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D7's 2018 PGC: back at it D7's 2018 PGC: back at it

03-14-2020 , 03:50 PM

I so hope I'm wrong/everyone is wrong, but I had a weak moment and wept this morning realising just how many people are potentially going to die needlessly, thanks to the actions/inaction of our 'leaders' here in the UK.

For me personally, I've ensured everyone I care about is as prepared as they can be, and I'm getting out to my fiance in Mexico on Monday morning (via Birmingham, not London) subject to no further border closures. Will isolate for 7 days or so on arrival and hope the heat/humidity there (Yucatan coast) will be enough to stop a large outbreak.

Good luck everyone
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
03-14-2020 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by d7o1d1s0

I so hope I'm wrong/everyone is wrong, but I had a weak moment and wept this morning realising just how many people are potentially going to die needlessly, thanks to the actions/inaction of our 'leaders' here in the UK.

For me personally, I've ensured everyone I care about is as prepared as they can be, and I'm getting out to my fiance in Mexico on Monday morning (via Birmingham, not London) subject to no further border closures. Will isolate for 7 days or so on arrival and hope the heat/humidity there (Yucatan coast) will be enough to stop a large outbreak.

Good luck everyone
Yeah, pretty gross situation. One of my best friends from school is a doctor who works in intensive care wards in London. I actually spoke to him last night basically said he has a lot of confidence in the Chief Medical Officer in Britain (I think his name is Chris Witty) and the current approach Britain is taking.

His main concern was a worry about a possible lack of protective equipment, for example they are meant to receive training for correctly dressing using N95 masks etc (I think he said it was called PEP training?!). His training is not scheduled until another 2 weeks which seems late. Anyway, I assume we're just all hoping for the best. My Dad is very high risk so I'm just trying to convince him not to leave his house for the foreseeable future.
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-05-2020 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by megalomaniac23
Why do you think someone should choose your cfp over others? If you were to look through ranks, obv choice would be MMA, or maybe jasamgale. But than again I saw a part of MMA course, and also some bitb videos, I was more impressed by your stuff(small sample), but than again, heard that his private cfp is way better. So basically q is how to choose best option? Also congrats on nice results
Originally Posted by megalomaniac23
*I meant that his cfp is a lot better than his course just to be clear
Don't particularly wanna fire shots, everyone should make their own choice. But, I'd say coach quality is what sets us apart from the rest

Originally Posted by meale
A great way to get into cold showers is to move houses and pay the deposit before the land lord tells you oh btw your room doesnt have hot water!
Lmao, this doesn't sound too legal.

Originally Posted by TimStone
Bc you have ishter to teach youhow to run good. Even mma cannot teach you that. So fairly easy choice imo
Ishter still a friend of bitb/is in the server but doesn't really coach at all any more

Originally Posted by Don Melchor
CHECK the wim hoff method D, will give this that youre doing maybe some structure or theory behind it, but youre basically doing it right :P

awesome month dude, grats on becoming an uncle, its the ****ing coolest thing!! much love
Thanks man! Unfortunately since I'm now out in Mexico it's impossible to get an actually cold shower :/

Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
haha i'm not even slightly surprised to hear Markus giving advice for free. He just loves poker so so much. Dunno how you even have to advertise for positions tbh
The boi wonder now has a blog in our discord server for his excess poker musings. Big HU reg these days

For anyone who missed it, we did a podcast with this cool cat/kitten a week or so ago, check it out:

Originally Posted by Brigov
Yep. Yours must be a new one.
If someone buys a new monitor which comes with lets say DP cable in the box, but he wants to use HDMI and decides to use the HDMI cable he used with his old monitor - thats where might be a problem, because that cable is most probably an older version. Thats why I wanted to clarify it

That coaching deal looks sweet - I am really surprised there are still vacant places.
All the best
Cheeers brother! Got a pretty sweet setup rigged up here in Mexico within a few days of arriving - actually picked up a 43' 4k monitor from a big costco type place (Sam's Club) for super cheap, like 60% of the one I got in Edinburgh through Amazon.

Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
A few (biased) reasons why I think ours is better:

1) Smaller group, much better community, learnt a lot from bitB tournament on how to organise and make it fun to be in the group
2) More reasonable contract terms, some CFPs using super unethical chop methods, others with much much longer contracts
3) More transparency on coaches results
4) Almost all my daily study done within the group and streamed etc
5) Better beanies/ hoodies
6) MMA runs for the hills when makeboifin comes for the lobby
Originally Posted by Kockar
Bang Bang
Originally Posted by Mayox
7) showofforcedaniel youtube channel
Originally Posted by Knoblis14
lol bitb better than bts gonna complain...
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
Lmao, I've seen 1 showofforce video ever, dude was rocking sunglasses indoors and hyping about playing 1/2 - love to see it!

Originally Posted by ggbruuce
Time for some power rankings by makeboifin or 464
This would be great tbh. Any takers???

Originally Posted by pontylad
Yeah, pretty gross situation. One of my best friends from school is a doctor who works in intensive care wards in London. I actually spoke to him last night basically said he has a lot of confidence in the Chief Medical Officer in Britain (I think his name is Chris Witty) and the current approach Britain is taking.

His main concern was a worry about a possible lack of protective equipment, for example they are meant to receive training for correctly dressing using N95 masks etc (I think he said it was called PEP training?!). His training is not scheduled until another 2 weeks which seems late. Anyway, I assume we're just all hoping for the best. My Dad is very high risk so I'm just trying to convince him not to leave his house for the foreseeable future.
Yeah - my anxiety about this whole thing has basically gone way down as the world has cottoned on that it's kinda serious. My family are following the lockdown protocol and then some, so thankfully I'm not really too worried about any of my nearest and dearest. There's been 12 deaths in this area of Mexico (Q. Roo) according to my girl, so probably there is a decent sized outbreak here. I'm very glad Mexico had time to see the rest of the world react and get their **** together/ let the fear spread through the people. Playa Del Carmen is like a ghost town, I'm pretty worried about what 10's of thousands of broke locals will do now they've lost their job - people here are expecting a sharp rise in crime as the government has basically offered 0 support to these people so far (2 weeks basic pay if you HAVE the virus ). But regardless, the solution is to remain indoors as much as possible anyway, so all signs point there really.


1 tabling an MTT and having my weekly results peek, seems like a good time to update the thread!

Last month:


Total heater:

Missing maybe 3k or so from party/other.

Being honest with myself, I've let things slide a little with study and some good grind habits - the games have been very good and I've kinda been prioritising hands played over anything else, which might be justifiable right now given the situation, but isn't a good long term plan. I played around 10k hands this week, but journalled a total of 4 words and probably looked at around 8 sims - not really good enough if I want to continue the upwards trajectory.

That said, I'm obviously delighted to have made such a hot start to the year. Most of these results are just noise, but I do feel confident I've changed the signal substantially, particularly with regards mental game and game selection. I need to stay grounded, realise I won't run like god forever, and keep improving that signal in any small way I can.

Hope everyone is keeping well!

GL out there

D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 02:52 AM
very sick results mate
gl in april and keep safe
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 02:58 AM
awesome stuff, wp
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 04:51 AM
Would think people would easily choose your cfp after realizing how painful to would be to have to personally deal with mma/showofforce, they legit talk like 6th graders

Awesome results man, best time in years to have some heat. Grinding way more +ev than anything else while games are like this, silly to beat yourself up for prioritizing it. In the end $ made is the (real) measure of success in our profession.

D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 05:00 AM
that graph is absolutely beautiful. teach me the ways of the redline warrior.

keep it up and stay safe <3
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 05:05 AM
nice update man, may the sun keep shining
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 05:24 AM
Absolutely amazing, wp
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
that graph is absolutely beautiful. teach me the ways of the redline warrior.

keep it up and stay safe <3
and teach me how to run above ev
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 06:07 AM
Great results Donald.

Are you still playing stars as your main site?

GL and may the heater continue.
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-06-2020 , 06:09 AM
Great results Donald.

Are you still playing stars as your main site, what stakes?

GL and may the heater continue.
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-07-2020 , 03:32 AM
Ok results, better than nitbeat (ilike)
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-07-2020 , 08:32 AM
more nit on nit violence!
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-07-2020 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Ok results, better than nitbeat (ilike)
get out
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-07-2020 , 09:22 AM
Awesome results D, extreme sexual graph. WP.
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-07-2020 , 09:25 AM
Sweet year so far, juicy redline

GL with the continued heat in April
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-07-2020 , 09:30 AM
Sicko ��
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-08-2020 , 04:08 PM
awesome stuff Donald!
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-24-2020 , 03:50 AM
sorry in advance for derailing your thread op, but i hope you can help me understand what you mean by the statement below from the article that you wrote:

Take a 10BI (buy-in) shot at the next level once you have 50BI
am i understanding it correctly that only once i have 50bi for the next stake that i take a shot? f.e. a 25NL reg, he starts to take a 10bi shot at 50nl once he grows his bankroll to $2.5k (50bi for 50nl), and move back down to 25nl when he losses $500 (10bi at 50nl)?
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-24-2020 , 06:54 AM
Well the alternative way to understand this would be take a shot at 50nl once u have 1250$ (50bi at 25nl) and if u lose 500$ (10bi at 50nl) move back down.

The issue is that that size of shot will put you into 16nl if it goes wrong (750$ is less than 50bi at 16nl)
I think both approaches have their merits so long as you have the discipline to stick to them.

FWIW I think d7 meant what you described
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-24-2020 , 09:19 AM
always thought thse brm guidelines were way too nitty, if i were to start over id take 3-4 buyins shots with 20 buy ins, as long as you have the discipline to move down when the shot fails the risk of ruin stays almost at 0%
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-24-2020 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
always thought thse brm guidelines were way too nitty, if i were to start over id take 3-4 buyins shots with 20 buy ins, as long as you have the discipline to move down when the shot fails the risk of ruin stays almost at 0%
+1, if you're +EV (and confident) in the games you're playing, taking hyper aggro BRM approach is surely the highest EV approach. But can be brutal when you're getting shafted in the first orbit of your 5th straight shot.
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-27-2020 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by max85
very sick results mate
gl in april and keep safe
Thanks Max - just caught up on your thread, amazing to see how far you've come - GL on the regrind to peak!

Originally Posted by meale
awesome stuff, wp
Thanks Harvey

Originally Posted by Oladipo
Would think people would easily choose your cfp after realizing how painful to would be to have to personally deal with mma/showofforce, they legit talk like 6th graders

Awesome results man, best time in years to have some heat. Grinding way more +ev than anything else while games are like this, silly to beat yourself up for prioritizing it. In the end $ made is the (real) measure of success in our profession.

Appreciate this - honestly I haven't restarted journalling really at all outside the weekly update I give the CFP guys. But as you say the games somewhat justify maxing out a little for once. Been better this past few weeks regards study anyway - it definitely just sharpens up my mind to look at a few sims first thing before playing.

Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
that graph is absolutely beautiful. teach me the ways of the redline warrior.

keep it up and stay safe <3
Thanks man! IDK when I became a redline warrior lol, certainly does make for pretty giraffes though.

Originally Posted by dg4
nice update man, may the sun keep shining
Cheers brother

Originally Posted by JoseMourinho
Absolutely amazing, wp
Thx dude!

Originally Posted by Slugant
and teach me how to run above ev
practise flips... profit

Originally Posted by Jaznin
Great results Donald.

Are you still playing stars as your main site?

GL and may the heater continue.
Thanks man.

I now play more hands not on stars than on stars, but it's probably still my highest volume site.

Originally Posted by TimStone
Ok results, better than nitbeat (ilike)
Haha, thanks man I'm glad you approve!

Originally Posted by Slugant
more nit on nit violence!
If this is what you're after, open any 500fr table

Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
get out

Originally Posted by Glanza_Mike
Awesome results D, extreme sexual graph. WP.
Cheers Glanza! I miss the Glanza Mike PGC threads tbh...

Originally Posted by TreadLightly
Sweet year so far, juicy redline

GL with the continued heat in April
Cheers brother

Originally Posted by TaX_iT_BaK
Sicko ��
I try my best

Originally Posted by day'n'night
awesome stuff Donald!
Ty my man!

Originally Posted by mamaMarilyn
sorry in advance for derailing your thread op, but i hope you can help me understand what you mean by the statement below from the article that you wrote:

am i understanding it correctly that only once i have 50bi for the next stake that i take a shot? f.e. a 25NL reg, he starts to take a 10bi shot at 50nl once he grows his bankroll to $2.5k (50bi for 50nl), and move back down to 25nl when he losses $500 (10bi at 50nl)?
Yes - you've nailed it, that's exactly what I was meaning.

Originally Posted by blakkman08
Well the alternative way to understand this would be take a shot at 50nl once u have 1250$ (50bi at 25nl) and if u lose 500$ (10bi at 50nl) move back down.

The issue is that that size of shot will put you into 16nl if it goes wrong (750$ is less than 50bi at 16nl)
I think both approaches have their merits so long as you have the discipline to stick to them.

FWIW I think d7 meant what you described
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
always thought thse brm guidelines were way too nitty, if i were to start over id take 3-4 buyins shots with 20 buy ins, as long as you have the discipline to move down when the shot fails the risk of ruin stays almost at 0%
Originally Posted by meale
+1, if you're +EV (and confident) in the games you're playing, taking hyper aggro BRM approach is surely the highest EV approach. But can be brutal when you're getting shafted in the first orbit of your 5th straight shot.
Yeah - it's obviously a completely different thing, a skilled player doing a BR challenge or w/e compared to someone grinding up an initial roll. Agree I'd be more aggressive if moving down meant nothing to me and I was confident I had a massive edge, but for someone just getting their feet wet I think more conservative is definitely the way to go.


What's up 2p222222222! Obv I'm 1tabling an MTT again, time for an update Thankfully I'm on Mexican time so it's not as brutal as the timestamp would indicate.

First things first.

Obviously in light of the situation the hotel we were due to have our wedding in cancelled. So, we decided it would be best to bring it forward and get it done as soon as possible so that we have the best possible shot at applying for Michelle's visa on time. In the end we had <1 week to plan and execute the whole thing, which was obviously made more difficult by everything being closed. Michelle made her own dress for the occasion in the end, apprently the one she had was too formal, and yea - it was 9 of us in an apartment her parents manage, plus 2 photographers for an hour or so, plus the official. So I'm married! We tied the knot on April the 8th. Obviously we've not been able to go on a honeymoon, but we're spending all our time together which I think is the point, and it's been great. No idea how long we're going to be out here in Mexico, it's getting to the stage of no joking around kinda hot, but it's not without perks - the timezone in particular I'm grateful for every day, besides the fact I'd be going mad if I was stuck in Edinburgh on my own and clearly not getting married anytime soon. So yeah, that happened, and I'm delighted


Still a poker forum though right!? It's Sunday night (weekly results peek time) so I'm going to spoil the month update here..


By stakes:

You'll see that I got clobbered (mainly this week) playing some 2k, but largely things have continued to go pretty smoothly. I don't make any effort at all to keep the graph accurate, it's missing all my party hands for starters, but whatever.

Seems like enough of an update for now! Will maybe post a monthly recap once it's done.

Gl out there brothers!

D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
04-27-2020 , 02:02 AM
congrats on the wedding!
D7's 2018 PGC: back at it Quote
