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2015 - That's going to be my year 2015 - That's going to be my year

12-31-2013 , 03:24 PM
Hello 2p2,

I have done a lot of these before, and they always die pretty quickly. Always for the same reason. I'm lazy. And probably a little bit afraid.

I like to think that I work hard when I'm sitting at the computer, assuming that time spent here is time well spent, but in all honesty, I don't. I spend more time searching for song's on YouTube to listen to while grinding, than grinding myself. I prefer reading about the meaningless lives of people I know on Facebook, to actually doing anything even remotely close to productive or challenging. I'd rather put in small volume that is a token effort while on an upswing, than risk a downswing again that would ruin my graph. Just so that more people I've never met can think my last 1k games have a great EVROI, and therefore think I must be doing it right.

Who gives a **** that the 1k games are over two months? They don't know that.

I've learnt a lot of things about poker over the last year. But if I'm honest, a lot of players who are weaker than me on the technical side had a far more successful year because they were stronger mentally. They didn't fear going on downswings when running well. They weren't lazy when running bad.

And that's really what this blog is (hopefully) about. Doing things. Not being too scared to actually work hard, and not being too proud to admit I was too scared.

First, my last 1k games for people who are getting bored of just reading:

And my last 2k Games:

That's all $30 HU Hypers.

Put a lot of off-the-table work in considering the amount of games. Unfortunately, the time scale of how long that took is where the problem lies.


[ ] $200k total

- This isn't just HU Hypers. For a start I'll be transferring my game mid way through the year anyway. It isn't even just poker. This is everything included. Live MTT's, Investments, my other interests etc. I have one avenue that I expect to bring me in a guaranteed $50k, which I won't go into, but things like this that I discover (hoping I find some more through the year as well) will count even though I won't be going into detail about in this blog, unfortunately.

[ ] $120k from poker

- Therefore, I think it's only fair I put down an actual goal that, if anyone actually read this blog, they could verify. I think $10k a month is definitely doable given the hard work I want to put in. This will include any live profits or losses, all rakeback and freerolls, and of course can be from any game type I decide to play.

[ ] 200k vpps

This is going to be a minimum for me. After the first three months when I start changing game type and adding tables at HU Hyper, my VPP goal should hopefully be a lock. But that's assuming everything goes to plan, and if it doesn't, I'm more than willing to change it up.

[ ] Move to PLO 6max, and achieve atleast 5bb/100 at PLO100

I'm actually aiming for higher, but because I have very little first hand experience in the game, I decided to settle for this. The game itself looks pretty spot on for what I'm good at, because of all the math, and how deep it could possibly go, but again, I'll have to wait to see what happens and be ready to change this goal.

More than willing to drop all of my goals down if I have to, but we will see how it goes as I go through the year.

So that's it. I was really writing this and being so honest about my past mistakes because I read so many of these Goal threads, and see so many posts from talented players, and realise a lot of us are in the same boat. Hopefully, I can change that, because I know if I had read something like this last year, it might have made me understand sooner just how mentally weak I was, and how much money I was losing out of as a result.

So here's to fixing my problems in 2014, just so that I can make 2015 my year.

Good luck all,

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
01-02-2014 , 11:29 PM
Good luck Jay, Well written, Subbed.

Also, firrrrsststttttststttttttt

Last edited by TopPair2Pair; 01-02-2014 at 11:34 PM.
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
01-03-2014 , 02:52 AM
2015?? Why wait so long? Make 2014 your year
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
01-08-2014 , 06:24 PM
Looking like this needs a bump already! Gogogogo
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
01-08-2014 , 06:28 PM
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
01-09-2014 , 04:10 PM
Good goals you have going on there, good luck this year and hopefully you hit your goals and make 2015 your year

all the best
Guy up the road
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
01-14-2014 , 04:25 PM
Thanks everyone!

I was originally waiting until Sunday just gone to post an update, in an attempt to reduce the time I spend on 2p2. Unfortunately it came and I realised that I didn't have a monthly goal to mark my performance against.

So far though, I have beat last months volume already (which probably says more about last month than this) still running great, and I am doing really well with all of my extra exploits as well. So all in all pretty good.

What I have decided to do is set myself a goal from yesterday of 1.2k games. Doesn't seem like a lot on the face of it, but it will all be one tabling, focused decisions, and therefore hopefully a great EV line still!

I'll update daily, starting with later tonight, and that way we can just see at the end of the month how daily updates went, and if I want to carry doing it so often going into the future.

So thanks for all the support, I'd say it more personal and address each of you but I don't know how to do more than one quote

So until later,

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
01-14-2014 , 10:52 PM
Good stuff fella

Lookin forward to the updates
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
02-25-2014 , 08:27 PM
Hey all,

Just a brief update because I'm too tired atm.

Basically, not putting enough volume in but interests outside of poker are doing really well and looking really good for the future, so because they are almost a passive income, decided to put a lot more effort into poker and really focus, instead on making money, on improving my skills to put me in a position to make more in the future.

Big kudos to Mike for convincing me to do this if you're reading btw

So will be looking to put about 50 games a day for these last 4 days of Feb, single tabling and focused. Looking to find spots that come up often that I am not too sure of, and then compile a list of hands to discuss with people going into March.

Here's the graph from the first day:

Unfortunately could have done better, lost some focus in some games and really cost me in spots I could have made more from. Didn't help that United lost tonight as well, to put me in a bad mood for the last part of the grind.

Anyway, you live and you learn, hoping for a more focused grind tomorrow, and some better results.

Until then,

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
02-26-2014 , 08:22 PM
2nd Update:

Not Updating at the end of my session because I have a lot of work to do with my other interests, so will be playing literally up until I go to sleep, and therefore won't have time to update afterwards.

Anyway, heres the graph so far:

Not overly happy with my play in spots, definitely think there is room for improvement against a few of my opponents. Will post a few hands at the start of March when I do a full update, but until then should finish the day on about 75 games, and any extra I miss out on will be sorted on the last day when I have the most free time.

Until next time,

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
02-26-2014 , 10:02 PM
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
02-27-2014 , 10:11 AM
Well well. Look who has decided to update this
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
03-02-2014 , 08:12 AM
Thanks for the well wishes!

And yeah Mike, unfortunately wasn't able to complete it !

So yeah, didn't get the games or updates in. Fell a little short. Genuine reason though, had to go dentist and have the start of some root canal work, when I got back started the day losing 10 in a row, and just figured I would be a little tilty with the dentist work and bad run, and that for the sake of profit it was best to call it a day.

Was nice while it lasted though, realised I have some mental leaks that needs addressing, and that while I am it would be easier to split my grind into two or three sessions a day, rather than longer sessions all at once.

Anyway, onto the goals for March, I think they'll be quite successful:

[ ] 1.2k games, single tabling, focusing on decision, especially verse bad regs.
[ ] 4% EVROI
[ ] Update this 3 times a week
[ ] Mid 4 figures from outside interests
[ ] Discuss 40 hands

Bad regs are a problem for me. I'm confident I beat them by a decent margin, but I think with the amount of leaks they have that I miss a lot of value, so I want to focus on punishing all those little mistakes they make.

So until next time,

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
03-07-2014 , 05:57 PM
Quick update time,

Internet is lagging so decided to do an update whilst I let it settle down.

Today so far:

Sucks to be under EV but happens.

A lot of the games were against the same guy, he was terrible but just couldn't miss, constantly having me to 3 outs. I think his Open Shove percentage by the end of the games was 42%!

Really hoping now to get a few more games in and also, Stars willing, get my EV line to finish nicely for the day.

Will update later or tomorrow morning with how the day finished.

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
03-19-2014 , 01:39 PM
Someone lied to me and said they were going to play 1200 games this month. Sharkscope is telling me you've played 285. Weak!
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
03-25-2014 , 11:44 AM
421 games...slightly behind pace
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
04-01-2014 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by mdot20
Someone lied to me and said they were going to play 1200 games this month. Sharkscope is telling me you've played 285. Weak!
Volume from after this message has been spot on, unfortunately not up to scratch before hand. Weak as ****!

Failed on most of the monthly goals, again mainly due to the start of the month rather than the end, so pretty optimistic about this upcoming month, especially considering I have the rest of this week off of work to get off to a good start.


Annoying that I didn't start with the volume earlier, obviously, but aside from that I was also bothered by the little downswing at the end, although of course not a big sample so not really that big of a deal.

Was very lucky in that downswing in some ways though, I ran so bad in card distribution and was tilted at the time because almost all of those games were against really bad players, but looking back, had it not been, I would definitely been down a lot more considering the card distribution.

Onwards and upwards though:

April Goals

[ ] 1.5k Games
[ ] Single table and focus
[ ] 4% EV ROI
[ ] 400 games before 7th to get to a good start
[ ] Discuss 5 "standard" spots a week

Good Luck all,

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
04-05-2014 , 03:49 PM
well played jay, baller status.. proud your actually sticking to this blog and updating it. honestly thought you would give up like you used to at power league goal 2 goal because i was too good. keep it up jay, i look forward to seeing the graph for end of april with 1.5k total games
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
04-09-2014 , 11:40 AM
Bumping to update your April results. 151 games so far....
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
04-11-2014 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by mdot20
Bumping to update your April results. 151 games so far....
Here we go!

10th April:

So I was going through some of my footage with Coffeeyay and was talking to him about how I think a lot of my leaks were mental issues. Fast forward a week, and I've read Jared Tendler's book on Mental Game of Poker, whilst marking the chapters that I need to keep referring back to because of their relevance to my game.

It's quite scary how many of the different issues apply to me; almost all contributing, I'm sure, to motivational problems. From feeling a sense of entitlement versus the worst players, to procrastinating from fear of failure, I think bit by bit it;s just made me extremely unproductive compared to what I could be.

Anyway, this isn't some sort of aha! moment, where from now on I can promise that all things will be different (even though I would love it to be). I've known, in one way or another, about the majority of these issues for a while now, even if I couldn't label them or distinguish them from one another. I'm just hoping with some of his exercises, and maybe a little bit more awareness, that I start, bit by bit, putting more of the grind in I'm capable of, and less days doing **** all.

Here's my graph from yesterday:

Happy with the majority of it, one game stands out that I definitely messed up in some big spots, but other than that in general I'm pleased with my play.

Hoping to update more in the mornings from now on. After a long day in front of the screen, it's tiring to write an update, so I figure it would be a good exercise to wake up and jot down how yesterday went in the form of a review to get me ready for that day's session. Again, it won't be a promise to do it everyday, but I'm confident it will be more often.

I did want to leave with a nice quote from Jared's book, which I think sums up the mindset I want to accomplish.

Thanks for reading,

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
04-12-2014 , 08:29 AM
11th April

Tried to focus, once again, on getting steady volume in today. Not over committing to a massive amount of games, but following through with it, in the hopes that the more normal 50 games a day one tabling feels, the easier putting larger days in will be in the future.

Unfortunately, I began to get tilted when I ran into a few coolers again. It doesn't affect my play too much when I tilt, but small leaks can come into my game which can then compound a downswing.


Again, happy to just go along with this for the next week or so, and then put a few days in of larger volume to get a feel for longer days, but that have some more structure to it.

Updating this thread so often also feels pointless. 50 games a day isn't stellar, nor are my profits because of it, but once again the routine of just doing this, at least I hope, will be of benefit; especially for the future.

Thanks for reading,

2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
09-26-2014 , 04:57 AM
disappointed, blog hasn't been updated for several months......
2015 - That's going to be my year Quote
