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3rd times a charm back 2 25nl 3rd times a charm back 2 25nl

01-02-2012 , 08:23 PM

so thats where i'm at on the challenge. Took pretty close to a week of at the bottom end of my graph. Have been watching videos and doing some poker studying. Seems to have pushed me in the right direction.

I have been playing a real nitty style so going to rework my ranges tonight to try and loosen up a bit. Getting killed with the new PS RB system. lol. I wanted to be playing a looser style anyways so this is a good kick in the but to start.
How I'm going to get there is by opening up way more in the CO and BU I'm almost embarrassed how low these numbers are from those positions. lol.

Also just have been playing 12-15 tables as i'm trying some new things.

At least its been a great start 2 the year.
3rd times a charm back 2 25nl Quote
