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07-26-2011 , 10:24 PM
Great thread, op is my hero =)
Good luck.
07-27-2011 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by coopah
Hmmm I don't like the idea of using a Hud to use to make decisions on a hand happening now which uses the data of past hands.
Hmm, somehow that doesn't sound right. The way people played in past hands might give you hints on their leaks which you could exploit. Why not use every info available to you? Especially since you multitable und therefor can't pay attention to everything. You don't have to act on the info but in some instances it is nice to have it imo.
07-27-2011 , 04:20 AM
I persoanlly think that his results to now wthout a HUD are impressive and adding a HUD especially if not used to it may take attention away, mis understanding numbers to give false reads or affect the way Coopah currently plays. If he were grinding out 1/2 on lots of tbales trying to work up..definately get onto HUD skills...but not now i think.
07-27-2011 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by elcid
Hmm, somehow that doesn't sound right. The way people played in past hands might give you hints on their leaks which you could exploit. Why not use every info available to you? Especially since you multitable und therefor can't pay attention to everything. You don't have to act on the info but in some instances it is nice to have it imo.
I dunno, i just don't think its needed. Durrrr made it to the top without using a Hud so it's definitely not impossible. Maybe it would improve my winrate, but I would need someone to set it all up for me as i've seen what it looks like and half the info I wouldn't want. But yeah, as I play on a laptop atm it would probably make it run very slow if I used a hud and be laggy. When I buy my proper set up in like 2-3 weeks then maybe I can see what all the fuss is about...
07-27-2011 , 02:17 PM
have read from the beginning but only posting now. just wanted to say gl and i'll continue to read with interest.
07-27-2011 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by pontylad
have read from the beginning but only posting now. just wanted to say gl and i'll continue to read with interest.
Thank you!
07-27-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by coopah
Ok gtg out for dinner etc, day 17 comes to a close with a day's profit of: + £4,107.

Winnings after Day 17: + £52,305.

Over 10% of the challenge complete
Actually it didn't. I played more. A weak player sat down so I decided to delay the night out but didn't pay dividends as i ended Day 17 with a loss of £1,855.

Day 18 (today) however has ended with a profit of £12,119.

After day 18 my profit is £59,120.

07-27-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by coopah
I dunno, i just don't think its needed. Durrrr made it to the top without using a Hud so it's definitely not impossible. Maybe it would improve my winrate, but I would need someone to set it all up for me as i've seen what it looks like and half the info I wouldn't want. But yeah, as I play on a laptop atm it would probably make it run very slow if I used a hud and be laggy. When I buy my proper set up in like 2-3 weeks then maybe I can see what all the fuss is about...
When you get your setup make sure you give some serious consideration to using a SSD (harddrive) instead of a usual HD... it will make an abundance of difference to the speed of your HHs imports as well as general usage. Apologies if you were already going to do this, thought it might worth posting just in case your not aware of the massive speed benefits an SSD will give ya.

Also if you need a hand with HUD, etc feel free to drop a pm im on GMT too.
07-27-2011 , 08:31 PM
Wasn't aware of that, my computer knowledge is pretty poor tbh. And cheers also, I will probably be in touch again once the new comp is all set up

07-27-2011 , 08:38 PM
You're sick OP, good luck man!
07-27-2011 , 10:32 PM
Really enjoying this thread.

One thing I am curious about is the reads you have on your opponents. Im assuming from your posts that you dont often review sessions or analyse villains tendencies outside of your session?

Yet you seem to have excellent reads on how your opponents play and how they think about poker. Are you watching a lot of hands which you are not involved in? and do you make a lot of notes?

Thanks and good luck.
07-28-2011 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by DonkeyFishFight
You seem to have a gambling problem. No responsible poker player should allow themselves to bet and gamble away their roll like that. Sort these issues out and you're much more likely to reach your goal.
I didn't mean to come across as a douche here and what I said was sincere. It seems you're very likely to reach your goal as long as you keep away from such things, and I wish you the best of luck! You seem to be doing great so far.
07-28-2011 , 05:50 AM
if you do get a HUD, watching AJacksons vid on BFP would be very benficial regarding how to use it and which stats are good to have in the pop ups etc and what each number means.

i'd continue without one if I were you though.
07-28-2011 , 07:21 AM
Hey coopah really enjoying the thread best of luck with the challenge!

I've got a few questions if you don't mind

1) Do you find yourself taking many notes whilst playing? I presumed you would need more seeing as you play without a hud?

2) If you do take notes what sort of stuff are you writing down?

3) How many tables do you normally play (sorry if this has already been asked) or is it dependant on how many games are running? What is the max you feel comfortable with before you start to autopilot?

4) If there is a big whale at your table and you are feeling like you want to end your session (other plans, tiredness etc) would you carry on playing or would you simply let other regs have him and tell yourself there will be someone similar next time?

Sorry for all the questions I just think this thread is a great opportunity to get inside the mind of a beast!
07-28-2011 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Swire
Do you have unusual sleeping hours? 2am is late for the avg person
poker players IMO always tend to buck this trend

keep it up OP this is sick
07-28-2011 , 07:53 AM
great thread. keep it up OP
07-28-2011 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by unusual storage
Really enjoying this thread.

One thing I am curious about is the reads you have on your opponents. Im assuming from your posts that you dont often review sessions or analyse villains tendencies outside of your session?

Yet you seem to have excellent reads on how your opponents play and how they think about poker. Are you watching a lot of hands which you are not involved in? and do you make a lot of notes?

Thanks and good luck.
I didn't, but as of about 2 weeks ago, filter my session hands by amount lost so I can see the hands I lost the most with and work out if it was just bad luck or badly played. I also now do look at certain tendencies of the 4-5 players I play the most with, which tbh, has already helped me on the tables.

Regarding the reads I have on opponents (the Q7ss hand in particular) that was just opponent related and I just know his game very well I think. I may not pull off a 3barrel bluff vs a different opponent due to me having no specific read or insight into how they play. Notes - yes, but only in the last 2 weeks. I do watch some tables, but only when I'm on the waiting list.

Originally Posted by DonkeyFishFight
I didn't mean to come across as a douche here and what I said was sincere. It seems you're very likely to reach your goal as long as you keep away from such things, and I wish you the best of luck! You seem to be doing great so far.
Thanks - it didn't come across as you being a douche tbh, and what you first said was the truth.

Originally Posted by matwoolley1991
Hey coopah really enjoying the thread best of luck with the challenge!

I've got a few questions if you don't mind

1) Do you find yourself taking many notes whilst playing? I presumed you would need more seeing as you play without a hud?

2) If you do take notes what sort of stuff are you writing down?

3) How many tables do you normally play (sorry if this has already been asked) or is it dependant on how many games are running? What is the max you feel comfortable with before you start to autopilot?

4) If there is a big whale at your table and you are feeling like you want to end your session (other plans, tiredness etc) would you carry on playing or would you simply let other regs have him and tell yourself there will be someone similar next time?

Sorry for all the questions I just think this thread is a great opportunity to get inside the mind of a beast!

1) Only recently started to take notes as in the past 2 weeks.

2) Various things, specific to the opponent. How they play their draws I think is a key bit of info, whether they just call you down and fold river, whether they raise and get it in on the flop, whether they check behind or bet if i check to them...

If they overbet the river (and I call) - what did they have to overbet with...

Stats I've looked up like - 3bet %, 4bet %, 3bet% out of the small and big blinds, Cbet flop %, Call flop bet %, Squeeze %...

3) 6-9 most probably. I don't feel like i auto pilot with this amount, I used to play 12-15 tables 2 years ago when I had a big set up in a flat I lived in (when on my university placement).

4) If i'm alone then i'll always stick around until they have gone. If i have company, mostly it will be my gf, and I say something like "we'll go out at 6.30pm" then at 6.28pm a whale/very weak player sits down I'll ask her if we can go out later. She sometimes says no problem and if thats the case then i'll play on, but if I get the impression it would tilt her, then as you say, i'll tell myself they will be there next time, but at the same time be a bit on tilt for the next hour or so thinking about the possible free money that I missed out on. Last week there was an Italian playing €10/20 and I had to go and walk her dog which i told her I would do... I was fmling, took the dog on a short walk, by the time I got back ofc the Italian had gone!
07-28-2011 , 12:09 PM
Do you find the players at 5/10 switch up their game a lot? i.e. mixing in bluffs with premium hands for their 3 bets. Value bet large with great hands mixed in with weak hands?

Also how do the players at 5/10 compared to 3/6 and lower? What would you say are the major differences between those 5/10 and below?

Cheers Coopah
07-28-2011 , 02:20 PM
Registered just to say that this thread is worth like 7 cardrunners or 9 deucescracked videos..And OP is awesome..

Wish u more good results in future coopah..Enjoy..
07-28-2011 , 03:34 PM
Well done mate.
Good luck!
i think i might need to do something along the lines of this, Obviously not 500k though!
07-28-2011 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by KelvinKe
Do you find the players at 5/10 switch up their game a lot? i.e. mixing in bluffs with premium hands for their 3 bets. Value bet large with great hands mixed in with weak hands?

Also how do the players at 5/10 compared to 3/6 and lower? What would you say are the major differences between those 5/10 and below?

Cheers Coopah
I think players are recently switching their game up a lot - from what I have seen, more so on 10/20 than anywhere else. By this I mean I have seen alot more recently regs just flatting opening raises with AA/KK/QQ/JJ (This can be for a few reasons but imo this is to invite a squeeze from a player who has a high tendency to do this behind them). I've seen there been an opening raise and then they will also just flat AKss in the big blind instead of 3betting it (hence avoiding playing out of position in a bigger pot).

I think all regs are capable of 3betting low suited connectors, some ofc do it mroe than others. I find simply pot building in position with a wide range of cards to be successful, when I do get premium hands it ensures I get paid off by a wider range of hands by the villain. They may be happy to get 99 in vs me if I shove over their 4bet, other players possibly wouldn't get that action.

In terms of value betting, I think this is completely opponent related, and it is a case of: either the opponent is one that will over bet the turn and river, or they are the type that will not. When i'm confident of being called and for example the pot is $1200, I have $1500 behind and my opponent has me covered, I'll be shoving the $300 extra into the pot instead of what some other opponents do, and just clik the "3/4 pot size" bet button. I think some regs regularly miss out on value by doing that.

I think the higher you move up in stakes, the more aggressive, on average, the table will be. The concepts of ranges and playing the board/opponent instead of the cards you have been dealt, are more important.

Add me on MSN and we can discuss the differences in more detail, there are a lot more than just the two above but I think i'd be here forever if I were to name them all.

Last edited by coopah; 07-28-2011 at 08:57 PM.
07-28-2011 , 08:53 PM
Thanks to everyone for the good luck messages here, both in the thread and via PM. This thread is definitely giving me motivation to play a lot - not that I've ever had motivation as I love the game - but to just keep an accurate record of my profit/loss and work myself to an ultimate goal - something I've never done.

Playing the tournement tomorrow. It's a €550 entry one in the Gran Casino, Barcelona hosted by Paradise Poker, should be around 250 players creating a first prize of around €35,000. GL me
07-28-2011 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by coopah
I think players are recently switching their game up a lot - from what I have seen, more so on 10/20 than anywhere else. By this I mean I have seen alot more recently regs just flatting opening raises with AA/KK/QQ/JJ. I've seen there been an opening raise and then they will also just flat AKss in the bigblind instead of 3betting it (hence avoiding playing out of position in a bigger pot).

I think all regs are capable of 3betting low suited connectors, some ofc do it mroe than others. I find simply pot building in position with a wide range of cards to be successful, when I do get premium hands it ensures I get paid off by a wider range of hands by the villain. They may be happy to get 99 in vs me if I shove over their 4bet, other players possibly wouldn't get that action.

In terms of value betting, I think this is completely opponent related, and it is a case of: either the opponent is one that will over bet the turn and river, or they are the type that will not. When i'm confident of being called and for example the pot is $1200, I have $1500 behind and my opponent has me covered, I'll be shoving the $300 extra into the pot instead of what some other opponents do, and just clik the "3/4 pot size" bet button. I think some regs regularly miss out on value by doing that.

I think the higher you move up in stakes, the more aggressive, on average, the table will be. The concepts of ranges and playing the board/opponent instead of the cards you have been dealt, are more important.

Add me on MSN and we can discuss the differences in more detail, there are a lot more than just the two above but I think i'd be here forever if I were to name them all.
Cheers for the answer pal. Are you Skype? If not I'll pm you my msn. Cheers
07-28-2011 , 08:57 PM
What Uni were you at?

Seriously impressive results man, also sick that you have managed to rebuild your roll so quickly.
07-28-2011 , 08:58 PM
Nah I don't have skype - I'll add you on MSN though. For some reason MSN isn't working here in Barca, so will do it when I get back to England on Weds.
