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Chasing Supernova at Zoom Chasing Supernova at Zoom

09-03-2013 , 02:50 PM
First a brief introduction:

I started playing nl10 5 years ago or so, and due to the really fishy pool at that moment (was playing in the ongame network) even tough i had huge leaks i was already winning at those stakes.

I became serious about poker and started studying and things really went well and i moved up quite fast, when my bankroll allowed i started playing nl200 on Boss Network and Absolute Poker and kept playing nl200 for a year or so. But then Black Friday came into the equation and i lost tens of thousands on cereus network (and yes i did a great job keeping a huge amount there but in my defense i never had as much as i did in black friday so it was clear luck wasn't on my side ).

Since then i almost haven't played till 2 or 3 months ago (was occupied finishing my studies) when i started playing fifties and tried zoom on stars and nl50-nl100 ipoker.

Now i want to make a serious comeback to poker and my goal is to make it to Supernova by the end of this year and i will start at nl25 zoom. Here's how my Vip Status looks like:

So i'll have to make ~20k Vpp's each month to succeed which will be tough playing nl25zoom, that being said i wouldn't mind a move up in the next few months :P hopefully it won't be too hard adjusting to zoom dynamics.

I will try to update the topic daily with some interesting hands for discussion.

Cmooon let's go.
Chasing Supernova at Zoom Quote
09-03-2013 , 02:53 PM
Good luck!
Chasing Supernova at Zoom Quote
09-04-2013 , 07:41 AM
Here's my first day:

I played some bad poker in the first few hands, some embarassing fishy plays but my brain was still on vacations i guess. Only played 3 hours yesterday, my goal is to play at least 6 hours per day so i'll try to avoid auto-piloting as much as possible, not an easy task for sure.
Later i'll post some interesting hands.
Chasing Supernova at Zoom Quote
09-04-2013 , 07:52 AM
80k VPPs at 25NL in 3 months is some challenge! You may find it tough adapting to Zoom if you've never played it before. I hope you have a good bankroll management plan. Gl.
Chasing Supernova at Zoom Quote
09-04-2013 , 09:47 AM
When I was playing zoom I played 10 000 hands per day minimum, so... yea u gonna have to play more in order to achieve your goal
Chasing Supernova at Zoom Quote
