This month I have broke every rule I set myself at January and the amount of stacks I have punted is quite large. Playing tired, and too long sessions, without preparation, peeking results, watching YouTube videos at same time, hopping site to site, playing omaha and slots and heads up while waiting. Action has been really bad and many sessions I have sat there for hours just to wait something to happen, and finally when some bigger games has started I have been clicking buttons totally without focus. It feels like I have lost all my interest to the game and this is usually a starting point of bad downswing. Good old boredom - tilt.
But I have been here before. These things goes in cycles and usually when I have grinded myself comfortable bankroll I stop caring about playing my best. Then I start to lose and after my bankroll have gone so low that I have actually step up if I don`t want to go broke I will start to focus again. The good thing is that there is just not enough action in bigger games in Party, Stars or Finnish site to make big hole even if my tilt goes bad to worse. Only reasonable thing to do now is to have brake and to forget online - poker for week or two.
Played also some gigs and there will be much more coming up before the year ends. Also that feels meaningless atm. Probably should eat more vitamins or drink less but I am too tired.
Party -356
Finnish site - 800
Stars +2022
Month +866$
Year +52 986$
The graph isnt that horrible in big blinds. Just keep losing in the big games and winning in smaller ones.