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derek58 - nl10 to nl100 derek58 - nl10 to nl100

06-27-2015 , 08:41 AM
Here I think I did many mistakes. On the flop I though that he is betting the biggest part of his range so I x/c. The bad part is that there many turn cards that I can't continue to a second barrel. Maybe I have to bet the flop and continue barrel any scary card but I'm not sure. As played, on the turn I might be consider folding I think. After equilab analysis the range that call pre and double barrel here is strong, and again most cards on the river are bad for me. On the river after his bet I'm 100% lost. Still broken fold button

PokerStars - $0.16 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (UTG): 112.31 BB
MP: 101.5 BB
CO: 176.5 BB
BTN: 112.94 BB
SB: 100 BB
BB: 100 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 8 8

Hero raises to 3.13 BB, MP calls 3.13 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold

Flop: (7.75 BB, 2 players) 9 4 5
Hero checks, MP bets 5 BB, Hero calls 5 BB

Turn: (17.75 BB, 2 players) 7
Hero checks, MP bets 10 BB, Hero calls 10 BB

River: (37.75 BB, 2 players) 8
Hero checks, MP bets 24 BB, Hero calls 24 BB
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-27-2015 , 08:43 AM
Maybe I have 5bet bluff range and I don't know it lol.
Lost twice vs A3s

PokerStars - $0.16 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BTN): 100 BB
SB: 66.88 BB (VPIP: 16.26, PFR: 10.57, 3Bet Preflop: 4.65, Hands: 127)
BB: 313.19 BB (VPIP: 22.69, PFR: 18.98, 3Bet Preflop: 6.17, Hands: 220)
UTG: 101 BB (VPIP: 22.86, PFR: 17.14, 3Bet Preflop: 5.26, Hands: 36)
MP: 71.5 BB (VPIP: 25.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 4)
CO: 142.94 BB (VPIP: 29.37, PFR: 23.79, 3Bet Preflop: 7.47, Hands: 825)

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K K

fold, fold, CO raises to 2.5 BB, Hero raises to 9 BB, fold, fold, CO raises to 20.25 BB, Hero raises to 41 BB, CO raises to 142.94 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 59 BB and is all-in

Flop: (201.5 BB, 2 players) K 7 2

Turn: (201.5 BB, 2 players) 4

River: (201.5 BB, 2 players) 5
Players agreed to run it twice.

Flop #2: (201.5 BB, 2 players) J T 5

Turn #2: (201.5 BB, 2 players) A

River #2: (201.5 BB, 2 players) 9
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-27-2015 , 05:04 PM
Haven't read everything, but have you been breaking even / losing for the past 6 months?
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-27-2015 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by ILikeCarrots
Haven't read everything, but have you been breaking even / losing for the past 6 months?
Yes. I started before 5 months this thread with 1300$ Bankroll, I did a withdrawal 200$, now I have around 1000$ so I'm losing 100$. This is bad I know..
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-27-2015 , 06:50 PM
27/6/15 Update


I played cash only for kamikaze challenge today because I was not in a good playing mood and lost 6,28$.
Also I played the VIP tournaments but I didn't cash.


After tournaments, I played my fpps to 6max storm sats with 235fpp.


Current basic stake: nl16 6max reg tables
Current skill that I'm training: Discipline
Exercise in the morning for 30 days in a row #2:4/30 exercises
Fun challenge: Don't read Greek poker forums for 7 days in a row: Completed
Kamikaze Fun Challenge: 21.55$ rules
Read the book "Modern Small Stakes": 350/500 70%
Read the book "The Mental Game Of Poker": 148/198 75%
Bankroll: 1045,97$
Bankroll Management / Playing Rules v1.1 / Blog / Twitch Channel
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-27-2015 , 06:52 PM
This is just not happed guys. I still can't stop laughing
A guy called "scared83off" took a call from 83o at a storm fpp sat.

derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-27-2015 , 07:00 PM
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-28-2015 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by Krisssss
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-28-2015 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by derek58
Yes. I started before 5 months this thread with 1300$ Bankroll, I did a withdrawal 200$, now I have around 1000$ so I'm losing 100$. This is bad I know..
Man, you really have to change some fundamentals of your game if you want to be a winning player. I mean, NL16 is soft.

'Current skill that I'm training: Discipline' - how exactly you train it? Just by writing the word there? If you had trained some sort of skill for last 6 months, you wouldn't be losing player.

Sorry if I'm a bit harsh, but you're going into dead end with this. If you're having fun, than it's ok I guess, but don't expect moving up.
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-28-2015 , 10:26 AM
I agree with you mate. I have to change many things for sure. nl16 is really soft.

I'm trying to train discipline it by making plans and follow them but am not very good in this.

Don't be sorry, I like to hear many opinions even if are harsh. Thank you for your comments, were really helpful.
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-30-2015 , 05:21 PM
28/6/15 Update


No much to say. Just one more tilting and spewing day. Gave away 4BIs at 1k last hands


Current basic stake: nl16 6max reg tables
Current skill that I'm training: Discipline
Exercise in the morning for 30 days in a row #2:5/30 exercises
Kamikaze Fun Challenge: 21.55$ rules
Read the book "Modern Small Stakes": 350/500 70%
Read the book "The Mental Game Of Poker": 148/198 75%
Bankroll: 979,7$
Bankroll Management / Playing Rules v1.1 / Blog / Twitch Channel
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-30-2015 , 05:21 PM
29/6/15 Update


Bigger volume, lower stakes, less anxious


Crushed the 6max fpp storm sats again and won 3 of 6


Current basic stake: nl16 6max reg tables
Current skill that I'm training: Discipline
Exercise in the morning for 30 days in a row #2:Failed exercises
Kamikaze Fun Challenge: 21.55$ rules
Read the book "Modern Small Stakes": 350/500 70%
Read the book "The Mental Game Of Poker": 148/198 75%
Bankroll: 1035.07$
Bankroll Management / Playing Rules v1.1 / Blog / Twitch Channel
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
06-30-2015 , 05:23 PM
30/6/15 Update


Burned out.

Big volume, lower stakes, less anxious again.
Talked with some poker friends better that me and took some advices.
I did also one sweat session with a friend that helped a lot.
I’m on my way to crush on July. I hope!


Current basic stake: nl16 6max reg tables
Current skill that I'm training: Discipline
Exercise in the morning for 30 days in a row #2:Failed exercises
Kamikaze Fun Challenge: 21.55$ rules
Read the book "Modern Small Stakes": 350/500 70%
Read the book "The Mental Game Of Poker": 148/198 75%
Bankroll: 1088,45$
Bankroll Management / Playing Rules v1.1 / Blog / Twitch Channel
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-10-2015 , 06:51 AM
Hi there my lovely thread. So much uncertainty last days in Greece about economics and eurozone.

Not so much mood to update the thread with results. Much anxious and real life problems. Despite all these I continue to chase my goal. I've played a huge number of hands so far this month, mostly grinding than bumhunting.

I'll be back soon with results and bankroll update. As I wrote before, this thread will close only when I achive my goal.
Giving up is not at my wordlist.

derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-16-2015 , 09:58 AM
1-15/7/15 Update


Back with an update with results after 15 days.
Insane number of hands for 15 days (For my standards last months)
I did some strange things like 8 tabling zoom 9max


Good run at 235fpp storm sats so far, I won 8 of 20.
Also I won 45$ for finishing 59th at the VIP 30k saturday tournament


Current basic stake: nl16 6max reg tables
Current skill that I'm training: Work off the tables
Exercise in the morning for 30 days in a row #2:Failed exercises
Kamikaze Fun Challenge: 25,06$ rules
Read the book "Modern Small Stakes": 350/500 70%
Read the book "The Mental Game Of Poker": 148/198 75%
Bankroll: 1246,55$
Bankroll Management / Playing Rules v1.1 / Blog / Twitch Channel
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-16-2015 , 10:38 AM
One hell of a grind mate! Imagine you're doing well VPPwise?
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-16-2015 , 09:01 PM
Just wondering,why are you reading "modern small stakes" at all?That book is beyond horrible
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-17-2015 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by GrimIsCool
One hell of a grind mate! Imagine you're doing well VPPwise?
I collected around 2500vpps the first 15 days. With the volume I gave the first week platinum star was achivable lol. I think I will be a bumhunter the rest of the month. I have to move uuuup

Originally Posted by goktrenks
Just wondering,why are you reading "modern small stakes" at all?That book is beyond horrible
Really? That's why I can't move up! haha. I think it helped me in many ways. Do you want to suggest me a book that you think is good for me?
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-17-2015 , 07:16 PM
The art of poker by Galvin Bay - (bmlm) part one and 2 is quite good IMO. pretty clearly defined 3betting/defending strategies and a lot more.
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-18-2015 , 02:17 AM
Thanks mate, I will check it
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-21-2015 , 12:21 PM
IMO I think reading "Applications of NLHE" by Janda would be good for you atm,I can think of many strategy books e.g. "Small stakes" by Ed miller,"Easy game" by Balugawhale but I don't think they would help much for players >5z

BTW,I don't think "modern small stakes" is a completely unuseful book,but definitely not suitable for anyone playing >2zoom
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-26-2015 , 09:31 AM
Thanks for your suggestions goktrenks
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-29-2015 , 08:53 AM
Good luck moving up, Derek
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
07-29-2015 , 05:29 PM
Thank you mate!
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
08-11-2015 , 04:49 PM
"They can't concentrate, they don't have stamina, and they aren't creative. They are all fish." -Bobby Fisher-

I'll be back soon with results update
derek58 - nl10 to nl100 Quote
