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Building the roll at the 3.40 turbo SNGs Building the roll at the 3.40 turbo SNGs

08-29-2010 , 11:58 PM
Hello all. I've been snooping around the forums for the past weeks and finally decided to sign up. Now that September is just around the corner it is time to put my plan into action. Build ye old bankroll from the 3.40 turbo 10 mans on Stars. Now, I started to play them around the first week of august to get a feel for them. I broke even for awhile. Then had a nice upswing. Wasn't putting in much volume. Throughout the month i've been upping the volume and at least trying to put 30 games in a day this last week.

My Goal is to build the roll from 200 to 1000 by Halloween.

Now everything was going alright. The end of August was nearing, I was getting comfortable with my game. Then boom, downswing from hell. Its about a 40BI swing. Now I know variance is all part of the game, but the downswing really didn't start happening until I really felt like I was playing my best. I opened a free 7 day trial at deucescracked and really been studying ICM etc hard. Ever since I started feeling comfortable when to push/fold the swing happened.

Now I know it might be just be dumb luck, but I hope these two things aren't related.

The reason i mention this all, is because my roll received a huge dent from 200 to 120ish. Now do i drop down to the (rake from hell) dollar stakes?
I don't want this downswing to really cripple me.

If anyone has any comforting words, that would be great b.c I really am trying not to take this swing that hard, but happening right before I'm ready to start my challenge makes me weary.

I'll post my graph below. Sample size = 420

Last edited by JaySquared; 08-30-2010 at 12:16 AM.
Building the roll at the 3.40 turbo SNGs Quote
08-30-2010 , 12:07 AM

Last edited by JaySquared; 08-30-2010 at 12:13 AM.
Building the roll at the 3.40 turbo SNGs Quote
