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[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year [AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year

10-13-2020 , 11:29 AM
Well let's think about it this way. If I'm stupid, then everyone out there who's simply average. Should quit their 9-5 salary jobs and go play poker. Why hustle for $25/hour? Cus even a dummy like me can aim for $400-500k/year. Aren't you guys stupid for not playing poker? It's this easy to aim for 1/2 million a year. What you doing! Why aren't you a poker pro yet!

The only thing dumb asf here is the notion that TwitchAshuraPoker backed out of a $10/20 PLO and got his man RektByPanda to replace him.

Which in case I need to remind you.

Guy's claiming to be grinding $25/50 PLO live. While playing $1/2 PLO online on twitch as a 20 year old.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-13-2020 , 07:20 PM
So let's start this off with wondering where TwitchAshuraPoker is at. Completely ignored the fact that I asked him for a $1000 freeroll to escrow if his boy RektByPanda dodges (but has time to post other comments) What a pusii. If Ashura is so certain Panda is gonna whoop my ass and play, why won't he vouch him. After all, Panda would take his place in the PLOHU. He mentioned him like he thought I was fish and all.

Let's not forget his claims of grinding $10/25/50 PLO live. On his twitch, plays $1/2 PLO. Also claimed to be well known within the community; no hits when I referenced others. Lastly, his youtube had him at 15 years old, 5 years ago. So idk when that was updated, but at best he's 20, fresh 21. Also doesn't have a ready $10k balance because he's busy with something, despite being a $10/20 plo grinder (thats 5 bi)

Speak up Ashura. Why is your RektBYPanda looking like a 18 year old kid with a $5k roll.

Better yet, why don't you put your money behind your boy and vouch him for $1k freeroll he wont dodge


On to poker today. Games were alright, some tables were really light, it came and went. Got so bored I even played a little bit of .50c/$1 just to amuse my time.

I pot. He rejams for a 2 SPR pot.

Literally free $1400.

Then there's this following hand. Where it's almost worse in its own way (at least he has backdoors). None the less, I don't scoop him.
Like just 3 SPR get it in with Top set, and good bdfd i suppose. But what if my A was suited. He's nearly dead then.

Overall today won about $1k. Peaked around $4k profit, but lost a 5c AA vs 6c hand for 2 boards.

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 10-19-2020 at 07:19 PM. Reason: No.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-13-2020 , 10:27 PM
Man you like to talk a lot to yourself. Yes I am in fact 20 years old and believe it or not Florida allows you to play at 18! I know this is big news to you. If you're still this spastic in a week when I have more time on my hands we can continue conversation, until then I don't care to entertain this absolute insanity. That bankroll challenge was something I wanted to try while streaming for the first time, and not something that should define any poker player, as many of them take these challenges without needing the money.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-13-2020 , 11:33 PM
Make it easy. Get your boy AshuraPoker to post up $1k if you dodge. Why won't he? End of story. You know I'm down. And if you're absolutely down. There's no risk to him. Whats up?

You guys must have a winning lottery ticket to sell to me if you expect me to believe you're gonna post up by next week. Its kinda like those obvious scammers that can't do a simple task you request.

You two are clowns. Only excuses and waiting. Stick with your 5k br.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-13-2020 at 11:47 PM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-13-2020 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
Make it easy. Get your boy AshuraPoker to post up $1k if you dodge. Why won't he? End of story. You know I'm down. And if you're absolutely down. There's no risk to him. Whats up?

You guys must have a winning lottery ticket to sell to me if you expect me to believe you're gonna post up by next week. Its kinda like those obvious scammers that can't do a simple task you request.

You two are clowns. Only excuses and waiting. Stick with your 5k br.
Let's find a trusted escrow to put your 5k freeroll you offered, along with 1k of my 5k bankroll for my side. There's no need for Ashura to pony up the money if he's not going to be playing.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-13-2020 , 11:59 PM
Okay lets do an escrow right now. While youre on. Don't dodge. Dm me back on discord so we can speed up on who is agreeable. Waiting RN.



Dumbass the whole point of Ashura posting up $1k is because you will dodge. Post up the $1k rn problem solved.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-14-2020 at 12:10 AM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 12:13 AM
I responded within the minute. You're still online as of this moment. If you go MIA/ghost me from here w/o msging me on Discord or posting back here.


Discord generally has push notifications to cellphone, esp for DMs/adds. Most people wouldnt turn those off. I've now sent him an add while he's online. No accept as of yet.

twitchAshuraPoker sure gave us an escape goat that stalls for time really effectively.

--- edit he just added me.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-14-2020 at 12:21 AM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 01:17 AM
Here's the general of our discord discussion:

1. We both agreed that by tomorrow he would escrow $1k and I would escrow $5k for a "DODGE" freeroll. Upon this fact, we started talking details.

2. $30k hu escrow. reasonable # hands. no give up/stall or lose entire escrow. Was the line I copied and pasted over and over. I said, these are the general terms, we can fine tune them in the next week of discussion but now that I have a $1k dodge freeroll, I am happy to wait.

3. Last year I challenge TwitchAshuraPoker on POKERBRO for PLO either 10/20 or 25/50 w/e. As mentioned a few pages back, I've since cleared most of my money on there and have moved on to different app/skins. Thus why my new challenge to AhusraPoker was on a betonline skin or pokerrrr.

4. Panda comes in, wants to check out the BetOnlineSkin. He asks me who owns it. I say high stake poker pro, with heaps of REP. He says who. Why the **** would I out the owner of a site like this PUBLICLY. Do you know the real ramifications of the REAL WORLD of that? Use ur brain. Clearly youre not old enough. So clearly even though I said in one form or another, he can verify the owner integrity is high among the poker crowd, it's clear he won't trust. That's fine.

5. Which leaves us with Pokerrrr. His initial problem with Pokerrrr was that it's, his words "Another garbage software that barely functions". I've played on pokerrr through multi-emulators and never had a serious issue with it in the last several months. IT"S TOTALLY FINE. And if his main problem with it is "bad software" we're both playing under the same conditions at the very worst. But seriously, the app is fine.

I've since asked Panda aside from the "barely function" which I've clearly addressed, he cannot give me a straight answer to why he won't play on pokerrr. My theory is, he just wants any way out of this HU match.

Guy wants another app/site. I've said this 6 months ago to AshuraPoker back then for ONLY POKERBRO (cus thats where the bulk of my balance was at). And now its for the BOL and Pokrrrr. ITS WHERE ALL MY BALANCES ARE AT.

Panda has since stopped responding to me after I asked him repeatedly what's his problem with pokerrr aside from the "software ****". He never came up with an answer. He just kept dodging and asking about how come I cant wire to another site. Use that big 18 year old brain of yours and ponder up a reason why a poker player cant just liquidly his account balance on a high stake private game and wire to another.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 01:21 AM
Lol I posted all our DMs in two public discords if you want to look. Sterling Kolde's and r/poker
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 01:26 AM
Clearly if I had thin skin and had an ounce of care for public opinion, I wouldn't be like this. There's no consequence. Grow a brain.

I'm shocked you can even remain on here after your boy is trying his hardest to dodge. And you wont even front up $1k of yourself to vouch him. How are you possibly even ignoring this fact. As I've said for the last page, you remain on here posting comments, but won't post $1k. Do you even have any balls.

Good luck with that entry level internship. After youre done with it, you can come out with an amazing annual of what, avg $50-60k? I would assume your cash game poker wiz skills would make far more than that. Seems strange you're trading almost down in annual income if you're winning at poker.. Now I see why youre not vouching that $1k for Panda. You're saving it!

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-14-2020 at 01:53 AM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 01:39 AM
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Haha a better gif was never posted
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 02:38 AM
Why do you keep talking about internships lol
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 02:48 AM
How are you not putting up $1k vouch that Panda won't dodge.

Can you ignore this fact any harder? You're such a joke dude.

You're not excited for your own entry level internship? I thought it's a big step from making relatively zero income on global for a couple years to at least $20/hour once youre done with it.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
How are you not putting up $1k vouch that Panda won't dodge.

Can you ignore this fact any harder? You're such a joke dude.

You're not excited for your own entry level internship? I thought it's a big step from making relatively zero income on global for a couple years to at least $20/hour once youre done with it.
Why would I put up a freeroll that Panda won't dodge?
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 06:37 AM
Here's how your logic breaks apart.

1. You claim you don't want to play on the betonline skin cus you don't trust the owner or whatever. But I literally spent 4 pages and a couple days fighting for PLO against AshPoker. If I could literally somehow cheat as youre suggesting due to you questioning the integrity of the game, I would've just accepted the NL and 100% won the money against Ash. Why did I not accept and constantly ask for PLO. Use ur brain dumb ass.

2. Do I need to post the SS of our discord where youre in agreement to escrow tomorrow for $1000? If youre not going to escrow tmr. Stay in school.

3. Long before you came into this discussion, I was challenging ashpoker to PLO on pokerbro 6 months ago. Now it was betonline or pokerrr. Its been said times and again in previous pages. You came in wanting in on the action, then you should pony up the money and play where my money is. $30k HU on betonline or pokrrr. Scroll up if you already forgot the bullet point kid. Your teenager brain ain't developed yet.

4. Your refusal to play on pokrrr because it's bad software is a really awful excuse. You challenged me kid. My moneys ready.

But as I've said, youre a nobody. With zero rep. Keep dodging.

escrow tomorrow as we agreed or go back to your mother's basement kid. Also maybe when your balls drop, you would stop making excuses and sit me already. $30,000 ready on either plat. All I do is play HS on these plat. I had a $28k loss last week in 4 hrs HU. Why you stalling

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-14-2020 at 07:00 AM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 03:23 PM
As someone who follows your challenge, I think u need to calm down bro this doesn’t look good for you. Also I need to point out I can see issues with your mental game when reading through your recent posts, Getting too much ego involved is very minus EV for your game and will eventually lead to bad results in your game. Anyways gl hope u figure it out yourself
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 03:23 PM
Let's start this post with me genuinely being intrigued in how RektByPanda is going to entertain bullet point #1. If the site I'm using is shady as he implies and he cant trust it, why did I go through so many troubles/hoops with AshPoker to get PLO and not just accept his free money at NL on the site. Can anyone explain this? Also I'm waiting to hear how Panda is going to explain not playing on Pokrrrr as well (software is fine, any other problem you would like to conjure up? if not, let's play).

Side note - GenieHunter/TwitchAshuraPoker brought in Panda as his replacement and I'm focusing more on Panda than him, pretty much expected this result. Tbh I also was calling him AshPoker on the mobile last night cus I actually forgot his screen name. Swear on my life lol.

----- On to today's morning poker session

Got a reasonable hand short, want to give him the good ol x/r and commit his wraps, weaker fds and plenty of equity against AA fds/BU.

His hand is actually a lot lighter than I imagined.

In this hand, I have 5c he has 6c. So when I donk lead here, I'm pretty nutted, never light. He ends up raising and I go yikes.

He's really toasted against my exact hand. Though tbf I'm going to have some wraps around it and he's doing really well/freerolling against those. So this one is actually a cooler for him.

I haven't done an early morning session this early in a while, about 3-4 hours ahead of schedule. Profit up about $5700 with $140 in rb give or take.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-14-2020 at 03:46 PM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by samspeedstar
As someone who follows your challenge, I think u need to calm down bro this doesn’t look good for you. Also I need to point out I can see issues with your mental game when reading through your recent posts, Getting too much ego involved is very minus EV for your game and will eventually lead to bad results in your game. Anyways gl hope u figure it out yourself
Hey I appreciate it again and frankly if I had a normal job, I would be the most politically correct person out there. I'm actually aware what I'm doing/saying is a "bad look" but poker can really just be a solo thing for the most part. Being perceived as an arsehole really has no -EV on my future standing. Regarding networking, believe it or not, I have a reasonable amount of connections. Also being an arsehole doesn't stop connections, being a cheater/scammer does, which I'm not. Otherwise how else is an immature kid running his mouth like me in private games. Find any vlogger/live pro who's played with me IRL, for the most part I'm very nice. Fwiw I'm actually known in my own main casino to challenge people to HU (only weaker players ofc, and I'll ask them in a 9max game to HU new table if they start **** like berating me). Ridiculous I know. I've posted a few of these tales on my IG live feed.

I know contrary to how I act, my mental poker game is pretty robotic and numb to the swings. If you've been following my IG, you'd know how many "soul crushing" downswings I've gone through and survived through (self banning myself from playing higher and moving down appropriately).

Last thing, this HU will be +EV for me assuming RektByPanda isn't some super online pro of the top 1% caliber. And as I've said a few pages ago numerous times, if his identity is revealed during the escrow and he is in fact, a super pro. I'm not playing. Yeah I'm immature for doing this, but it's also a spot where I can make money.

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 10-19-2020 at 07:18 PM. Reason: No.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-14-2020 , 09:37 PM
Pretty sick day, took a nap. Had a dream table. Proceed to rocket up to $11k profit for the day, then swung down nearly $13.5k for being stuck $2.5k at one point. Ended the day at $1.4k profit now + $600 in rb for $2k. Pretty much done unless dream table comes back on, but kinda tired.

Here's some of the action.

Oh you have quads.

Really I lose second board?


And the final one of them all, to seal the deal, this gonna be on my IG later story forrrrr surrreeeee

Guy just willingly jams in single suited 4c AA vs 12 cards. HOLY. I also somehow managed to dominate the other 6c hand completely, and lose both f0kin boards. Lol

5 hours till RektPanda escrows for HU match - stay tuned. TwitchAshuraPoker is still a pussi boy
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-15-2020 , 07:34 AM
^ so much for that.

Anyways today's been one of the longer sessions in quite some time. I think I started around 9-10am, and had several "sessions" throughout till now at 4:30am. I did take like 15 minute naps and what not. My stack swung quite a bit, but never really stuck more than $4k at my worst, though I was peaking near $11k+.

Was just chilling, 0 tables on the site, and then boom, full table 25/50 of whales. Immediately sat in till it broke. There's lots of hands, but I guess this was one of the more "fun" ones.

After everything all said and done today, up $4495 w/ almost $1k rakeback for $5.5k whole day of work.

On a side note, it is what it is, but accidentally (NOT HIS FAULT AT ALL, like you man) but I was asking a poker friend to refer some of the pros we know/played with in the past into the game. He knows them personally better than I, so left it to him. Except one of the other pro, got in through our other friend. So my other friend is buying his action now, instead of me. So another pro in the game/pool sitting same stakes as me, but I have 0% equity. Sigh.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-15-2020 at 07:39 AM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-16-2020 , 08:02 PM
Took yesterday off, that whole 5 hour of sleep and playing through a range of 18 hours the day before really took a toll on my body. But the main reason was there was simply no games.

Probably because people were trying to figure out how to play PLO7, Hi Lo, 2 boards...

My head hurts just from thinking about this.

Here's a hand below where I kinda messed up you could say.

I was simply playing card advantage and expected the best hand opponent really has here is some sort of AAxx (since he's choosing to play vs my 5 card hand). But I forgot I labeled him as a fun player. So just went with it. Didn't expect for him to share my outs. Oooooppsieess.

Ended the day down approx $3.7K after 300 in rb.

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 10-19-2020 at 07:17 PM. Reason: No.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-18-2020 , 03:12 AM
Basically had the day off. I think I got in some hands earlier this morning, though it honestly couldn't have been much since I don't remember. Did eventually find a good spot for a HU vs fun player and got into this hand below. Like lmao 4c vs 6c with bottom 2 and weak BU? This guy is insaneee.

Almost free $800. If I could just hold... Cmon!

With the death of the previous club (last thread was built on that game) and this one slowing down recently with the introduction of double board 6 card Hi-Lo, I haven't been able to volume in. So testing out a new private game/site already to see the player pool in there is soft and what not. If it's a good opportunity, let's get it.

Open sat about 3 hours. Got 1 hand dealt to me. The guy won 5 big blinds. And left...

Overall ended up about $1k + $150 in rb if i had to guess.

Finally got around to watching the movie The Notebook and it was plain awful. If I didnt go in with the expectation of an "nominated movie" and huge fan base (I've heard its recommendations here and there through the years) I probably wouldn't be so pissed. In no real world scenario would this play out. And on top of it, it flat out promotes cheating. Romance my ass. How is this in any way a "classic". I stopped about 2/3rd through.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-18-2020 at 03:18 AM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
