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All variants of MTTs on PokerStars All variants of MTTs on PokerStars

06-28-2024 , 09:48 PM
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All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
06-28-2024 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Parasense
**** this ****, goddamn rigged bastard site.
May they all die on AIDS, asap.

Shipped 2.20$ PLO for 58$, and took it to 50c/1$ PLO HU. Spin it up to 113$, then some moron calls pot on turn with sucker wrap despite two flushdraws in 3bet pot, of which i had one flushdraw, plus nutblocker to the other one, hits his higher str8, and i call of my lower str8 for 6$ more in 225$ pot.

I cannot comprehend whats going on. I might as well just burn all of my 50€ bills i have, li-ter-al-ly.

If he aint hit his ****ing 9 outs, or whatever, i'd have my 220$ there.

**** these goddamn rotten childs of ****ing crack-whores, i'm done with this bastard site.

I'd love to beat these clowns, until they're half dead, then piss on them, while they're knocked out.

Oh, mental game... STFU all of you imbecile *********** ****** nits, youre a disgrace for poker, and being sober and balanced aint worth ****ing jackshit.

Imma piece of ****, and imma go to hell. It aint hard to ****ing tell.

Bastard site lets me ship 6k in march, then i run worse than a physically challenged guy vs Usain Bolt in a 3 month sprint, every single mother****ing day, again and again.

I already regged at a gym, and quit this joke of a poker-site, now.

I will also quit my ****ing 20h/week accounting job soon, sell the second flat that i own in the process, get welfare, and use those ~€85k to play 5$/10$ PLO on coinpoker now.

Already own 100 MAGA Trump coins bought at 7$ during the last dip, and will go 50% all in one them, once i reached 200k on coinpoker, selling them as soon as Biden quits, obv.

Heading out to buy some Opium now, which will last for 4-5 days, long enough to sell my second flat at 10-20% below market value, asap.

I'm sick and tired of paying 4 figures on taxes for poker and working this ******ed up part-time accounting job each month, that any AI could do in 30min per week.

If the flat will sell by the end of next week, you have plenty of time to fly to Vegas and play the main + 10k 8game
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
06-28-2024 , 11:30 PM
But i'd miss the 10k Stud8 tomorrow...

My uncle is a retired Lufthansa Pilot, and could get me free miles for travel, but my schedule would have to be 1.5k 8game, 10k 8game and 3k horse, from 7th till 11th of July, ofc skipping 25k horse on 14th...

I suck at NLHE online, and didnt play NLHE live since 2019

We'll see

Last edited by Parasense; 06-28-2024 at 11:46 PM.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
06-29-2024 , 05:11 PM
Well... I wont do any of those things i mentioned. But it felt great to post it at that time, blowing off some steam.

Forgot that i regged a 7.50$ MTT before losing at 50c/1$ HU PLO. Unregged automatically after i logged out.

Played a single regular table of 1c/2c PLO until Germany vs Denmark started today, and quit with 6$ profit today.

Will try to do the same tomorrow, to get those 13.50$ to 20$. Not playing any MTTs with so few dollars.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
06-30-2024 , 07:17 PM
Thank god, i lost the rest now.

No point in playing, when you simply know you are dead with any set, when all-in on the flop or turn. Just knowing flush will hit on the river, like clockwork.

Last edited by Parasense; 06-30-2024 at 07:34 PM.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-01-2024 , 10:50 AM
I found out that my 1k deposit limit has been reset to zero already, because it's set for each new month, and not per last 30 days, like my wins/losses i see, each time i open Pokerstars.

Anyway,... Been putting some clothes in my washing machine - a high quality german product, which i have since nearly 8 years - but it didnt start...
Tried hitting it (polish repair method), but it still didnt work. Called technical help hotline, and they told me that it's most likely an easy fix, costing me only ~100€. So far so good, but these suckers want 80€ more for their drive to my location...

I decided to open it up, and fix it myself,... with no success. Called them again, and made an appointment for the day after tomorrow.

I cannot comprehend how bad im running, since my 5th place in the 1k Stud8 SCOOP.

With 3 Family members and friends birthdays this month to consider on top of that, im nearly dead broke, regarding liquid cash now... On first of the month...

Been calling a good friend for whom i've worked a few times, if he has some work for me, and he does.
I will travel to a village next to Marseille (France) from 7th to 12th, and help to build a new driveway there. Travel, eat and sleep for free, but only get 500€ for it, most likely sweating my balls of in mediterran summer there. Nevertheless, really looking forward to it.

Got myself some opium for 4 days now (****'s really strong), and will intensify my diet during that time, then eat normal again, until im back in Germany.

Well deserved time off from poker, and if i dont blow my 500 bucks during my stay in France, i will have a new bankroll, once im back home.

Last edited by Parasense; 07-01-2024 at 10:59 AM.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-01-2024 , 03:01 PM
Just a short warning for those who are watching Pokerstars Mixed Games "pro" GJreggie on Twitch... Dont think watching her will improve your game in any variant, at all. She's extremly terrible, being down $55K (sic!) over only 5800 games, and has never been profitable.

Disgusting move by Pokerstars, to sponsor such a whale, instead of any semi-competent or actually good player.

Maybe i'll start a Twitch account, when i got my roll above 3K again.

Last edited by Parasense; 07-01-2024 at 03:11 PM.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-03-2024 , 10:10 PM
Made the decision to finish my diet-goal until end of July, then start the serious grind again in August.

Will only single table one Micro Million Event per day when i'm back home on 13th, until this month and my diet is over.

Starting next month with at least 400$, in case of busting all Micro Million Events.

First week will be 5$ avg buy-in (2.20$ - 11$), 12-14 games per day, registering from 16:00-20:43 CET, only.

Not playing any NL or Pot limit Draw games, because they need too much attention and clicking.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-04-2024 , 08:21 PM
No work for me... My friend/boss got COVID... That's a 3.7 of 100k badbeat right there. On top of that, he told me that he'll take a more qualified guy who is free next month, when he got well again... fml

Told myself that i'll skip one ribeye steak this month, and deposited 10€.

During SCOOP, i've been joking about simply grinding the 55c 8-Game satellites when i go broke, and... that's what i did today.

Won a seat, and busted the 5.50$ with str8 vs naked oesd, aiott in PLO.

55c NLHE satty to 11$ busted with turned set of kings vs naked AA... Aiott, and Ace river.

Made 40th in 55c bountybuilder for 2.70$.

Made 8th in 55c hot for 5.77$.

Made 9th in 3.30$ PLO for 16.66$.

And i shipped/chopped a 1.10$ HORSE as slight chipleader 3way, all being kinda short, for 22.80$.
More than second place would have gotten.

Spun up 1.43$ to 5.50$ at 6+ holdem, but busted 60%er in 5.50$ NLO8 hyper KOmania.

Ended up with enough to play the 2.20$ and 3.30$ Stud Hi and Stud8 satellites to the 22$'s tomorrow and on Saturday, plus the first six Micro Million Mixed Events until 10th of July.

I'll use the leftover 4.40$ to grind more 55c and 1.10$ games tomorrow, aside of the two Stud Hi satellites.

Bankroll = 44$

Last edited by Parasense; 07-04-2024 at 08:50 PM.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-05-2024 , 07:54 AM
Woke up early and played 1c/2c 6+ and PLO, just to lose 13 stacks within 45 minutes, getting set over set at 6+ three times, while also losing half a dozen 55-60%er at PLO. Last 2$ stack, i spazzed 3457ds 4way all in preflop, and had 31%, hahaha.

I love this game so much, not kidding.

Took the last 18$ to 10c/25c PLO Zoom, and got it to 27$, still a bit tilted...
Went for 25c/50c PLO with 3 absolute morons and one good reg in the pool, after observing it for 10 minutes.
Of course these morons call and hit every naked gutshot, after i made a great herocall vs the only reg to double up before that.

Now i can at least watch Germany lose to Spain in peace. Terrible draw for us there...

If Germany gets to the final game, i at least win 160€. Basically lost all other sport bets already... Close to zero chance Mbappe makes most goals, after breaking his nose and missing a game...

MAGA trump coins being down to 5.46$ (bought at 7$). No clue how that one doesnt go up, with Biden mouth-breathing and losing context on every oppurtunity...

Will only play the 5.50$ 8-Game Micro Millionen and a 3.30$ PLO (or whatever, forgot which one it was) for the next seven days.

If Germany doesnt reach the finals, i will sell trump coins for 150€ on 10th of July, no matter where it stands. Gotta play those freaking Micro Millions, lol.

I'll be smart enough to only deposit 15x 10€ per day, because i obviously cant respect any tiny bankroll.

No matter what happens, i will start next month with a exactly 400$ (and 5$ avg buy-in), even if i have to sell the rest of my coins for that.

Last edited by Parasense; 07-05-2024 at 08:21 AM.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-05-2024 , 08:33 AM
The diet is messing with my head too much to make optimal decisions regarding poker.

Not only my game choice... even in game, i made several mistakes that i usually wouldnt.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-06-2024 , 06:28 PM
Same procedure as last day?
Same procedure as every day
10€ deposited...

Scored 7.50$ in 1.10$ NLHE satellite, shipped 1.10$ PLO8 turbo for 28$, and made 4th in 2.20$ hot hyper for 35$.
Of course i lost it all...

Pretty soon, i'll stop playing unbeatable games like 25c/50c PLO HU with 30% more rake on top. Pretty soon...

Shipped 33c to 11$ Storm tomorrow
Break even

Last edited by Parasense; 07-06-2024 at 06:40 PM. Reason: Also no luck in 22$ Stud8
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-11-2024 , 07:37 PM
Same procedure...

Cashed 3.30$ PLO8 Micro Million for 7.77$, shipped 1.10$ HORSE for 24$, and won a seat to 16.50$ PLO turbo Omania which i busted vs a drooler, after having the chiplead. Won a bit at 25c/50c Stud8.
Ofc i lost it all...

65%er at PLO Heads Up for 85$ pot, aiotf...
Now im finally done playing that raked to death format.


I'll restart on Saturday with 400$ (sold coins at slight loss), and use very nitty bankroll management:

- Not playing any MTTs higher than 5.50$ (until 11$ PLO Micro Million Main Event)

- Only Stud8 cash up to 1$/2$ whenever it runs, plus 2cent 6+ holdem to fill up to 4 tables when i have three or less MTTs left.

- A few 2$ PLO spins at the end of my sessions

Feeling very good about my game, same as in general, and will do all of my daily exercising after sessions. Will eat nearly all of my daily calories before and during the sessions, to make sure that i perform well.

Time to get serious again!

Last edited by Parasense; 07-11-2024 at 07:47 PM.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-12-2024 , 08:21 PM
Tiny night session to get it going.

Busted 1.10$ HORSE, 2.20$ PL Courcheval Hi Lo, 4.40$ PLO, and then the 3.30$ NLO Hi total ko with AAxx vs A668 aipf... Bubbled 2.20$ PLO.

Cashed 1.10$ 8-Game for about tree fiddy, and won one stack at 6+ holdem.

Bankroll = 391$

Looking forward to the 2.20$ 8-Game Micro Million in 19 hours. Unsure if i'll add any NLHE MM Events, except the 1.10$.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
07-13-2024 , 07:10 PM
I'm mad as hell, and i wont take this anymore.

Paid out 346$, and quit PS.
Also not going to play elsewhere.

I'll get my gamble betting sports, and jaywalking without looking left and right.

Have a nice day

Last edited by Parasense; 07-13-2024 at 07:21 PM.
All variants of MTTs on PokerStars Quote
