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Bright light city gonna set my soul... Bright light city gonna set my soul...

10-31-2013 , 06:15 PM
...gonna set my soul on fire!

Hello all, thought I'd start a blog to see if it can help me stay motivated. I'm booked up to go to Vegas in 6 weeks, and I wanna make a bit of extra $ before I go. When I started playing poker I played a few MTTs and managed to win some huge scores (considering I was mashing buttons). I am focusing more on cash games now, with not so good results. I still dabble in MTTs but I don't have the time to play for 7/8 hours at a time.

A few weeks ago I had a big MTT score for 4.5k, and decided to book up for Vegas. I kept $800 in and thought I'd grind up some extra spending money in the next few weeks. I grinded it up to $2k but a few tilting sessions/run-bad and I'm back to square one.

I know what my leaks are, and I'm trying to plug them. My goal is to move back up to 50nl ASAP (without chasing it, just focusing on my game) and grind out as much money as possible before Vegas.

I'll play 8 tables of 25nl and the odd MTT. The reason for keeping a thread is I've done the same thing with my weight loss journey, and it helps tremendously. Journey starts tomorrow!
Bright light city gonna set my soul... Quote
