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3k to 20k BR-challenge 3k to 20k BR-challenge

07-04-2023 , 05:33 AM
I can't remember why I stopped posting on my previous threads but I will start a new BR challenge since I'm somewhat broke. My goal is to grind from ~3k€ to 20k€ and learn to study poker efficiently every day I play.

I have been having some mental game issues lately for sure so that is the most important part. To play A-game as much as possible.

I aim to grind 3-4 hours a day with 1 hour of study.


NL100 to 6k€ - 10 buy-in shot
NL200 to 20k€ - after that I will re-evaluate my plan and goals

I will post every day I play at first but if that feels too much I might start posting 1-2 times a week.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-05-2023 , 03:24 PM
I think I misread my BR but lets pretend that this started from 3k€ in the beginning of this month.

BR now: 1750€ (next shot at 10 000€)

I decided to change a lot of things which I have planned before but never successfully integrated into my habits. I will start waking up 6:00 am and I will start doing my breath work exercises and meditation before heading to gym. After 8 pm I will have breakfast and hopefully launch my 1st poker session after midday. I will play another session in the evening before cooling down for sleep. This is still just a raw plan but I need to stop planning and start just somewhere.

My goals for next 2 months are

- 2 x 15 min meditation a day
- Keep my exercises light to medium for less stress
- Play 2000 hands a day

I will probably not write here daily but I aim to write here my random thoughts more than graphs and hand histories since I need to empty my head after session

After getting destroyed yesterday I played regular tables today for a change and even though the volume dropped dramatically the tables were soft as f***. I will most likely play zoom a lot especially before NL200. I will add a bankroll change too since I don't want to take stress in NL200 so I will take shot there when my BR reaches 10k and make the shot bigger.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-06-2023 , 02:56 PM
Didn't find time to play 2k hands today. I took a long nap instead of my midday-session and after that watched an episode of RIOs mental game course . I played well for the most part in the evening but ran poorly in flips. I think I ended up winning a buy-in or two but I still have long way to grind.

I woke up 6 AM with my brand new schedule and went to gym for 1 hour. After that I decided to take a dip in the river nearby which felt amazing.

I don't mind shorter days for a while when getting used to my new schedule so I just focus on going to sleep as early as I can and get my mindset right. I have poor mental game at the moment so I really need to do things right to keep my mindset right. I have been running poorly for a long time already and - while I don't blame variance for getting stuck @ lower stakes - running over 100 buy-ins below EV have not helped either.

Tomorrow I believe not to be as tired as today but it will be hard time finding too much time to play so I will be happy with 1000 hands and will try to compensate that on Saturday and Sunday.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-07-2023 , 10:42 AM
It's understandable that sometimes life events and priorities can interfere with your poker schedule.
Taking care of your well-being, such as getting enough rest and engaging in physical activities like going to the gym or enjoying a swim, is important for maintaining a healthy mindset.

Setting realistic goals for the number of hands you aim to play each day, considering your available time, is a practical approach.
If you're unable to meet your target on certain days, you can make up for it by playing more on other days when you have more availability.

Remember that poker is a long-term game, and short-term results and variance can be misleading.
Stay focused on your long-term goals, continue to study and improve your skills, and maintain discipline and perseverance in your grind.

Best of luck with your upcoming sessions, and I hope your dedication and efforts pay off in the form of improved results and a positive mindset.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-09-2023 , 04:03 PM
I think I ended up compensating my volume as I planned. Don't keep exact count since I play different sites but doesn't really matter if I was few hundreds hands short or not.

I feel like my game is getting better but a lot of work to do. I think I've won around 1k€ after last BR check so:

BR now: 2750€ (next shot at 10 000€)

I've played a lot more regular tables instead of zoom and those games are really juicy so I will try to keep on playing them.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-12-2023 , 03:22 PM
Got couple of decent days in even though the volume isn't too high. Tomorrow I'm going to play a bit more and play 2.5k hands. I am now first time up for the challenge so thats cool! I've probably missed half of my meditations but I've have been doing lighter exercises for sure. I will change my meditation plan to 2*10 minutes since it is so much easier to find 10 minutes in my somewhat hectic schedule.

BR now: 3200€ (next shot at 10 000€)
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-13-2023 , 03:22 PM
Woke up early for my regular exercises and later today went for a 45 min run. No way I was able to play planned 2,5k hands but played some and won couple of buy-ins. Tomorrow I have some extra time for grind so maybe tomorrow I'll have longer hours. I will not start tracking my hands but I will definitely make some hours played- counter because I really need to start putting in more than 2 hours a day. I don't really know about my hourly rates between zoom and regular tables but I believe I should be playing longer sessions in regular tables. Not only are the games softer but I feel like I play better while 4-6 tabling regular tables than 3-tabling zoom. Should most likely just play the best 4 tables I can find to have the highest hourly but I have to do some math.

BR now: 3400€ (next shot at 10 000€)
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-16-2023 , 05:39 AM
Couple of decent days behind although I was somewhat upset yesterday for some IRL reasons and played a bit tilted and ran poorly. Quit soon after realizing I was playing my C-game. Need to focus fixing these issues to have full control over my actions at the tables.

My regular table win rate has been 30bb/100 so far (17 evbb/100). 10k hands only but these tables seems so very soft that I will likely be playing them more and more. Mixed 50 and 100 tables.

BR now: 4500€ (next shot at 10 000€)

I might add some soft NL200 games before 10k BR because I think my winrate in these tables is so high that it's hard for variance to hit too hard.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-16-2023 , 04:42 PM
Hey there, subbed

Great you set goals, but also allow yourself to be flexible.

Looking forward to updates, GL on your journey.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-19-2023 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by bixton1m
Hey there, subbed

Great you set goals, but also allow yourself to be flexible.

Looking forward to updates, GL on your journey.

Thanks! I do try to be flexible. Whenever I am pushing too hard I end up just putting in the hours/hands but don't care about the quality of my decisions. Although I do want to play more I think forcing is not the way. I need to study and take good care of myself and I believe the motivation will come.

I felt a little drained for couple of days and didn't play my best for sure. I kept days short for that reason. Today on my last session I felt like I was on top of my game for real. Simplifying things makes me focus on important things and on that specific session I really felt like I left all the noise behind me and really focused on the important stuff. It didn't bother that I slept really well last night and I feel like my brain worked better than for ages. I feel like this yet to becoming the norm but it is good to have a taste of what it will be like. So I keep on watering and fertilizing the plant so maybe I have hope for my mental game.

I really wouldn't want to look results too much but I think I am still somewhere around 4,5k€. Although not winning after last update I feel really good for some reasons I'm not really even grasping.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-20-2023 , 05:42 PM
Yeah that's nice. I definitely vote for quality over quantity, and also poker being a game with so much variance it's quite important to focus on gaining satisfaction from things you can actually comtrol, such as taking care of yourself and being in a good routine.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-21-2023 , 04:03 PM
I've been sick for couple of days now. Only have sore throat and some mild headaches but I took a day of anyways. Today I felt already a little better so I played some poker. Still feeling great about my game. I am going to take couple weekends of after this one so I try to play a bit more but we'll see about that. I took some shots to soft NL200 tables already and although I think I ended up winning I don't feeling like I should be there yet so I will keep on grinding NL100 until I am at 10k€.

BR now: 5500€ (next shot at 10 000€)
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-21-2023 , 05:45 PM
Do you mind saying what site you're playing on?
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-23-2023 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by stinbag
Do you mind saying what site you're playing on?
Not really but FWIW I've mostly been playing on couple of bigger sites and one smaller. I've never really game selected or been looking for soft sites as much as I should've but I'm trying to do that now a bit more especially after I get myself out of NL100.

I've been still feeling little under the weather so I've played a bit shorter days. I'm going to play 2 more days before having few days off.

BR now: 6600€ (next shot at 10 000€)
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
07-31-2023 , 03:33 PM
Back to grind.

I had maybe 4 days totally off and now after returning I haven't played too much. I will be changing that next month for sure since I really need to increase my volume.

I am happy with my results though this month after a rough start. I had so much going on this month so I definitely failed to study pretty much at all.

This month I played:

Regular tables
~15k hands
25 bb/100
17 ev bb/100

I ran really well for sure. Don't know how high my real winrate is but I feel like its at least close to 2 digits.

~21k hands
-2 bb/100
-1 ev bb/100

Started this month with 20 buy-in downswing but ended up almost breaking even so I'm still happy with the final results.

Volume lagged for sure but for next month I will try to play a bit more so lets put some numbers:

-20k regular hands
-30k zoom hands

Other goals (I will add these on every post I make since I feel like I keep forgetting my plans)

-study at least a little bit every day I play
-keep on playing less tables

BR now: 7153€ (next shot at 10 000€)
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
08-04-2023 , 04:49 AM
August goals:

Reg tables: 2 800/20 000 regular table hands. Been playing mostly regular tables but zoom games I feel like I have to force them at the moment so don't know if I hit that goal.
Zoom: 750/30 000

BR now: 7630€ (next shot at 10 000€)

Trying to put in the volume and study a bit on the side. Not really worrying about that since I feel like the most important thing now is to get my sessions started.
3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
08-06-2023 , 04:59 PM
August goals:

Reg tables: 7 000/20 000 regular table hands. Way ahead the pace in these games but I've been playing mostly these b/c reg tables feel better at the moment (big win rate effects obviously)
Zoom: 1500/30 000 I might not finish this part of my goal because regular tables are going so well but I will most likely start putting in hours in zoom games more after next week.

BR now: 9000€ (next shot at 10 000€)

I've been actually playing some NL200 already and keep on playing good tables there. Not going to add bigger games before this challenge is done. I've been playing some Omaha on the side and even though I am not very good in that game the games are juicy enough for me to play and that will also add fun to my grind.

I am feeling very good now with my game and with my table selection but sometimes I end up playing too many tables. Yesterday I found myself playing 8 tables with 3 of them being HU against decent regular which wasn't probably a very good idea and actually lost few buy-ins although I prolly ran pretty bad with card distripution . Not much else to write here but to remind myself to keep on doing what I am doing and keep on playing regular tables.

Here is a graph with all my reg table hands after starting this challenge

3k to 20k BR-challenge Quote
