D7's 2018 PGC: back at it
, 12:19 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 1,466
Emotional read that brother.
Hope 2019 you can avoid any further episodes as I know first hand mental health issues are crippling and debilitating at times.
Thanks for your bravery writing that and all the best moving forward.
Hope 2019 you can avoid any further episodes as I know first hand mental health issues are crippling and debilitating at times.
Thanks for your bravery writing that and all the best moving forward.
, 12:23 PM
Best of luck and huge respect for writing what must have been a very difficult post.
, 12:32 PM
way too much love in here so i'm gonna berate you for being an overly stationy poker player, octopus-dancing beers lord and no-left-foot footballer.
, 02:26 PM
In b4 conference bla bla bla bla
, 10:18 PM
I feel a left-footed penalty bet brewing.
, 08:07 AM
He got a point though. Once too many british people poasting in a row a thread often gets too polite and friendly, esp when alot of those brits gay as well
, 11:45 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 624
Thank you for sharing that D7 and glgl going forward.
, 09:14 AM
just wauw.
Hope 2k19 is gonna be your best year ever.
gl !
Hope 2k19 is gonna be your best year ever.
gl !
, 09:00 PM
lots of love dude, Iam a firm believer in that whatever happens needed to happen in order for you to learn a lesson, to keep keeping on like you say, what ever the lesson is. MEditation is great exercise for us to learn how to control our thoughts.
I think most of us who have suffered a "mental episode" can relate on having to learn how live with it. Recognizing the triggers and what can be done to overcome an episode. its obv easy to say that when you start to have this thoughts to not pay attention to them or w/e. it is doable, but sure enough an everyday grind.
have a solid an healthy year dude!! if you ever wanna make a trip to CR you have a place to stay and relax.
“Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
I think most of us who have suffered a "mental episode" can relate on having to learn how live with it. Recognizing the triggers and what can be done to overcome an episode. its obv easy to say that when you start to have this thoughts to not pay attention to them or w/e. it is doable, but sure enough an everyday grind.
have a solid an healthy year dude!! if you ever wanna make a trip to CR you have a place to stay and relax.
“Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Kudos for the post. I'm no mental health expert, but I'll share something with you anyway.
Being Ex-Military, and being a dinosaur compared to you guys, I've been a heavy drinker all my life, without ever really feeling in any way addicted (and I'm self-aware enough to know that's just not a case of denial).
Recently (very recently) I've discovered that life is better in every way without alcohol in it...nothing spiritual here...I'm a cynical atheist.
Life is just healthier (obviously) more productive (no more red wine/whiskey hangovers keeping me out the gym at 6 am), more convenient (no more taxis) and - biggest revelation of all - just as enjoyable and sociable.
Consider punting the booze in total fella...take it on as a challenge and it could be a win/win.
Being Ex-Military, and being a dinosaur compared to you guys, I've been a heavy drinker all my life, without ever really feeling in any way addicted (and I'm self-aware enough to know that's just not a case of denial).
Recently (very recently) I've discovered that life is better in every way without alcohol in it...nothing spiritual here...I'm a cynical atheist.
Life is just healthier (obviously) more productive (no more red wine/whiskey hangovers keeping me out the gym at 6 am), more convenient (no more taxis) and - biggest revelation of all - just as enjoyable and sociable.
Consider punting the booze in total fella...take it on as a challenge and it could be a win/win.
Big Love D7.
Do you currently have someone you see weekly like a counsellor/therapist? I have had two experiences I didn't get much out of but have had two that really helped. I would super recommend If its not something you are currently doing.
Hope to see you soon lad
Do you currently have someone you see weekly like a counsellor/therapist? I have had two experiences I didn't get much out of but have had two that really helped. I would super recommend If its not something you are currently doing.
Hope to see you soon lad
Wow, sick story, man. I hope things get better.
Btw, lots of people from the poker world are showing up with that kind of stuff, do you think there is a correlation? Like finland22 from the p&g thread and horveech (which suicided) both used drugs too.
After I read about diazepam, I think I got into one kind of episode like that, but way smaller, so small I haven't considered I was in a psychotic attack: I smoked weed and ate sushi, then couldn't sleep and was paranoid that I had a mushroom stuck in my throat, went to the doctor and he gave me diazepam. I thought the doctor was tricking me into believe I was just imagining things and didn't have the mushroom stuck into my throat. After that everything became normal and never had something similar happening to me again.
Btw, lots of people from the poker world are showing up with that kind of stuff, do you think there is a correlation? Like finland22 from the p&g thread and horveech (which suicided) both used drugs too.
After I read about diazepam, I think I got into one kind of episode like that, but way smaller, so small I haven't considered I was in a psychotic attack: I smoked weed and ate sushi, then couldn't sleep and was paranoid that I had a mushroom stuck in my throat, went to the doctor and he gave me diazepam. I thought the doctor was tricking me into believe I was just imagining things and didn't have the mushroom stuck into my throat. After that everything became normal and never had something similar happening to me again.
Yeah I've learned that diazepam is prescribed in a bunch of situations - my mum was saying doctors even give it to people grieving who need to just get through a few days/funeral or whatever. The lorazepam (quicker/stronger acting but shorter duration) was actually pretty intense, hits you like a toooooooooon of bricks and it's just GG next couple hours, they glide by. Diazepam way less intense, I was actually being given it twice a day, morning and night, so for a few days they were actually waking me up to give me diazepam, pretty stupid state of affairs lol. They gave me 6 to take away and take as required, needed one the first day I was home but no more since then. It's absolutely incredible how quickly they take a hold of you - you build decent tolerance in 2/3 days and coming off them is kinda grim.
Re: poker and mental health problems - I'm kinda skeptical on the whole leatherass, poker leading to mental health problems thing. There's obv a bunch of guys who have difficulties (Klaric for the old school FR guys
Reading the HorVeech thing actually hit me super hard. Though I never met him, we kinda locked horns back in the day (for a brief while we were negotiating a HU grudge match at 10/20). Basically his path felt terrifyingly similar to mine - IIRC he'd had two or three hospital admissions before he ended his life. For a short while one doctor was using the term 'schizo-affective disorder' (which is like schizophrenia lite) while I was in hospital, but they backed off that term pretty quickly (something about the shortness of the time I was psychotic.. or the order of my symptoms.. can't really remember). The strange thing about all this is that there's some amount of it/variables that seems to be outwith my (or anyone's) control. So while reading about Veech and finland and stuff (with greatest respect to both of them) reads somewhat like a warning to me, I have to accept that there's some things I can't just avoid via force of will. No idea if that makes any sense

101% agree! Based off of personal experience. Don't hesitate to get started soon. If you do not click and feel comfortable with one. Keep switching until you find one that you do connect with!
Rare to see. I respect the transparency. It also potentially helps others.
Rare to see. I respect the transparency. It also potentially helps others.
Lots of respect for writing about this on the forums, you always seemed like a good guy at the tables to me (and also from what I heard through mutual friends).. I have a really good book recommendation which probably could be very useful for you https://www.amazon.com/Real-Happy-Pi.../dp/B071Z9VP38
I hope you get better!
I hope you get better!
f0ck off NASA
All the best Donald. As so many have already said, it deserves reiterating that it's very brave to write all this. It sounds like you have a loving family and support network around you and that is something to be thankful for because a battle against a serious mental-health disorder cannot be fought alone, as tempting as it is to believe you can fight this battle alone. Having people there who want the best for you is key and you have that. It can't be understated just how important that is.
Most interesting read on 2+2 probably in the last decade.
I think most pokerplayers have some form of manic depressive disorder which is probably normal in this line of work.
However i cant contribute much apart from this bc while i find what you described superfacinating it's also so far outside of my own reality...
Best of luck anyways and hope for no new episodes in 2019
I think most pokerplayers have some form of manic depressive disorder which is probably normal in this line of work.
However i cant contribute much apart from this bc while i find what you described superfacinating it's also so far outside of my own reality...
Best of luck anyways and hope for no new episodes in 2019
Man, this was kinda tough to read, so I can’t even imagine what it was like living and re-living it. Thanks for being brave enough to write it all down and put it out there. I’m sure you have a long line of people close to you who you can talk to, but if you ever wanna chat to someone non-partisan, then don’t be a stranger.
I wish you a healthy and happy 2019 and beyond
I wish you a healthy and happy 2019 and beyond
Ty dude
Hey man, I also just want to say that it's very admirable for you to type out that experience and can't imagine how tough it must be to go through that. It was nice to meet you when you were in Vienna and I hope you have a great year both healthwise and in poker, best of luck!
Cheers Doug, all the best for 2019
Thanks guys
================================================== =
Thanks very much again to everyone who posted - I'm basically always surprised at how positive people are and I do appreciate the support. I don't wanna dwell on it too much but obv I'll keep y'all posted with how I'm doing here and there.
Anyway - this is a poker forum right?
2018 Summary

Graph says about it all really - things were going unreal smooth basically until Cyprus in mid-May, I then proceeded to have around a 40evBI downer from there till September. Took around 3 months off, won a little cash in December, that's about it. I failed my volume goal, played a little higher on average than I expected to. I didn't hit 4bb, though if I filter out 3 and 4 handed play (47k hands, where I lost at 1evbb, 90%+ reg battling) then I just scrapped it. Going to continue starting all my games this year, though I understand there's a pretty high chance there's drastic changes to the lobby this year (all zoom or a blind lobby) so we'll just have to see how it goes. Pretty sure all previous years I've won at some rate while starting tables, but even if -1bb is accurate, it cost me 4 or 5 stacks to have the lobby basically whenever I sit it - that's cheaper than a script, plus it forces me to play more hands vs the better regs which is useful for study.
One things I haven't mentioned so far is the army - BitB Cash. I really enjoy working with the guys and sharing in their journey, they keep me sharp and I love to see the hardest working guys eventually rise to the top (as they always do). We've improved a lot of our marketing stuff a ton recently so we're starting to see many more applicants, which is translating into better student numbers. I'm also pretty delighted with the new website (which I rebuilt from scratch in August/September), I'm confident it's the most secure poker video platform on the internet and I'll continue to make additions/ improvements this year - starting with a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of the most commonly occurring spots, which I've started, with the aim of it functioning as the intro for our new players.
That's it for now, been typing way too long - may bump the thread with some goals for the month/year but I need to think about how best to approach this.
GL out there!
, 10:10 PM
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 255
glad youre feeling better.
Would recommend getting into meditation, the book The mind illuminated is the best way to get started.
Good luck man!
Would recommend getting into meditation, the book The mind illuminated is the best way to get started.
Good luck man!
, 10:21 PM
Weed is a massive thing that can change mental stability.
Gl this year don
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gl this year don
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
, 12:50 AM
I only just got round to reading your post about your mental health problems and it hit me hard because I've been through similar things (including the Kafkaesque experience of being sectioned and locked up while supposedly being a "voluntary" patient). Thanks for sharing your story.
I'll probably send you a PM. Take care, bro, and best of luck in 2019!
I'll probably send you a PM. Take care, bro, and best of luck in 2019!
, 03:41 AM
Read your post regarding the episode gl bro tough times behind. I've had 3 episodes and while weed didn't help, at times it reduced my anxiety/paranoia and calmed my psychotic thought patterns. But weed also did the opposite at other times (which is recurring in all drugs, + and - effects.)
What made me dive deep into my disconnection from reality was mainly insomnia. And violent tendencies while psychotic. I've sadly assaulted someone each of the 3 episodes...
Remember 24-hour long sessions at 100nl, popping amps like it was (literally) candy lol
Long live anti-anxiety medz.
What made me dive deep into my disconnection from reality was mainly insomnia. And violent tendencies while psychotic. I've sadly assaulted someone each of the 3 episodes...
Remember 24-hour long sessions at 100nl, popping amps like it was (literally) candy lol
Long live anti-anxiety medz.
, 08:02 AM
Thanks for sharing all of this, I wish you the best in managing the situation.
, 08:39 AM
absolute full ring specialist
, 09:19 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience, best of luck in 2019 to a strong health and lifestyle
, 10:13 AM
I've heard very experienced meditators say that it's the best book ever written on the subject.
, 05:06 PM
Thanks for sharing Donald, best of luck in the future!
, 04:28 AM
we often times forget, but health (mental and physical) is the single most important thing in life
Gl recovering, cya at the tables
Gl recovering, cya at the tables
, 06:26 PM
Cheers bro
I only just got round to reading your post about your mental health problems and it hit me hard because I've been through similar things (including the Kafkaesque experience of being sectioned and locked up while supposedly being a "voluntary" patient). Thanks for sharing your story.
I'll probably send you a PM. Take care, bro, and best of luck in 2019!
I'll probably send you a PM. Take care, bro, and best of luck in 2019!
Read your post regarding the episode gl bro tough times behind. I've had 3 episodes and while weed didn't help, at times it reduced my anxiety/paranoia and calmed my psychotic thought patterns. But weed also did the opposite at other times (which is recurring in all drugs, + and - effects.)
What made me dive deep into my disconnection from reality was mainly insomnia. And violent tendencies while psychotic. I've sadly assaulted someone each of the 3 episodes...
Remember 24-hour long sessions at 100nl, popping amps like it was (literally) candy lol
Long live anti-anxiety medz.
What made me dive deep into my disconnection from reality was mainly insomnia. And violent tendencies while psychotic. I've sadly assaulted someone each of the 3 episodes...
Remember 24-hour long sessions at 100nl, popping amps like it was (literally) candy lol
Long live anti-anxiety medz.
I've actually never taken an upper of any description besides caffeine, couldn't really ever see me doing it now either. Trip or two gotta me in shook life mode I guess
Cheers dude!
The poker gods have turned a kind ear to all of your kind best wishes - year is off to a flying start

Games have been absolutely popping off, been playing 1 longer session basically every day so video making has had to go on hold for a bit. Been throwing in some midstakes timbeys on the side to keep the sessions rolling, managed to ladder to 4th in a pigeon $55 on party last night for a bonus bag

Besides that, I saw my psychiatrist on the 10th, was just a short appointment and they took my dose down to 500mg from 600 - a small step in the right direction! Probably just placebo but haven't slept more than 11 hours since then, so seems like a positive change.
Taking a day off tomorrow to play golf with some pals, followed by dinner at mum's. Will throw out a low-pressure goal of 40k hands for the month and probably update at the end of it.
GL out there!
, 11:56 PM
GL. Wish you the best with 2019 both on the tables and off.
Can't agree more with what Elsa said. Health is the most important thing (both mental and physical) and something which many poker players don't take as seriously as they should.
Can't agree more with what Elsa said. Health is the most important thing (both mental and physical) and something which many poker players don't take as seriously as they should.
, 12:12 AM
GL this year. Excellent post. Thanks for sharing something so personal and senselessly stigmatised. Glad things seem to be on the up and up again
, 07:12 PM
Been so busy in the rift didnt even know u had a new thread so only just read this.
Sick update man, if that had happened to me idk if i would have been able to share it so respect bro, keep up the piano and see you at EU worlds 2019
Sick update man, if that had happened to me idk if i would have been able to share it so respect bro, keep up the piano and see you at EU worlds 2019
, 07:16 PM
also the wolves ask about u sometimes, can i share this post with them or no? it gives a much better insight than i could
, 08:19 PM
Glad to see you back and doing well at the tables, good job man
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