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The 40% Rule - Highest volume online cash PGC of 2020!?!? The 40% Rule - Highest volume online cash PGC of 2020!?!?

02-29-2020 , 02:41 PM
Is this all still ignition results.?

Also what happened to your stars results.? You was a sicko there? Why not keep playing there?
02-29-2020 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by AV0995
Is this all still ignition results.?

Also what happened to your stars results.? You was a sicko there? Why not keep playing there?
Yeah only bodog. I was really only playing on stars for fun / to kill time during December when my bodog account was banned. I was only playing 100z though and think I made about 3k more or less just mucking around.

Absolutely no incentive to play in tougher games with less rakeback.
03-01-2020 , 03:42 AM
David Goggins is the mdfkn boss. You should check out his Audiobook. Through the chapters there is discussions between Goggins and the reader about the chapter. I'm listening the second time now.
03-01-2020 , 04:59 AM
Hell yah <3
03-01-2020 , 05:00 AM
Well deserved brudda. Good stuff.
03-01-2020 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by meale
Yeah only bodog. I was really only playing on stars for fun / to kill time during December when my bodog account was banned. I was only playing 100z though and think I made about 3k more or less just mucking around.

Absolutely no incentive to play in tougher games with less rakeback.
Oh ok. Volume looks pretty crazy when you can only 4 table.

03-01-2020 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Pickaface
David Goggins is the mdfkn boss. You should check out his Audiobook. Through the chapters there is discussions between Goggins and the reader about the chapter. I'm listening the second time now.
Confirmed! I'd love to read his book and have heard the audiobook is better as well. Must look into this but I think I know his life story inside out already after watching just about every podcast he's ever done.

Originally Posted by LastChance4Real
Hell yah <3

Originally Posted by QuiteBadTBH
Well deserved brudda. Good stuff.
Cheers Chris <3

Originally Posted by AV0995
Oh ok. Volume looks pretty crazy when you can only 4 table.

Yeah I'm pretty chuffed if I can hit about 250 hands an hour.
03-01-2020 , 11:04 AM
Ever thought about moving back to Australia and playing live cash for a living? With the occasional MTT in the mix? Loved reading about you going south to play in a mtt when you lived in Brisbane.
03-02-2020 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by LiveMTTDegen
Ever thought about moving back to Australia and playing live cash for a living? With the occasional MTT in the mix? Loved reading about you going south to play in a mtt when you lived in Brisbane.
Absolutely not. I don't like staying up all night in a casino, not having food options, etc. Online grind is way better for me because it is much much healthier.
03-02-2020 , 12:43 AM
australia is the nut worst place to play live imo
03-02-2020 , 01:24 AM
How the hell have I missed this thread - subbed.

Can't believe the penthouse is going, it looks sick but onwards and upwards. Good luck this year, really glad you're back on here.
03-02-2020 , 02:02 AM
> 204 hours of volume

Solid work, sir.
03-02-2020 , 02:10 AM
Nice month man, keep up the hard work. It always pays off
03-02-2020 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by max85
australia is the nut worst place to play live imo
Pretty ***** much.

Originally Posted by Parsons Grinder
How the hell have I missed this thread - subbed.

Can't believe the penthouse is going, it looks sick but onwards and upwards. Good luck this year, really glad you're back on here.
Hah welcome Yeah super glad to be out of that place. Finishing moving everything today and getting set up for the grind resuming tomorrow.

Originally Posted by sandr1x
> 204 hours of volume

Solid work, sir.

Originally Posted by Oladipo
Nice month man, keep up the hard work. It always pays off
Appreciated m8!
03-02-2020 , 05:21 AM
Fitness, Diet, and Fasting Update

I doubt a whole lot of you are overly concerned with the non-poker stuff but I always preach if you're going to sit on your arse clicking buttons all day for a living, you ought to be taking measures to maintain your health. I'm going to do a quick write up on diet here and explain some of the wrong turns I've made over the last few months and my plan going forward.

About 3 months ago I decided to start bulking again. Classic me thinking it would be a great idea to eat 7k+ calories a day and train like crazy. I wasn't too concerned with putting on fat as I figured id just do a cut after I've gained the mass I wanted. I very quickly put on about 40lb of body weight within 6 weeks, made crazy strength and muscle gains. Unfortunately I also put on a great deal of water weight around my mid section and developed quite an epic bubble gut/distended stomach.

Little did I know that eating pad thai and fried rice all day everyday, I was basically poisoning myself with a crazy excess of sodium, and wherever sodium goes, so does water. I just thought that the key to bulking was to eat a lot, and when you think you've eaten enough, eat some more. But the reality is if you're going to eat a huge caloric excess you need to be eating really clean still.

So with all this weight gain in an incredibly short period of time, I developed really bad "lower back pumps" which basically crippled me whenever I'd attempt a squat or deadlift workout. My research tells me this is likely from the excessive water retention. Training legs became virtually impossible, which is obviously a huge obstacle - it's incredibly difficult to complete a successful bulk if you can't do the big lower body compound lifts.

Eventually this lower back pump developed into lower back pain, and I decided to call the bulk off. I've recently tried cutting out the carbs to attempt to get rid of the water weight but haven't been having a ton of success. I'm basically stuck now with an excess of fat around the mid section, lower back pain, and a distended gut.

In order to move forward, I've decided on the following plan of action,

1. Prolonged fast - Going to start off with a 10 day fast (starting tomorrow). The reason for this is to basically fix up the gut inflammation my crazy bulking diet created, and to get a head start on getting rid of the excess bodyfat. I'll be doing a 5 day soft dry fast (only water contact when showering/brushing teeth), then for the next two days I'll turn it into a wet fast, and the last 3 days I'll start drinking salt water.
2. 10 days in will break my fast with some ACV, possibly some bone broth, and eventually some eggs + egg whites and some steamed veges and onion/pickles for the probiotics. The following day will add some chicken breast and/or fish in.
3. Once I've broken the fast properly this time I'll then look to get back into the gym and will train alternating days between prolonged fasting. So basically it will look like,
day 1 train fasted, eat
day 2 no training/fast
day 3 train fasted, eat
etc etc. Once every 5-8 days I'll refeed on some clean carbs to replenish muscle glycogen.

The whole idea of this process is to initially restore balance to my gut, get rid of the inflammation/bubble gut, hopefully get rid of the lower back pain (not sure if that is a pathology of the gut/water retention or if it's a muscle strain), and then to just burn up as much bodyfat as possible since I'm pretty sick of being a fat ass. I'd be okay with being a fat ass if I could squat and deadlift still, but since I can't do that, I'd rather try to heal my body and get back to a solid baseline instead of ignoring all these problems.

What have I learnt/what will I do differently next time?
Well I basically completely wasted a 2 month bulk - the muscle and strength gains have been substantial but they're going to be fasted away over the next month anyway, so in essence it was an epic failure overall. What will I do differently?

I have a tendency to go all out on things like this. If I'm bulking up it's a crazy caloric excess and if I'm cutting it's usually through prolonged fasting. But going forward I'll have a lot more respect for just how long it takes for your metabolism to adjust to different caloric inputs. Once I'm at a happy bodyfat %, I'll gradually increase my caloric intake by 100cal a week until I'm in a surplus. Instead of just deciding "the bulk starts today" and absolutely murder my metabolism overnight, I'll let the insulin levels adjust slowly so I can begin bulking slowly without gaining a crap ton of fat and all the inflammation/other issues/injuries that go along with it.

Will be interesting to see how well I'm able to function pokerwise over the next 5 days with no water but if it means I have to reduce tables to focus or stop playing altogether for a couple days, I'm fine with it. Hopefully I'm able to play the whole time and actually put in additional hours because I won't be at the gym! Rest of today will be spent unpacking and getting my PC setup and then tomorrow we're back into it!
03-02-2020 , 05:59 AM
I didn’t even know we could go 5 days without water, am I missing something here? I cannot understand how this is good for you.

Isn’t this essentially doing the same thing that messed up your bulk, going 1000000% into something your body isn’t ready for and it fights back? Wouldn’t it be safer to do this in a more measured manner?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
03-02-2020 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by Parsons Grinder
I didn’t even know we could go 5 days without water, am I missing something here? I cannot understand how this is good for you.

Isn’t this essentially doing the same thing that messed up your bulk, going 1000000% into something your body isn’t ready for and it fights back? Wouldn’t it be safer to do this in a more measured manner?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes we can go a lot longer than 5 days without water actually. It's only dangerous if you're doing large amounts of physical activity like treaking through a desert at the same time as dehydrating yourself.

You're probably aware that the body is 60% water, and your fat cells contain a lot of water too. So when doing a prolonged fast, and you're in a state of ketosis where you're burning fat for energy, you're burning/releasing water into the body and essentially 'hydrating' yourself using your fat.

The health benefits of fasting for long periods of time are well documented.

To your last point, yes this is a radical swing in the opposite direction, but at least this time round I've attempted the slower approach of gradually reducing carbs which has worked well in a sense, I lost some fat, maintained strength to an extent, but still the gut inflammation remains as does the back pain etc.

Also this time I am well aware of what will happen to my body during this process having done it several times before. This isn't something I'm unprepared for and although it's somewhat radical in nature, it's possibly the best way to go about clearing my symptoms that I know of.
03-02-2020 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by meale
Yes we can go a lot longer than 5 days without water actually. It's only dangerous if you're doing large amounts of physical activity like treaking through a desert at the same time as dehydrating yourself.

You're probably aware that the body is 60% water, and your fat cells contain a lot of water too. So when doing a prolonged fast, and you're in a state of ketosis where you're burning fat for energy, you're burning/releasing water into the body and essentially 'hydrating' yourself using your fat.

The health benefits of fasting for long periods of time are well documented.

To your last point, yes this is a radical swing in the opposite direction, but at least this time round I've attempted the slower approach of gradually reducing carbs which has worked well in a sense, I lost some fat, maintained strength to an extent, but still the gut inflammation remains as does the back pain etc.

Also this time I am well aware of what will happen to my body during this process having done it several times before. This isn't something I'm unprepared for and although it's somewhat radical in nature, it's possibly the best way to go about clearing my symptoms that I know of.

Sounds good, so long as you’re on top of it. I’m in relatively good shape but never done a fast and I I get grouchy if I don’t eat. I’d like to give it a go but a bit wary of the side effects, hunger, fatigue etc.
03-02-2020 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by meale
Fitness, Diet, and Fasting Update

I doubt a whole lot of you are overly concerned with the non-poker stuff but I always preach if you're going to sit on your arse clicking buttons all day for a living, you ought to be taking measures to maintain your health. I'm going to do a quick write up on diet here and explain some of the wrong turns I've made over the last few months and my plan going forward.

About 3 months ago I decided to start bulking again. Classic me thinking it would be a great idea to eat 7k+ calories a day and train like crazy. I wasn't too concerned with putting on fat as I figured id just do a cut after I've gained the mass I wanted. I very quickly put on about 40lb of body weight within 6 weeks, made crazy strength and muscle gains. Unfortunately I also put on a great deal of water weight around my mid section and developed quite an epic bubble gut/distended stomach.

Little did I know that eating pad thai and fried rice all day everyday, I was basically poisoning myself with a crazy excess of sodium, and wherever sodium goes, so does water. I just thought that the key to bulking was to eat a lot, and when you think you've eaten enough, eat some more. But the reality is if you're going to eat a huge caloric excess you need to be eating really clean still.

So with all this weight gain in an incredibly short period of time, I developed really bad "lower back pumps" which basically crippled me whenever I'd attempt a squat or deadlift workout. My research tells me this is likely from the excessive water retention. Training legs became virtually impossible, which is obviously a huge obstacle - it's incredibly difficult to complete a successful bulk if you can't do the big lower body compound lifts.

Eventually this lower back pump developed into lower back pain, and I decided to call the bulk off. I've recently tried cutting out the carbs to attempt to get rid of the water weight but haven't been having a ton of success. I'm basically stuck now with an excess of fat around the mid section, lower back pain, and a distended gut.

In order to move forward, I've decided on the following plan of action,

1. Prolonged fast - Going to start off with a 10 day fast (starting tomorrow). The reason for this is to basically fix up the gut inflammation my crazy bulking diet created, and to get a head start on getting rid of the excess bodyfat. I'll be doing a 5 day soft dry fast (only water contact when showering/brushing teeth), then for the next two days I'll turn it into a wet fast, and the last 3 days I'll start drinking salt water.
2. 10 days in will break my fast with some ACV, possibly some bone broth, and eventually some eggs + egg whites and some steamed veges and onion/pickles for the probiotics. The following day will add some chicken breast and/or fish in.
3. Once I've broken the fast properly this time I'll then look to get back into the gym and will train alternating days between prolonged fasting. So basically it will look like,
day 1 train fasted, eat
day 2 no training/fast
day 3 train fasted, eat
etc etc. Once every 5-8 days I'll refeed on some clean carbs to replenish muscle glycogen.

The whole idea of this process is to initially restore balance to my gut, get rid of the inflammation/bubble gut, hopefully get rid of the lower back pain (not sure if that is a pathology of the gut/water retention or if it's a muscle strain), and then to just burn up as much bodyfat as possible since I'm pretty sick of being a fat ass. I'd be okay with being a fat ass if I could squat and deadlift still, but since I can't do that, I'd rather try to heal my body and get back to a solid baseline instead of ignoring all these problems.

What have I learnt/what will I do differently next time?
Well I basically completely wasted a 2 month bulk - the muscle and strength gains have been substantial but they're going to be fasted away over the next month anyway, so in essence it was an epic failure overall. What will I do differently?

I have a tendency to go all out on things like this. If I'm bulking up it's a crazy caloric excess and if I'm cutting it's usually through prolonged fasting. But going forward I'll have a lot more respect for just how long it takes for your metabolism to adjust to different caloric inputs. Once I'm at a happy bodyfat %, I'll gradually increase my caloric intake by 100cal a week until I'm in a surplus. Instead of just deciding "the bulk starts today" and absolutely murder my metabolism overnight, I'll let the insulin levels adjust slowly so I can begin bulking slowly without gaining a crap ton of fat and all the inflammation/other issues/injuries that go along with it.

Will be interesting to see how well I'm able to function pokerwise over the next 5 days with no water but if it means I have to reduce tables to focus or stop playing altogether for a couple days, I'm fine with it. Hopefully I'm able to play the whole time and actually put in additional hours because I won't be at the gym! Rest of today will be spent unpacking and getting my PC setup and then tomorrow we're back into it!
You have probably got the ratio of sodium to potassium the wrong way round, it's quite a common problem. It won't show up on a blood test either. I used to get it when I was doing heavy keto, it can be quite problematic.

You need like 4700mg of potassium a day which is quite a lot. You want to get it purely from vegetables. 8-10 cups a day. Just blend it 2x a day and your good to go. It might sound weird but if you just try it a couple of days your problems should go away. Don't recommend supplementing it as it can be quite dangerous and very easy to overdo. Just load up on leafy greens (spinach/kale) in pretty significant quantities and see if it helps.

Dr Eric Berg explains all -

Good luck on the fast, I did 10 days and was pretty tough.
03-02-2020 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by 291
You have probably got the ratio of sodium to potassium the wrong way round, it's quite a common problem. It won't show up on a blood test either. I used to get it when I was doing heavy keto, it can be quite problematic.

You need like 4700mg of potassium a day which is quite a lot. You want to get it purely from vegetables. 8-10 cups a day. Just blend it 2x a day and your good to go. It might sound weird but if you just try it a couple of days your problems should go away. Don't recommend supplementing it as it can be quite dangerous and very easy to overdo. Just load up on leafy greens (spinach/kale) in pretty significant quantities and see if it helps.

Dr Eric Berg explains all -

Good luck on the fast, I did 10 days and was pretty tough.
Yeah I tried to correct the electrolyte balance by eating a lot of bananas and watermelon and not going near salt for a while, hard to say though whether the gut issues was from too many carbs or if it was too much salt. The fast will do wonders regardless!

Cheers for the well wishes
03-02-2020 , 11:12 AM
the whole dry fast thing seems a bit extreme, why not just water fast 10 days?

also wanted to point out onions are not probiotics, they’re Prebiotics
03-02-2020 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
the whole dry fast thing seems a bit extreme, why not just water fast 10 days?

also wanted to point out onions are not probiotics, they’re Prebiotics
Yes prebiotics* my bad.

I really like the dry fasting because it just accelerates the entire process and should fix up any excess water retention pretty quick.
03-02-2020 , 12:11 PM
My best friend from growing up did I think 40 days fasted a cpl years ago, with tea for the first week, then water. I didn't believe him until I did a bunch of reading and found out our limitations. I had no idea this was humanly possible

Last edited by Oladipo; 03-02-2020 at 12:19 PM.
03-02-2020 , 12:42 PM
5 days without water? sounds totally moronic, so basically right up meales alley.
03-02-2020 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by meale1accountonly
Meale reminds me of renton from the Cambodia thread.

Guy talks about bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition for 4 years. He looks the exact same after 4 years, skinny fat with no muscles or definition, just a flabby stomach and 12" noodle arms.

Meale, you've been talking about nutrition and "big lifts" for years, you still dont look like you workout and now you have a distended stomach. Maybe stop assuming you have the mental capacity to make educated decision and hire someone to train you. You clearly don't understand anything you read.

This is very similar to the kids in the micro section with 12,500 posts on Solvers and EV calculations but they still can't beat nl2.

hmm actually after all the fasting you've done it's probably better if you get the "sexy lines" surgery. Fake abs with no implants.
Originally Posted by GarbageReg
5 days without water? sounds totally moronic, so basically right up meales alley.
LMBO grade A trolling!
