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I will make it to HSNL! I will make it to HSNL!

12-01-2011 , 07:55 AM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $6(BB) Poker Stars
SB ($600)
Hero ($643)
UTG ($960)
UTG+1 ($467)
CO ($2,172)
BTN ($607)

Dealt to Hero J K

fold, UTG+1 raises to $15, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls $9

FLOP ($33) 6 K J

Hero checks, UTG+1 bets $23, Hero raises to $66, UTG+1 calls $43

TURN ($165) 6 K J A

Hero checks, UTG+1 checks

RIVER ($165) 6 K J A 5

Hero bets $114, UTG+1 raises to $386 (AI), Hero calls $272

UTG+1 shows Q K
(Pre 74%, Flop 16.5%, Turn 22.7%)

Hero shows J K
(Pre 26%, Flop 83.5%, Turn 77.3%)

Hero wins $934

Pretty happy with my river b/c here. Villain was trying to rep a flush in a spot where he can't have a flush besides something like the T 9 or 6 7 cause of my J blocker. Figured that he'd bet turn usually with 2p and that even if he didn't bet it, he wouldn't jam it on the river. It's hard for villain to have air but it's also very very hard for villain to have a value hand.

Oh, and I check turn because a lot of his flop calling range now beats me on this turn, and the hands that I beat unlikely call a turn & river bet.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-01-2011 , 08:52 AM
I re-watched your video yesterday and noticed you had change the notes in stars for the player type. stuff like "ATM" and "2p2er". Found it pretty funny, couple questions how do you do that in the software? and how do you decided which player goes it what group?

Also iv been thinking about changing my note system as im trying to take extensive not its tough to find info you want when making a decision. Could you post your template please? I assume you just copy and paste before each sessions.

The had above i take it you think QTss will bet turn also?
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-01-2011 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
I re-watched your video yesterday and noticed you had change the notes in stars for the player type. stuff like "ATM" and "2p2er". Found it pretty funny, couple questions how do you do that in the software? and how do you decided which player goes it what group?

Also iv been thinking about changing my note system as im trying to take extensive not its tough to find info you want when making a decision. Could you post your template please? I assume you just copy and paste before each sessions.

The had above i take it you think QTss will bet turn also?
Here's his template

As far as the software goes, just open up a table>>>right-click a player>>>Labels>>>Edit Player Note Labels. You should be able to figure it out from there.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-02-2011 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
I re-watched your video yesterday and noticed you had change the notes in stars for the player type. stuff like "ATM" and "2p2er". Found it pretty funny, couple questions how do you do that in the software? and how do you decided which player goes it what group?
A lot of those things were unrefined actually. I've changed the way that I label people now (actually credited to one of my students).

I could add more but that is wayyy too much effort.
If you wanna edit the names of the category, double click the player, go to the bottom left where it has the dropdown menu and click to the left of their name.

It'll come up with the list of labels and that, so you should select "Edit Player Note Labels..." There you can choose the label name and colour

Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
The had above i take it you think QTss will bet turn also?
Yup. And even if he doesn't, it's one combo which he will bet some % of the time so it's counted as 1/2 or 1/3rd a combo or something.

This month is swongy already. :x
Pretty happy with the volume so far though.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $10(BB) Replayer
SB ($726)
BB ($1,656)
UTG ($1,015)
UTG+1 ($1,111)
CO ($1,015)
Hero ($1,098)

Dealt to Hero K Q

UTG raises to $30, fold, fold, Hero raises to $90, fold, fold, UTG calls $60

FLOP ($195) 8 K 4

UTG checks, Hero bets $95, UTG calls $95

TURN ($385) 8 K 4 4

UTG checks, Hero bets $195, UTG calls $195

RIVER ($775) 8 K 4 4 3

UTG checks, Hero bets $718 (AI), UTG calls $635 (AI)

Hero shows K Q
(Pre 42%, Flop 91.2%, Turn 95.5%)

UTG shows T T
(Pre 58%, Flop 8.8%, Turn 4.5%)

Hero wins $2,042

Villain is a good regular. I don't feel that flatting KQo vs his UTG open here is very profitable so I 3bet it with blockers as a bluff.
I think flop/turn are pretty standard, I'm barrelling a bunch of draws here so his calls are mandatory. I also assume that he thinks I'm going to give up a lot on brick rivers. By the river I assume that he thinks my value range is polarised to KK+/AK besides a "bull****" hand that 3b pre and made trips+, so I think his call is probably fine.

Obviously on my part, it's a standard bet/bet/jam since I can rep a lot of bluffs, and I'm almost never beat besides the slowplayed 99/KK/AA/AK

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $10(BB) Replayer
SB ($1,005)
BB ($1,417)
UTG ($1,025)
UTG+1 ($390)
Hero ($2,390)
BTN ($1,002)

Dealt to Hero T Q

fold, fold, Hero raises to $30, fold, SB calls $25, fold

FLOP ($70) 8 9 K

SB checks, Hero bets $35, SB raises to $100, Hero calls $65

TURN ($270) 8 9 K 3

SB checks, Hero bets $145, SB calls $145

RIVER ($560) 8 9 K 3 J

SB checks, Hero bets $425, SB calls $425

Hero shows T Q
(Pre 35%, Flop 20.3%, Turn 9.1%)

SB shows K A
(Pre 65%, Flop 79.7%, Turn 90.9%)

Hero wins $1,407

I like villain's c/r on the flop, but he should really be betting turn with his entire range here given his perceived range. It seems more thin since I beat him with some of my range now but it's not a big deal and having a merged range here will be better than c/c turn since it allows me to play perfectly with all my hands.
I went for the smaller betsizing since this is what I would bet with a lot of my range (given that villain appears to be giving up a lot).

I think his river c/c is ambitious since it's hard for me to have a hand that's bluffing besides hands turned into bluffs [TJ] and the only worse hand for value would be KQ which I may or may not valuebet given that he looks like a tptk+ hand when he c/c turn

Last edited by z0mgtiltz; 12-02-2011 at 09:44 AM.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-02-2011 , 09:52 AM
Oh, and, I've been playing a bunch of HU so far this month, through starting tables.

Obviously the table fills up quickly so I don't get as much volume as I'd like. Shame cause there are a few regs that I'm dying to get HU action from.

Will be trying to work on my HU game quite a bit more this month.

Looking for some hands atm where I got shat on by this good regular HU...
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-02-2011 , 09:58 AM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $6(BB) Replayer
Hero ($711)

Dealt to Hero K K

raises to $13.20, Hero raises to $48, raises to $126, Hero calls $78

FLOP ($252) T J 5

Hero checks, bets $102, Hero raises to $585 (AI), calls $483

TURN ($1,423) T J 5 Q

RIVER ($1,423) T J 5 Q Q

Hero shows K K
(Pre 88%, Flop 1.8%, Turn 0.0%)

shows 6 K
(Pre 12%, Flop 98.2%, Turn 100.0%)

wins $1,423

I flat pre since I thought it was a stacksize where he'd be more skewed towards 4b bluffing. Also, I'd shown that I'm capable of flatting a 4b with a wider range so I thought this was a pretty good hand to flat. Post is std although irritating.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $6(BB) Replayer
Hero ($779)

Dealt to Hero 8 Q

raises to $15, Hero calls $9

FLOP ($30) 6 9 T

Hero checks, bets $21.50, Hero raises to $63, raises to $146, Hero calls $83.60

TURN ($323) 6 9 T J

Hero checks, bets $174, Hero raises to $617 (AI), calls $273 (AI)

RIVER ($1,218) 6 9 T J K

Hero shows 8 Q
(Pre 57%, Flop 31.3%, Turn 90.9%)

shows T 9
(Pre 43%, Flop 68.7%, Turn 9.1%)

Hero wins $1,217


Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $6(BB) Replayer
Hero ($1,621)

Dealt to Hero A A

Hero raises to $18, calls $12

FLOP ($36) 6 4 J

bets $24, Hero calls $24

TURN ($84) 6 4 J 9

bets $63, Hero raises to $177, raises to $558 (AI), Hero calls $381

RIVER ($1,200) 6 4 J 9 2

shows K 8
(Pre 17%, Flop 7.4%, Turn 20.5%)

Hero shows A A
(Pre 83%, Flop 92.6%, Turn 79.5%)

Hero wins $1,199

Villain hadn't donked much at all in the session so far. I thought his range was likely to be a hand that was capped at toppair, but more likely than that, a hand like the one he had with backdoor equity.

I raised the turn since I thought it would look bluffy now that I'm "polarised" to a 2p+ hand. That 9 brought a lot more gutshot draws out on the board that I could rep and villain can reshove/call with a wide range himself.

And then a couple of QQ<TT, 99<A5s etc etc.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-02-2011 , 10:01 AM
heyyyo long time no speak, looks like you made heaps off progess since then, good to see. gl and keep it up
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-02-2011 , 06:19 PM
Love the hand analysis. Great stuff.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-02-2011 , 06:37 PM
Nice updates. Go crush.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-04-2011 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by z0mgtiltz
Hai guise.
So...... Bad month.
+$8k ish

inb4 your spheal on how you're here to make the big bucks and not grind the minimum to get by
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-07-2011 , 11:50 AM
Just found this on page 7 :| Need more updates! Hope the month is treating you better man, best of luck at the tables
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-07-2011 , 01:07 PM
Keep up the good work OP
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-19-2011 , 11:36 PM
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-21-2011 , 05:25 AM
Nice thread =) post moar!
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-22-2011 , 12:08 PM
Sorry I've not been updating, had a really sick day at 5/10 HU against another regular this month.
I think I'm gonna have to put my thread on hold for a little while in 2012 since I'm going to try to rebuild my roll.

All hands since the start of this challenge.
Feel kinda grossed out so yeah.

GL for 2012 everyone, wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!

I won't be updating this thread for a while, but when I do, I'll include my video along with the update. Hopefully it won't take too long for me to come back.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-22-2011 , 12:12 PM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $4(BB) Replayer
Hero ($427)
BB ($600)
UTG ($655)
UTG+1 ($498)
CO ($400)
BTN ($550)

Dealt to Hero Q K

UTG raises to $9.75, UTG+1 calls $9.75, CO calls $9.75, BTN calls $9.75, Hero calls $7.75, BB raises to $44, UTG calls $34.25, UTG+1 calls $34.25, CO calls $34.25, BTN calls $34.25, Hero calls $34.25

FLOP ($264) T 6 J

Hero checks, BB bets $169, UTG folds, UTG+1 calls $169, CO folds, BTN folds, Hero raises to $383 (AI), BB raises to $556 (AI), UTG+1 calls $284 (AI)

TURN ($1,555) T 6 J 5

RIVER ($1,555) T 6 J 5 4

UTG+1 shows J J
(Pre 17%, Flop 76.7%, Turn 85.7%)

Hero shows Q K
(Pre 11%, Flop 20.8%, Turn 14.3%)

BB shows A A
(Pre 73%, Flop 2.4%, Turn 0.0%)

UTG+1 wins $1,552

Fun hand. I realise my jam is slightly -ev, but look at the overlayyyy, gotta gambol.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $6(BB) Replayer
SB ($600)
BB ($810)
UTG ($801)
UTG+1 ($356)
CO ($679)
Hero ($815)

Dealt to Hero J A

fold, UTG+1 calls $6, fold, Hero raises to $24, fold, fold, UTG+1 calls $18

FLOP ($57) J K 7

UTG+1 bets $6, Hero calls $6

TURN ($69) J K 7 5

UTG+1 bets $18, Hero calls $18

RIVER ($105) J K 7 5 T

UTG+1 bets $12, Hero raises to $36, UTG+1 calls $24

UTG+1 shows 5 8
(Pre 35%, Flop 6.4%, Turn 11.4%)

Hero shows J A
(Pre 65%, Flop 93.6%, Turn 88.6%)

Hero wins $174

Raising 2nd pairs for value on the river

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $4(BB) Replayer
SB ($400)
BB ($406)
UTG ($640)
UTG+1 ($636)
CO ($340)
Hero ($653)

Dealt to Hero 9 9

fold, UTG+1 raises to $12, fold, Hero raises to $36, fold, fold, UTG+1 calls $24

FLOP ($78) Q 2 T

UTG+1 checks, Hero checks

TURN ($78) Q 2 T 3

UTG+1 bets $75, Hero calls $75

RIVER ($228) Q 2 T 3 5

UTG+1 bets $225, Hero calls $225

Hero shows 9 9
(Pre 84%, Flop 97.8%, Turn 100.0%)

UTG+1 shows 6 7
(Pre 16%, Flop 2.2%, Turn 0.0%)

Hero wins $675

ez game when you're playing fish
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-22-2011 , 12:12 PM
wow brutal end to the year, gl with the new year goals.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-22-2011 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
wow brutal end to the year, gl with the new year goals.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-22-2011 , 02:23 PM
Ugh that's brutal mate. Chin up, you're still the illest.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-22-2011 , 04:33 PM
Unlucky sir, I'm sure you'll destroy 2012.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
12-22-2011 , 06:46 PM
couldn't care less about running bad now, that's disturbing

gl mate, you'll be back
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
01-01-2012 , 10:29 PM
sick op, subscribed.
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
02-02-2012 , 12:07 AM
OP, i believe around this time you should be out of the downer. i dont know how, it just appeared to me so i came back in here and saw oyu still havent posted. i am still 105% confident that this is back on track.

fwiw up until this point, this thread has been crazy inspirational so get the hell back in here and let us join you on that crazy ride of yours

long way to say: good luck sir
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
02-02-2012 , 01:45 PM
Borrowing my flatmate's account. This is z0mgtiltz (I've self-banned myself for 2 weeks to put in the volume).

Yes, I've gotten out of my downer. Thanks for not forgetting about me haha.

January completely sucked.
What I realised was that I was a huge tilt monster.


The reason was because I thought everything had clicked. My mental game, and my poker game. Therefore my confidence got the better of me and because of that I lacked discipline and studying all through December till January. You guys reading this should take this into account, and understand that playing your A-game and achieving that is always a moving target. Your A-game will always be changing and improving so you should always be working to strive towards that.

Probably not just in poker but in all forms of sport and even your work.

I didn't run bad during those months. I was just too much of a fish to realise that I was making a mistake: thinking that I had complete mastery of my tilt when really it was still in the state of conscious competent (learning).

I'm still working on my game and mental game as of late.

Bankroll is on $50k now, and I'm back at 1kNL. Have been starting tables again lately too so my confidence is pretty high (although I always remind myself that when I put in a good session it's going to be due to a decent % of rungood).

January was swingy. Lost $20k near the start of the month, almost rostucko'd to -$2k by the end. 130k hands in total and winning after rakeback.

Hopefully February goes much better. Maybe it was Chinese New Year that turned my rungood around...
I will make it to HSNL! Quote
