach/session and get better insights from a pro?
11-22-2018 , 11:45 AM
Test your vitamin d levels asap.
Fix your diet
11-23-2018 , 11:29 PM
If you need any help or advice on losing weight and getting healthy I could possibly help you out. I started this year 261 lbs and I am currently 201 lbs. My final goal is 180 lbs and I will hit it probably sometime in January or February. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need some motivation or whatever. I would love to help you out any way I can. I hope you find peace mentally and get rid of the panic attacks. Take care of yourself man health always comes first. Good luck at the tables and love the thread
11-26-2018 , 07:49 PM
Do you mind showing a graph of your regular 6 max Hyper sit and go results with all in EV included from your Hold Em Manager for stakes $15-$100?

Since you're getting a sample on them I'm just kind of interested to see if people are beating these games now pre rakeback haha.

i know you're amazing at replying to this stuff so thanks in advance.
11-26-2018 , 08:13 PM
Grinding right now. Been ridiculously busy but always read the thread and obviously love any and all interaction itt

Jumped in to play legit within 30 seconds of walking in the door from the dentist office as the games looked really good lulz

Will reply in the next couple of days 100%. Very hard to grind sats+mtts + grind 25bb+skos while also studying a lot/trying to learn a format as absurd as the SKOs. That + trying to have any time at all with Alisha and I'm always running behind sched

Gla on the grind and much <3
11-28-2018 , 11:47 PM
Hey man, always loved reading your threads, great for the motivation hehe.

1 quick question, How often do you misclick during sessions? like misclick folds, minraises or 3betclickbacks with 92o for example.

Just wondering what kind of effect this can have on results. Obviously somewhat negative but i suppose it evens out in some ways also. I do it way more now im stacking on laptop while travelling compared to tiling a desktop xD.

On the anxiety front, it looks like it was correlated to the alcohol. That **** can **** me up big time the day after if i have a big lush mish. Then it magically goes away after a few days.
11-29-2018 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Lockerl71
dunno, maybe stupid question (read almost all your thread though)..... have u ever considered getting seriously fit to see if you can get rid of your issues that way? ...... the mind is heavily influenced through the body imo ...... for myself you can always see by my skin how I am mentally and physically ....

.... with your resources getting a good personal trainer should not be a problem?
Yea agree with you, although it's really just a combination of everything. I've noticed that any time I don't get enough sleep, I am way more likely to get an attack. If I eat something super unhealthy like a burger + fries and a soda, I'm much more likely to get an attack.

That's why I'm working on moderation. Can drink some alcohol when I go out to dinners or can drink a soda once in a while, but need to not go overboard and be wary of my decisions.

Could go personal trainer + nutritionist route if it came to it, but honestly I don't have the time. I've always said that we have X amount of time to make the money from online poker (as in a 'good' hourly), and I'm willing to make sacrifices in order to capitalize on the time we have left. Those sacrifices come in all forms of course.

Originally Posted by RE-DOUGH
Sorry to hear you’re having anxiety. For me, it can be directly after going super hard the night before.

Like an extension of alcohol withdrawal mixed with super hang over.

Exercise definitely helps me tho in general.

Keep crushing
Yea you're definitely correct. Usually after a night of drinking, I've probably slept like ****, in terms of getting healthy sleep, and therefore I wake up with the lack of energy which is just starting me down that path where I'm more likely to have an attack. Alcohol withdraw then kicks in, usually make worse food decisions after a night of heavy drinking etc, just doesn't go well

Originally Posted by thejoery
Nice thread Jdawg91.

I am trying to achieve the same but volume will be much less and lower stakes ofcourse.
Starting out at the .10 cent 180 turbo and .50cent 180 turbo playing 50 to 100 tables a week should be attainable with a full time job.
During weekends I will play a minimum of 5 hours. I am aiming for 3000 mtt sng 180 turbos during 2019 which is attainable from my point of view.

The reasoning behind this is getting better in shortstack play which I will encounter alot during big field mtt's.

To become a better player I have to study some spots afterwards. Do you have some tips about how to selfstudy on a subjective manner or should I hire a coach/session and get better insights from a pro?
Well I'd suggest to just pound out HRC sims and make sure your fundamentals/technical game are sound. Past that, tuning into some Twitch channels like the Turbokings/Bfizz11 or other grinders streams is a good call, there's plenty of free info to be gained.

GLgl on the tables

Originally Posted by Grammen1985
Test your vitamin d levels asap.
Fix your diet
Yea my blood panel came back clean in all regards minus the fatty enzymes in my liver, so vitamin D level was okay. Probably should start taking some vitamins, the doctor recommended them but meh, I'm a lazy pog when it comes to stuff like that

Originally Posted by timfbmx
If you need any help or advice on losing weight and getting healthy I could possibly help you out. I started this year 261 lbs and I am currently 201 lbs. My final goal is 180 lbs and I will hit it probably sometime in January or February. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need some motivation or whatever. I would love to help you out any way I can. I hope you find peace mentally and get rid of the panic attacks. Take care of yourself man health always comes first. Good luck at the tables and love the thread
Damn well done broski. That's legit, keep up the good work. I appreciate your offer and will hit ya up if I'm looking for any advice, keep on crushing

Originally Posted by OldBurf
Hey man, always loved reading your threads, great for the motivation hehe.

1 quick question, How often do you misclick during sessions? like misclick folds, minraises or 3betclickbacks with 92o for example.

Just wondering what kind of effect this can have on results. Obviously somewhat negative but i suppose it evens out in some ways also. I do it way more now im stacking on laptop while travelling compared to tiling a desktop xD.

On the anxiety front, it looks like it was correlated to the alcohol. That **** can **** me up big time the day after if i have a big lush mish. Then it magically goes away after a few days.
You're spot on with anxiety as I commented above.

I misclick a bit but probably less than one would think. I think the bigger issue is not having enough time to make the actual optimal play. This happens at all stages of the games, taking jams where I should limp (hu for example), not noticing stack sizes or calculating the wrong effective stack etc. At the end of the day it's just part of the game. But yea, if I like 10 tabled or whatever, my avg ROI would be higher than it is already .

Originally Posted by Maximus122
Do you mind showing a graph of your regular 6 max Hyper sit and go results with all in EV included from your Hold Em Manager for stakes $15-$100?

Since you're getting a sample on them I'm just kind of interested to see if people are beating these games now pre rakeback haha.

i know you're amazing at replying to this stuff so thanks in advance.
Hey mate, I just went and got all this information and this is going to be the bulk of my update as I have to be out the door in about 8 minutes haha .

Wanted to get back to you on this. I will update this as time goes on ITT. I'm still making a ton of mistakes in the SKOs and I haven't even really started to dive into any real normal 25bb hyper study, although now that I'm feeling fairly confident in my SKO game I plan to start getting into that!

As you can see, my combined ABI is about $50 between the 2 formats. I don't game select ever and as you can see below, am usually tabling really hard...too hard sometimes and I'm trying to get better about that. 20-26 tabling the skos and normal 25bb for 1.5 hrs straight is not smart

Top graph normal 25bb, bottom graph 25bb SKO

Normal 25bb $EV Graph (EV doesn't work for SKOs)

Normal 25bb BI Graph


Tabling much too hard

Yea so as I posted above, I have to be out the door in a few minutes to meet up with Tgiggity and Bfizz11 for a little bro time at Ollies pizza

We had no power for like 7 hours today, pretty ****ty situation. Weather brutally bad, felt like I was back home . Going to hopefully have power this weekend and planning to put in a lot of 25bb and SKO games. I actually haven't played an MTT yet this week and have played only a few satellites, been an all 25bb week :O :O

GLA on the tables, will definitely get back to any comments quicker than I did this past time!

Challenge MTD Graph
11-30-2018 , 12:34 AM
eyy boss what do u mean $EV doesnt work for sko's ?

do you mean only HM2 not PT4 because Im using the second one and seems its okay for me

nice to see T H I C C Alisha pics again
11-30-2018 , 12:54 AM
crushers gonna crush, still a fanboy
11-30-2018 , 02:41 AM
I assume u are referring in SGOT & SGPT.
The main guideline to get them back in normal rates is to loose weight..
Don't take advise from random ppl regarding your diet. See a certified nutritionist and start a plan
11-30-2018 , 10:34 AM
Wow thanks for such a detailed response. It's sick how you can beat those games with no table selection. Congratulations.
12-04-2018 , 08:14 PM
I have to punt on the health & fitness topic once more (hope you dont mind):

I am sure that your hourly will be more and more (mbe even heavily) influenced by your physical health, once you go over 30... (I am close to 50)

I have to admit, that I overdid it with the time you need to invest into a good physical health, maybe that repulsed you....

if you work with a solid trainer, 2x30min of training a week over a longer period (> half a year), will do wonders and is enough to achieve a great level of fitness (this really comes down to the trainer, if he is up to date) ....

=> I guarantee you that these 2x30 min (2x60 counting the way to and from the gym) long AND short term will save you time and up your focus and all around feel well tremendously
12-09-2018 , 07:54 PM
truck update?
12-12-2018 , 09:30 PM
Just read the whole thread from front to back, amazing stuff man.

I did however notice one recurring event. Jdawg, you keep saying how you’re going to focus on your health and then the next post involves you getting home at 8am from a night of partying. Take a minute to read only your own posts and you’ll see what I mean.

I just want to say that, you have the dream job, the dream girl, and the dream house. It’s time to settle down a bit, focus now on doing what you can to live as long as possible to enjoy all of these things you have and to ensure you can grind on for as long as the games are good.

Other than that you’re such an amazing grinder and I have nothing but respect for you. I don’t know if i can post this but i’m an online fitness coach, i can pm you my instagram if you want to see and i’d love to give you some pointers (free of course).

Keep on keeping on my man
12-13-2018 , 08:04 AM
Lolz above poster is so spot on, definitely something I recognize/know. It is 4am right now and I just walked in the door from a night of drinking/going out. At least this time I said no to doing lines of blow (giggle)

I'll have a full update in the next 48 or so hours, have a bunch of **** to reply to and also some updated graphs and whatnot to post @ 25bb and sko etc!

Gla on the tables in the mean time....I was meaning to play a practice hyper sat session but ****, 4am right now and i'll get to sleep in 1-2 hours, so no time for that! Guess this will be another fail @ volume week

Edit: Above poster I'm gonna PM you my skype contact
12-13-2018 , 08:25 AM
id say blow is healthier than alcohol, when we look it in the vacuum
12-13-2018 , 01:44 PM
^ especially Mexican blow
12-13-2018 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by SmallPeePee
eyy boss what do u mean $EV doesnt work for sko's ?

do you mean only HM2 not PT4 because Im using the second one and seems its okay for me

nice to see T H I C C Alisha pics again

I actually wasn't aware that the EV works for the SKOs in PT4. I'll have to double check on that and I guess would have to be something I'd look into if that was indeed true...thanks for the tip . Certainly isn't correct in HM2 though haha

Originally Posted by thabighurt35
crushers gonna crush, still a fanboy
(hifive) thanks brooo, I gotta find time to go through and read your well thread in BBV for some laughs

Originally Posted by Grammen1985
I assume u are referring in SGOT & SGPT.
The main guideline to get them back in normal rates is to loose weight..
Don't take advise from random ppl regarding your diet. See a certified nutritionist and start a plan
Yea agree with you for sure and definitely my main focuses right now are eating better/losing weight and getting more exercise in.

Originally Posted by Maximus122
Wow thanks for such a detailed response. It's sick how you can beat those games with no table selection. Congratulations.
Thanks my friend. It'll be interesting to see if I can end up beating the games for the ROIs I am wanting/expecting. If not, I'll be back to the full sat grind in no time

Originally Posted by Lockerl71
I have to punt on the health & fitness topic once more (hope you dont mind):

I am sure that your hourly will be more and more (mbe even heavily) influenced by your physical health, once you go over 30... (I am close to 50)

I have to admit, that I overdid it with the time you need to invest into a good physical health, maybe that repulsed you....

if you work with a solid trainer, 2x30min of training a week over a longer period (> half a year), will do wonders and is enough to achieve a great level of fitness (this really comes down to the trainer, if he is up to date) ....

=> I guarantee you that these 2x30 min (2x60 counting the way to and from the gym) long AND short term will save you time and up your focus and all around feel well tremendously
Yea I always am happy to hear other peoples input, even if I am not acting on said information. Always like to read peoples viewpoints and thought processes etc, so I'm glad you wrote that even though I don't plan on getting a personal trainer anytime in the immediate future

Originally Posted by DeSol
Just read the whole thread from front to back, amazing stuff man.

I did however notice one recurring event. Jdawg, you keep saying how you’re going to focus on your health and then the next post involves you getting home at 8am from a night of partying. Take a minute to read only your own posts and you’ll see what I mean.

I just want to say that, you have the dream job, the dream girl, and the dream house. It’s time to settle down a bit, focus now on doing what you can to live as long as possible to enjoy all of these things you have and to ensure you can grind on for as long as the games are good.

Other than that you’re such an amazing grinder and I have nothing but respect for you. I don’t know if i can post this but i’m an online fitness coach, i can pm you my instagram if you want to see and i’d love to give you some pointers (free of course).

Keep on keeping on my man
Heyo, as I basically said when arriving home drunk last night at 4am, you are completely correct with what you posted. Appreciate you writing what you wrote as it's all true and I actually really am going to buckle down and focus on my health and wellness and the grind for the next while. Actually before coming in here to post I messaged Ruseman this

'Well that was super fun but def not interested in going out again for a while. And susy stocked the hell out of the house and also cooking up a bunch of food today so gonna really try to eat almost exclusively at home until end of winter series'

Originally Posted by nomalice
id say blow is healthier than alcohol, when we look it in the vacuum
Originally Posted by loololollo
^ especially Mexican blow
Haha this makes me think of the story from when I went out with tgiggity a few weeks back. Pretty funny as to me it was just a casual local night out, things don't really get too wild in my book while I stay in Rosarito...Tijuana is where the real fun happens

Going to just say that the blow seems really bad for my heart and I end up having panic attacks the next day after doing any. I wisely have started passing the last few times I've gone out and am really going to just try to never do any of that **** again. Was really hard for me to say no when it's right there in front of me, but becoming easier now that I've already said no a few times.


Going to just post this right here at the top of my post and it can serve as my truck update for the moment

Originally Posted by Zima421
truck update?
I should have a truck update in early 2019. Nick and I were actually just looking at the truck last week and figuring out what all we still need to buy. We basically didn't touch it for about 5 months after finishing the engine job and getting the truck stabilized a bit. Only missing a couple important parts and past that it's all going to be small things.

The high pressure pump went out again which kind of makes it hard to do anything as the truck can't run haha. It's a pain in the ass too as all the companies end up charging you an extra $200-$300 and then you have to send in your old core and they'll give you a refund. Wouldn't be so difficult except I live in Mexico and therefore have to find someone (Susy) to take the old one back to the US and get it shipped to the company.

Going to just upgrade to the best possible HPOP so we don't ever have to deal with it going out again. There's just too much compression and pure power under the hood of this beast now to where the non top of the line parts just can't hold.

Adrenaline HPOP

This is the other important piece that is keeping the truck from running right now. Needed a whole new fuse box which can get fairly pricey. Nick did a lot of looking around for a long time online and found a refurbished one for a really nice price. Guy has good ratings so we're hoping we should be good to go with this

We were so focused on the Durango this summer but it's now nearly 100% finished. Probably 1 more week of work to finish the suspension as the leafsprings still have to go on the back. Past that just have to get new tires + rims and I'm actually 100% done with it. I should probably give my Durango back to Nick so he can finish it haha. Been driving it for a few months and not given it back to him to finish up as I enjoy driving it so much

This post has taken me a bit longer than I was expecting so let's see how much I end up writing .

I've not been grinding a huge amount the past couple of weeks. Hoping to get back into a better routine starting tomorrow. Will be playing a few more warmup hyper sat sessions next week so that I'm completely ready for the Winter Series as I will just grind sats every day during the series. It's been really weird grinding sats solely on Sunday for the past like 4 weeks now, but been really nice not being stuck playing the long sessions where I rarely get a sync break etc. The 25bb/25bb SKO grind certainly much better for me healthwise and for life balance, but also certainly need to capitalize on the EV when it's there to be had during the series.

Unfortunately my results haven't been too great in the 25bb or the 25bb SKO. Running really bad early game in everything which really drags down your EV ROI. Hoping to grind myself out of that 25bb rut before the Winter series starts....if not I'll just have to get back to it post series!

MTD challenge graph

25bb and 25bb SKO graph since making it my main game at the end of October

Here's my Redline graph for the $100 and under normal 25bb. Obviously as I said above, the RL doesn't work for the SKOs, so I'll post some CEV graphs for those games. Can see that runbad. Makes me a bit more optimistic about the results I could have though if I'm running bad and still making money

$15-$100 normal 25bb Results

SKO CEV Results

SKO 4-6h

SKO 3-3h

SKO 2-2h

And of course, per the usual, running bad at HS 25bb

HS 25bb ($200+) Results




Well, that's a whole lot graphs/results that got posted! Going to cut this post here and go lay down for a while longer heh. Will probably just be on the study grind today, too withered to actually put in a grind
12-14-2018 , 03:27 AM
What are your thoughts on spin and goes? Or are these graphs from there?
12-14-2018 , 06:27 AM
I actually wasn't aware that the EV works for the SKOs in PT4. I'll have to double check on that and I guess would have to be something I'd look into if that was indeed true...thanks for the tip . Certainly isn't correct in HM2 though haha
Certainly works in PT4. In HM2 even normal hypers EV is slightly off...
12-14-2018 , 07:47 AM
Haha this makes me think of the story from when I went out with tgiggity a few weeks back. Pretty funny as to me it was just a casual local night out, things don't really get too wild in my book while I stay in Rosarito...Tijuana is where the real fun happens
that night ended up being way more wild than I expected. I've said no to blow a few times in the states after not really liking it, but the **** down here is something else haha

finally subbed, glgl
12-15-2018 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by luckyrobbie7
What are your thoughts on spin and goes? Or are these graphs from there?
I've not ever gotten into Spins, until very recently all of my graphs would have been from 6m hyper sats and 16m double shootout hyper sats. Now the CEV and new redline graphs I've been posting are from the 6max hyper turbos and 6max SKO hyper turbos.

But yea, never got into spins. They are pretty tough nowadays from the little I know about them. They seemed like something that would have been really good to get into the 1-2 years after they became a format, but think they've gotten significantly tougher since then. Certainly as with anything though there are still players absolutely crushing those games.

Originally Posted by tgiggity
that night ended up being way more wild than I expected. I've said no to blow a few times in the states after not really liking it, but the **** down here is something else haha

finally subbed, glgl
Haha yea that was some good **** indeed, personal stashes of those bros always good **** . Gl on the grind this weekend brah, hopefully we can meetup for some sushi + beers at the surf n brewery spot before this Winter Festival starts!

Originally Posted by Dydas9
Certainly works in PT4. In HM2 even normal hypers EV is slightly off...
Haha so I went and DL'd PT4 and imported the HHs from my current HM2 DB over to PT4. Unfortunately looks completely ****ed, especially at the $100 level.

I've contacted my computer tech who works for Hm2 and also does a bit of work for PT4 and I just sent him some HHs and Tourney Summaries and gonna look into it a bit more either today or Monday.

If you want to click on some gyazo links of the screenshots I sent him, here's a c/p.

I'm assuming if I just used PT4 full time I wouldn't have issues, but I don't want to switch over to it and it seems like importing them over from HM2 is going to lead to incorrect results. Not sure if you or anyone else has any help for me on this, but would appreciate any tips!

left hand side im filtered on PT4 to 24.02+0.98 6m SKOs. right hand side on SS im filtered to the same game + dates, why do the graphs look nothing alike?

$48.24+$1.76 is the same story

also on a side note, buyin level on PT4 is not correct for $50 SKO
It is $48.04 + $1.96. PT4 has it listed as $48.24 BI with $1.76 of rake

$100s it is just missing a lot of my games

Also $100s are $96.48 BI and not $96.49 like PT4 has listed
yea something is super wrong with the $100s as it doesn't even calculate EV

the $50s and $25s actually have an EV line calculated
anyway, im going to start grinding for the day and
12-15-2018 , 10:25 PM
There, finally got SKO EV working. Luckily my PC is pretty (flex) as the past 2 days PT4 was basically always importing/doing something and I was running HM2 + TN2 and all my grind tools and playing like 20-25 tables at a time without any lag heh

Fairly happy with results thus far, especially as we get 5 reg games at times and I'm playing farrrr too many tables at times as well. Still getting better at the format every day, looking forward to post winter festival to see how I do at them in Jan/Feb.

$100 results

$50 results

$25 results

Updated $15-$100 normal 25bb results

And yes, I really need to quit playing more than 18 tables. 16-18 and I feel I play pretty well, 19-21 and I'm rushed all the time, and 22+ is pure ****ing madness lol

Gonna hit the study grind for a while. Have to get through my marked hands from last Sunday so that I'm ready for the sat grind tomorrow! After that I will get to some 25bb and SKO study and potentially will jump back in for 1 more session if there's some action in about 3-4 hours. GLA on the grind
12-16-2018 , 08:38 PM
Just finished up with my Sunday sat + mtt grind. Am eating now and studying 25bb spots and might even end up grinding some SKOs + 25bb here in a little bit. Might hit up the brewery + sushi bar with Bfizz though instead. He's still in the Sunday Mil so hopefully hes occupied with that for a long while, gl bosss!

So my posts have been so filled with poker related data that I didn't actually get around to writing this...Alisha ended up packing up her stuff with her mom and niece last Sunday and took off. No fight, no drama, just said she wasn't ready to live with someone and that she couldn't stay here anymore as it wasn't fair to either of us. I was a bit sad of course, but it is what it is. That was the first time either of us had lived with a significant other and I definitely learned a lot during these past few months.

Anyhow, Susy and I are back into a nice routine. She had continued working for me as she ended up getting things for Alisha and I in the US, did random shopping/errands/etc, so it wasn't like we had to start from scratch anyway. Since Sunday is obviously the biggest day of the week, and also usually the only day I have panic attacks, she is now here for most of Sunday. She shows up around 8am which is Sunday warmup start time and then leaves around 2pm or so, 15 mins before the 109 cooldown. Works out fairly well as after cooking food for the day and the next 1-2 days she does a lot of cleaning and reorganizing and whatnot, but if she happens to have nothing to do, I'll be paying her to just chill here so I have someone with me heh. Kind of funny to think about, but with how high the EV is on Sunday, it's really important that I'm able to play.

My plan for this coming week is
Mon/Wed/Fri: 25bb/SKO grind
Tues/Thurs: Sat+MTT grind
Sat: ?? unsure still
Sun: Winter series starts and planning to play every day of the series!

Definitely planning to do a lot of sat study this week to make sure my ranges are as sharp as possible going into the series. Am hoping to sneak in a few games of SKO during the series and study some spots so that I don't end up too rusty at that format by the time Jan 8th rolls around.

Sunday Graph

Gonna hit the study grind for a bit right now, gla on the tables!
12-17-2018 , 11:35 AM
Hey man, would you recommend 6m hypers in today's climate as a good game to learn/build a roll?

I'm coming back to poker after a long layoff, have played a bit if everything in the past with quite a lot of volume at low stakes husng.

Just looking for a format that I can get into, build a roll and see where I can go
