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.00 to 0.00 by November 25th .00 to 0.00 by November 25th

09-08-2013 , 05:38 AM
The goal was 800 minimum starting in the spring by november 25th with 35.00 in BR
i've been playing micro Sngs (3.50s) and Micro MTTs.
Last week I posted but can't find the thread for some reason
Last weeks post:
356.00 BR or something close. Had a bit of a downswing week and started today with 283.xx
played only 2 tourneys tonight but came 4th in the 4.40 zoom tournament about an hour ago for 339.00.
I am now well on my way to reaching my goal of 800 will post again soon!
Current Bankroll 618.87
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
09-08-2013 , 06:49 AM
Gl dude - how many hours do you play a day to get ur BR like that? poker full time?
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
09-08-2013 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by tfffgb
Gl dude - how many hours do you play a day to get ur BR like that? poker full time?
Thank you!
Not full time
Right now I play the 3.50 45mans and 50/50s and I multitable 4 at a time
My BR with the 5050s pretty much kept me a little above BE which allowed me to build it up through the 45 mans which i feel is my best format.
so 35.00 to 283.00 from Sngs
and then a deep run last night in an MTT for 339.. And that's where I stand!
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
09-08-2013 , 01:50 PM
Gl bud. I'm doing something similar, but im in us so playing on Bovada/Carbon and I play Mtt's aswell. Except on bovada im grinding 5 and 10nl zone poker. Gonna focus on the Poker Maximus series on Carbon for the next two weeks. I'll be watching. GLGLGL
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
09-08-2013 , 02:30 PM
Thanks Phoenix. GL to you as well! Is there a thread you're doing as well i can check out?
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
09-09-2013 , 05:52 AM
Sorry tfffgb i didn't answer your question about how many hours i play a day.. i'd say 3-5 on average. I'm a pretty recreational player right now, but if i have a couple more deep runs i'm gonna move up all my limits and double my playing time!
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
09-11-2013 , 04:04 AM
Hello everyone who is following this thread.. first of all i'd like to say thanks for the few who have wished me luck.. it means a lot! a quick update 2 days ago i booked 2 lessons with buffyslayer1 which start next week! so 150.00 off of my 607.00 BR but not to worry because in that same zoom tournament a few days ago.. i'm currently 3/6 so let's go go go and maybe in an hour i'll have 800.00 from one tournament gogogo!
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
09-11-2013 , 05:01 AM
Finished Tournament in 5th a little disappointing I was 2/6 and played one hand post flop badly but that's ok!
BR: 680.59 (would be over 800.00 but took out money because Ive got 2 hours of coaching coming up with Buffyslayer1 so technically still haven't reached my goal!)
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
09-12-2013 , 02:48 PM
Not a lot of comments coming through but I like to keep posting because it keeps me motivated on my goal by having a look at this thread everyday and updating it every once and a while so here it is:
Moved up to the 7.00 50/50s and 45 mans (4 tables at a time)
2 FTS in the 4.40 zoom in same week (1k+players in both) 4th for 339.xx and 5th for 229.xx
Current BR: 684.43
Booked 2 hours of coaching with Buffyslayer1 on september 20th
GL at the tables!
.00 to 0.00 by November 25th Quote
