Those EV's aren't right if they are saying they are different EV's. GTO Wizard didn't run the sim long enough because if it's mixed it's the same EV.
We can see if jamming or calling is higher EV. I don't have the exact sizing structure but we can make some decent estimates.
BBvsSB as IP PFC B30-B-B50
Filtered Data for this spot.
FCT is the important data point. It's 35 weak and the aggregate is only 32 weak so that means Flush Complete Turn is overbluffed here (pretty surprising imo).
We need to look at Folding Frequencies here. I'm not jamming as an exploit because I want to manipulate Alpha. 67% Folding frequencies over 212 hands.
You can run the numbers to figure out if this is profitable.
SBvsBB 6bb OTF
B30 = 2bb
10bb OTT
We need to guess on turn sizing's but let's 60% OTT
6bb 6bb
22bb OTR. BB bets 11bb.
So we have 89bbs effective. Let's say we raise 4x.
We are risking 44bb/(44bb + 33bb) = ~57% and Alpha is 67% so it's clearly profitable but it's a small sample size.
Then you need to compare the EV of calling vs the EV of raising.
Calling a bluff catcher formula. EV = Edge(Risk + Reward) = Edge(Call + Bet + Pot)
35 weak at B50 and GTO is 50/200 or 25 weak. 10% overlay
10%(11 + 11 + 22) = 10%*44 = 4.4BB winning call
EV of Bluff Raising
EV of Bluff Raising formula. EV = Edge(Risk + Reward) = Edge(Raise + Bet + Pot)
If we raise 4x there is a 10% discrepancy between Alpha and Population.
10%(44 + 11 + 22) =10%*77 = 7.7bb winning call
These are just rough estimates but if I am choosing between calling and raising it's higher EV to raise even if it is mixed in a solver.