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The Final Frontier The Final Frontier

10-09-2018 , 01:56 AM
Hey guys thanks for all the love. As you can probably tell from the tone of my above posts that my mindset with poker and everything else was struggling quite a bit. I was really feeling like poker was pushing my last buttons and losing control of everything else in my life at the same time.

On the bright side, I'm elated with my performance since my last post in this thread. It's not really relevant but made a few nice runs in some majors+had a nice score from a swap. I don't like to just say "oh I worked so hard all week and focused so much and that's why I had some success". Truthfully, I played a little bit better but also just started running like a normal human being. In other words I like to focus more on "how was my process?", because the process is what makes us money in the long term.

I ate healthy, worked out before most of my sessions, put in good volume, and also adjusted a few things poker wise:
-work out before session
-start grinding later in the day and play lower variance schedule
-no more dick swings on stars...literally only tourneys where I perceive solid EV
-played other sites
-music without lyrics for focus
-made adjustments to my game/mindset
-went in the lab
-minimized other distractions
-good posture when grinding

Overall, I'm happy I did all the above and really felt like I pumped out my A game the last few sessions. I need to continue with this positive momentum going forward and I trust good things will come.

I guess I partially wanted to come in here to let y'all know that I'm feeling a lot better now and trending upwards. There's also a irl problem that's really getting on my nerves lately and I partly want to post here to whine, and partly to get some advice.

In the past I've always viewed myself as the guy who will help if asked/my help is needed. I'll always look out for my friends and family and help them as much as possible. Honestly, in the past 2-3 years I can think of like 20-30 times I went needlessly out of my way to help family/friends. Sometimes those people returned the favours or would be there for me if I needed, others not.

Long story short I feel like people are starting to just always use me as a life line and it's getting exhausting af, and starting to tilt me a little bit.

-Lent a family member a decent chunk of $ to buy a car. The repayment was 18 months delayed and it almost became my responsibility to hound for the owed $.
-Lent a few people money, one at the start of the year told me I'd be repaid in 2 months, here we are 10 months later. They never bring it up//show a sign of wanting to repay
-Allowed my sibling to move in to my spare room for when they works night shifts in my city (they got a job placement here). Had to turn my office into a bedroom and now have to deal with room mate issues (I bought my own place for a reason). Have not received any compensation for any of the bills that I have...basically just freerolling me.
-Same sibling's car broke down and now asks if they can borrow my car for 3 days+wants a few rides to places.
-Friend sends me 7k on 888 and asks me to find swaps for him for stars while hes in barcelona. Turns out the 7k turns into "bonus balance" and I can't transfer it until I've wagered it several times over. I've spent 2 months grinding hard/degening in casino games etc trying to turn it over. Basically losing heaps of EV.

I mean, this is just a few of the things that have been tilting me. A lot of the time I ask myself "would this person do the same for me if roles were reversed?" Quite often I believe the answer would be no.

So yeah, I guess it's a bit of a whine because this is becoming quite burdensome and getting on my nerves. Sucks because I HATE turning people down when they're in need of help but it also get's quite draining when it feels I always become the life line.

I may have to make the conscious decision to just start saying no, idk, life is confusing
The Final Frontier Quote
10-09-2018 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by WALMARTcnxn
I may have to make the conscious decision to just start saying no
Pretty much this.

There's no pleasure in returning what you owe because you just give your cash away and get nothing in return. People know they should do it but only when you're constantly bringing the theme up they'll actually do something about it.

If you're not hard at them they will take advantage of you. You're not an official institution that would take legal actions against them if they missed their monthly payment. You're their friend and they know they can make sad eyes on you or come with some excuse and you will wait for another month and they won't be fined for that. It's just easier for them and people always take the easiest route.

People have past where you've solved their problem. And they have future where they're supposed to pay it back. But NOW is something different - their past problem is solved at the moment and now they have some other bills to pay, they recently met a date they want to go to a dinner with and they need a new wintercap. So they prolong the payment and postpone it for as long as possible.

The real problem is there is no NOW in the universe that suits them perfectly. So the sad part is that even though they want to pay it back to you, they actually mostly hope that you will forget about it. And only when you remind them repeatedly, they will do something about it.

My two cents are that when you help someone next time, talk with them about some specific terms and arrange more accurate conditions. They are who came with the appeal, so you're the one who makes rules, not them.
The Final Frontier Quote
10-10-2018 , 01:46 AM
hey fate thanks a lot i appreciate the post. i 100% agree with you. it's just difficult because I've always thought of myself as a guy who will run through a wall for one of my friends or family. I've lost a couple friendships because I had the feeling that it was not mutual between us, and that's a big quality I look for in my friends.

In the past when friends have lent me money it's been like my utmost priority to get it paid back, and I feel a lot of anxiety about owing people. Often when I paid it back I would toss on a little interest. Anyways, I guess all people are not the same In the future I'm just going to be saying no more often, and when I do help it will be with specific terms etc
The Final Frontier Quote
10-10-2018 , 02:32 AM
Hey guys I just wanted to come in for a quick post before bed+my day off. I've made a lot of progress this week with mindset/poker/eating healthy/exercise...for the exception of dumping some of it back today after smashing through the McD's drive thru @ midnight in search of the greasiest Big Mac that would help me forget about the BS of bricking 50 MTTs in a day. Anyways, mistakes happen and I will get back on track tomorrow.


I found out today that another guy close in age to me from my hometown committed suicide the other day. This was actually the second instance of this in the past month. I didn't know either guy particularly well other than in passing through the halls at school or the small town we grew up.

The first guy was a rugby star in high school and went on to play high levels in the sport. This guy was athletic and confident and probably a dude that a lot of guys in high school wish they were (from an outside perspective).

Suicide and depression are never an easy topic and I write about it once or twice a year in my blogs to raise some awareness, and even if I could help one person who reads or help someone vicariously through readers of the blog, it would be well worth my time.

Being a young man in today's society can be ****ing difficult. Sometimes it feels like there's all of these societal ideals you need to conform to. Sometimes it feels like you're smothered in deep quick sand with a seemingly everlasting list of things to do. Sometimes it feels like you're going through the world and nobody could give a flying **** about you.

I'll be the first guy to admit that from time to time I do feel helpless, insecure, unmotivated, depressed, or whatever other negative feeling you want to insert in there. All of us do. However, if you're feeling it repeatedly it's very important to do something about it and know that there is amazing books, people, videos, all that want to help you. For every dark night there's a brighter day and you would be surprised how quickly a few changes in mindset/day to day routine can change things for you.
watch that video before continuing.

It's likely that you totally missed the monkey walking through in the middle of the video because you're attention was focused on counting the passes. This video can serve as an analogy for mindset in real life. The perceptions you gain of your environment are subconsciously reinforced constantly. Eventually, your mind gains the evidence it needs and you become more and more certain of whatever belief you have picked up.

An example of this for me was when I put on a lot of weight and stopped playing sports in University. I lost a lot of my confidence and my social skills began to deteriorate because I was constantly avoiding social situations. I told myself stupid things like "that girl doesn't want to talk to me" "why would she want to date a fat guy" "she is only talking to me to be nice". Eventually, these negative thoughts loop in your brain over and over, and become your mindset, which influences your actions.

The funny thing is that however you subconsciously perceive things, is actually the truth that you will find. I used to tell myself the world was a very negative place and people were selfish beings. ****, I found evidence of it EVERYWHERE I looked. Every time I got cut off by a driver, saw someone cutting a line, someone saying something mean, that idea became deeply ingrained in me. I became cynical and this actually resonated with a lot of my behaviours. People can sense the negativity and will avoid it like the plague.

Did I go on a cold streak with girls because I got fat? Maybe a little bit. However, I mostly went on a cold streak because I lost my confidence and self-esteem and deeply believed they wouldn't desire me as a dating partner...if I don't even believe in myself, why would they? It's like buying a product off a salesman who doesn't even believe in his product...why would you want to buy that?

Again, whatever you are searching for you will find. Since understanding this I've changed lots of my internal beliefs. For every guy cutting me off on the road, I now see a guy who's late for work, got in a fight with his kids, or lost a loved one, or maybe just wasn't taught how to drive properly. There's evil in the world everywhere you look, but there's also a whole damn heap of love. What you want to look for and how you choose to perceive it is everything.

If you don't believe you could ever be happy is like saying that you couldn't see the monkey in the above video. You will believe what you focus on. The happy mindset could be right there out of your view, you just need to focus on it.

Without dragging this on for too long I just want to say I've been in some ****ty places. I know what it's like to go out to a bar and get looks from girls like you are a homeless man approaching them for money. I know what it's like to be bullied. I know what it's like to feel completely lost in the world and have a lack of purpose.

I can't say I know what it's like to be in the position that some of these guys have been in when they chose to end their own lives. I can barely imagine the pain and agony going on for months at a time that led them to believe the pain of ending their life was <the pain of living it.

So anyways, this is a reminder to myself (and hopefully whoever reads), that treating people with kindness is a necessity. You never know what type of internal stuff they might be going through.

There's a lot of stuff you can do to immediately improve your mood, I'll talk about some of the stuff I've found another time. For now, if ANYBODY who is reading this and doesn't feel like they have anywhere else to turn can pm me and we can have a call.

Anyways, that's a difficult topic but like I said I just want to raise a bit of awareness.
The Final Frontier Quote
10-15-2018 , 02:04 AM
Welp there goes another hard fought Sunday. Brought my best self in every aspect in regards to game play and routine. Sometimes you win, most times you don't.
This one was a little bit painful against jaimestaples. Oh well, good for him and grats on the score. Gonna hold back a little whine here about the cold RNG in massive equity spots in the last year or so and replace it with some type of more uplifting post.

Let's talk a little bit about something other than poker? Life's going pretty well guys I can't complain. I've been getting back into the gym somewhat regularly, making much more conscious decisions in regards to diet, been building some great relationships, and enjoying the process a lot along the way.

I guess it's somewhat of a combination of the work I've put into meditation, learning to understand behaviour and mindset, and mostly just consistently working to improve my thought processes in everything. It also helps that whenever I've stuck my neck out and taken risks lately I seem to have positive experiences and therefore reference points which help reinforce putting myself out there.

In summary, life is going pretty good right now. Things aren't exactly how I want them to be but they're progressing in the right direction and I'm enjoying/learning along the way.


Now is that awkward time after the Sunday grind when it's nearing time for bed yet I'm not quite tired enough. Generally, this is where I write some stupid ramblings in here...and tonight will be no different

Here's a few things that I've had paradigm shifts about (in no particular order or categorization) in the last few years...maybe some will agree/some won't...just my points of view:

1. Hunting is not actually cruel (in the sense of hunting for food). The general population seems to think that killing animals is cruel and barbaric. I'm actually convinced that in most cases hunting for food is much more healthier/natural than purchasing meat from stores. You avoid hormones/antibiotics/steroids/poison, you do what humans have done for centuries, shooting the animals is usually quick and painless. Have you seen the deaths that those animals die in the wild? Talk about cruel. Not to mention people who eat meat from grocery stores/restaurants often the things done to that meat are 100x more cruel than being hunted in the wild in the animal's natural habitat. We've all seen videos of slaughterhouses or truck loads of chickens all ****ting on eachother (imagine if that was dogs people would go NUTS). The abuse that animals go through in factory farms is absurd. I've never hunted/killed an animal (nor would I want to), I just think it's way healthier/fair than people think.

2. The S.A.D (Standard American Diet) is actually extremely bad for people. There is clear evidence that governments/food companies have fixed laws/lied/falsified studies to get people to believe things. Look at the food pyramid? IMO people should be eating a diet based primarily on healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, meat, legumes. This is the stuff we grew up with in our environments for thousands of years and the foods that our bodies are extremely efficient on. For the most part sugars, grains, fried stuff, additives is all really bad for humans in any dosage outside of moderation. Look at photos of people even just 40-50 years ago...nobody was fat. There's something major that shifted in our diets and it's obvious to see.

3. It's not actually about accomplishments, money, looks etc...Have you ever noticed when people try to self-qualify themselves it comes across as cringey and try hard? Like some guy wants to prove himself so he brags about his net worth or his car or w/e. Assuming it will get him respect. However, there is an aura that successful people have about them that is usually accompanied by confidence/leadership/good social skills/emotional intelligence that often makes them much more attractive people.

4. The Law of State Transference: Forget where I heard this basically implies that whatever you feel other people will feel. Obviously sort of a blanket statement but it's fairly true. If you go into social interactions happy and with high energy other people will feel it. If you go in feeling miserable/sad they will often feel the same.

5. Finding a good relationship is about finding/searching for the perfect person. I've learned that finding a great relationship is about working on yourself and becoming a great dating partner that you would want to date (saw it in a quote once). I also don't believe everybody can wait around and date 2 people in their lives and find the perfect person. IMO relationships are a difficult thing that take practise/experience/variety. You need to experience failure/success and get to know different people before settling down. I could go on about that in some whole other tangent but will save it for another time.

6. Good poker players run everybody over. I used to believe this when I was a weak reg/noob/newer to poker. The elite regs often make their money by exploit folding and just play very solid fundamentals and are aware of when to manipulate them.


Anyways, I was actually gonna go on a bit longer but I'm tired and beginning to not make any sense probably. This week is going to be a lower variance night grinding type week. Flying to Vegas for a few days next Monday. Hope y'all have a good week
The Final Frontier Quote
10-19-2018 , 02:29 AM
Hey guys, thread is kinda coming to a lull lately. A couple weeks ago when I made that long ass post I was feeling a bit trapped and for lack of a better word, depressed (in regards to poker). My mindset was in such a bad place and like always, my downswing spilled over into other areas of my life as well. A sad reality about playing tournaments for a living is that most days you are losing money/tournaments. It's so tough not to get beat down by this game and it's even tougher to hold poker and life as mutually exclusive entities.

Long story short: I had to make that post a few weeks ago to cement the idea in my head that I need to get better in all aspects (poker, mindset, exercise, diet, study, relationships, recreation etc). I was pretty ****ing fed up with everything and fed up with my recent mediocre attitude and results. Not putting up results and trying your hardest is one thing...not putting up results and giving a mediocre/poor effort is a whole different ball game. The latter will have you broke/depressed in this game in a heartbeat.

Anyways, I just wanted to come in here to say that I've been grinding and it feels ***** good. Back to hitting the gym before every session and eating a little better. Back to focusing and playing my A game as much as possible. Back to game selecting well and putting myself in +EV poker/gambling spots and avoiding the -EV ones. Back to spending time with friends/loved ones. Back to the mission I've been working on since day one.

Results wise things have turned around quite nicely. Have been booking winning sessions @ live cash fairly consistently and have been game selecting well online and booking a few wins there.


So yeah, not going to blow up this page with random ass stuff or whining. Just wanted to stop in for the record and say things have been going really well. Keep fighting the good fight homies!
The Final Frontier Quote
10-19-2018 , 02:34 AM
Good to hear things are going better results and (more importantly) mindset wise. From reading your posts you seem to do a very good job of prioritising balance in your life and keeping yourself accountable which is really good to see.

Keep the updates coming!
The Final Frontier Quote
10-19-2018 , 03:30 PM
Glad results are turning around a bit lately, keep it up. I enjoy the introspective posts, hope you continue with them. In terms of the being taken advantage of thing, that's always going to be a tough line to walk imo. I tend to be the same way as you in that I try to go out of my way to show people I care and help them when they need it. Sometimes that's emotionally and sometimes that's financially. Most importantly I think is to never to overextend yourself and lend someone more than you are comfortable with never seeing again. And then imo from my experience I just pay attention to how the person treats the situation. I'm lucky to be surrounded by a lot of good people and friends but I've still had some moments where it's been annoying because I've had to go out of my way to get paid back for something. When that happens I just note it for the future and don't do favors for that person anymore. No need to feel bad for not doing something for someone who will show no appreciation for it or who wouldn't do the same thing if the situation was reversed.
The Final Frontier Quote
10-19-2018 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by wj294
Good to hear things are going better results and (more importantly) mindset wise. From reading your posts you seem to do a very good job of prioritising balance in your life and keeping yourself accountable which is really good to see.

Keep the updates coming!
thanks dude. I'd say I'm very good at keeping myself accountable for sure. However, my ability to balance myself fluctuates massively month to month. I've been getting better though

Originally Posted by TheTyman9
Glad results are turning around a bit lately, keep it up. I enjoy the introspective posts, hope you continue with them. In terms of the being taken advantage of thing, that's always going to be a tough line to walk imo. I tend to be the same way as you in that I try to go out of my way to show people I care and help them when they need it. Sometimes that's emotionally and sometimes that's financially. Most importantly I think is to never to overextend yourself and lend someone more than you are comfortable with never seeing again. And then imo from my experience I just pay attention to how the person treats the situation. I'm lucky to be surrounded by a lot of good people and friends but I've still had some moments where it's been annoying because I've had to go out of my way to get paid back for something. When that happens I just note it for the future and don't do favors for that person anymore. No need to feel bad for not doing something for someone who will show no appreciation for it or who wouldn't do the same thing if the situation was reversed.
Thanks for the good advice m8. I like to think I've built up some nice credit with a few people over the years for being there for them when they needed it. I haven't really been in a position last few years where I needed any huge favours but time will tell who is there for me and who isn't in the future. As a rule of thumb though going forward I'm mostly going to be following the advice given to me by a few of the posters in here because it seems quite GTO
The Final Frontier Quote
10-28-2018 , 12:41 AM



Hope you guys have been well. I got back late last night from a semi-last minute Vegas stint. Aside from being sick for 2 of the 4 days I definitely had a blast. Saw 2 cirque du soleil shows, Grand Canyon hike, drank copious amounts, and just had a grand ole' time.

As good of a time as it was, I'm making the decision not to go back to Vegas on pure recreational terms if possible. Every time I go there by about day 4 the thrill is gone, the S.A.D (Standard American Diet) catches up with me, I'm tilted by the terrible service everywhere (and everybody wanting a tip for everything). To be honest, I have so much gambling in my face as it is, I don't need to go on vacation to a city that survives on it. So yeah, outside of going for the WSOP, I'll try not to go back for pleasure.

Believe it or not on the trip I barely gambled or played poker. One night I was fairly close to blackout drunk and decided to sit down for a session @ 1/2 (the only state in which this game is tolerable lol). Was actually doing pretty well from what I remember. Anyways, so there's 5 limpers to 2$ and action comes to me in SB with 99...I raise to 25...BB jams 55, BTN flat calls, I jam 250$ eff...BTN snap calls QTo...BB has 66....need we say who won the hand? I *tap table* and say "nice hand man" before briskly walking away from the table in my drunken stupor, and punting my last 14$ in a spin of the roulette wheel.

Anyways, great trip, don't have much more to say about it. Afterall, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas



I know it's been a while since I've posted something in here and I was trying to think of some stuff to write about while I was in Vegas. Flying/airports alone are very solitary by nature. It seems like everybody just has one mission: to get where the **** they're going. Nobody likes standing in lines, getting stripped down by security, 5$ water bottles, getting crammed into a plane like sardines, time zone shifts, rude people, or whatever other cringey thing you want to insert about airports here. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tough to be miserable at an airport.

(This was all a sidetrack btw, and a bit of a poor Segway).

Among all my traveling my dad was there to get up early @ 5 AM on Monday morning and drive me to the airport. He was also there to pick me up @ 10 PM Friday night, essentially punting off his Friday night.

So among being tilted with travel bs I was trying to think positive things. What I came up with, and the theme of this rant, is realizing/appreciating/thanking/giving back to the people that have always been there for me.

You know the people that have always been down since day one? It's so difficult to find people that when push comes to shove, are always there for you, and always want the best for you.

From my parents driving me to and from hockey up until I was 16, and being there to support me almost every game. Yeah, my dad was a huge prick about pushing me to do well and applying so much pressure on me every game and practice, it was all because he wanted the best for me. In the early stages my parents hated poker and gambling. They were huge pricks about this and essentially gave me the ultimatum of "move out or quit poker". It wasn't because they didn't want me to have success and chase my dream, it's because they saw me heading down a dangerous path and wanted to keep me safe. Anyways, shout out to them and I can't thank them enough for their help/support until now. Sure, they weren't perfect parents, but none are.

There's been a few friends that I owe a lot to as well. I remember my first 2 years of University always being broke af and having a tough time staying afloat financially. School/living was basically 90% up to me to pay for and that was a rough go sometimes. I remember my best friend always helping me with calculus, looking out for me, helping me move in/out, listening to problems, pulling strings with the professors to help me, and often buying me 50$ pre-paid vanilla master cards that I could upload to Stars on Sunday mornings and flick the Sunday storm/big 11, and some 2.50 180 man SNGs. I can't thank that fker enough because when everybody saw a school-flunking degenerate gambler he saw a deep-down intelligent guy with a lot of potential and work ethic. That was way back before I had any success in poker and was very close to failing out of Uni. I remember the first day of Uni and the professor was telling us about the school business competition between all of the graduating students. He leaned over to me and whispered "we're winning that **** together". 4 years later and his prophecy came true. So yeah, I owe that fker a lot, big shout out to him.

There's a lot of other close friends/family that I owe a lot to as well. Unfortunately, I don't have all night or the attention span of the readers to highlight them all. So thank you to y'all that know who you are!

Oh yeah, big shoutout/thank you to everybody who has followed this blog/given support/advice/encouragement etc. It means a lot to know people enjoy reading my random thoughts/journey of life. Long story short, take note of the people who are there for you/want the best for very good to those people...they're hard to come by.



Yeah, this has went pretty fkn mediocre all year. Aside from running bad, the rake getting higher, the games getting tougher, and other stuff outside of my control...a lot of the onus is on me and I need to take responsibility for that. I look back on my PGC from 4 years ago and it was basically all about poker. I guess I've lost a lot of that hunger that made me successful in the first place. I'm sort of in a weird transitory phase from poker and haven't given it my best effort. That's on me...nobody else. After doing a lot of thinking on my vacation, I'm going full bore for the rest of 2018. Maybe I won't win a major, or even a dollar...but I'm going to give it my best effort...that's a promise to myself.



In times I can be completely honest with myself my diet has just been so fkn terrible and I have massive issues with discipline in this regard. There's 2 months left in 2018 and I want to leave this year showing positive progression. I'm so sick of the same bs every January 1st, and going through the same patterns every year. So here's what I want to propose:

I'm going to take on 5-10 people who want to bet me their 50$ to my 100$ that I can't complete the prop bet before Christmas. The terms will be something like this:

1. I have to gym 3x/week. No mandatory requirements but just showing up there and doing a few exercises/cardio at the very least.
2. Follow Tim Ferriss Slow Carb Diet (more about that later).

I haven't been able to string together much consistency in the exercise/nutrition department and I'm resorting to this. Just know that if I could complete this for 2 months straight it would be MASSIVE for my morale/overall health. I'd love it if people want to come in to support the challenge, or even if because they think the bet is +EV for them. Regardless, I won't forget it.

It's time for bed, and almost time to get back to the tables again tomorrow. Looking forward to a big Sunday....much love my homies and thank you for reading!
The Final Frontier Quote
10-28-2018 , 02:00 AM
Happy to take that bet and also happy for the money to go to a charity of winners choice.
The Final Frontier Quote
10-28-2018 , 03:09 AM
since 5 years ago my parents offered me that same ultimatum i''ll also happily accept 50 bucks bet
The Final Frontier Quote
10-29-2018 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by wj294
Happy to take that bet and also happy for the money to go to a charity of winners choice.
cheers man. I'll confirm who's booked etc in the following post.

Originally Posted by nomalice
since 5 years ago my parents offered me that same ultimatum i''ll also happily accept 50 bucks bet
hey man thanks I will talk more about this in the next post as well.
The Final Frontier Quote
10-29-2018 , 01:23 AM
NEWSFLASH: Sunday was withered af and essentially a straight brick. Feels really bad man. Anyways, felt like I played really well and maybe made one bad mistake in the Marathon for a lot of chips. Aside from that felt good and things didn't go my way...which is out of my control. I'll be grinding hard in a lower variance schedule all week.

Now that we got that needless whine out of the way let's talk some real ****. Let's talk about gambling for a living.

When I was 7 years old I went camping with my family at a local campground. One night the park was hosting a "Charity Casino Night". If I recall correctly kids weren't allowed to play but they were allowed to watch (maybe I'm wrong). There was this one casino game where goldfish were put into swimming lanes and participants could place bets on which goldfish they thought would win the race. I can't recall if I bet or my parents bet for me or whatever but all I know is I was hooked at this moment. I was doing "lab work" on every goldfish and relaying my "winning picks" to my parents (lol). It was at this moment that I realized I really enjoyed gambling.

As soon as I returned home from that camping trip I started trying to mimic the fish races. I built a rectangular box with a few lanes, caught a few frogs, and set up shop in front of my house. I remember one of my neighbours a bit younger than me walking by with his mom and she asked if her son could play with me and the frogs. I told her "sure, but would you like to place a bet on the frog to win the race?" She kind of gave me a concerning look and clearly didn't want her son being involved with gambling as she walked him home by the wrist.

The next memory I have of gambling at a young age was in the gameboy colour pokemon game in Goldenrod City, which held a casino. I remember spending hours in the slot machines in there wagering fake Pokemon dollars.

Fastforward about 10 years and the above stories served as a foreshadowing to something that would pay for everything from my education, to vacations, to my living, and to a condo. It would also be something that brought me through heaven and hell and taught me more life lessons than almost any other job.

The last 6 or 7 years of my life have been primarily funded by gambling. I don't like to say that. The public perception of gambling is that it is a degenerative downward spiral and something that suckers do. All poker players will tell you that poker is a game of skill. Not nearly as many will tell you that it is gambling. Even fewer will be able to give you a realistic assessment of their ROI/EV in that format. In fact, a majority of poker players are net losers in the game...whether it be monetarily, through time lost, or opportunity cost of other ventures.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't question "what if I chose a different path?" to myself almost daily. I don't have regrets about my choices and I've learned so much about life/gambling/people/entrepreneurship through poker. Poker has taught me so many life skills/lessons. I want to share with you guys a few of the things I've learned about gambling:

1. The stigma attached to gambling is that it is a losing investment and it is performed by suckers with addictions. This is actually a stigma for a reason, because it is mostly true. However, the term "investment" is often looked upon as a very positive and dignified action. In my opinion, the line between gambling and investment is drawn by the EV/risk of the options at hand. A losing or high risk deposit is viewed as gambling, whereas a winning EV or lower risk option is viewed as investment. In my opinion, the two terms are mutually inclusive and many forms of gambling can be an investment, and many forms of investment can be gambling. Everything we do in life is a gamble to an extent...walking across the street there is a non-zero chance you get struck by lightning or hit by a car.

2. Gambling/Investment requires finding and exploiting edges. The casino has players playing Blackjack with a -2% edge (w/ perfect strategy), slots with -30% edge, and every other game with some form of losing edge for the player. The casino welcomes players to bet extravagant amounts because they know in the long run (over thousands/100s of thousands/millions) of bets, they will realize their EV/ROI almost exactly. If you flip a coin 10 times there's a good chance 80% will be heads or tails (when the EV is 5 heads/5 tails)...if you flip a coin a million times it will end up being very close to 500k heads/500 tails. The larger the sample size, the closer the edges of the probabilities comes true.

When the casino puts people up in rooms/gives them comps/ or whatever other's because they think they are gaining an edge by incentivizing the player to play further. Being a successful gambler requires finding plus EV edges and putting yourself in them as much as possible.

3. The most important traits of successful gamblers are often: intelligence, self-realization, and discipline. The best guys I've seen are often insanely sharp. They're amazing at calculating/identifying when they have an edge and will fire away to gain that edge. Often in gambling you operate on very thin edges (like 1-5%), if you get this wrong and estimate a 1% ROI, you could easily have a -1% ROI, and the investment all of a sudden becomes losing. It also often becomes difficult to withhold from firing losing bets. Every time a pro exits the poker room where he is +EV, he has to pass by a midway of casino games where he is -EV...that can become difficult to pass up day after day. Having good decision making skills is the epitome of being a good gambler...intelligence, discipline, and self-realization are definitely strong correlates of that.

4. One of the downsides about gambling for a living is that for every win, there is a loss. Every time you scoop a big pot, someone lost one. Every time you win a tournament, 90% of the field lost money. Variance does not have a soul and does not give a flying **** if you are in the biggest downswing of your life, rent is due and you're broke, or you just got dumped by your significant other and kicked to the curb. Gambling is a zero sum game.

5. A career in gambling is incredibly difficult to sustain. It's draining, stressful, and often very demoralizing. Edges that once existed often get swallowed up...because eventually people realize when they are losing edges. Eventually, for lack of a better analogy, the fish go broke. Many gamblers don't make enough money to stay afloat, don't have a bankroll to support swings, or just don't succeed for various reasons.

Anyways, I don't mean to be all negative Nancy about gambling, and I wouldn't call myself a professional gambler. Aside from poker and the odd DFS or sports bet I don't do a whole lot of gambling. Oh wait...I do walk across the street every day, choose what I eat, make life choices, choose who I talk to and how I act...maybe I do gamble a lot
As I've stated a lot of times before I think the edges in poker are getting swallowed up and that's the primary reason I'm seeking new ventures...but this old dog still has a few tricks up his sleeve...I can guarantee you that.



-I need to clock into the gym 3x per week. I have to spend a minimum of 30 minutes there and at the very least get in a modest work out. I'm not overly concerned about going super hard at the gym and more just getting my ass there.

-Follow the slow carb diet. I had some nice success with this before and found it very easy to follow. I just need to stick with it.

1. The most important thing of this is that I get 1 free day per week. All rules are out the window.
2. No white/starchy carbohydrates. No bread, sugars, pastas, cookies, chips, etc.
3. No fruit for the exception of moderate amounts of tomato/avocado.
4. Don't drink calories. Water/coffee/calorie free drinks only. One diet soda/glass of dry red-wine permitted per day.
5. No dairy, except for moderate amounts of cottage cheese. Drinking almond milk in moderation as a substitute for milk.
6. I will give myself one **** up throughout each week outside of my cheat day. For example if I'm really craving I can get a small cheat.

I think that's about it for now. I really just need some motivation to keep on the right path...I think having some money on the line and people sweating my progress will help. Worst case you will lose 50 bucks but you will know it changed my life for the positive, and you'll prob get some EV back from it anyways

YOUR BET: 50$ betting that I won't complete the above exercise/nutrition regiment. If I complete it you owe me 50$. If I lose, I will pay you 100$.

MY BET: If I complete the bet I will feel like a boss and probably pay it forward with the $ won. If I lose I will feel like **** and pay you all out 100$.

That's about all for of luck to us is officially LIVE! I will accept up to 10 bettors. Bet goes until December 29th, and excludes any holidays.

1. wj294
2. nomalice

Thanks my homies and best of luck this week let's get it!!!

Last edited by WALMARTcnxn; 10-29-2018 at 01:33 AM.
The Final Frontier Quote
10-29-2018 , 06:30 AM
I am happy to take that bet, gl mate.
The Final Frontier Quote
10-29-2018 , 12:21 PM
Great thread man. You always show a tremendous amount of wisdom for a young guy (26?)
Committing to a proper diet and regular exercise is not a hard thing to do, has sooooo many upsides, yet so many of us just don't pull the trigger on it (knowing full well that we should)
Things like this just boil down to how bad we want it.

In for the bet, expecting to lose.

The Final Frontier Quote
10-29-2018 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by RaiseToSurvive
I am happy to take that bet, gl mate.
cheers m8 will book u in!
Originally Posted by Chief09
Great thread man. You always show a tremendous amount of wisdom for a young guy (26?)
Committing to a proper diet and regular exercise is not a hard thing to do, has sooooo many upsides, yet so many of us just don't pull the trigger on it (knowing full well that we should)
Things like this just boil down to how bad we want it.

In for the bet, expecting to lose.

thanks! 26 yeah, i appreciate the kind words. you're absolutely correct and it's something I've struggled with for the last ~5 years or so. every logical fibre in my body knows it's the right decision...

humans claim they're logical thinkers yet coca-cola is the #1 selling beverage on the planet

will book u in!
The Final Frontier Quote
10-29-2018 , 12:40 PM

1. wj294
2. nomalice
3. raisetosurvive
4. chief09
5. chris
6. mike
7. manny

The Final Frontier Quote
10-30-2018 , 12:18 AM

hopefully this meal doesnt get too old for the next 2 months marinated the chicken for about 2 hours before cooking it (nice tip from a friend) that made it taste far better. generally plain chicken breast tastes like a bicycle seat but this was pretty good.

had a pretty good day, got some groceries/netflix and chilled/played ping pong/grinded for a profit to close out the day. lost hu in the 82 turbo prog but w/e the guy had a massive chip lead hu and won the all ins. tomorrow morning I got a nice gym session on the agenda/then a hangout with friend/poker sesh lezgooo

thanks to everyone who took the bet/showing support! glgl this week peaceeee
The Final Frontier Quote
10-30-2018 , 04:51 AM
Book me for that fiddy.
The Final Frontier Quote
10-30-2018 , 03:25 PM
I'm just a casual rec player so $50 is too steep for my blood. But GL to you
The Final Frontier Quote
10-31-2018 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by trent32la
Book me for that fiddy.
will do good sir.

Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
I'm just a casual rec player so $50 is too steep for my blood. But GL to you
haha that is all good d00d. participation is not mandatory!
The Final Frontier Quote
11-03-2018 , 05:43 PM
It's Do or Die

So many times in my poker career I've been faced with the feeling of "it's do or die". The first recollection of this was at this local home game at a bar near the house I grew up in. The tourney was Wednesday nights with a 20$ buy in. Comparatively to today, that 20$ would be the equivalent of like 20k today. I was 17 years old when I started going to that bar and I remember a few times I would have to scavenge a few bucks from my dad's change/coin collection (sorry dad) just to have enough for the entry fee. I would look forward to this game all week because this was the only poker that I could play, afterall, I was under 18 and didn't have any idea how I could get/fund an account online. Every Wednesday was "do or die".

Another instance I can think of this was when my dad dropped my off @ University for my second year there. My tuition wasn't paid yet and I had approximately 53$ to my name. Being the degenerate that I was, I uploaded the USD equivalent of 53 CAD, approximately 42$ USD. I took this to the 2.50$ 180 mans and probably 16 tabled and min cashed 1 or 2 of them or something. I need not explain why this was "do or die" or tell the story of how it ended lol..I'm sure you can figure that out.

Actually a proud story of "do or die" was when I made it to day 3 of the WCOOP 109 Phase Event 1 with 27 players left. Before day 3 began I went for a walk to my favourite meditation spot in the world and just sat there for about an hour and appreciated the view and nature before me. I remember sitting there vividly and thinking about the players that were still remaining, one of which was wizowizo who I grew up railing all the time when I was a 2$ ABI reg. I ran every scenario through my head of how much that win could improve my life and how I was going to activate "beast mode". Once again, it was "do or die". Luckily, I did it this time and lived

Anyways, poker has brought my from busto to robusto and back more times than I can even count. So many times I felt like it was "do or die" because I wanted to achieve my dreams in the game. Ironically, I was never going to die. Quite frankly, if I failed I was a 19-20 year old kid and I'm sure there would be someone who could help me...and if they didn't it might have been for the better anyways. Maybe I would have got a job flipping burgers like a normal Uni kid or who knows what would have happened if I didn't play poker the last 6 years.

Why am I saying all this "do or die" ****? I'll get to that later.

Out for my stroll the other night I was really trying to think why 2018 online poker has been going so damn mediocre for me/so many of my friends who have succeeded in the past. I always try to be honest with myself and think objectively about poker. Why is everyone winning menial amounts/breaking even/losing this year???

So I pondered for a bit and thought of a few scenarios and tried to weigh the likelihood of each:

Rake is Higher and Rakeback is decreased: This speaks for itself and definitely hurts the bottom line quite a bit. When you go from being Supernova and making ~5k/year from rakeback to getting chests and getting somewhere between 0$ and 10$ (legit my biggest chest was either 10 or 25$ not joking) and getting ~500 bucks a year from's a substantial difference. This obviously has adverse affects on the player pools/prize pools as well. So yeah, there's a 100% probability that increased rake/decreased rakeback has hurt my bottom line...but maybe by 5k, and I'm way more than 5k below than what I would have expected to make this year.

Running Bad: Yeah, there's no secret I've ran like aids the past year online (but good live) in more spots than I can even count. There's been a bunch of times where I've thought "this site has to be rigged". "How is this possible?" That being said, everyone thinks they run bad...from the old guy at the casino to high stakes end bosses. Due to the nature of MTTs being so top heavy it's so easy to "run bad" and it's actually far more likely than "running good". Most days in tournament poker are losing days because tournaments are so top heavy and you literally need to run like a god to win one. Anyways, I think the probability for run bad ruining my results this year is fairly high, like maybe 60 or 70% chance. Afterall, I probably ran in the top 1% the last few years so I'm due in a bad way

Getting Surpassed by Competition: There's no doubt that the population has gotten exponentially better in the past 1-2 years. There's far less dead money on the tables and the population seems to be far more efficient in so many ways. I remember back like 2 years ago or something having like a 50-60bb/100 win rate from the BTN because I would just open all trash from there and 3 bet relentlessly. It printed because people opened too wide, responded poorly in 3 bet pots, didn't 3 bet/4 bet enough, didn't defend the BB enough. In 2018 the population seems to have gotten soooo much better at playing from late positions (and that's where a lot of money is made). That's just one example of how the population has improved. There's so many staked players out there who are getting decent coaching. Each "fish" spot that gets replaced on a table by a "average/bad reg" a massive edge gets swallowed up. (Just think about how many scenarios you now won't be able to get away with exploitative stuff). I definitely think the competition improving significantly has taken a big edge off of my plate. However, I still don't think it's the sole reason.

The Fire is Dying: In past years I was so hungry for poker success...I lived and breathed poker. I sacrificed my health, my social life, my school work, and the opportunity cost of other options to make my poker dream come true. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nearly as motivated by poker as I used to be. I'd be lying if I told you I'd worked so hard on my game this year. The bottom line is that other stuff started to become a priority in my life and the "poker dream" is seemingly getting put to a slow death. In the past, poker seemed like "do or die", now it's just kind of like a "do for the sake of doing" type thing. There is still lots of money to be made in poker but the variance is sick and the industry is definitely past it's peak in my opinion.

SO there's a bunch of reasons why I haven't been succeeding in online poker in 2018 as much as I would have liked to. All in all, I think the reason is a combination of all of the above. I only have a matter of months (maybe like 1-2 years TOPS) left before I retire from poker and I can ensure you I am going to do everything in my power to go out on a good note. Maybe I won't make another cent in poker...but I can ensure you I'll be rich in Sklansky $ because I will work my ass off...I promise this to myself.


Anyways, poker aside, my prop bet has started well. I got in 3 really good work outs, ate super clean all week aside from my cheat day, and got in some good social time with people close to me.

To be honest, my cheat day got a bit out of hand but w/e I guess I sort of deserved it. Ate a bunch of pizza and drank a lion's share of booze. Still followed my diet/workout regiment but will do my best to tone it down on cheat days in the future...besides, hungover me hates the world and has a very difficult time being productive.

Tim Ferriss says that evidence shows the cheat day is actually very important in the diet because 1) it keeps you motivated 2) gets cravings out of your system 3) spikes your metabolism.

I'm now in the point of my life where I've realized my health and relationships are the most important thing to's "do or die" again...but for real this time.
The Final Frontier Quote
11-04-2018 , 05:05 PM
No one folds to 3 bets ever these days ha. Nice post sir
The Final Frontier Quote
11-06-2018 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
No one folds to 3 bets ever these days ha. Nice post sir
yeah and people dont fold much in general lol, for the exception of pre flop ranges they seem quite a bit tighter than a few years ago. for example QJo is not always an auto open UTG anymore lol.
The Final Frontier Quote
