I am happy to be back home after 6 days living in a motel. Overall felt like it was a good start to the new year. I did a good job with my all my process goals except for eating healthy. This is always a challenge while on the road. I have two ideas on how to improve on this. One is to find a room or apartment where I can just do all my own cooking. Two is to join the Lift Qualified Diet -
I have used this Lift app on my phone and it is very simply but powerful. Basically you set daily task you want to do and just check them off you list. I remember learning "what gets measured gets repeated" concept at some business seminar and have always felt it was valid. Using the Lift app is an easy way to put this into practice. Right now my list is; am meditation, 1hr of am deliberate poker study, paleo diet, original strength resets, enter the kettle bell workout.