Originally Posted by BiLLAllas
Yes, and I especially liked that KQ river call.
He has broadcasted total 3 times, if we combine all 3 videos total playtime is around 12h, if we count 500 hand per hour (2tabling zoom) he has played nearly 6k hand and from the graph when he ended last stream it was showing total -120$, that translates to negative -4BB per 100 hand, am i right?
I mean, it's early to say something but seems like GG's RnC micros aren't that piece of cake, i really want to see his results with more volume
No doubt about his skills but imo nowadays its so so hard to climb from micros to high stakes to compare times when they climbed, it's like very big difference, nowadays it's like mission impossible to reach high stakes dream, only very few can
There are many factors like, everyone can use now solvers and GTOwizard etc everyone plays more or less correct preflop ranges, there are less fish and fishes nowadays are different, overall player pool is harder, rake on GG is absurdly high etc etc
Somewhere i watched linus interview when he says hardest part is to get to high stakes, to stay there is easy ofc you need skills but high stake games have less rake and never plays without at least 1 fish present on the table unless you play reg wars
Last edited by blazar; 11-18-2024 at 06:59 AM.