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Don't Wait For Jan 1 Don't Wait For Jan 1

12-16-2019 , 11:13 PM
Hey everyone,

I am a cash game player who plays most of my volume on stars regular tables - mixing in some other sites and this is a journal for others to enjoy my ride with me.

Like this title says, I actually started this path to becoming a cash player around two months ago - prior to this I had spent a lot of time studying MTT but like most players who switch to cash, the schedule really suits me better, and I think I'm just better at 100bb 6max

My current main game is 50nl - I should be full timing 100nl ironically by Jan 1

I'm currently backed for some of my action which includes a small amount of coaching, and one of my main goals is to become some sort of a coach for this group ( for newer 25nl/50nl players) some time next year because I believe sharing knowledge is an awesome part of being human. I hope through this thread I create a journey worth following and can inspire some others out there doing their thing.

I have one my first coaching sessions in a couple of days (me being coached)

I don't have volume goals, I don't have financial goals .I also work ~full time~

I play between 35k and 50k hands per month and I am beating 50nl for ~10bb/100 right now

I would consider myself lazy when it comes to study - I share some hands here and there, do a light amount of solver work and close videos when they are halfway complete and start playing instead this thread probably won't change my habits too much honestly, but I'll do my best to make the changes myself.

This thread will include but not limited to, hand histories, graphs, general life chit chat and most likely the occasional joke.
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-03-2020 , 11:14 PM
How sick is this thread though?

Anyway I plan to be way more active because recently I've loved reading other peoples PGC. some of my favourites (in no partic order)

Any of the BITB guys (YMB & D7)
that guy who lives in Thailand

couple others I can't think of right now.

So since my last post things changed a bit, there was an opportunity around Christmas time to play on an app in some soft games - so I played there on my own and it went pretty good,I must say it was quite greedy in a way to leave my deal / coaching (coaching was avg tho) but it worked out fine.. I was beating 50nl on stars as you can see so I jumped into the 100 pool there and pretty quickly afterwards the 200 pool, the first week or so I didn't track (had to do this everyday manually) and no this isn't my entire roll, I just never felt comfortable leaving money on there.
I stopped playing there about a week ago, I gave it the two months I planned on but i'm really over the **** as **** software and not being able to track etc, and i've been ****ing lazy during this time with study, watched a few RIO vids, probably ran 1 or 2 sims.
in the last 2 weeks there the games did seem to dry up a bit, there was a spot on my last day where I 3b BTN vs CO with QKs and barreled off on TJ5J4 - the guy 38% vpip guy snaps river with 66 and says "classic (my screen name) bluff" so that's when I realized I was out of that **** hole.

the last few days I've been pondering a CFP , given how fast time goes , 1 year isn't actually that long. and I believe the BitB program is the best for this, they all seem like crushers and nice people to work with at the same time. perhaps in a couple months I will go there.

for now I am back on stars playing 50nl and will mix in some 100nl - given I haven't been playing the strongest opponents recently I don't mind this.

here's a conversation with my 3 year old girl..

Me "do you know any jokes?"
Her "yeah"
Me " haha ok go on"
Her "what wobbles in the sky"
Me , just start dying of laughter that she's legit about to punchline me when I didn't even think she'd know what a joke is "what?"
Her " A Jellycopter"
Me - Dead.

50nl oct-dec

app - tracked manually, (starting balance, ending balance, hands, profit/loss - yellow is rakeback)

Party poker - ignore the 200nl HU, that's short deck when I was in degen mode and I luckboxed some guy HU for a big boi pot. the 200nl non HU was skill obv..
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-03-2020 , 11:33 PM
Nice. We study the same. Let's start a study group where we watch vids and fall asleep halfway through. Subbed.
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-04-2020 , 01:46 AM
GL, looking forward to your progress subbed!
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-04-2020 , 03:28 AM
Whats wrong with party's rake lol
will be following
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-09-2020 , 02:31 AM
Hey Brigov, I'm not sure actually - I think maybe it calculates all rake and not just the rake hero attributed, but even then it seems way off?

So have been back on stars for 6 days, played around 3 days worth of volume since I went away and was busy - running pretty hot (pretty sure i've won AK vs QQ/KK 4 or 5 times which is why there's a huge diff in $ and EV I think) but also playing pretty well, except for this hand lol - thought I could fold out Jx

I also use this hack where when i'm about to call all in with AK i just type "I <3 VARIANCE" and push enter after i call, it's worked 3/3 times so far. but think stars may patch this bug on next update.

anyway just to make sure I contacted Matt Berkey to get his thoughts on the hand, over to you Matt...

"yeah, so this is a cusp hand , I can flat here but since we have two nines and i'm wearing my under armour cap backwards while inside so I think it's safe to pivot momentum and volcanic disturbance paradigmisnsifnshf and raise this time...
ok so the flop is interesting, my opponent can have a toyota corolla so we decide to bumbaklaart a small bet to make sure nothing that beats us folds since we block 4s 5s and Js, interesting call from our opponent.
ok on this turn our hand blocks everything so it's a clear x/c when equity driven properties big words.
now on the river i have an easier decision than the judges had in Fury vs Wilder 1 and decide to smash through to ensure i get called by absolutely everything in villians range and lose the most money possible, this is one of those vortex nash probe chaos theory ***** fukface plays that should work basically never, back to you in the studio"

Wow thanks Matt, you really opened my eyes on this one. I sure won't do that again unless i'm also wearing an underarmour cap.

looking for another site to play a couple of tables on at night time when I can run 6 tables (usually just playing 4) I heard unibet and ipoker were ok? I could use as have always had an issue using multiple softwares (unless playing MTT sessions) but don't want all my rake gone.

Total results so far (with break between Dec-Mar)

also can someone teach me how to embed gyazo images?

Last edited by 1708; 03-09-2020 at 02:33 AM. Reason: gyazo links
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-09-2020 , 04:01 AM
this will never get the love it deserves but that was pure GOLD lmao
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-09-2020 , 05:34 AM
You have to right click on the image in gyazo and click "view image"(my mozilla is in another language, so not really sure how it is in english, but it is on top of the list), copy that link and when you write your post here use "Insert Image" and paste that link.
About another site I can't really help because I am only on Stars right now, thinking about gg, but rake there seems to be unearable, so not really sure
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-15-2020 , 06:57 PM
Well, it's become very clear this week that my laziness and lack of study during the two months i spent playing softer games have effected my game, I definitely made some pathetic plays and wasn't in a great mood every time I played which didn't help, I ran way above EV still although had that feeling all week that I was running ****.

but to go against everything I just wrote I still feel pretty decent about how I play, one thing I will try to do is table select better, lately I've just been sitting any table and it probably effects win rate slightly. also noticed when I play **** / bad mood, my biggest leak is calling 3bets OOP, so will reign that in.

This Week i'll be playing mostly 100nl - can't preach enough how important it is to have healthy BRM - definitely helps during these times!

I also work in tourism - so with recent events I think i'll be playing a bit more than usual , hoping to get some decent volume in the next couple weeks - may even stay at home some days - how is everyone else finding these times regarding poker? are you noticing more recs ? I feel like today i've seen a few more but can't tell if that's a usual sunday on stars..

Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-22-2020 , 05:46 PM
Woah Woah Woah, So hard to keep up with all the posts and questions that are flooding in here..
Not a bad week, played a lot less than usual due to everything that's going on..
the tourism industry is being hit ***** hard, huge amounts of people losing there jobs where I am - I think my job is safe for ~3 Months. the spike in poker players is great however I have no intention or desire to grind full time. but it's very helpful right now as I may have to reduce hours and work 3 day weeks for a while.

was up a decent amount until the last session I played last night - in the last few hands we lost JJ v AK AIP,
check jammed ATss vs AKo SB vs CO in 3bet pot on 3hJKss - no beuno,
happy with my redline and overall play this week - think i've adjusted to the field more than the week prior , most of my losses this week have come from me trying to do some heroic bluffs in "underbluffed" spots - but they don't work a lot of the time

Sending all my love out there to those effect by the C bomb lately.

Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-30-2020 , 02:45 AM
Hey truth seekers,

I've been wondering why my thread doesn't have much engagement, I know how there's heaps of PGC that you click one once and it looks **** sht so you just give up and don't bother, what do you guys think make for a good PGC? In "real life" I never have problem talking to most people or starting conversations etc so it feels weird that i'm just posting updates here to no one, do I need to start borrowing money off friends and living at my mums while grinding apps on my phone ( shout out to my G 6betme) or do I need to kick a dog and then move to thailand and live off rice? (shout out my G pokernoob)

life has been crazy with all this corona virus carry on - we are in lockdown now. i'm lucky enough to be able to work from home (reduced hours, and can be high pressure with kids and wife also working from home) but pretty determined to use spare time to study and play from here on.

to spice things up, I'm going to give someone $10 who can guess the number of hands I play this week (closest guess obv) I took a PC home from work last tuesday and have just realised I wasn't saving hands to file (so no graph this week - around 6k hands b/e this I'd guess) bringing my March total to around 28-30k hands. but I just installed hand2note so Database is fresh from now , I'll also do another $10 for someone who can guess how many I play during April. just post guesses below,

I'll only be playing regular tables (up to 6, usually 3-4)
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
03-30-2020 , 04:35 AM
I would guess more people than you think read but don't comment, but as you say, plenty of gems can be found in PGC, which often leads one down the rabbit hole of reading from the beginning which can sometimes take a while...

I guess offering some money can never hurt engagement, but you already go that, other than that I would say be consistent and share some hands or something to get discussion going, otherwise it is kinda just a results log, which is fine if that is what you want, but it seems it isn't
Don't Wait For Jan 1 Quote
