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0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) 0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans)

10-13-2011 , 09:13 PM
Update 4

Just a brief update.... 28 games, no final tables and 3 min cashes

Games During Session = 28
Profit for Session = -$55.24

Overall Profit = $169.26
Bankroll = $469.27
Overall ROI = 48.7%
Overall $/hour = $12.87

Graph for Session:

Overall Graph:

0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-15-2011 , 02:45 PM
Update 5

Just played a quick session of 26 games. 2 FTs and 2 min cashes but I didn't run good on the FTs, getting a 5th and an 8th. Near bubbled quite a few games as well.

I've now taken to writing down any hands where I'm instantly not sure about whether to shove or fold, so that I can SnG Wiz them after my session and learn from it. Probably going to play another session tonight. Looking forward to a few wins!

Games During Session = 26
Profit for Session = -$17.82

Overall Profit = $151.44
Bankroll = $451.45
Overall ROI = 36.7%
Overall $/hour = $9.70

Graph for Session:

Overall Graph:

0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-15-2011 , 02:54 PM
get in there Bazza!!!

I've been playing these recently too. Played a few hands with you at the tables too defo gonna keep up with this. See who can do better :P
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-15-2011 , 09:49 PM
GL with the challenge.

I would say that updating your overall ROI and $/hour after each session doesn't serve any useful purpose. These may well be misleading figures in the short run. I'm not convinced you can ever know your true ROI at 180's. Some people say 5k games for a sample. By the time you've played enough tournaments to get it your game will have changed and so will the opponants.
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-17-2011 , 10:28 AM
Yeah I know it takes a long time for the ROI and $/hour to become useful statistics, but it is simply interesting to see how much I make per hour, compared to a normal job

I might end up playing 5k+ games of 180s, even if I make it to $1800, I may carry on because I haven't got the balls to move up stakes, or I may just turn out to be a break even player in the long long long long term so I'll just play these games forever because I enjoy them!

Anyway, let's hope I'm profitable. I've modelled a lot of UTG situations in SnG Wizard, changing stack sizes and players at table etc etc and I feel a lot more confident in my UTG shove or fold decisions now.
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-18-2011 , 04:41 PM
Session 6 about to start!
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-18-2011 , 05:32 PM
Hmmmmm internet keeps disconnecting.... kinda destroyed my session.... it's back now but not sure whether to keep regging or not incase it cuts out again :/
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-18-2011 , 05:51 PM
Update 6

Internet cut out just as the blinds increased to include antes on all original 12 games and was gone for 5 minutes, meaning I came back to many short stacked games, which inevitably failed. Then I ran very bad in my remaining 4 games where I had larger stacks already. Not in the mood to reg to more now (plus the chance of internet cutting out again). We're getting a different faster internet installed next Wednesday, so I'll put in more volume then.

Games During Session = 12
Profit for Session = -$30

Overall Profit = $121.44
Bankroll = $451.45
Overall ROI = 27.4%
Overall $/hour = $7.28

0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-28-2011 , 05:58 AM
New Internet sorted and I haven't played in 10 days. I've been playing football manager instead!

Anyway I got 2 more hours of lectures, then a drive home and will play my first session in a long time!

Looking forward to it. Better be a good'un.
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-28-2011 , 06:24 AM
Good luck
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-28-2011 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Bazza2103
New Internet sorted and I haven't played in 10 days. I've been playing football manager instead!

Anyway I got 2 more hours of lectures, then a drive home and will play my first session in a long time!

Looking forward to it. Better be a good'un.
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-28-2011 , 04:29 PM
Update 7

So I started my session a lot later than planned (due to falling asleep on the sofa after lunch :/) but it was my longest session so far

I played 41 games, cashing in 9: 4 min cashes, 8th, two 5ths, 3rd and a 2nd.

Generally I felt quite comfortable playing. I didn't come across too many situations where I wasn't instantly sure whether to shove or fold. I possibly still made some tight folds in the latter stages though. In terms of luck, it was a pretty fair session. I ran KK into AA 3 times in early stages!!! But I won an AJ to AQ in the game where I ended 2nd and also won K2s vs KK to get me to one of my min cashes. So it probably all balanced out.

Games During Session = 41
Profit for Session = $112.10

Overall Profit = $233.54
Bankroll = $533.55
Overall ROI = 42.9%
Overall $/hour = $11.46

Graph for Session:

Overall Graph:

I might play another session later tonight, but I can't play all weekend, due to it being my Grandad's 80th birthday on Saturday night. I have to drive back to Essex tomorrow morning (hopefully in time to watch Chelsea-Arsenal as well!)

Looking forward to making it to $600.02 (officially doubled my bankroll then ) But the main positive is that I feel like I've learnt a lot about these 180-mans so far, and feel very confident playing them. My target should be easy *fingers crossed*, but I can't really put in that much volume until xmas, due to uni etc etc, so hopefully I'll just slowly amble towards $1800.01
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-28-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Gazzy
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-31-2011 , 05:52 PM
Update 8

Just played a short session before going to see my girlfriend On the face of it, it looks like another great session: 24 games, 4 cashes, all final tables 8th, 7th, 3rd and 2nd, but I'm actually pretty pissed off with how it went. At one point I was on 3 final tables at the same time, 1st of 6, 1st of 5 and 2nd of 7. It could have been a HUUUUUGE session. I was literally hoping to win 3 games for $300 profit I also bubbled a couple of games losing 80:20s and lost race after race on those final tables.

Anyway, mini rant over. I've now more than doubled my starting bankroll and it's all looking good. Almost zero chance of going busto now. I guess I should feel happy sooooooooooooooo...........

Games During Session = 24
Profit for Session = $105.79

Overall Profit = $339.33
Bankroll = $639.34
Overall ROI = 56.1%
Overall $/hour = $14.66

Graph for Session:

Overall Graph:

0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-31-2011 , 06:04 PM
i think it's funny that both of our goals/challenges threads end in "...and beyond". i thought you copied me but your start date is earlier so hats off to you

just came to wish gl in your quest for gold
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-31-2011 , 06:07 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm girlfriend just bailed on me... might play some more poker but I'm not feeling that up for it, and it's a little bit late to start a long session if I want to get up for my 9am lecture (which I probably won't cos it's an easy module with a **** lecturer, and I start at 12 if I don't go)

Should probably revise for my exam on Thursday, but football manager also seems tempting. Hmmmmmmmmmm......
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-31-2011 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by caddymix024
i think it's funny that both of our goals/challenges threads end in "...and beyond". i thought you copied me but your start date is earlier so hats off to you

just came to wish gl in your quest for gold
Cheers, just looked through your thread. You seem like a quality cash game player. I hope to delve into cash properly one day (I made $800 from 20k hands of 25NL about 6 months ago, but then lost $400 in my first 300 hands of 50NL ). But let's crush these SnGs and MTTs first.

Good luck to you too
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-31-2011 , 06:57 PM
Hi Bazza,

Just spotted this thread of yours now and I will def follow it. I have my own challenge on SnGs but I'm playing 18-mans just because these don't take that long. But I'm seeing so many people getting paid big time in the 180s games that I'll follow every 180er grinder, perhaps it's something I might do later, when I'm probably rolled...

Anyways, good luck with the challenge, I'm sure the games are beatable, you just need the mindset to deal with the sick variance you'll encounter. Besides that, I think it's easy money for a solid SnG player with proper BRM.

Hmn, how do you fit the sessions in your schedule? I'm curious about it because for me, a set of 10x 18mans takes exactly one hour. So, for someone that plans to grind the 180s games, how do you manage your time? I'm sure you won't play everyday but just wanted to know how long your sessions take, how many games you get in, that stuff...

0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-31-2011 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Alcorel
Hi Bazza,

Just spotted this thread of yours now and I will def follow it. I have my own challenge on SnGs but I'm playing 18-mans just because these don't take that long. But I'm seeing so many people getting paid big time in the 180s games that I'll follow every 180er grinder, perhaps it's something I might do later, when I'm probably rolled...

Anyways, good luck with the challenge, I'm sure the games are beatable, you just need the mindset to deal with the sick variance you'll encounter. Besides that, I think it's easy money for a solid SnG player with proper BRM.

Hmn, how do you fit the sessions in your schedule? I'm curious about it because for me, a set of 10x 18mans takes exactly one hour. So, for someone that plans to grind the 180s games, how do you manage your time? I'm sure you won't play everyday but just wanted to know how long your sessions take, how many games you get in, that stuff...

The 180s don't actually take that long. Looking at my HEM, the longest game I've played took 117 minutes with my average duration in a game being 46 minutes.

I play 12 tables at a time, 6 on each of my monitors. As soon as I get knocked out of one, I immediately register to a new game. A session usually starts with me being knocked out 2-4 games quite early, but doubling up/not doing much in the rest. I simply stop registering about an hour and a half before I have to do something else/want to stop. Then I just wind the games down. This means that I can potentially be left with just one game for about an hour if I go deep in it and not in any others, but I just find other stuff to do at the same time. So far, my longest session was 4 hours and that got me 37 games, but on another occasion, I played 44 games in just over 3 hours. It all depends how deep you go in some or how many you get knocked out early, as well as how fast the games are regging (but generally they register pretty fast at most times).

In terms of fitting poker into my life schedule, I really don't have much time. I have 9am lectures everyday and I finish anywhere between 1-7pm each day so I generally just play in evenings or weekends if I'm free. When it gets nearer to exams, I'll obviously play poker much less/not at all, but we've only got mini exams this term which count for like 5-10% of one module and only one big exam after xmas. Every other exam is like May-June so ages away yet.

Good luck with your 18-mans
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
10-31-2011 , 09:26 PM
good work keep it up
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
11-05-2011 , 10:49 PM
Update 9

I've finally managed to get a big session in, in terms of volume, which I'm delighted about. Started regging at 8pm and finished just before 2am. Just had Dominos and will start another session soon.

I managed to get 75 games in during the 6 hours, cashing 10 times with 4 minimum cashes, 7th, 5th, 4th, 4th, 3rd and a 2nd for a profit of roughly $70. I'm delighted how I played. Every shove/fold decision seems so easy now and I am just loving playing these games. Tonight, the opponents seemed a whole lot worse. It seemed that there was always at least one player open shoving their 75BBs on the first hand of the tournament. I guess it's because it's a Saturday night so there's more fish about.

I'm slightly annoyed that I haven't won a game in a while, especially considering that I was chip leader going into 3 of these final tables this session. They ended up being my 2nd, 3rd and 4th finishes. However, I am very happy with my hourly earnings at the moment, and hope that I can keep it up. I'm also considering adding more tables, but I will not do that until I have a 4 figure bankroll. For the time being. I'm quite content to carry on what I'm doing and just pray that a big downswing isn't lurking around the corner.

Games During Session = 75
Profit for Session = $69.78

Overall Profit = $409.11
Bankroll = $709.12
Overall ROI = 51.6%
Overall $/hour = $14.16

Graph for Session:

Overall Graph:

0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
11-06-2011 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Bazza2103
Graph for Session:

always dis-heartening
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
11-06-2011 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by striiing
always dis-heartening
Losing nearly 40 buy-ins in a row is pretty standard variance for these games... You just gotta get on with it and wait for the upswing (as long as you're confident that you are playing profitably)
0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
11-06-2011 , 06:45 PM
Update 10

Wooooo I finally won my 3rd game Sneaked into heads up with 50k vs 220k, and then won QQ to J9, 55 to KT and AQ to K8 in the first 5 hands of heads up Easy game easy game

Other than that, it was a fairly disappointing session, losing some massive pots on bubbles or near final table bubble in races or 70:30s. I'm still very happy how I played though, cashing 7 times with a 7th, 4th and a 2nd. Also I'm thinking about adapting a part of my game.

In situations where very tight opponents should be shoving very loose, like with M<3 UTG or even M<8 in blind battles, I seem to be calling too lightly. The problem is that I expect these people to understand that they should be shoving with at least over 50% of their range, so I start isolate shoving over the top or calling with hands like AT or KQ. However I keep seeming to be dominated in these spots by guys who are playing like 12/11 or 9/5. It genuinely seems like these people are happy to just be blinded down until they pick up 99+ or AJ+.

To sum up, I never thought I'd say this about my own play, but I think I need to actually tighten up more against tight opponents who clearly have no concept of ICM or M or the benefits of fold equity. I can destroy these people by shoving very loose into them, but once they shove, I can only call ridiculously tight. The problem is that the HUD stats don't give me enough information. Someone can be 12/11 over a few hundred hands and be a very good player, shoving correctly in late stages, while someone else can also be playing 12/11 but only be shoving ridiculously tight. I'm not entirely sure how to solve this problem, but I at least feel good that I am aware of it

Games During Session = 43
Profit for Session = $82.56

Overall Profit = $491.67
Bankroll = $791.68
Overall ROI = 54.6%
Overall $/hour = $15.01

Session 10 Graph:

Session 10 Overall Graph:

0.01 to 00.01 and beyond (180-Mans) Quote
