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Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&C: Poker & Bodybuilding Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&C: Poker & Bodybuilding

01-02-2014 , 01:36 AM
wow never realised quite how brutal that early stretch was last year

really nice comeback mate! consistently interesting thread, gl for 2014
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&C: Poker & Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 02:04 AM
Great comeback man, well done. GL in 2014!
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&C: Poker & Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 02:21 AM
You don't have to do a clean install with your new SSD, I've got a Samsung 840 as well and it comes with software to copy your whole drive over to the new one, settings intact

Sent from my Nexus 5 using 2+2 Forums
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&C: Poker & Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 07:27 AM
Nice review of 2013 and i hope you will reach all your goals for 2014 !!!
It's very impressive your 55kg inclined dumbell !! What's your stats for squat, deadlift and bench press ?
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&C: Poker & Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 08:41 AM
Happy new year and best of luck in 2014! <3
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 09:05 AM
Resubbed for 2014, gl.
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 10:18 AM
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Buby2132
GL with your 2014 goals.

Regarding potentially buying a house, do you have a plan in mind on what you are going to do to gain a mortgage as you cannot prove your income? I am genuinely interested on whether you have looked into this yet as I have never had advice on it.
thank you bro

wrt the house i had a mortgage advisor round before xmas to speak about my options, turns out there aren't many haha There isn't much he can do for me even with a big deposit, i think if i had a super squeaky clean credit history things would be a little different but i don't so The only real way i could buy a reasonably priced house it seems is getting the Mrs to get the mortgage on her own, i provide most of the deposit and we have some sort of legal document written up to say i put x amount down and if we split up yadayadayada

GL to u too
Originally Posted by Sauron92
Can't talk for other countries but in Denmark you just have to put up more in cash. IIRC it shifts from 20% to 40% of the house you have to front. Prolly same approach.

GL this year, mr. cactus
I think having a bigger deposit does help but i think it would maybe need to be even larger than 40% for me Being a poker player sucks for mortgages in UK.

GL to you also Dark lord
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
wow never realised quite how brutal that early stretch was last year

really nice comeback mate! consistently interesting thread, gl for 2014
It was pretty tough to go through at the time yeah lol glad it's behind me now mate. Thanks you too!!
Originally Posted by PandaLife
Great comeback man, well done. GL in 2014!
Thank yoouuuuu
Originally Posted by Simkars
You don't have to do a clean install with your new SSD, I've got a Samsung 840 as well and it comes with software to copy your whole drive over to the new one, settings intact

Sent from my Nexus 5 using 2+2 Forums
Even better!! Is there any advantage to doing a clean install anyway? Like will it run any faster would u think?
Originally Posted by HU4chicks
Nice review of 2013 and i hope you will reach all your goals for 2014 !!
It's very impressive your 55kg inclined dumbell !! What's your stats for squat, deadlift and bench press ?
thanks mate!

I kinda stopped doing both deadlifts and bench press for a while now, bench press because i have a rotator cuff injury and have had it for years, bench seems to aggravate it waaayyyyy more than dumbbells, i hardly feel it with dumbbells. And i still deadlifts a bit but no where near as much as used to, i could still get 4 plates a side off the ground i reckon but i only do them like once a month, i mainly do hyper extensions weights for lower back now

Squat i really like, but i don't go for super low amount reps, my heaviest is 180kg for 5 reps about but i've done that once, i'd say i'm most comfortable atm with 140-160kg, i'll be improving that this year tho
Originally Posted by Andre_787
Happy new year and best of luck in 2014! <3
thank you bro you too
Originally Posted by Gdi
Resubbed for 2014, gl.


Yay name change!! What u think??

Also just got 1k free vpps from stars with their jumpstart thing which is nice i guess.

Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 11:01 AM
Good luck with ur 2014 goals mate.

Would definitely be good to see more of the body-building stuff. I've trained very inconsistently over like 15 years. I'm like 86kg, just under 5'11" but in bad shape. I would like to get to around 90kg but get into really good shape in 2014.

Would be good to get updates about your daily/weekly training sessions, also what you eat and how many times per day you eat etc.

Also what do think about Calisthenics? I've been doing this pretty consistently over the last 3 months and seeing good results in strength and body shape. I do pull ups, dips, push ups and hanging leg raises like 6 days a week but gym only once a week. Calisthenics vs Weight Training for body-building?

Also recently watched Ryan Terry's docu about his road to the Arnold Classic, pretty good.

Anyway, GL Buddy.
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 12:06 PM
Solid thread name change.
GL in 2014
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 12:11 PM
Thought you'd go for 'Poker and Bodybuilding: Low's, Hi's, Bi's and Tri's'

So disappoint.

Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 01:43 PM
that 800k hand graph sure is sick, good job sticking with it and geting back strong I must say, the "zoom-espide-of-my-life-is-over graph" with 140k hands or so seems fine tho :]

this will be your year! :]
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by d7o1d1s0
Thought you'd go for 'Poker and Bodybuilding: Low's, Hi's, Bi's and Tri's'

So disappoint.

hahaha that would be sick!
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 02:07 PM
GL in 2014 but where are the nudes?
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 02:18 PM
Nice work sir,well done!
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by x_ROSH125_x
Good luck with ur 2014 goals mate.

Would definitely be good to see more of the body-building stuff. I've trained very inconsistently over like 15 years. I'm like 86kg, just under 5'11" but in bad shape. I would like to get to around 90kg but get into really good shape in 2014.

Would be good to get updates about your daily/weekly training sessions, also what you eat and how many times per day you eat etc.

Also what do think about Calisthenics? I've been doing this pretty consistently over the last 3 months and seeing good results in strength and body shape. I do pull ups, dips, push ups and hanging leg raises like 6 days a week but gym only once a week. Calisthenics vs Weight Training for body-building?

Also recently watched Ryan Terry's docu about his road to the Arnold Classic, pretty good.

Anyway, GL Buddy.
I think daily updates about my training might get a little repetitive because my sessions mainly consist of the same or very similar bulk exercise and then i deviate slightly week to week. I do have to different training styles though that i tend to switch between right now month by month, just so that my body doesn't ever got comfortable with one style of training, body being comfortable no gainzzzz

And i have to admit i have no idea what calisthenics are bro, a quick Wikipedia gave me increase body strength with bending jumping swinging and twisting? If this is the case i would say certainly weight training is better for gaining pure muscle mass.

If you want to gain muscle and you haven't been consistent in the gym recently the best way to start imo is lift free weights, and make sure your workouts consist of the main compound lifts like deadlift, squat, bench press or dumbbell press, dips, pull ups stuff like that will have you growing quicker than most imo.

I watched the Ryan Terry thing too, my bro earnt himself a entry to the 2014 Arnold Classic so will be competing against Ryan this year

GL to you too.
Originally Posted by harrygehakt
Solid thread name change.
GL in 2014
thanks bro you too!
Originally Posted by d7o1d1s0
Thought you'd go for 'Poker and Bodybuilding: Low's, Hi's, Bi's and Tri's'

So disappoint.

I had already asked for the name change when that was suggested, it is a sick name though
Originally Posted by Danneville
that 800k hand graph sure is sick, good job sticking with it and geting back strong I must say, the "zoom-espide-of-my-life-is-over graph" with 140k hands or so seems fine tho :]

this will be your year! :]
Thanks mate, i hope so, GL with your goals also, i'll be following.
Originally Posted by welsh-witch1
hahaha that would be sick!

Originally Posted by richbrown360
GL in 2014 but where are the nudes?
Haha, i'm fat right now Later in the year this thread will inundated with nudes though

I take it u meant me?

Originally Posted by noobis
Nice work sir,well done!
thank you bro!


1st day of the year went terribly, think i had QQvsAA like 5-6 times, think i played ok overall though i did make a spewy call vs a top top reg at 400nl for about $120

Back to it tomorrow, gotta turn this frown upside down lol
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-02-2014 , 07:27 PM
haha, very good donald. gl mike!
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-03-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by SmbSmbSmb
haha, very good donald. gl mike!
Thanks mate Need moar of it though!!


Soooo this year has started out exactly how the last one finished..........**** haha I'm getting owned by the deck pretty hard atm and there sin't all that much i can do about it, I've made a few meh decisions but honestly none too horrific. Just really getting slapped around by the virtual deck Obvs can't last forever so I've just got to play through it.

Here's the year so far, i didn't play on the first so just 2 days of play:


I don't usually play all that much poker over the weekends anymore but I've decided to try and hit my volume goals this year because the latter part of 2013 was pretty damn lazy by me. My monthly target for this year is 75k hands/month so roughly ~19k hands week, anytime I haven't played that many hands in the 5 weekdays (probably most weeks ) i'll do my best to make it up over the weekend. Lets try and make this year a successful one

Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-03-2014 , 05:30 PM
I don't usually play all that much poker over the weekends
Why not take Terrible Tuesday and Woeful Wednesday off and instead play on Fantastic Friday and Super Saturday? Seems like a huge opportunity cost to not play the most of your volume on the weekends.
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-03-2014 , 05:35 PM
Good luck in 2014 mate!
I'm sure it will be a big one
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-03-2014 , 06:25 PM
he may take weekends off to have abit of balance to socialise an see people/make the most of the time his GF friends family off etc!
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-04-2014 , 03:42 AM
Surely playing in evenings in your time zone and weekends must be better than playing reg infested mon-fri 9-5.
Also why not try out some euro sites for variety and perhaps softer line ups?
Personally I think people get bogged down with the volume and sucked in by a stars vpp number.
Play your best poker at good times and at the best ev tables, the rest takes care of itself.
Plus if you get in to a good winning groove it will help you go ahead and not chasing a lot.

Admire the thread and long time lurker. Just believe those tweaks will help as you obviously can play good just need a better plan.
Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-04-2014 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
Why not take Terrible Tuesday and Woeful Wednesday off and instead play on Fantastic Friday and Super Saturday? Seems like a huge opportunity cost to not play the most of your volume on the weekends.
Originally Posted by welsh-witch1
he may take weekends off to have abit of balance to socialise an see people/make the most of the time his GF friends family off etc!
A lot to do with this tbh^^ Though i do need to make more time for poker because i definitely don't play the most profitable hours, usually play between 11am and like 5pm Mon-Fri, so i basically miss all the best games
Originally Posted by sm1t
Good luck in 2014 mate!
I'm sure it will be a big one
thanks mate, GL to you too!
Originally Posted by Affisant
Surely playing in evenings in your time zone and weekends must be better than playing reg infested mon-fri 9-5.
Also why not try out some euro sites for variety and perhaps softer line ups?
Personally I think people get bogged down with the volume and sucked in by a stars vpp number.
Play your best poker at good times and at the best ev tables, the rest takes care of itself.
Plus if you get in to a good winning groove it will help you go ahead and not chasing a lot.

Admire the thread and long time lurker. Just believe those tweaks will help as you obviously can play good just need a better plan.
It almost certainly is yeah, but i have to play when i can really, i should probably start playing a few more evenings though, so i can get more hands in through the week.

I've also considered Euro sites a few times and I've actually played on some of them i always end up coming back to stars after a short break though because the software sucks basically everywhere else And i guess i'm a software nit lol I may break up m roll at some point and try them again but atm it's not big enough to do this.

Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-04-2014 , 05:22 PM
Today at the tables was a little more positive than the first days of the year, and the last 2 weeks or so, hopefully it's the start of the end of my downer


Didn't play all that much because weekends aren't going to be my main playing hours like i said but i'm trying to squeeze a few hours in anyway! i actually played for 3 hours today but i couldn't get many tables going for some reason

Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
01-08-2014 , 05:15 PM
Looks like i missed a couple of updates last few days!!

I've been spending some time playing around with my pc and getting some hands in though so it's all good I even ground out Terrible Tuesday!! I bought a new fan for my pc because the one i had been using for ages was just a bad choice, it was big and noisy and not very good at cooling, it also blocked one of my RAM slots so i could only install a max of 12GB ram (I've had a spare 4GB stick in my draw for like 9 months) So i upgraded to a Coolermaster Hyper 212 evo And it's much better takes, up less space, cools much better and i've been able to fit my last stick of RAM. Because it cools so much nicer i was able to overclock my cpu from 3.4ghz to 4.6ghz per core Love free power!!

I think i also mentioned that i was going to upgrade my SSD? Well i did that! I bought the Samsung 500gb 840 evo and it's absolutely awesome, big big recommendations if ur considering an upgrade! It came with some data migration software so i was just able to transfer all files and windows basically just a clone of my old SSD onto the new drive. On top of that it comes with some software to put it into RAPID mode Which when i ran a benchmark on the drive had almost doubled it's speed, and compared to old drive it transfers data roughly 8-9x the speed So very, very happy.

Onto poker!!

Hardly played Monday, ****ing around with the pc and settings etc, so i decided to do something i haven't done for a long time and put in a solid session on a Tuesday, games actually were good for a change. Shame Tuesday still cursed lol lost about 1k in the end but pleased with my volume.

Then today started pretty badly too losing like $700-$800 pretty quickly but then God mode happened I started the day down roughly 3k for the month and -1.5k in EV and now i'm $300 over EV for the month (luckbox)


Training also going really well, Monday i decided to do some squats as i've not done much of them recently and i'd really like to build up some big squat numbers eventually I managed 160kg for about 6 reps i think. Then on Tuesday dropped the weight a touch from what we've been doing the last couple weeks and went back to the 50kg dumbbells for incline chest press bashed out a good strong 10 reps and i felt awesome!! Mainly because about 2 months ago (end of October) I was really really struggling with 50kg dumbbells, i could literally only do 1 rep on my own, so to bang out 10 felt really great

I'm a bit behind pace as usual on my monthly volume goals so i'll be trying to catch up now the pc is sorted, i also added in a table of 200 zoom today as i was starting my session, i think i'll do that more often now to get a few more hands in. Saw some names i haven't played with in a while.

Glanza_Mike's Long-Term PG&amp;C: Poker &amp; Bodybuilding Quote
