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k+ in 18 months possible??? k+ in 18 months possible???

03-08-2017 , 03:28 AM
I have a goal in mind because in 18 months I'll be looking for a new car and I'm looking at the Audi S7. $30k won't pay for the whole car but it's a really nice down payment

I just started playing recreational poker and I'm up $704 from live 1/3 poker and I cashed out online $409 today.
I'll be playing 1/3 until I get around $5k than I'll move up to 2/5 if all goes well.

I think with proper bankroll management and control my sessions this goal is possible. I'll have to play minimum two times a week.
I'll keep posting updates each week.

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k+ in 18 months possible??? Quote
03-08-2017 , 12:08 PM
Wish you luck but making 30k for a new car should never be your goal for poker, you will be most likely fail on this

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k+ in 18 months possible??? Quote
03-08-2017 , 03:18 PM
troll thread?
k+ in 18 months possible??? Quote
