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 to k in mttsng/mtt  to k in mttsng/mtt

08-07-2019 , 06:27 AM
Hey guys,

I just turned $50 into $1060 playing turbo mttsng's on stars using proper BRM.
Started on the $0.50's which was hell. Now $2.50 180's is my main game + I'm also regging $5 PKO 90mans in the beginning of my sessions to get 9 tables going + also playing turbo and hyper mtt's on the side.

I work fulltime so play 2-4 sessions per week (around 25 games) and will buy myself a TT bike when the challenge is over, leaving some $$ to keep grinding.

BRM: I need 200BI for the highest buy-in I play. If I fall under $850 I drop the $5 PKO 90mans. I am considering also throwing in some party regspeed mtt's. In that case I'll probably keep only 150BI's for the highest buy-in I play.

I'm at work right now. Will post graphs and stuff a bit later. Don't expect this to be the most epic PGC thread ever but I think lots of readers might relate to me having a full time job + social life + other hobbies so might be fun to follow if you are in a similar situation as mine.

 to k in mttsng/mtt Quote
08-07-2019 , 05:17 PM
Always nice to start off your PG&C thread with your worst day since my little challenge here started:

Didn't play or run that well today. Seems like every time I went all in they got aces.
Below the graph of the challenge so far:

And from $2.50 180's only which is the main game I'm trying to get a sample on:

Will post other graphs as well since I'm looking into improving my game. Like red line, shortstack, deeper etc. If you're in the same games as me definitely let me know.

 to k in mttsng/mtt Quote
08-07-2019 , 05:18 PM
Hmm no idea how to show the pictures in the post itself. If you know teach me .
 to k in mttsng/mtt Quote
