Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
I think your jam only AA is better than GTO as a default. But I think we can capture more EV by expanding the value threshold.
Okay, interesting. I thought this was pretty much an obviously bad idea, so I really wasn't expecting this reply. But if you think AA only outperforms default gto, and you think QQ+ is basically an upgraded version of AA only, I can at least respect the consistency of your thoughts here. Off-hand I am not convinced, but it is definitely logical.
The idea is to turn 0EV hands into losing calls and is a driving principle behind a lot of MDA theory.
I have never taken this as a driving principle in my play (though I only have some basic mda knowledge myself)...I guess the idea is constructing in a way where opponents will make large ev blunders while 1) they have a default strategy that plays into these blunders and 2) they are unlikely to quickly adjust or play a counterstrategy to what we're doing?
Is this more or less right?
Versus very good players you reverse MDA lines postflop as a default until they adjust. Even average regs for the stake understand preflop MDA and jam tendencies so now we can be more aggressive with our preflop adjustments.
By "very good players" do you mean something narrow like "reg players who are highly aware of MDA tendencies for their games," or something else?