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Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!! Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!!

07-14-2014 , 01:46 PM
Hey 2+2! I am a fellow 23 year old kid seeking a life journey! I graduated from college almost 2 years ago and have held 3 jobs thus far at a handful of banks(Goldman, Morgan Stanley, & HSBC). I've disliked all of my jobs and truly do love poker. Although, poker can be really taxing and frustrating at times, theres few options for me as I find it far too painful to sit in a cubicle for 10hours a day. Yadda yadda yadda; like you guys havent heard this before....This journey is happening at some point of my young life and now is the time. Come August 10th, I will be driving down to Fort Lauderdale for ~16 days to start my poker journey. I play 2/5 and will not hesitate to jump into a 5/10 given a steak-looking table... I've been playing part-time for a little now and really only started recording my results this year. As of February, I have logged 276 hours with most being 2/5 and hovering around $46/hr. There is definitely a huge 5/10 session and 5/5 PLO session in there so my 2/5 winrate may actually be around $40 after my recent downswing.

I was on quite a journey a few weeks ago when I sporadically flew out to Vegas for 6 days at the start of the WSOP with two fellow grinders who have been doing it professionally for ~3 years. Definitely cool guys and was fortunate enough to have them provide me a floor to sleep on.. I had the greatest time of my young life grinding most of my jetlagged days at the Wynn & Venetian. I ended up +$1400~ for the trip overall but had high costs for all goods that were needed for the weekend. Surprisingly found much support from my Azn parents when I unravelled my potential plans of quitting my job and staying in Vegas for another 7 weeks to have a journey of a lifetime. Maturely, I opted not to after speaking with RobFarha and decided to finish up my stint on the east coast for a variety of mature reasonings(resume padding, recommendations, etc).

I lift weights, I play ball, I talk ****, I poke smot. I have a combover, I have fresh kicks, I have hipster glasses, and I'm real as ****.

This may turn out to be more than just a trip report but I'd enjoy advice/feedback/help/meetups from any 2+2ers who will pinky-swear to not stab me for my rollz..
Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 03:14 PM
Do it up man. I'm subbed. Take pics, have fun, play good. IMO the worst grinding day of poker is better then the best day at work. I'm going FT in February leaving a good paying job. I'm rooting for you, keep us updated man!!!
Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 05:02 PM
How have you worked at 3 different investment banks in 2 years?

It seems on that career path you would completely blow out of the water any projected income from poker.

It also seems that if you are smart enough and worked that hard in college to work for these places that it would be silly to throw it all away to sit in a casino all night.

Most investment firms like these will not look kindly on a couple year gap of employment when you burn out and want to go back to work for them.

With that being said you seem like a cool guy and I'm sure you will be successful in whatever it is you do - Good Luck!
Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Juan Bajo
How have you worked at 3 different investment banks in 2 years?

It seems on that career path you would completely blow out of the water any projected income from poker.

It also seems that if you are smart enough and worked that hard in college to work for these places that it would be silly to throw it all away to sit in a casino all night.

Most investment firms like these will not look kindly on a couple year gap of employment when you burn out and want to go back to work for them.

With that being said you seem like a cool guy and I'm sure you will be successful in whatever it is you do - Good Luck!
They sure won't. They don't want someone who thinks for themselves. They don't want someone who is financially independent and wont die without the paycheck. And you don't want that life either. Notice this guy said "when" you burn out like its inevitable. And he thinks sitting in a casino all night is a waste of time. Not if you truly love the game. He doubts your resolve because he must have gone broke and given up on himself at some point. Live your life the way you want EFF the noise. Good Luck OP!
Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Chip Wynn
They sure won't. They don't want someone who thinks for themselves. They don't want someone who is financially independent and wont die without the paycheck. And you don't want that life either. Notice this guy said "when" you burn out like its inevitable. And he thinks sitting in a casino all night is a waste of time. Not if you truly love the game. He doubts your resolve because he must have gone broke and given up on himself at some point. Live your life the way you want EFF the noise. Good Luck OP!
I <3 you're post, especially taking aim at all the poker cynicism that this POKER forum breeds
Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!! Quote
07-15-2014 , 09:59 AM
I quit my first job 3.5 months in for a poker stint that ended faster than I could even imagine; Basically lost my whole roll playing way above my 21-year old head in 10/25NL.. Thought it was fun lol I went on a huge downswing playing badly and running badly. Spent the next few years getting my ish back together and living a normal life; Was coaching basketball at one point along with a 60-hour work week. This year, I've spent alot of my weekend time grinding part-time in the NE. Have had a solid amount of success but most definitely could be alot better as I still have plenty of leaks to pad together. All in all, I'm in for an adventure as I also have plans brewing up in the entreprenurial side of my brain. Thanks guys!
Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!! Quote
07-15-2014 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Chip Wynn
They sure won't. They don't want someone who thinks for themselves. They don't want someone who is financially independent and wont die without the paycheck. And you don't want that life either. Notice this guy said "when" you burn out like its inevitable. And he thinks sitting in a casino all night is a waste of time. Not if you truly love the game. He doubts your resolve because he must have gone broke and given up on himself at some point. Live your life the way you want EFF the noise. Good Luck OP!
How old are you? Like 19? I sure hope so for your sake because your comment is full of ignorance.

First off, who is "They" you keep referring too? This must be the invisible group of people that want nothing more then to enslave you and the human race to paychecks according to you... Anyone that works for one of the investment banks the OP mentioned will be banking over $250K a year by their 3rd or 4th year working in the firm. Hardly sounds like enslavement to me pal... It does sound like financial freedom though, that "They" supposedly don't want you to have... You know what else companies like this encourage and seek? Someone who thinks for themselves and is smart. These are the people that make the real dough.

Anyway - I did tell the OP at the end that he would likely be successful in any endeavor he chooses so I wasn't blasting him but curious about his current career he mentioned.

Once again - Good Luck OP... "They" are coming to take your thoughts and financial freedom from you according to Chip Wynn so run quickly to Florida and never come back!!!!
Driving to South Florida to start my poker journey!! Quote
