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Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change. Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change.

10-21-2013 , 06:06 AM
Warning! Long post.

Im Madchipmonk7 and i play Turbo HUSNGS on Stars. Ever since i started to play poker, i've always dreamed of one day playing professionally. I've played for 3-4 years now and i've gotten absolutely no where. After the first 2 years, seeing a lot of coaching vids and talking 2 my good friend and just learning the game, i picked up some sort of arrogance and just lost my focus along the way. After watching shows like HSP & PAD seeing guy's like durrrr, Ivey and PA etc. Make huge bluffs, floats, hero calls etc. I started adding things like that to my own game, which is a huge mistake grinding micros. All though i'm glad i did because, i was (and still am) comfortable of making huge bluffs and call downs, which will be useful to have in my arsenal later on in my poker career, but now i just pulled them out of my abc starting strategy. I always wanted (and still wants) to be rich as fast as possible, and i though (dumb as i was) that plays like that and trusting my instincts was what was going to make me rich the fastest. I remember clearly 3 brl bluff jamming on the river and when villain would call me with a hand like 2nd pair no kicker, just yelling and screaming how bad he was, never realizing that i should have known he was just a calling station. Poker is all about adjustments and adapting.

Due a very difficult period of my life started a few months back, and due some personal problems, which i'm not gonna go into detail with, i had this long talk with my best friend, who also play poker. We ended up talking about my poker game and he gave me a mind-blowing eye opener. I instantly started to adjust to villains and focusing more on the game even though it was only 3,5$. And i started seeing results right away. And i slowly started to find my leaks, and a few weeks ago it just hit me, my biggest leak: Not focusing hard enough in game.
Because of my big dream and because of me finally discovering this leak, i'm going all in on this. So Today (literally) i'm making a lifestyle change. I've entered this 10 week program, which i've created myself after some deep though. It's basically a program i thought of to see how good shape, and how big results i will be able to make in 10 weeks working out. Cutting drastically down on all the things i really love (Cheese, chips, soda, beer, junk food etc.) And really just get very healthy. I'm going to stop drinking as much, but when i do it's going to be as healthy as it can, still no bear and soda. I'm gonna quit smoking cigarets, but i will cut down slowly, i think it will work the best for me. I'm a little choppy so i've started to work out, which i will do 4 times a weak, training cardio and muscle building (i want to see how hot i can get in 10 weeks basically ). All of this, to become a more focused and balanced person, with the goal of making money off poker.
Poker wise, im going to rededicate my self to the game. Im going to study very hard, and be the best that i can get, which is why i will combine it with working out and living healthy. I think it's easier to change one thing, if u do it along with something else.

So finally my goals for the first of the 10 weeks.

My first week will be only training, i'm broke and i don't have a possibility to deposit before November. But iv'e written some goals anyway, so you guys can see how it will look like next time.

Monthly goal:

Play at least 500 hands a day. (one tabling)
Study the game at least 1 hour a day (coaching vids, forum surfing w/e)
Post at least 5 hands on 2+2 a week.
Update this thread weekly.

Work out 4 times a week.
Gain at least 1 level in weight.
Get more knowledge on protein powder.
Be patient, results will come.

Cut down to 5 cigarets a day.
Clean room 2 times a week.
Shop some bad ass clothing and some hardware to grinding sessions.

Otherwise this thread i just going to include graphs, hands and my on going goals. I will post some thoughts on the training vids i've seen or threads i've read or what ever. I will write some posts on how working out has helped me mentally (focusing, tilt control, longer sessions etc.) and just try to update every time i feel like i have something i want to share.

If you guys are interested i could post some before and after pictures later on, of my body. I can post some pictures of what i'm eating if you guys is interested in any of that.

Finally i hope u guys enjoyed this first post and i hope that you will follow. I'm making this thread to stay motivated and hopefully if i get the results i want, and if i can manage to stay away from beer and soda, to show the world that it's possible. I will try to make this a lifestyle/poker blog and i hope you guys will follow my upcoming adventure, and obviously i'm gonna try to make it as interesting reeding as i can.

Feel free to ask my anything, if u want to know about my training program, diet or just simply poker related stuff. If u need advice on anything (both training or poker), please also feel free to write me a PM, and i will get back to you as soon as possible. I'm at 2+2 at least once a week, and i guarantee replies.

Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change. Quote
10-21-2013 , 06:08 AM
Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change. Quote
10-21-2013 , 08:25 AM
first paragraph is exactly like me

Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change. Quote
10-21-2013 , 08:42 AM
Will be interesting! GL
Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change. Quote
10-21-2013 , 09:59 AM
you 1 table?
Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change. Quote
10-21-2013 , 03:45 PM
thx guyes!
mrspew: Yes, i 1 table because i'm still learning. I know it's going to take a lot more time and it will be harder to grind harder, but as long as i have my focus issues, i'm going to 1 table to maximize my edge and EV.
Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change. Quote
10-29-2013 , 06:48 PM
Here is my first update. Training and healthy-wise it's going great. I workout a decent amount of my time in the week. I have lost about 3-4 Kg in 2 weeks and have managed to stay away from soda and junk. 1 night i ordered pizza with my buddy, thats pretty much the only misstep i've taken. Im setting myself up to quit smoking in the next week or two, and i'm starting to see small results on my body.
Pokerwise, i deposited and did marginal. I've played about 3k hands in 3 days so i'm happy with that, i have some sleeping issues that i have to turn around before i really get into it, i think it's hard to get into playing 6-8 hours a day. But my focus is at the right place, and i feel like working out is a huge assed to that. In november the Micro millions start once again, and i'm for sure gonna play some of the events there. All the heads up events obviously, the main event and maybe some other NL events.
That's my update for now, next week i will have some hands and maybe a graph, and a longer thread etc. Thanks for reading.
Dreaming of pro poker player - lifestyle change. Quote
