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Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL

04-08-2013 , 12:16 PM
Great thread. I have a very similar thread where I also play 10nl on Carbon and play 1,2 live. It seems we're opposite as so far it seems you struggle online and crush live, when I do pretty well online but am only slightly above break even live.

Good luck with your April Goals, subbed!
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-09-2013 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by JonesUCF34
Great thread. I have a very similar thread where I also play 10nl on Carbon and play 1,2 live. It seems we're opposite as so far it seems you struggle online and crush live, when I do pretty well online but am only slightly above break even live.

Good luck with your April Goals, subbed!
Haha that is pretty funny, Hope you can breakthrough live eventually, its really fun when you do! I'm pretty sure I saw you on the tables today actually, same name and your avatar was some kind of knight or something. You might be able to guess who I was.. (don't post it though ) And thanks for the sub, I'll check your thread out to!

Played about 7k hands as of April 1st, 3kish today since I was off. good to not have to insta-quit because of bad play, I won't post results though until Sunday. So far 10NL is what I expected, fish gon fish and regs gon reg. I actually saw a few that post in this thread today so that was kind of exciting. I have to make sure I don't get hunted by you guys haha.

So here is my schedule for the week that I am going to try and follow. Of course I am going to allow for some flexibility just in case I tilt or stuff comes up, I will also most likely going to break my online sessions into 2 hour blocks and move them around so I won't exactly follow the map but basically I want about:

[] 15-20 hours live
[] 20k-50k hands online (volume will be determined by tilt levels)
[] To actually hit my goals

I have to work harder so I will keep attacking small goals until I get to where I want to be.

Last edited by TheySuited; 04-09-2013 at 12:36 AM.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-11-2013 , 08:55 PM
Ok, so I don't think I will be able to hit my live goals this month, I don't have reliable transportation so can't get to games. I could get there by bus but can't get back until the next day, none of my friends with cars are degens so no rides at 2am+.

I think this will be a good opportunity to just focus on the online game, no tangible money to be made like live but im enjoying 10NL. I guess I'll shoot for 30k hand min for this month. hopefully move uup to 25NL next month (ok maybe a little too optimistic ) Since I am just online, I'll have more time to post hands and update with weekly graphs.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-19-2013 , 04:55 AM
for the past week or so ive been on a motivation downswing. no money lost but just didnt play.

So just to change it up, ill do a update every session. Im playing some 1/3 right now, when i get home ill update my recent online sessions and my live. down about 180 right now lets see if i can boomswitch.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-21-2013 , 04:42 PM
So I know I said I was going to post every session but couldn't do because I only had time to change from work clothes to poker mode, sleep, wake up, put back on work clothes and then repeat the cycle. Finally I wake up early enough where I am not rushing through the door. I wanted to post some hands and I didn't want to post from my phone.

So this hand was from my last 1/3 session where I said I needed the boomswitch, didn't get the boomswitch but got this instead:

This point in the game I am in the game for $500 (300 BI, 200 chip up at some point) so down about $150. Haven't got too many opportunities so far as I was pretty card dead, my image must have been tight/weak/donkey as I have not won a showdown and kept folding flops and turns after being the open raiser and getting donked into or whatever. UTG is the host, kind of just playing since there was an open seat, basically always shows up as he has no incentive to bust players and be aggro but plays 2/5 as his regular game, pretty straight forward guy. UTG+1 looks like he knows the game and is aggressive but I quickly noticed that he is spewwwy from the lines he took, won some big pots, kept hitting good hands vs some donors. If he had a full tilt T-shirt at home, he would wear it to the table kind of guy.

Hero (BTN): $350
UTG: $340
UTG+1: $950

Pre Flop: Hero is SB with 85
UTG raises to $16, UTG+1 calls, Hero calls.

Flop: ($52) 883 (3 players)
UtG bets $35, UTG+1 raises to $90, Hero Calls, UTG calls

UTG+1 says WHAT the hell is going on??? after my flat call (confirms my read that he was just "trying to fold UTG's AK". I know that UTG only continues with JJ+ maybe TT+ if he is feeling frisky.

Turn: ($322) Q (3 players)
UTG bets $150, UTG+1 hollywood speech folds (his air), Hero pukes a little, goes all in for 245, UTG calls a little less. Opens QQ and looks at me like he just busted my roll and says sorry.

I laugh a little and say "haha naw man its cool" I was going to say NH at the end of that statement but I know its going to sound like F*** You not Nice hand even though I am not a angry type of player so I decide to just tap the table with probably a stupid smile on my face and rebuy for the last $250 in my jeans pocket.

I'm looking at the table and see that a few of the players are 300+ bb deep and I am trying to figure out why my pockets are empty, I know I brought more money so I start sweating and wondering if I degened somehow or lost it and didn't log it in my phone like I always do. Then I remember I have my extra 1k in my hidden pocket under my jeans so I decide to wait a few hands to chip up. In these private home games its sometimes awkward to chip up big as the players may see you as a "serious player" or your trying to stack them if you chip up too big after getting stacked so I kind of weigh my options while I think about my chip up size. My friend at the table gets stacked shortly after with a $100 left and I can see in his face that he wants to chip but because this is our first time at the game he might be concerned with his image also. He then texts me and says "watch me blend in this chip up, they won't even notice" he then does so and draws all the attention in the world to himself and some of the players seem to say "oh hes tryna wiggle guys watch out"! I text back I'll show you how to blend a chip up. I then grab my 1k and say Chips! to the host and say "1 tou sand plz!" and the whole table is like wtf is wrong with this degen kid...

I have 2 non cooler but hands I want some discussion on but no time right now to post. I just figured to kind show how the dynamics of the games I play in are and how it may be different from playing in a casino as there are more things to consider than just straight playing against strangers. maybe I'll post the other hands from my phone at work so I don't get back logged with HH's. Might play another session tonight too so we'll see....
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-22-2013 , 09:47 PM
So we got about 1 more week in the month and I am finally off work so I can post all of the stuff I did this month so far.


(haven't played in 2-3 weeks)

10NL- 13,232 hands $117.48 8.88bb/100
25NL- 1447 hands $101.79 28.14bb/100
bonus unlocked: $20

Yeah I played some 25NL because there is not enough action at 10NL alone sometimes (at least when I play) and my roll was already past the $500 mark at the time. Also saw some ridiculous play on the specific tables I was watching so basically bum-hunting. 10NL seemed a lot more reggy where at 25NL I saw some of players not even topped up to $25 so those are the only tables I was at (and to the left of). Anyone with $25 or more with standard-ish stats I just left alone/and or didn't sit that table.

online roll: $650.75


4/18 9:30pm-3:00am BI for 1780 cashout 1325 (455) 1/3
4/20 7:30pm-9:30pm BI for 700 cashout 775 75 1/3
4/20 9:30pm-11:30pm BI for 775 cashout 1600 825 2/5
4/21 10:00pm-4:00am BI for 1000 cashout 1190 190 1/3

net winnings: $635 over 16.5 hours

So I have been finding a lot more 2/5 games and 1/3 games that change into 2/5. I sat at a table last night where the table actually had 2-3 good players. I was actually nervous because I have never seen that at 1/3 and 1/2 private games. This whole table was deep like 1k+ at a 1/3 game so I was like wtf (usually the weaker players have short stacks/ buy short unless they are on a heater). Also over heard 2 guys quietly trying to talk in code about a 2+2 HH they posted and responses so that was interesting. I had position on both them so it didn't lead into any problems. One of them put me in a tough spot and bet me out of a big pot but I wasn't really understanding his line, can't recall it exactly because I didn't immediately note it. Man I wish I did.

Also was told about a 1.1k buy-in tournament, 20-27 entrants. I am really considering buying in, I have 8k+ cash and 4-5k in the bank but I know this is just stretching my limits. I will probably have to sell at least 50% off to my friends and I could probably do it. Or I can set a goal to grind hard and put in some hours, (run good), and reward myself with the tournament. I think I have a week to do so, its on sunday 2/28 so I will give it a few days to think about it. Cash is a grind (that I like) but to get the big break to really be able to get out is to bink the MTTs and you can have more options to explore IMO. Just cant put your roll on the table for a MTT, rather do it in a cash game if I have to
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-25-2013 , 08:05 AM
So I just played my longest zombie session last night, a total of 11-12 hours at a 1/3 game (I also worked all day before so I guess that is why I felt like it was so long, 11 hours might be kind of standard now that I think about it?) Action was pretty good, had one guy that cold called an all-in with 43 for his full stack of $300, the other guys had 77 and KK. He said "I hope I am live" and just called off lol.

Unfortunately I didn't run too well at the start of the session and lost about $500 in a hand where I had AK on a A high flop vs a flush draw (same guy that had the 43 in the other hand). I ended up chipping up for $500 and then $1000 later for a total of 2k on the table from me. Also called my friend in a $100+ pot with queen-nine high and was good, that's always fun. During the second half of the session (around 4am) one of the guys was super tilted and started shoving all-in blind. Started with $100 and built up to about $500 for his peak. I had KTo when he had around $300 but I couldn't call, (he wasn't going in blind anymore after he got to $200, still almost every other hand went all in preflop though) but he showed 63ss so I wasn't sure why he just didn't go in blind to induce action Ended up getting A7cc vs his JT preflop and took $200 off of him, thank you for run good...

I was happy with most of my play but I wasn't sure if this was the best I could do with this specific hand. Playing standard TAG from EP and LAG from LP with the occasional air bluff when needed and I am up a little sitting at around 2.5k. My image is aggressive and solid, I have a a pyramid of reds stacked in 40's a 20 stack of greens and a half barrel of blacks and another smaller pyramid in reds. The drunk-tilted guy keeps calling me "full tilt" and everyone "respects my raises" lol.
Villain is my friend and is sitting on $1800. He was up most of the session but took a few losses and rebought in deep and is down around $800 at the time. He is visibly frustrated in body language as I had position on him most of the session and made him fold in a lot of mid size pots by raising him IP. In this hand he has direct position over me as he changed his seat after the table became short handed. I was going to move seats to neutralize position but I just didn't this session.

6 handed 1/3, late in the session around 5am (we both started at 10PM)

HERO AA $2500 MP
Villain $1800 CO

limp, HERO opens to $15, V raises to $45, Hero re-raises to $160, V calls.

Flop ($320)
HERO checks, V checks

Turn ($320)
HERO bets $250, V calls.

River (820)
HERO tank-checks, V snap-checks.

AA is good.

Line check? What do you think about how the hand was played out? Deep down in my heart I wanted to bet bet bet and get stacks in OTR but I just wasn't sure if I could profitably do so considering how deep we are (and probably just a little scared too). I assigned him a range of 88+,AJs+,AQo+ preflop. Was this about reasonable because of stack sizes?

Last edited by TheySuited; 04-25-2013 at 08:23 AM.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-25-2013 , 09:05 AM
Saw the thread you made in LLSNL, and glad you linked it to this thread, great read.

Gl at the tables.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-25-2013 , 05:10 PM
ty sir.

for anyone that wants to see the HH discussion with the AA hand above, check out

(beware, im getting ripped on lol)
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-26-2013 , 04:39 PM
Great thread. Looking forward to see where you go with this.

Im currently in a very similar situation to you. Im a 19 year old college student, living in the US (Im guessing you are as well if your playing on carbon? Just an assumption).

Im challenging myself to build a roll from 0 dollars on carbon from funsteps and freerolls, im up to 10-14 bucks but Ive only put in a few hours of actual playing.

I also play live, but not as often as Id like. I can only play once a week and right now I havent had the time too.

Im really looking forward to following your progress.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:07 PM
ty sir. And yep I am in the US, my OP should have some decent background info about me.

I guess you are going to be grinding 4nl to start off? Might be hard with a roll that small but GL to you too. I hope I can make the followers proud
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-27-2013 , 10:52 AM
Yup 4nl is the current goal but I won't even think about leaving the fun steps/11 cent sng's until I get a proper roll.

It's tough to practice now due to my schedule but I'd like to spend alot of time studying and playing over the summer, and hopefully I'll be crushing 4nl and my live game by the end of august.

Good luck!
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-27-2013 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by xStormy
Yup 4nl is the current goal but I won't even think about leaving the fun steps/11 cent sng's until I get a proper roll.

It's tough to practice now due to my schedule but I'd like to spend alot of time studying and playing over the summer, and hopefully I'll be crushing 4nl and my live game by the end of august.

Good luck!

Wow that is going to take some dedication for sure. I would rather try and do the cliche $50 deposit boomswitch to highstakes route but I will be interested to actually see someone succeed and go big in this day and age from a freeroll. We can go over some HH's from 4NL to 10NL when you get there if you want.


Now I literally just got home from a live game, I started at 10:45pm last night. This was right after work too, I got off at 8pm took a 2 hour nap then straight to poker.

Now let me tell you how crazy private home games can be some times. the game looked standard, shortstacks, and typical playing styles with a mixture of weak and stationary play. My friend told me that this game was really good because of one MEGA whale that plays but she only had $200 on the table so I was like meh looks standard. I was playing decent but I sucked out with my AQss vs her J9o on a AJ9dd board (A on the turn) for about $300. she then rebought for $500. Then my friend stacked her and she rebought for $1k. My eyes fell out my head and I got a seat to her direct left but I couldn't get any pots with her. My friend proceeded to empty her pockets and chipped her away $500 at a time paying off with 1 pair hands. She then rebuys for 3k and I am like wtf!! I have never seen charity work like this before. And of course she ships most of it to my friend and I get none of it. So she has about $1500 left in her stack and she just overships all in pre vs this guys open, he sigh folds and she opens J3o and I am tilted even though I am up because I keep getting garbage, not even a K9s or something to flop TP and stack this lady. My friend then does gets this lady to put in 800 on the flop 742 with A8 vs his 88 and I am just watching in disgust (kind of happy for him but dam man I want at least a piece). So that was the last hand that broke the game.

Now we are all sitting on the table silent and it just hit us, this old lady just shipped about 5k and she looked a mess. sweating bullets from her head, her hair was frizzy and out of place, kept rubbing her neck (don't know what for but probably her throat burning from dropping 5k) and damm I felt kind of bad for once. and when my friend would river her and get paid off huge she would weakly punch the dealer and kind of screech in helplessness and I was like damm this lady is so sick. She kept looking at me too looking for sympathy as I was next to her and I was kinda of in a weird spot since that was my friend busting her ass.

Now after that she says she wants to rebuy for another 5k and that she will write a check, she has money in the bank and all that. seems that the house was marking her play. So now my friend panics because he knows what is coming next. House can't pay him out, they pay out all the players then leave the mark to be a burden on the player, its rare but stuff like this happens from time to time. Argument breaks out as the lady starts talking about how she can pay out and the house is like can't let you play. Then she offers me and my friend to come to her house and she will pay and keep playing. Idk why but I instantly got the chills and I felt paranoid about what this sick lady might be capable of since she is stuck a bunch. I know nothing l was likely to happen but just the thought of it gets your mind kind of worried of stuff like getting hunted down by a degen or something. I guess I watch too many movies. but anyway I cash out for my ****ty $850 (+250 ) and then I walk out as the host partially pays my friend. Right now as I am finishing this post it is 9AM so I have to call in sick, I am a degen now lol.. But yeah the game runs again on friday, I will be there, and so will the old lady I am sure.

EDIT: my friend confirmed by text that he profited 3k on the session, but the house only can pay him $1.5k at the moment. I guess during the argument they found out she had 10k in her purse but she "didn't want to use it" and was waiting for her husband to ship her some money. House will be able to cover, just asking him for a few days time so it looks like everything is ok.

And tomorrow there is going to be a $1000+100 tournament downtown. about 30-40 players. I really want to play it, the price is kind of high but I think I will do it, I am up around a little over $1600 this month from very little hours put in so whatever, one time! I know for sure I AT LEAST have edge over enough of the field to make it +EV, its just if I want to have the risk a 1k drop to have a massive $15k+ upswing. There will also be a min buy $1000 5/10 game and a few 2/5's running so I guess I will have a massive shot day and put a good chunk of my roll on the line. Gotta win some flips!

Long post and I didn't proofread it so sorry if none of what I posted makes perfect sense.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-29-2013 , 11:07 AM
Interesting that you had this experience this weekend. I had my first close encounter with a real life mega-donk whale this weekend too. Easily the worst/most obnoxious person I've ever been around AINEC. Came in drunk, on a huge power/ego trip the entire time, extremely vulgar, etc. He wound up getting stuck in a $3/2 game for $12K though, so people put up with a lot more than they should have.

I had prime seating on him though, so it worked out ok. Couldn't get paid when I had AA or KK against him (still made half a buy-in on each though) but shipped $600 over his $75 open (again...$3/2) with JJ and got looked up. My hand was good on an AK7-6-2 runout. Pretty sick game, but I know how you feel about having free money for the taking but not being able to get a lot of it.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-29-2013 , 12:24 PM
Limon says good players rarely go on massive runs.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
04-29-2013 , 05:26 PM
So didn't cash in on the $1000+100 last night, even though it was looking so good at the beginning. 2nd Hand of the tourny I flop a set vs KK and boom double up. maybe 30 minutes in I stack another guy not for a full stack but still nice. I am already planning my Final table appearance until I start losing hands where people kept showing up with 2 pair+ or TP vs my bluffs. This is my last hand of the tournament:

(MP) Villain covers
(CO) HERO AA T5000
Blinds 50/100

Villain opens for 275, Hero raises to 700.


villain checks, Hero bets 1k, villain calls.


villain checks, hero bets 1500, villain super-snap checkraises all-in, hero snaps.


villain opens JTcc
Hero opens AA

GG hero.

I was disappointed because I never have a good start in a tourney and this time I had a dream start and couldn't make anything of it. I was pretty happy with my play, I may have been to aggressive and kind of squandered my stack away but that is the only thing I can be kind of mad about.But overall I am not sure if I played well in terms of MTT so I guess I have to luckbox it anyway. Anyway after that I took my money to the 2/5 table, Not too many people were busted out yet, some went home so there were only 2 sickos playing open-faced Chinese. I'll update on the cash game when I get back so I can put some thorough HH's in.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-01-2013 , 11:01 AM
Alright here is the April summary:

So +$104 at 10NL

Another +$108 at 25NL

That is my overall Live results since January. I am too lazy to transfer my data to my excel sheet right now so I just took a screenshot from my phone. Here are my live results for April.

Cash game mixture of 1/3 and 2/5: 40 hours +$1937
Tournament (1 game): -$1100

Net live poker for April: +837

Pretty good results all around so I am happy with that. Been playing good and running decent, going over hands with people really helped me a lot on the online side. My live results got kind of busted up because of the tourney loss but oh well, can't win em all. Ok, thats all in the past now time to move on to what matters.

Its May 1st, I already played one session at 25NL. Ran pretty dammmmmmmmmm bad but I won't post results until two weeks are up (Bi-weekly bankroll updates online, weekly bankroll updates live). I would post the bad beat hands but nobody wants to hear me talk with the violin playing in background so I'll save the HH posts for good discussion and tough spot hands.

The theme for May is going to be "Evolve". Live I will be transitioning my main game from 1/3 to 2/5 and online 10NL to 25NL. Of course if I get crushed I'll move down but I don't plan on it Simple goals this month, volume and consistency. A big part of my focus this month will also be mental game. I picked up Mental game of poker 2 so I'll see if it can help unlock my "hidden potential" haha. It's all about playing in the zone, taking all the information available to you to make the best decisions, and yada yada all the good stuff. Looking forward to it and it goes good with the theme of the month.

Annnnnd you already know:

[]25k hands online at 25NL
[]20 hours a week at 2/5 and 1/3
[]5 hours a week for basic fundamental study (I am working on being able to use math more effectively in real-time. An example is combinatorics. I want to be able to more accurately build ranges based on card removal instead of just thinking "well I have an A so he probably doesn't have AA, there's only like what? 3 aces left right? I'm all-in" haha ok Im not that bad). Hard to just know this stuff if your not a wizard so I have to practice.
[]post in the micro thread and comment on some HH's instead of lurking but not posting anything

Post for some run good, Crush souls!

EDIT: Online roll will start at $514 and Live roll is at around $8K
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-01-2013 , 12:20 PM
Very nice month.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-01-2013 , 03:51 PM
Thanks man, I like how I'm doing but I really want to put in more hours.

Looks like you're going to have an exciting schedule coming up, your first WSOP events?
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-01-2013 , 08:54 PM
Running good, just passed my drivers test! I barely passed with a penalty score of 15/15 lol (16/15=fail). Now I can go to any game I want so that means I can up the volume for live poker.

Thinking about what kind of car I should get for my first car? Any suggestion/tips?
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-02-2013 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by TheySuited
Looks like you're going to have an exciting schedule coming up, your first WSOP events?
Ha, not a schedule really, just depends on how degen I am feeling and how much of my small bankroll I want to risk on tournaments. I would like to play a 1k, but might just play a few ~$500 ones to warm up.

I would get a civic or acura if I were you, lots of benifets.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-03-2013 , 05:54 AM
down 1k at 2/5 right now. rebought for 4k more, my first 500 chip in my stack. suuuuppper deep game, avg stack 3k, here we gooooo. and I got work tomorrow.... lol

Last edited by TheySuited; 05-03-2013 at 06:09 AM.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-03-2013 , 11:00 AM
I just got home after the 2/5 session, I'm just going to type what I'm thinking and feeling, so I am not sure if this is going to make any sense; TLDR:

All I know is lesson learned, or at least for a while I won't make the same mistake.

Bankroll management was created for a reason, its to keep you from becoming a degen and ruining all the hard work you grinded up. Last night I just about learned this in my hardest poker lesson yet. Night started off great, doubled up with AA vs TT pre vs my friend for $500, now sitting on a 1k stack. After about 5 hours of nothing, I got hit with a string of bad hands that resulted in me down $1500. I only brought $1500 to the game as I thought I'd play standard 1/3, but come to find out it was a 2/5 and it was an uncapped game (like 90% of the games I go too). After I was down to my last $300 sitting in front of me, I see everyone else sitting on 2k stacks and I felt like I wasn't even a factor on the table. I could go home and grab my roll and come back but the game would break because we are playing 5-6 handed, I wasn't going to leave the game stuck 1.5k, no way. I eventually get the guy running the game and tell him to give me $4k in chips, he looks at me for a few seconds, and then tells me "I trust you man, how you want the chips". I tell him it doesn't matter and walk back to my seat with a fake smile acting like the money doesn't phase me, heck I am sure I even lied to myself enough where I half believe it.

Almost every degen knows that feeling when you lost more than you are comfortable, a painless burn, a mixture of optimism and helplessness that just occupies your mind. You don't get this feeling until it crosses a good chunk of your net worth. Like where if you lost the money, your lifestyle could change temporarily or permanently. Thats where I was, sitting with with 4.5k in front of me, most I ever had in play at once and I am just another guy on the table, not even the biggest stack. Very weird when I am used to being the big stack. If I take one bad beat, lose a flip, whatever, I am basically back to grinding at my stomping grounds, at the 1/1 capped game and maybe some 1/2 with my remaining $2-3k when I am feeling ballsy. I have another 5k in the bank from work, but I vowed to never use that for poker. I'd probably just lose the motivation to play anymore if I bust my poker roll that I built strictly from grinding. Then boom it happens.

Run bad, play worse. I have TT vs a aggro guy thats running hot as the sun. He raises from UTG, I call. flop its 642. I bet, he c/r me and he is repping pretty narrow considering how wide he is. He then barrels turn and river and I bluff catch with the turn being Q and river J. he opens 53 and Im down $800 in one hand.

TT again I open from MP and the tightest guy on the table 3 bets me from the BTN. I call and the flop is:


I check and he bets, now my read and everything in my brain says he has JJ+ or AQ+ of hearts for value and AKo for his air. So I call to keep his bluffs in (which I am not even really ahead enough to call his barrels) but I guess no point in raising. turn is a 8 I check he bets. Now I know he has a flush, as he won't continue with a weak range, Yet I convince my self I should reraise for 550 more so he can fold his QQ+ with heart draw. Nope, he snaps with AQ. Now when he calls, I motion to muck my hand because I thought I was dead, I kind of show my hand to the table then throw it face down but it flips back up somehow. I reach to throw it away for good but some guys say "bro your still live" and I also just at time and realize I am indeed still live and do a quick "oh ****" and flip it up to run the river. If the guy wanted too he could have said no you mucked and called it dead but he let it run so I am right now realizing that that took some class on his part. I was definitely embarrassed somewhat as I just felt so weak in the game for some reason. Well brick the river, and a couple hands late I am down for a total of 3.5k. At this point I pretty much get up from the table and go to the bathroom.

I think about if I double up with my approximate 2.5k stack (verryyyy unlikely) I can be +500 for the night or if I bust Ill be down 5k. I decided that the pain of losing most of my roll and not being able to play uncapped 1/3 anymore is greater than trying to get even this session. So I sat back down, folded two hands and told the house to cash me out. Now everyones like yeah cash me out too then.... yeah me too... My friend says hey lets play for like 15 more minutes, till 3 AM. I was already racked but say F it lets go. I also propose a mandatory UTG straddle to $10 so now we are playing 2/5/10. Hell yeah. I do some aggro monkey bets and also wake up in a few hands and get back to around $3.5k, down about $2.5K. Then me vs this other aggro guy get in a pot at 2:59 AM.

Raise pre to 35, Hero calls with 33.


Villain bets 50, Hero calls.

Villain bets 90, HERO calls

Villain checks, Hero tanks for about 2 minutes, Bets 350, Villain raises to 850, Hero calls.

Villain shows A9

Now I was quite disappointed that I didn't have the heart to reship and make it nice, but I was, simply put, scared money I guess. I did see this guy call a 5 bet preflop with 67 and stack someone for 2k so I put some of the T8 full houses in his range and scared myself. I did the overbet to induce a raise because I know that guy was wild and he raised it, but I figured hes only bluffing so just called. I did contemplate 2.2x raising to induce a 4 bet ship by him on the river but like I said I got cold feet.

So I scoop the pot and when all is said in done, I cash out and am only down $1140. You know your messed up when you lose that amount and you feel like you won. I think this was a good experience despite the result, and now that I see it in writing, its only 2BI at 2/5. Super standard. But even 2 BI losses hurt right now so that tells me that I am playing too high. I have to move down to 1/3, which is sick because its almost like 2/5, I still buy in deep for like 1k. If I do play anymore 2/5, I will buy in for 500 and just play standard 100bb poker.

Anyway I got work in 4 hours so I'm going to try and get some sleep, I'll probably cringe at some of the things I wrote and it likely reads like gibberish but if anything I can always look back at this post for a reminder in BR management. I'll be back on the grind tomorrow night, GL at the tables everyone!
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-03-2013 , 12:59 PM
Wow, sick story. Good that you stopped when you were (relatively) ahead, something most of us with the degen bug can't do easily. More important then the lesson is the ability to learn and implement it, unfortunately, this is something that's even more difficult for degen types. Anyway, good luck at the tables, sick thread.
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
05-03-2013 , 02:36 PM
"The way to make money is at least as much about minimizing losses than maximizing gains."

- Barry Greenstien
Humbled live player, Beat the micros and get to 200NL Quote
