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[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year [AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year

10-12-2020 , 05:17 AM
Find me the statement where I said HU NL.

You cant. Because all I said was $5k no dodge.

Btw let's not forget this important aspect. GenieTwitch offered me 4c PLO $10/20.

Since then, he responded with 1 comment - "stop foaming"

Who's dodging who? I'm ready.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 05:19 AM
If you want to skew it into that narrative so be it. But that's not my intent behind that statement.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 05:27 AM
Since ValueCutting either is a fan boy of Genie or doesn't like me or is Genie himself. Here's the actual first words exchanged between Genie and I.

No where was HU NL brought up until the 3rd paragraph where he says he'll get back to me and 5/10 NL 100bb. To which I immediately decline and ask for 10/20 PLO.

Nice try though.

Let's not forget, TwitchGenie OFFERED ME THE $10/20 PLO. He has yet to respond since his last insult. You'd think he'd use this opportunity to stream this HU match for his twitch followers though.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
Find me the statement where I said HU NL.

You cant. Because all I said was $5k no dodge.

Btw let's not forget this important aspect. GenieTwitch offered me 4c PLO $10/20.

Since then, he responded with 1 comment - "stop foaming"

Who's dodging who? I'm ready.
You seem aware that he was referencing a hunl match between you two that didn't happen 1-2 years ago. There was no discussion of plo after that point until he after he agreed to your terms of it being played on bro and being escrowed.

I'm just telling you that this looks really bad from someone looking in with absolutely 0 context or bias, I don't know who either of you are.

I tried to find the original hunl challenge(that you seem quite aware of), but it looks like your reddit account was banned lol
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 05:35 AM
Refer to the picture above.

I was not under the impression we're talking NL as my mind is for PLO for the last literal 1-2 years. Nor was NL ever brought up until the 3rd paragraph. Which the minute he did, I addressed with PLO.


Can we not ignore the fact that he offered me $10/20 PLO. And has only insulted me since?

Why is ValueCutting not addressing this fact?
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 05:42 AM
So 1 to 2 years ago you challenged him to hunl and wouldn't play acr, while he wouldn't play bros.

Your first response seems like you know exactly who he is and what he is talking about.

Is that wrong? If I'm mistaken in that assumption then I could believe this was all just poor communication.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
Refer to the picture above.

I was not under the impression we're talking NL as my mind is for PLO for the last literal 1-2 years. Nor was NL ever brought up until the 3rd paragraph. Which the minute he did, I addressed with PLO.


Can we not ignore the fact that he offered me $10/20 PLO. And has only insulted me since?

Why is ValueCutting not addressing this fact?
I'm not addressing this fact because I really don't care about whether or not you guys play, just pointing out that you came across very poorly in the exchange in the reddit thread
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 05:47 AM
The general is 1-2 years ago I challenged him to HU PLO, where he then wanted to convert to NL (I believe the time frame to be correct, as I've been playing strictly PLO for around this time span, and iirc i was posting graphs of my PLO spree back then - could be wrong).

As I said, the minute I saw his sn and his comment I remember the HU challenge. But I was not under the impression that this HU is for NL. As i've said previously.

*Edit* and important.

TwitchGenie best not dodge after fully aware of what I was asking for. And offered. Has since only responded with an insult and silence.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-12-2020 at 06:01 AM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 06:12 AM
Valuecut vs advplay hunl 4 rollz imo
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 04:19 PM
From outsider perspective it looks like valuecut is geniehunter or one of his bumbuddies. He called out OP and now won't play. It's easy to call someone out. Not so easy to follow through and not be a pu&*y when challenge is accepted. HU4ROLLZ like banana said.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 05:48 PM
As I mentioned a few posts up, I initially felt the few possibilities that ValueCut simply just doesn't like me or is friends of GenieHunter (I took a quick 5 second glance through his post history and figured it was too much trouble).

But with a fresh morning and mind, I'm starting to feel that ValueCutting = GenieHunter.

The reasoning is because the way he talks and posts, it just feels like he has prior knowledge to our HU dispute over a year ago, that I simply don't even recall that well.

Idk if it's a stretch, but GenieHunter posted GP and WPN. Generally a stranger would just quote GP/WPN, but he went a step further and decided it was ACR.

Also the timing of GenieHunter going "silent" after offering the PLO was similar timing to ValueCutting mass responding on here on 2p2.

Though I could be completely wrong and ValueCutting is simply a random bystander. Who knows.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-12-2020 at 05:58 PM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 06:42 PM
Waiting for a game so randomly felt like searching through ValueCutting post history.

Idk if this is stretching,

But his last post was 43 days ago. Combined with my "accusations" above and the fact that this guy comes out of the blue. Really feeling like ValueCutting is TwitchGenie himself.

As ValueCutting himself said, he doesn't care if we play at all (which is strange, most of us random bystanders of 2p2/thread would want the HU blood - he may be the only person who does not). He just responds instantly about how I came off as bad. Seems really personal one sided imho. 43 days since last post, then 20 posts about me being an arshole. PLOPLOPLO is right from his outside perspective.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by valuecutting
So 1 to 2 years ago you challenged him to hunl and wouldn't play acr, while he wouldn't play bros.

Your first response seems like you know exactly who he is and what he is talking about.

Is that wrong? If I'm mistaken in that assumption then I could believe this was all just poor communication.
Hey he's talking to me in the Reddit thread. This challenge was not 1-2 years ago. This was in reddit dm's a couple months back lol

This guy is just insane lol
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 09:08 PM
Also, I started playing poker in late 2019 early 2018 so valuecutting isn't me, he's just a reasonable human being it seem like
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 09:15 PM
Like I said, I can't remember the time frame and it was well over 1/2 a year ago. If you assume I would remember a HU challenge like it matters, then youre mistaken. This is a far cry from something like 2 weeks ago.

Also you can't have two accounts on reddit/2p2? I clearly made another after my previous was locked. In fact, I have another account on 2p2, but haven't used that one in ages. Also your Ashura is clearly for your GGPoker affliation. Good job on that though card wizard. You crushing em, why you even need your 9-5 entry internship lmao. And I was pretty much spot on right. If youre grinding 100NL and then "randomly playing" $300-500 mtts (you binked two for a total of $5k). How you gonna crack 6 figs?

Since you're here. $10/20 PLO. Don't dodge now that you showed up.Tyvm

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-12-2020 at 09:22 PM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 09:20 PM

Don't disappoint your followers on twitch. They believe in their global poker pro card wizard. If youre one of their elites, then stand by your words.

$10/20 PLO. 5 buy-in escrow. 5 hours, 3 days straight. This is already light. I would want far more.

[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 09:21 PM
I posted the screenshot where the first DM you sent me was May of this year

I have no affiliation with GGPoker I live in the US and most of my volume has been on Global Poker. I don't personally want to play huPLO against you, but a friend of mine who thinks you are as insane and bad as I do would like to play you if you're down for that? I'd be down to play HUNL though. I asked about PLO in the first place to get my friend some action.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 09:27 PM
And clearly I just addressed it, comprehension hard? It was well 1/2 a year ago, it's not like last week buddy. If you think I'm going to remember a HU challenge against a random, then you're the one insane.

You said it yourself buddy. You offered. Now youre backing down and randomly getting a nobody in?

The best part is. You reasonably cannot analyze my play aside from the fact that I'm an immature guy who spends too much time disputing against randoms. I've posted maybe 10 HH in this thread. Majority of them just being graphs (winning at an insane winrate) - if my graph and HH is fish, god lord every1 should be quitting their normal jobs and playing poker. So do entertain me. What's the 2p2 username of this pro who thinks I"m a fish.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-12-2020 at 09:35 PM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 09:35 PM
Ah I misread "1/2 a year ago" as "1-2 years ago."

Me asking "Would you play NL or 4cPLO?" is not the same as me saying "I am 100% willing to play you in both games on demand." TheBestPanda or RektByPandas is the guy who would play you in 4c

Also, anyone that talks like this cannot be a crusher lol
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 09:42 PM
That's how insignificant you are to me, that I can't even remember the time frame well. That I'm supposed to remember the distinction.

Dude on your twitter, you have "global poker wizard crusher". You play random low limit MTTs and $200 buyin games. What part of that is "wizard crushing"

Lol find me anyone on reddit/2p2/anywhere who recently paid $100,000 in rake in 3 months of 25/50 and 50/100+ and still has a winrate on top of it. I do though. If this isn't at least "doing well" then certainly you who is an established GP Poker PRo Wizard, would have 250K+ earnings this year no?

So I just want to establish this. You're backing off right.

TwitchAshuraPoker, what a shame you are.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 10-12-2020 at 09:56 PM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 10:16 PM
Wait what? What twitter are you looking at? My twitter is not associated with my poker screennames
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 10:18 PM
Also, yes I'm backing off from playing PLO but I'd play you in HUNL because that is the game I play. I think I'd probably lose to you in HUPLO. I assume you won't play HUNL because you think you would probably lose to me in that format right?

Though I never really agreed to play PLO? So I'm not sure if it's really backing off but if that's what you want to call it sure.

Last edited by Ashura; 10-12-2020 at 10:27 PM.
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 10:24 PM



[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro




You're probs right on this but I feel like I've been pretty normal and reasonable here no?
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
10-12-2020 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Ashura
Wait what? What twitter are you looking at? My twitter is not associated with my poker screennames

So you're saying this isn't your twitter. Your face. Literally linking you. How else did I randomly stumble upon the fact that you're a GP Poker Pro Wizard Crusher.

I think you LITERALLY posted your poker screen name on your TWITTER.

Originally Posted by RoadtoPro



Honestly I'm aware I'm really f*ing immature. With that being said, this is the result of never having a job with a supervisor/boss to answer to. There's no consequence for me acting out this way. And acting out is the perfect word for me. I'm a kid at heart. I know =\
[AP] From 2/5 NL Live Pro to winning 0k/year Quote
