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08-26-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Tim Brice
How can I trust you in a prop bet? You screwed over one of your friends so what it is stop you from doing it to a complete stranger?
08-26-2015 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
You really need to stop giving a f what people say about you. It makes you look super insecure (not saying you are but you definitely come off that way ITT). The bet you're offering is never going to get taken up because it's too easy to get cheated (NOT SAYING YOU WOULD CHEAT).

your time should be way more valuable to you to the point where you stop writing out long thought out responses to these "haters"
I agree with RG here in spite of his XXXXXL head size
08-26-2015 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
I agree with RG here in spite of his XXXXXL head size
Not sure what you mean about head size, is that a running joke from the chat thread? But yeah, I agree too... It's why my responses now are shorter than they were in the past and I now just block some people.
08-26-2015 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Slow Rolla
I made a 1,000 hour cash game winrate prop bet with Duke, and he admitted to going North in a game. I deemed this as cheating/an unfair advantage, and wanted him to pay the bet. We talked privately, it went very poorly, and I quickly posted it on 2p2 (admittedly a mistake on my part to do this so quickly, which I later apologized to him for). Big bleep storm ensued. We later settled the bet for a %, made up, etc.

Some deem this as me screwing him over, because I had raced out to a huge lead in the prop bet, and around the time he went north I think he had edged ahead a little bit and I was running bad. I'm not sure exactly what the standings were at that point. We were maybe 250-300 hours in? I'm guessing on that.
08-26-2015 , 01:46 PM
Also, I think the notion that I screwed him over is pretty laughable. I made an error in calling him out publicly so quickly, which I apologized for and moved on from, but the bet was settled fairly. If he thought otherwise, we could have had an agreed upon third party arbitrate it and they probably would have come to a similar ruling or docked his winrate and continued the bet... Which probably would've had a similar EV to what we agreed upon.

But, if he secretly thinks I screwed him over, he's welcome to chime in of course.
08-26-2015 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Slow Rolla
Basically cuse got mad because duke went north to cover a whale (something all live poker players should do). Cuse knew he was probably going to lose the prop bet at that time and had to something to protect his ego and insecurity. So he found a perfect opportunity and pounced on that.

The general consensus on 2p2 was that cuse was out of line.
08-26-2015 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Tim Brice
Basically cuse got mad because duke went north to cover a whale

Originally Posted by Tim Brice
(something all live poker players should do).
Nope. It's really bad for the game. It's obviously +EV for the person doing it.

Originally Posted by Tim Brice
Cuse knew he was probably going to lose the prop bet at that time

Originally Posted by Tim Brice
and had to something to protect his ego and insecurity. So he found a perfect opportunity and pounced on that.
Nope. I'd have taken issue with him going north whether I was ahead, behind, tied, whatever.

Originally Posted by Tim Brice
The general consensus on 2p2 was that cuse was out of line.
I disagree. Lots of people were on both sides.
08-26-2015 , 02:19 PM
Excuse me sir, ALL live poker players should break the rules of the casino?

That's really your advice. I guess you just feel entitled to all the whales money. You are not.

Now if the buy in is uncapped that is fine, but Duke wasn't breaking the rules in that case.

Any newer players to the game reading this thread, please do not follow Tim's advice here, unless your goal is getting 86'd from the casino.
08-27-2015 , 02:48 AM
Not go north to cover a whale?! we are poker players here. if we aren't going north to cover the whale, then wtf are we even playing this game for? bunch of ****ing amateurs
08-27-2015 , 03:04 AM
The casino is your workplace. If you break workplace procedure what do you expect to happen?

This is akin to dealers that steal from the trey, you're being shortsighted, not realizing that in the long term you will profit more by being on good terms with the house and playing by there rules.
08-27-2015 , 03:27 AM
Not to mention that it's putting the biggest donators in the player pool at a disadvantage that makes them lose even more money even faster, which is not in the best long-term interest of winning players in that player pool.

It's also unfair to winning players who won't go north, because they respect the rules.
08-27-2015 , 03:46 AM
Tim Brice isn't very good at the pokerz I wouldn't listen to him
08-27-2015 , 04:42 AM
Had a pretty good bounce back session today, despite flopping the third nuts under the nuts and getting it in on the flop. I should have found the hero fold on the flop actually, I made two big mistakes in the hand. Ironically, the first mistake led me to a spot in the hand where I could have hero folded... Had I played it properly, we probably would have ended up getting most of the money in anyway, if not all.

I also flopped two sets in huge pots, got villains to pour tons of money in drawing to 2 clean outs and 9 partially-clean outs respectively, and held in both... So that offset a lot of the damage from earlier this week when I didn't hold in those types of spots.

Other than that I played pretty well, and there weren't a ton of exciting spots, so it was a more boring/ABC day, although I still managed to run a couple bluffs successfully.
08-27-2015 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by EatMyDitka
Tim Brice isn't very good at the pokerz I wouldn't listen to him
Unfortunately, I can't deny this.
08-27-2015 , 10:53 AM
I will say this about going north...

Its your ***** $$ being put at risk isnt it? You think there is some non chance that the whale wont gobble your whole stack on a two outer? I actually dislike ppl who go south more than add more $ to the game....
08-27-2015 , 11:24 AM
Does tim brice even know if a straight beats a flush?
08-27-2015 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by kiderino
Does tim brice even know if a straight beats a flush?
ffs stop educating fish.
08-27-2015 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by EatMyDitka
Tim Brice isn't very good at the pokerz I wouldn't listen to him
Originally Posted by kiderino
Does tim brice even know if a straight beats a flush?
Originally Posted by Tim Brice
ffs stop educating fish.
Do not tap

08-27-2015 , 12:28 PM
Oh jesus you just say "going north" as if its all the same

I topped off to like $1200-1300 after i lost a hand in a game that was $1k max. Wasnt even close to covering a whale who had multiple purples and blacks and ****

Jeez louise why is this still ever mentioned or talked about ever
08-27-2015 , 12:36 PM
After i did it i also just openly and freely texted cuse "lol i went north, the floor saw me and gave me a warning that he will kick me out next time" just to tell him some funny random meaningless ****, like just kicking it

Unfortunately, cuse and i werent on the same page. The bet wasnt just "kickin it" for him
08-27-2015 , 01:10 PM
20 - 30 % over what's allowed is meaningful enough. That is still going north.

And of course going south isn't fine either, no ones saying it is.

Look I'm fine with people adding money to the game too, it serves me well. I'm just saying if you don't want to get 86'd don't do it.
08-27-2015 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Tim Brice
Basically cuse got mad because duke went north to cover a whale (something all live poker players should do). Cuse knew he was probably going to lose the prop bet at that time and had to something to protect his ego and insecurity. So he found a perfect opportunity and pounced on that.

The general consensus on 2p2 was that cuse was out of line.
This is laughable. You obviously have either a personal issue with cuse or you're just a hater. You come off as disingenuous, jealous, or both.

Standard 2+2 behavior.
08-27-2015 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Oddhalo
I will say this about going north...

Its your ***** $$ being put at risk isnt it? You think there is some non chance that the whale wont gobble your whole stack on a two outer? I actually dislike ppl who go south more than add more $ to the game....
So it's OK because you only stack him 90% of the time and he might suck out the other 10%? C'mon.

Originally Posted by ITT666
20 - 30 % over what's allowed is meaningful enough. That is still going north.

And of course going south isn't fine either, no ones saying it is.

Look I'm fine with people adding money to the game too, it serves me well. I'm just saying if you don't want to get 86'd don't do it.
Agreed on 20-30% over. In my opinion, going like <10bb over is a rounding error and not a big deal.... In a 1K cap, you lose a huge pot, you're down to like $530, you throw on $500... Not a big deal, it's more reasonable than putting 6 reds in your pocket. Adding 20% on a 200bb game is a big deal.

As for being fine with people adding money to the game, I'm not when it's a good player doing it to cover a bad player. This is hugely -EV for the bad player, hugely +EV for the good player, and -EV for everyone else at the table, because it robs us of EV against the whale since he is more likely to get a larger chunk of the whale's stack.
08-27-2015 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
Oh jesus you just say "going north" as if its all the same

I topped off to like $1200-1300 after i lost a hand in a game that was $1k max. Wasnt even close to covering a whale who had multiple purples and blacks and ****
You also told me at the time that you do this "every time" you can against a whale. Then the next day you said, well, not every time, once or twice. I really don't want to get back into this, it was old history and I'm over it.

Originally Posted by Duke0424
Jeez louise why is this still ever mentioned or talked about ever
Maybe because your buddies keep bringing it up?

You, your thread, 8-25-15, 11:03 pm EST:

Originally Posted by Duke0424
drove from winstar out to memphis today and met up with my buddy 2p2er Tim Brice, we are having a good old time on that bovada grind on his kitchen counter top lol
Tim Brice, my thread, 8-25-15, 10:41 pm EST:

Originally Posted by Tim Brice
How can I trust you in a prop bet? You screwed over one of your friends so what it is stop you from doing it to a complete stranger?
I haven't brought this stuff up except when I've been asked directly about it or trolled about it, nor have I had anyone else bring it up, or asked anyone else to reply about it, or anything. So if you want it to stop being discussed, stop bringing it up, and tell your little troll friends to stop bringing it up. Easy game.
08-27-2015 , 03:22 PM
He didn't ask his little troll friends to post. YOU offered the prop bet and I explained why I think it would be a bad idea to take it due to your shady dealings with prop bets in the past.

And we only troll because it is so easy to get a rise out of you.
