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5 day weekend challenge live cash and MTT 5 day weekend challenge live cash and MTT

10-27-2014 , 12:38 AM
So i got another overall thread started but me and my buddy decided to start this one for a 5 day weekend we are both taking to help push up to beast mode for 5 days.

weekend starts on Friday!

this is our plan for playing


Cash games 1/3 nl
(He plans to stay until late into the night, but since my girlfriend will be home from predeployment training for a night I will sadly be leaving early on friday)


10 AM $135 fat stack tournament
(He is gonna eat lunch after then start playign cash games, again my girl is still going to be home for a bit depending on how long this tournament goes so I play to head home and spend an hour or two with her)

Cash games 1/3 nl


10 AM $50 nl mtt
2 PM $50 nl mtt

Cash games 1/3


10 AM $50 nl mtt
cash 1/3

cash 1/3
7 PM $65 nl add on mtt

I'm not sure on our bankrolls going into this weekend mine will be between 600-1k and his is about the same I think
5 day weekend challenge live cash and MTT Quote
10-28-2014 , 04:11 PM
so here are the goals for this weekend

Make cash in MTT
final table MTT

Profit 1.k total from cash games in the weekend
progit 2k for the entire weekend.
(obviously if I make my goal for the mtt's i'll be almost at this already)

Find leaks in my game
work on reading players
work on making the max profit from ever hand
5 day weekend challenge live cash and MTT Quote
10-29-2014 , 10:32 PM
5 day weekend starts early, playing some 1/3 live tomorrow night before work, I hate limiting my playing time, but I am doing what I have to do to make up for missing friday night, I know nothing will make up friday night completely but I'm doing what I can.

Biggest goal for this weekend
Make $550 to pay rent

Last edited by damhill; 10-29-2014 at 10:39 PM.
5 day weekend challenge live cash and MTT Quote
11-03-2014 , 03:14 AM
Weekend isn't going well so tomorrow may be the last day to make something positive happen
5 day weekend challenge live cash and MTT Quote
