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#Beangang 2015/25k #Beangang 2015/25k

01-01-2015 , 05:10 PM
Welcome to the #BeanGrind2015

Myself, Aggrosquid, and my brother (post below) are looking to make 25,000 of those lovely united states dollars in 2015.

About me

I am currently a 3rd year student at uni in the UK. Come summer, I will be leaving uni to the real world.

My avatar is Ainsley Harriott.

My main games are MTTSNGs and MTTs. Currently playing up to the 15$ 180 mans and up to $22 dollar MTTs. my general strategy is to keep my ABI fairly low in relation to my bankroll and grind a higher ROI at the smaller stakes games to make that profit. I also play the vast majority of my volume in turbos and hopefully will improve enough to add more reg speed games this year.

Lifetime MTTs and MTTSNGs

Lifetime 180mans (all turbos)

January is a pretty hectic month for me uni wise and so will most likely be playing almost all my volume in 180mans for the first month of the year. But who knows!

Yearly Goals
[ ] Watch 2 1 hour long videos a week on average
[ ] Become comfortable playing sessions of 10hrs+
[ ] Be able to take notes and tag players efficiently
[ ] Get in shape and strengthen legs for skiing
[ ] Win a Hot or Big tournament on stars
[ ] Play a sunday major ($109+)
[ ] FT a live donkament

Monthly goals for Jan:
[ ] Watch 6 MTT vids on RIO
[ ] Physio exercises every day for my knee injury

Obviously once my schedule dies down a bit I can put some volume goals in place!

Also given the fact it's new years day I feel this is appropriate

#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-01-2015 , 05:11 PM

Yo guys, I'm ThePrawn, second half of the Bean Gang, grinding for them $$.


20yo from the UK
Final year at Uni

Football, Snowboarding, that Black Pudding dankydanks, Beer.

Sweetcorn, Andrew Feldman

Been playing poker on and off for a few years now, the standard grinding it up and then withdrawing or going broke, never really had a sustained steady bankroll grind until last year, where with Squid ran ~10$ into a decent roll.

Mainly played cash with the occasional tourny sesh but I run bad at FTs which is so tilting so never actually come 1st in one (2 2nds, 1 3rd), probably need to right this year!

Current main game is 50nlz, but my work ethic in 2014 was terrible (played not much more than 100k hands lol) So a lot needs to change this year!

2014 graph:

[x] Confirmed impossible to run above EV at zoom.

Downswing at end involved losing 500 to get a final 50$ stellar reward! Valueeeeee.

$12,500 profit
Move up to 200nlz by the end of the year
Supernova (Should be easy enough if I keep up decent volume)
Win a tournament! (how hard can it be)
Get back in Shape (too much Uni drinking lol)
Finish Uni with at least a 2:1
Keep thread updated
Do future Spins-Get paid

In order to actually achieve these goals gonna need a lot of work on the theory side of my game and so monthly goals will probably have at least some component relating to this.

January Goals
Got 4 exams in January so volume will probably be pretty low, don't really want to set any volume goals because it will be dependent on how much work I do/need to do.

2 Videos a week
Learn how to use crEV and start using it to analyse hands
Start labelling and taking more notes on players, particularly regs.
Exercise 4x a week
Smash exams

Should be a good year! Looking at going shredding next winter so more beans the merrier.

GL all in 2015

#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-04-2015 , 12:19 PM
Sitting down in the war room back home for a sunday session before we both head back to uni, lets get this year up and running!

#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-04-2015 , 12:31 PM
Ggl. I'm also from teh UK. Finished uni in 2013 so just a heads up- the real world sucks! Is there a story behind #beangang?
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-04-2015 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by randomtom
Ggl. I'm also from teh UK. Finished uni in 2013 so just a heads up- the real world sucks! Is there a story behind #beangang?
tyty, yeah not looking forward to it!

Not particularly, I think we were sat in a casino and somebody started calling chips beans and it originated from there!

That said I do also have a soft spot for some heinz goodies!
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-05-2015 , 10:27 AM
Not the way we wanted to start 2015!

Some very deep runs that didn't materialise. I took 11th in 2.2r and 43rd in a 5.2 hyper both with 4kish up top, and my brother took 15th in a full tilt tourney with a similar amount up top.

A shame but thats MTTs. I felt I played well deep in the 2.2r which has given me some confidence to make some big final tables later in the year

vamooo to all the heroes.

May put a late night session in tonight once i've finished the work I need to do today but we shall see!
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-05-2015 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by randomtom
Ggl. I'm also from teh UK. Finished uni in 2013 so just a heads up- the real world sucks!

When at uni its like, yeh I do this degree, grind, enjoy a night out. Everyones like cool man.

Now its like yeh I grind, enjoy a night out.... but what about a job?! Like there is much difference between the first and the second...but all of a sudden not being at uni everyone goes mad

GL Beanies
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-06-2015 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by jAkDAriPAaa

When at uni its like, yeh I do this degree, grind, enjoy a night out. Everyones like cool man.

Now its like yeh I grind, enjoy a night out.... but what about a job?! Like there is much difference between the first and the second...but all of a sudden not being at uni everyone goes mad

GL Beanies
No to the real world! tyty

Played 33 MTTs last night and made a few bucks despite some really promising deep runs couldn't get any bink cashes.

The grind must continue! Got a cheeky 27" monitor on the way which should aid some of my current problems trying to tile on my laptop

Not long till i'm super busy with exams and uni so gonna try and balance 5 hours studying with 5 hours poker daily.

I really have nothing else to do

gl prawns
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-07-2015 , 12:36 PM
Played live last night in a £30 tournament with the brother and both bricked.

On the plus side 27" of prime computer monitor has just arrived at my door!

Always nice
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-08-2015 , 11:23 AM
Slight loss last night despite taking 3rd in a 15$ 180 man. Still fighting back to even for the year, not the start I wanted but it's tourneys.

my brother hasn't been winning at cash recently, dat Ev line and dat actual line just keep running away from each other. It's a shame but we will keep grinding.

Have so much work on this week but will update if I play.

#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-08-2015 , 08:14 PM
Took second in the crocodile for $400 to put some positive numbers up for the year.

Pretty sick HU was 2:1 Cl and got triple barelled via a fd which bricked but he picked up a straight on the river then bricked high card plus sd vs low fd for the loss. Felt my play up to HU was super standard and played really well HU so i am pretty happy about it.

A nice naptime now before a busy day tomorrow non poker related!

Still haven't shipped anything this year but feel my game is improving a lot so enjoying the grind a lot!!!

Numbers so far this year

Keeping that ABI Low as possible which is nice!
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-09-2015 , 10:21 AM
A rant re: banks and gambling websites.

Firstly, I know the fraud teams of banks are there to protect you and I know gambling websites are perceived as shady as **** but every time I try to move money to or from gambling sites my card gets frozen and it takes me half an hour to get it cleared.

It just takes valuable time out of my day talking to somebody from another country who doesn't always use great English and makes it difficult for me to get on with my life.

also whats with all these numbers. Pins, bank pins, passwords, codes etc how am I supposed to remember them all!

#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-09-2015 , 12:43 PM
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-09-2015 , 12:54 PM
#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-19-2015 , 02:15 AM
Quick update!

Exams are over which is nice, still busy the remainder of this month so expecting most of my volume to be in MTTSNGs.

That said, i've been grinding some of the $5 spin and gos for fun more than anything. I have a lot of experience in hyper HUSNGs so feel pretty confident in grinding them but I am not a millionaire yet!

Results in MTTs and SNGs have been pretty lame but i'm hoping we can grind through and put some numbers up and kickstart the year, been having a lot of deep runs without binking much.

#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
01-25-2015 , 01:45 PM
Another day another downswing. January has progressed interestingly, finding myself 45bi down for the year. It's mainly been due to running bad on FTs/ close to FTs in 180 mans and bricking the majority of MTTs.

I will hopefully be able to put some 180 man time in this week but we shall see.

Considering dropping $15 180 mans even though I feel i'm good enough to battle in them, thoughts?

#Beangang 2015/25k Quote
