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Friend Of Poker Friend Of Poker

09-28-2023 , 02:32 PM
Going to wrap up September little early, because I have busy weekend ahead.

I felt like I was little off and played bad whole month. Playing gigs every weekend and adjusting to single life has taken its toll and I must say I haven`t felt most sharpest while grinding. I have pretty good instinct when I cannot play winning poker so then I just close client and go out. I rather do something else than spend my time playing like donkey. Have been partying pretty hard and got std, but luckily it was only chlamydia. In my town we have free testing and if you got positive test result, state gives you antibiotics. Thanks to the system I noticed it early and my dick did not fell off or anything.
Action in Party has been also pretty bad this month. Atm it is Thursday night and there is 1 table nl200 running. Have been running also very good in bigger games which is most definitely nice. I have never had year when I run over ev until now. This month we broke 100k$ profit since I started this blog so LETS GO!

Month (+9186$)

Year (+104 814$)

Stakes (notice that nl100 is my place to test some new strategies and exploits)

Friend Of Poker Quote
09-28-2023 , 06:29 PM
and my dick did not fell off or anything.
Friend Of Poker Quote
10-31-2023 , 05:29 PM
October update

Everything went pretty smoothly this month. One Sunday I felt a bit depressed so I bought myself tv and flights to Bangkok for the January. Probably from there I am going to head to the Vietnam because that is the most unfamiliar country for me in the region. Not much to say what comes to the poker. Just grinding my hours and crushing. I did not have gigs last weekend, so I went to play some live-poker in local casino. After one hour I got myself in situation where I had queens on the turn in 3bet pot in the 3 club paired board. Called my opponents shove and he turned nut-flush. No queen on the river so I just mucked my hand and when I noticed that whole table is staring at me, I looked once more to the board. There was trips, so I had just mucked boat. It was 800€ pot and villain felt sorry for me so he bought me a beer. That was most expensive beer in my life. Today it has been snowing all day and it will continue. They said that there will be half meter of snow before Friday.

Won 21 053$ in October including rb

Year (+125 867$)


Last edited by Friend Of Poker; 10-31-2023 at 05:34 PM.
Friend Of Poker Quote
11-30-2023 , 05:16 PM
November update.

This month was pretty busy in all areas of life and I noticed that I have been starting to wait for my winter holiday. One and half month just leisure in the tropic is just around in the corner, but first I have to live through December. There will be a lot of Parties, Concerts and all the spare time I will grind and make a final push. My bankroll has grown in such a good shape, that I have to start to think where I would invest. Last time I had 6 figs year I bought cryptos and stocks and got absolutely ****ed so I wont do that mistake again. Thought that would be clever to buy a small flat because I dont really own anything and I think that money would be safe in this kind of investment. I could also turn that hole in to the some kind of grind - hell and buy a big monitor and fast computer and one of those rally-driver chairs. But have not decided anything yet.

Poker has been great. I keep sun - running in the bigger games and running normal in nl200 so I have really not much to say. Just doing my hours, not looking results, reviewing all the difficult spots, meditating and repeat 5 days a row and then go out for two days and start again next week. I still have to be realistic and understand that this is some kind of opposite of the vicious circle what happens in downswings. When you run great you also feel more confident about your game and play better also.

This month I broke 150k$ milestone since I started this blog so for the celebrations I will post one hand:

MAX VALUE! I had some reads of the villain so this is not just button pushing.

November Graph (+24 534$ including rb):

Year (+150 406$)


Next month we will wrap up whole year and do some plans for the 2024!
Friend Of Poker Quote
12-30-2023 , 02:42 PM

This month was total booze, speed, coke, acid, ketamine, and mdma fueled mayhem with tons of gigs and one recording session. It feels like I am starting to lose my grip and had some problems to execute my routine, but that is ok because my holiday starts now. Hit some negative variance for the first time in the whole year and honestly I have been so ****ed up that my game has surely suffered for all this jazz. My friends came to tell me that they are worried and I should slow down, so now it is good time to change the scenery for a while. When I downloaded my hands I was sure that month would be at least 10k down and I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that this was not the case.

(+850$ which came from the rb)


What comes to poker this year has been best year I have ever had. I reached all of my goals which were play online poker and update this blog monthly. While playing gigs and partying hard every weekend I was able to draw one of the sickest yearly graphs I have seen so I have to be proud of myself. I want to thank all the readers and hope that everybody will have amazing 2024. I will go to the Vietnam to get my **** together and then make some plans for the next year. Maybe I will continue this blog.

+151 256$

Played also little bit other sites which are not included in this graph

888 : played one day lost approximately -500$
Government site: played couple of sessions won +2500$
POkerBros: played small volume won +6000$

Here few photos:





Few weeks ago

"Lepuutan säkkiäni" is Finnish and means I rest my case!

Friend of Poker
Friend Of Poker Quote
12-30-2023 , 06:41 PM
Awesome blog and onnee ens vuotee veli
Friend Of Poker Quote
12-31-2023 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by KHANYAY
Awesome blog and onnee ens vuotee veli
Thank you sir!
Friend Of Poker Quote
01-26-2024 , 05:31 AM

not really on here much anymore, missed this

i'm into the same music. there must be like 3 of us in poker. used to be all-in on everything but currently pretending i'm edge (!)

i like your band (reminds me of discharge)

can relate to this a lot, hope you update

don't start playing back room russian roulette out there
Friend Of Poker Quote
01-27-2024 , 06:12 AM
Discharge rules! Inspired by your message Ramon I thought that now it would be good time to make some plans for 2024. I am still in Vietnam, but returning to Finland mid February and that is when real poker starts.

Here few notes/goals for the next season:

Short sessions high focus:
-concentrate quality of the game rather than volume. Never play more than 3h straight unless games are super juicy. Make notes constantly and concentrate all the time to the fish.

No result peeking
-only check results once a month

-mark hands where you don`t understand how the spot work, shove them in the solver and try to figure out what the hell is going on here

Live Poker only when sober
-what comes to live poker I must say I am terrible at I keep losing in the softest games year after year. I know I have been running horrible at all the big pots I have been playing since 2017 and one point I kind of accepted my fate and now when I go playing I already expect to lose and surely I usually do. I don`t play it too often though but when I play I am usually highly toxicated with arrogant attitude and volatile style. This costs me every year few thousand euros which is not much but it still sucks. Those mornings are the most horrible ones when I have been drinking and punting money all night so for the next season I will make this simple rule. If I want to play bigger than nl100 live I can do it but this means that I have to be sober. Maybe live poker will come my sober hobby or I will find it so boring that I will quit completely.

Learn heads up
-this is not too important but I am interested to hire coach who would teach me some basics about how the approach heads up poker. I can do CFP style contract or pay hourly. If here is somebody who is interested to coach me just throw me pm. Coach obviously must beat high stakes heads up games. There is also another Finnish guy who could possibly want to learn hup also so we could form some sort of study group. I am good student and reliable horse.

Update blog once a month
-just like last year

These are my goals and first update will come in the end of February.

Lets go!

Friend Of Poker Quote
02-29-2024 , 01:59 PM
February 2024 update

Had little bit problems to start my engine after I returned from the Vietnam, but finally got it running. Faced some bad variance right away and one week I was pretty much in doomswitch-mode what comes to showdowns. Felt like I am loosing every big pot and had to struggle a bit to keep my aggression levels up. These periods are good way to identify leaks and learn something. I noticed that when I start to lose in games I stop game selecting and keep playing with regs just to get my buy ins back which is most definitely a mental leak. Now I know to keep that in mind when next time comes and force myself to quit the bad tables. Got over it eventually and started to crush again and I am pretty happy what comes to that careless attitude I had most of the time. Few times when I started my session I told myself that today I am going to lose and I wont give **** about that. Most important thing anyway is to have fun while playing and remember to focus to the notes I have gathered.

Made also a sort of cfp-deal with one of my friend and I promised to coach him next 500k hands. This is pretty awesome in many ways because it also means that I have to regularly study spots I want to show him. I have been pretty lazy what comes to a solver work so this will most definitely be +ev deal in many ways. I probably will post also his results if he allows me when he get some hands in.

I am not very good what comes to investing my profits and usually I have been losing almost every time I have tried to buy stocks or crypto, but last summer I bought a 10k$ worth of BTC just because I knew the halving is coming this year. Even if I don`t have a clue what that means I know that every time after that event prizes have come up. This time I have even a exit plan and I will start selling my coins after 100 days after halving no matter what. I have now doubled my investment and halving havent even come yet so that will be interesting. Also the amount I am in is not too significant so that wont effect my mental game too much if the **** hits the fan.

Jan/Feb ( +12407$ rb included)

Last edited by Friend Of Poker; 02-29-2024 at 02:14 PM.
Friend Of Poker Quote
02-29-2024 , 02:05 PM
Ez. V nice
Friend Of Poker Quote
03-26-2024 , 05:03 PM
Going to wrap up March early because tomorrow I am leaving for small tour with one of my bands.

I want to write something about my live poker "career" and if you don`t want to read frustrated whining I recommend to not continue reading I have played live poker now and then almost 20 years now and then and I still remember how fun it was in those early days. Played in a lot of pub-games and small private low stakes rings in my home town and I just loved it. I have never played it too "serious" or for the money and it has been always more entertainment and social thing for me. Sometimes I had good streaks and sometimes I lost but every year I was able to stay out of too big holes and some years made some small profits too. I wanted to have fun and play loose because I think that is most fun way to approach those games, not just sitting in silent and count combos even if that costs me some ev.
In December 2016 everything suddenly changed. It was sudden and brutal and it felt like pokergods just decided that "for now on this guy will run like **** for rest of his life". After that date I have been losing in every live cash game I have taken part of and have not cashed a single tournament I have bough myself in. I lost in Prague and Barcelona. I lost in Tallinn and in Mexico-city. I lost in Chinese casino in Vietnam. I am down in every single private card-hall in my hometown and lost also in casino in my hometown. I have lost in most of the pub games and almost every home game I have been taking part of. It is common joke around here that I will lose every flip and run in to nuts in every big pot so some of my friends just take -ev flips against me just for fun. Sometimes I am able to take few buy ins home with me but for sure a next session I will lose them all and more. It does not matter if stakes are high or low, or if the game is Omaha or Sökö or Crazy Pineapple, or if we are playing tournaments or cash. Some years I play 10 sessions and some years I play 30 sessions so volume is not too high but this has been going on almost 7 years now and there is no light in the end of the tunnel.
I know I am splashy and drinking most of the time I play, but even if I would just blindly shoving stacks in like some guys in those games I play I would probably some times have a session when I could book a decent win but no this seems to be impossible to me. I have lost all my self confidence what comes to playing live but I still go every now and then with a thought that "maybe this time it will turn around" but it never does. It is just funny because those games are pretty soft and I am making money online year after year in much more "difficult" games so why cant I get a break or just little bit oxygen what comes to live poker.
But that`s it. I know that I am pretty lucky guy after all. Not every one can afford to lose 5-10k per year in gambling and just be a little annoyed buy that. Just had to do some venting and this is my blog so I can do here what ever I want

What comes to online poker this month was pretty normal, except that one week there was some bug in Party-Poker software so I tried to play little bit nl200 zoom in Pokerstars and tilted pretty hard and punted few stacks but that is ok. I just get so ****ing mad when villains nit-roll me hand after hand when I have jammed the river. I don`t know what is the reason behind that but if you want to make me to punt some stacks just waste your timebank in 4bet pot w AK in Kxx board when I go bet bet shove.

March (+11 168$)

Year (+23 575$)

Friend Of Poker Quote
03-27-2024 , 02:17 AM
insane results & fascinating experience, looking foward you next update
Friend Of Poker Quote
04-30-2024 , 06:05 AM

Had pretty rough month. Run was pretty horrible and also there were many sessions when I played like donk. Played 9 gigs, got ear-infection which prevented me for swimming which also effected my performance. Brain-fog, 3 day long hangovers, lack of motivation and excercise. When there were no action found myself playing hup against some competent regs just because I was bored so shitty month was well deserved. Still waiting for the first losing month though after I started this blog

Played also some other sites which are not included in the graph. Graph is just from Party.

Stars: -1400
Finnish Government site: +4000

Party: +578 (rb Included)

Total +3178$

Year: (+26 753$)

Friend Of Poker Quote
04-30-2024 , 07:51 AM
Nice thread GL
Friend Of Poker Quote
05-01-2024 , 05:37 AM
Thank you sir and happy 1st of May!
Friend Of Poker Quote
05-10-2024 , 04:25 PM
Cool blog! What is your approach to learning and improving these days?

Originally Posted by Friend Of Poker
November update.

MAX VALUE! I had some reads of the villain so this is not just button pushing.

Care to share your thoughts or thought process in this hand? What sort of adjustments were you making and why?
Friend Of Poker Quote
05-10-2024 , 04:53 PM
Last week we had to cancel our rehearsal because our bass player did not answer the phone or show up. Next day he was found dead so I guess he had a pretty good reason.
First of, I know I'm late to the party but obv rest in peace. 2nd this had me laughing out loud.

Gl man cool blog.
Friend Of Poker Quote
05-11-2024 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by GetCreative
Cool blog! What is your approach to learning and improving these days?

Care to share your thoughts or thought process in this hand? What sort of adjustments were you making and why?

I think I had note that this villain is probing river a bit too thin in these spots. He is also a a bit stationy and likes to attack against capped ranges so I decided to make a thin value raise. He tanked a while and shoved over the top so now we have a decision should we call or fold. When we arrive on the river here he probably splits his range in to the block bet, big bet, and check raise. This is not a spot where you dont get raised very often, so it is very tempting and human to put your nutted combos in big bet or check raise bucket, which leaves probe bucket unprotected so I just pushed call button.

What comes to learning I just mark spots which I dont understand and try to understand what the hell is going on here.
Friend Of Poker Quote
05-11-2024 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by InfiniteLand23456
First of, I know I'm late to the party but obv rest in peace. 2nd this had me laughing out loud.

Gl man cool blog.
Thank you!
Friend Of Poker Quote
05-31-2024 , 01:47 PM
May update.

This month I broke every single rule/goal I made myself in January. Played without focus, punted stacks, lost money in live-games totally intoxicated, looked my results and did not study anything. If I am totally honest I don`t even know how to study effectively. I have my simple strategy which I have developed myself mostly through trial and error method + paid coaching and cfp - programs. It is full of holes and I don`t even use rng. I like to go leveling wars and randomize mixed decisions based on my reads, notes and data. My biggest strength is playing against fish and weak regs and my worst area is theory. That is why I have to keep it super simple against regs and give them some ev just to not make too many mistakes against them.
Games have also been pretty bad and when there is no action boredom-tilt will creep in my game and I most definitely start to forcing action. There is no bigger games running currently. It is mostly nl200 where I am most definitely over-rolled so sometimes it is just hard to force myself to focus. I know that I have some psychological issues because my thoughts are racing constantly and I found it very hard to do almost anything except playing online poker. I get bored very easily like a little child and now when I have my bank-roll I can just go to the bar and drink it away. I made some calculations about my finance and last year I spent over 50k€. Rent and bills were probably around 16-18k€ and then some food money and rest of it went to the fighting against boredom. I thought that I will invest some money to get some psychiatric-help because at the moment my life is like I either party or I grind. This leads to very toxic spirals where I cannot have breaks from poker-routine because those times I will be wasted and then when I try to start again I cannot concentrate and then I will have to go to the holidays again. When I finally notice that my bankroll is almost finished I get new motivation to grind it back up. This has happened to me numerous times before and I have never done anything about it. When I was kid there was no ADHD or ADD -testing or anything like that. They just said that "he is a bit of wild" and gave 2 hours of detention.
Otherwise life is pretty good. I have new girl in my life and I moved in new flat where I have awesome view over the lake. I have bunch of gigs to play in summer and weather has been awesome. I decided that I wont let poker-stress to ruin my summer so I don`t give a **** about my goals or anything poker-related. I will grind small volume when I feel like it and I will hire a psychiatric and ask him why I am like this.


Party +4365$ (rb and promos included)
Finnish site + 1000$
888 -2000$

total +3365$

Year: +30 118$

Friend Of Poker Quote
06-01-2024 , 02:48 PM
thanks for sharing your journey.

I have been in this grind/party schedule for years and lost focus in this time. What always helped me to get back on track was establishing a gym routine. Working out has many benefits and I am convinced it is somehow the best therapy. Also connecting with nature on a regular basis and being in good relationships with people around you and obv with yourself. Since I try to treat myself like my best friend, things are going up.
Friend Of Poker Quote
06-03-2024 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by DrJuanGonzalez
thanks for sharing your journey.

I have been in this grind/party schedule for years and lost focus in this time. What always helped me to get back on track was establishing a gym routine. Working out has many benefits and I am convinced it is somehow the best therapy. Also connecting with nature on a regular basis and being in good relationships with people around you and obv with yourself. Since I try to treat myself like my best friend, things are going up.
Thanks for your advice. I am currently swimming 1km / 5 times per week and would lose my **** totally without that routine. That is almost like going to the gym. Tried some weight lifting during covid when swimming-halls were closed but returned back to swimming as soon as they opened again.
Friend Of Poker Quote
06-28-2024 , 01:21 PM
June update

Not much to say about June, just came to drop results. Some sort of cold run continues and I have also played pretty bad. There havent been much action on sites I play so it is hard to get in to the zone when most of the session there is only few tables running. Made still some holiday-money so everything is fine.

Stars -400$
Finnish Site +1750$
Party +3040$

Total: +4390$

Graph again only from Party because too lazy to find out how to get hands from the Finnish site and in Stars I played probably half hour.

Year: +34 508$

Friend Of Poker Quote
07-29-2024 , 04:04 PM
Quick July Update

Still in some sort of summer - vacation. Low volume, low stress, casual button clicking. Have been pretty busy with music-stuff and that will continue through August. Games have been little bit better than last months and if I calculated it correct I have now won a bit over 200k since I started this blog. I only have my Party hands in this new computer because 90% of my volume has been in there. From Stars, 888, Finnish site I dont have any data, but I have won something. After August I will start to concentrate more to the poker and hopefully make more interesting updates.

Here some graphs and results (graphs only from Party)


Party +9780 including rb
Finnish site +5108

Total: +14 888$


+49 396$

Party Graph since I started blogging

Same in BB:s

Friend Of Poker Quote
