$50 to $2,000 to $1,000 to $$$
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 1
Starting BR: $50
$0-$250 5NL & up to $2.20 MTT
$250-$500 10NL & up to $5.50 MTT
$500-$1000 25NL & up to $11 MTT
$1000-$2000 50NL & up to $22 MTT
At $2000 withdraw $1000 and create new challenge
- 6 Max Cash
- MTT will be few & mainly satellites to bigger tournaments until $11 level reached
- Only play when feeling up to it; no volume goals to avoid feeling obligated to play when circumstances aren't optimal
- Will bet on sports occasionally to enjoy watching the game; no more than 5% of BR
- Enjoy the game; it's pointless to play if it's not enjoyable
Will update minimum weekly. More if anything special happens. Mainly just want to track progress and keep myself on track.