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6 month plan 6 month plan

08-28-2023 , 05:50 PM
Planning on grinding starting with plo$20 8 hours a day (2 fourhour sessions) for at least 24 days a month starting on first. Want to switch to betonline next month but starting off for month of September on poker Bros. Never used a poker tracker before but want to once I get to betonline. Goin to two table. Don't really have any money goals but for plo $20 I'm hoping to make around $70 with 40% rb per day. So around 15 bbs an hour. Starting with $400. Love food music reading some times sports. Might update with food pics because should be eating out alot this month. (LIVIG at a friend's) once I get into my own apartment in October will post some dishes I make mainly pasta Italian food. Good luck to y'all can't wait to get started!
6 month plan Quote
08-28-2023 , 05:55 PM
6 month plan Quote
08-28-2023 , 07:40 PM
Ty ty
6 month plan Quote
09-01-2023 , 02:37 PM
Day 1 3.5 hours. Couldn't deposit problem with my card only could deposit $30. Was going to just play .10/.20 but figured I should play .30/.60 kind of feeling good confidence wise I've played higher and did well but life's been a disaster. Anyway first session an hour have a $60 profit. Feels good to play this stake where I won't get frustrated... Second session did great 2.5 hours up $371 profit from $30. Feels good. No hands of note.

Looking forward to a pasta dish either tonigt or tomorrow. ��
6 month plan Quote
09-01-2023 , 09:07 PM
Lost 2 bad beats not to bad I think 60/40ish at .10/.20 lost $50 but than played .30/.60 and won about $105. So total for the day is plus $480... 3 diff. Sessions at .30/.60 +60 +370 +105.. played about four hours total including -50 .10).20 session. Good day. Had pasta primavera at restaurant give it a 77% saved half though as not to spoil my diet. Been trying to lose weight past month lost around 20lbs. Good day today feel like my confidence is coming back but still leery because low bankroll. Gb

6 month plan Quote
