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ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates

08-16-2014 , 04:39 PM
Its Saturday night I have no money but I do have 6 cans of lager! (I didn't buy them)

My poker account is butsto again so I'm sitting in my kitchen listening to music on capital ironically enough the lyrics are "money on my mind money on my mind, I do it for the love" ( Sam smith) which couldn't be truer I certainly don't play poker to win money long term ( about 25k down in 6'years at least)

But I love poker and the deluded dream of making thousands at it is a resiliant one, so will post again at some point in next three weeks with an update on reloading. But in meantime I will have a drink and enjoy good music.

Happy Saturday everyone!
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08-19-2014 , 02:29 PM
OK. As I continue with the challenge of profiting at poker. I will continue to post lessons learnt in this thread, and my main goal is to learn from the lessons and not repeat the same mistakes, if i can do that I have a chance.

Also less random stuff more poker ITT going forward.

Lessons Learnt So Far
- No matter what you must stick to your preagreed bankroll management plan. Everything else is reckless gambling. Reckless gambling is for degens...
- Don't play online with alcohol in your system. I had two lagers the other night before I busto'd my bankroll and the difference in my discipline was very noticeable.

Today I was playing some freerolls on unibet poker 800 entries for 10 and 2 euro tickets, when I noticed the 'double trouble' freeroll. It's for players that have lost 20 euros in the previous week at cash. I clicked it and it allowed me to register and I'm now 3/60 so certain of a cash (as I'm not playing another hand).

So bankroll back up to 40 euros barring a disaster.

Next session starting soon - and priority is building the above two lessons into my game. Other point is self talk - I am going to be consciously working on positive mental self talk while playing to up my mental edge at the tables.

Plan this week is to continue playing clocking up challenge points on unibet poker and building the bankroll. Can buy into anything for 20% of bankroll until 100 euros then new bankroll rules become anything for 10% of bankroll.
ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates Quote
08-19-2014 , 02:39 PM

ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates Quote
08-19-2014 , 04:17 PM
Your thought determine your emotions, your emotions determine your actions. Its all about the thinking guys and girls, the only real opponent you ever have to beat is yourself.
ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates Quote
08-19-2014 , 06:10 PM
I'm going to work at increasing tables inspired by nanonoko. Only up to 4 though. Going to play a 6 hour session now of 10nl short stacked (50bbs)
ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates Quote
08-19-2014 , 07:20 PM
GL man! Might have played against you if you play 10NL at unibet.
Today I played under the screennames "JohnnyChan" & "Astronaut87".
ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates Quote
08-19-2014 , 07:30 PM
Thanks man cool, yeah i think i've seen Astronaut87!

Last edited by SuddenlyGood2; 08-19-2014 at 07:36 PM.
ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates Quote
08-21-2014 , 02:32 PM
Well my poker bankroll online is empty again, discipline is a killer.

I had zero life and poker bankroll but have just surprisingly come into £800 which is my life and poker bankroll. So I'm going to try to make some decent money.

Going to the casino to play 50nl will report back on progress tomorrow

Good luck everyone
ITT a degen posts random stuff and sporadic poker updates Quote
08-21-2014 , 02:58 PM
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better" - Samuel Beckett
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