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m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business

02-20-2017 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Our leading data analyst during our big meeting today

"the thing is, you either beat it or you don't"

cannot imagine a stable owner saying that in the open

people who are beating will leave as hey we can beat regardless and people who are not beating cannot beat , i guess not getting the point of this statement ? care to explain
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-20-2017 , 04:22 PM
lol solid screen name
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-20-2017 , 04:53 PM
OK guys so here's my starting 11 and Subs ->


-- P.Lahm -- Cannavaro -- Puyol -- R.Carlos

-- Ronaldinho -- Zidane -- Viera -- Messi

---------Ibrahimovic -- Ronaldo9-----



Couldn't really pick a one winner but tought PumaPerez, nakz ,Gaviria and
dudgeviper9 did good job so ended up flipping between them. Lucky winner this time was nakz
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-20-2017 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Smart_Guy
cannot imagine a stable owner saying that in the open

people who are beating will leave as hey we can beat regardless and people who are not beating cannot beat , i guess not getting the point of this statement ? care to explain
Those who beat the game don't need a stake, and those who don't beat the game can't get a stake.
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-20-2017 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Smart_Guy
cannot imagine a stable owner saying that in the open

people who are beating will leave as hey we can beat regardless and people who are not beating cannot beat , i guess not getting the point of this statement ? care to explain
Its a famous poker comedy line. Like are you going to win the tournament tomorrow? "50/50 either I will or I won't" what he said made sense in the meeting was just a funny comment coming from our geekiest guy!
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-20-2017 , 11:15 PM
as you posted the 50-99 winrate will be upped by some 90e games (XTASE,, 888 major ) wich should be included in the 109s graphs and 150-160$ games should be in the 109s tier too ( croco b162 )

think the first tiers in your posted graphs should be :


how do you approach a badger strategy nowadays since games got tougher regarding number of tabs vs hourly/roi depending on stake?
i figure top tier badgers have low table count for higher abi and the others increase number of tabs while abi decreases?

do you think that table count should be lower in 2017 in comparison with 2016 or 2015 ?

epic thread. gl
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-21-2017 , 02:52 AM

shark ITT
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 04:11 PM
Really solid Sunday, no huge binks, but some nice results.

We also had a 6 figure live cash, that we cant talk about for privacy reasons, means we have almost $1m profit for the year

Big shout out to one of the funniest guys, Apotheosis who let out some of his humour in this blog post after shipping the Super Tuesday last night for $70k.

My gf is back in Hungary now for 2 weeks. I'm spending the entire time in the lab and in the gym, starting to turn my life a lot more healthy starting from today. Goal every day is to do

1 hour of exercise
3 hours of reading
3 hours of lab work
2 hours of bitb work
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 04:37 PM
Haha that was a good blog post
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 06:13 PM
Yeah very enjoyable read, he's honestly a pretty good writer
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 06:23 PM
RIP prorential
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
RIP prorential
also pretty good writer
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 07:08 PM
haha good entry Apotheosis
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 07:19 PM
wow 55k games (is like 5 years of regular grinder) it really shows how one can print money from MTTs with huge sample (what was it like ~70 baggers/~6k avg profit /avg ~800 games #sick)

nice blog btw
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 07:46 PM
Pads you need to fix Apotheosis's biggest leak, calling the beautiful game soccer dafuq?!?!
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 08:26 PM
haha I know

Funny story from the vegas house, we go to the supermarket and theres like some huge watermelon, like really really big. Chris is like "guys this is $0.79 obv we have to get it. The supermarket was like 5 mins walk from the house, but in vegas heat thats heaps lol. Chris is like ok, lets get this, I'll take it.

Get to the counter and its like $42.34 and Chris is like "hey isn't this $0.79?" and they're like yeh by the pound.

Other funny things about Chris from summer. We quickly realised he was the most gullible guy we had met. All of the other guys were British that are generally very skeptical and question everything, probably because of our government. Chris coming from his trusting Canadian background soaked in whatever we said, so I took it upon myself, and wagered with the guys that each day I could say something more ridiculous until he clocked that we were taking the piss.

Bluffs I got through

- Scotty Nguyen was on the treadmill at the gym with a corona
- Layne Flack was our new pool boy
- Johny Chan was officiating racquetball games in a wheelchair at the gym

Can't remember the rest, but they were up there amongst the best that he believed

<3 top guy
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-22-2017 , 09:30 PM
I worked for for 2+ years at the beginning of my poker career, in a full time 9-5 role. At the time, everybody was trying to make money from poker, but PS were literally makings tens and tens of millions, eventually they were sold for around $50m to iPoker.

I learned so much about the workplace at PokerStrategy. Basically the entire management team were German. But they were all young German, very smart, geeky, techy, new school German. Most either retired as multi millionaires or went to work in senior positions in massive companies like Google, and some started other new entrepreneurial ventures. What I realised mainly though from working in this company, is that there is no real secret about how to crush in business, most mistakes are just common sense mistakes, and if you have good rational and a good critical way of thinking whilst always being somewhat wary of people and always working out if something is +Ev or not rather than going on wild aimless goose chases then you're going to be ok. A little like poker really.

There was a lot of processes I learned there that I'll try to have in any company I use in the future. One is very simple, everything and anything was documented on an internal forum. Literally everything imaginable that went on in the company went onto the forum, everybody had different level rights and could only see a limited amount of info, the bosses being able to see everything.

Benefits of the forum:

- emailing is very inefficient and difficult to discuss and debate
- having meetings and then forgetting in 6 months exactly what happened is a disaster and waste of time
- you can take time to get back to each other on things once you think about the whole picture etc
- it stops meetings going on for 100-1000% longer than they should
- senior people don't need to be part of discussions and waste their very important time on trivial things
- everybody gets to be a stake holder of something

At bitB we have very similar thing that I put in basically from day 1.

Forums we have

Investor Discussions
Basically everything important about the company thats extremely confidential gets discussed here and only management can see the board
- Investors decisions

New Applications
When a new applicant comes, they have step 1, which is via our application manager, who declines/puts people to step 2 based on basic criteria we have. Once received, we will discussion in separate threads each guy and then if promising, ask for further info to look at. Only management and application manager can see this
- Applications received
- Rejected
- Stats or video to check
- Negotiating offer
- Accepted

Main Stable player discussion
Each player has a thread that management/coaches discuss. When a player has a coaching, their coach writes their report here. If we have any huge positive or negative opinion on the player it goes there, when we have an issue in the future or want to decide to move up/down tiers, we will go back here rather than just "trying to remember" obviously the players cant see their own threads.
- Main stable

Dev stable Management
Same thing, but for dev stable. Also a board about how we manage dev stable in general, promotions, forms of coaching, coaches info etc.
- Dev stable discussion
- Dev player discussion

Main forum
Open to everybody
- Announcements
- Strategy chat
- Support/Help forum
- General chat

So generally everybody is very active in the boards they have access to. We discuss everything and 99% of the time we act professionally about stuff, its important that things are private though, because sometimes I may get a little out of line!

m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-23-2017 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
haha I know

Funny story from the vegas house, we go to the supermarket and theres like some huge watermelon, like really really big. Chris is like "guys this is $0.79 obv we have to get it. The supermarket was like 5 mins walk from the house, but in vegas heat thats heaps lol. Chris is like ok, lets get this, I'll take it.

Get to the counter and its like $42.34 and Chris is like "hey isn't this $0.79?" and they're like yeh by the pound.

Other funny things about Chris from summer. We quickly realised he was the most gullible guy we had met. All of the other guys were British that are generally very skeptical and question everything, probably because of our government. Chris coming from his trusting Canadian background soaked in whatever we said, so I took it upon myself, and wagered with the guys that each day I could say something more ridiculous until he clocked that we were taking the piss.

Bluffs I got through

- Scotty Nguyen was on the treadmill at the gym with a corona
- Layne Flack was our new pool boy
- Johny Chan was officiating racquetball games in a wheelchair at the gym

Can't remember the rest, but they were up there amongst the best that he believed

<3 top guy
These are great
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-23-2017 , 11:37 AM
I've got one last great moment from the summer that Pads was only indirectly involved in.

So, Pads' girlfriend flies down for like a week and is staying at the house. At some point she's alone in the house with myself and one of the other housemates. You have to understand that at this point all 3 of the other guys are so on their toes about being trolled that we're literally questioning everything he says and find it hard to trust him. Prior to his gfs arrival he's telling us that like her brother used to be a world class break dancer, and now he lives in vienna (LOL, yea fkn right). Along with like a bunch of other seemingly random and unlikely facts about another one of her siblings. None of us believe him obvs but tbf his range was pretty balanced and he was saying some seemingly outlandish things that were true as well.

Anyway, back to this dinner. So the 3 of us are eating and it's just sort of quiet and then all of the sudden Jack just can't take it anymore. He's like, "So... do you have any siblings?" She responds saying yes she does, two of them in fact, a brother and a sister (I think?). So obviously Jack's follow up question is, "So, tell me more about this brother, what does he do?" She then explains that he used to actually be a world class break dancer and now he teaches in Vienna. I'm trying my absolute best not to burst out laughing. She obviously thinks Jack is being chatty/friendly but I know that really shes being interrogated like some ****ing prisoner of war with valuable info. This interrogation continues for like 10-15 mins. She manages to essentially confirm every single one of the obscure facts that Pads has mentioned to us. At this point she excuses herself and heads off.

After 30 seconds of silence Jack turns to me and with a look of horror says, "Man, I can't decide whether I believe her or whether they're just in on this together."

That's when you know your fkn troll game is strong boys. When your girlfriend survives a full on interrogation and the other guys still aren't convinced about their position.

The other funny thing about this incident that I later pointed out to Jack is that he probably asked her 10 questions about her brother and another half dozen about her sister but he literally didn't ask her a single question about herself lmao.

I wonder if she picked up on all these things or if she just thought it was a friendly chat because she wasn't looking at it with some of the information that we had.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I really can't put enough emphasis on how much better a summer in Vegas is with a house of other good dudes compared to doing a solo trip and staying at a hotel or w/e.
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-23-2017 , 11:41 AM

you guys got rekt
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-23-2017 , 11:59 AM
Lmao that is brilliant. I'd love to hear her thoughts on that conversation.

"Yeah, I met these guys, there were nice and all but seemed overly interested in my siblings..."

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-23-2017 , 12:38 PM
Hahahahaha that's epic
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-23-2017 , 01:46 PM
good read from Apotheosis, very solid writing style and lol'd at the Finn jokes
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-23-2017 , 03:47 PM
what was the bluff that finally got called by chris?
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
02-23-2017 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by North Squad

Anyway, just wanted to say that I really can't put enough emphasis on how much better a summer in Vegas is with a house of other good dudes compared to doing a solo trip and staying at a hotel or w/e.

Very entertaining and incredibly insightful at the end!
m Profit in 2017 - Best In the Business Quote
