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2000th post.... whats to be done before 2014 2000th post.... whats to be done before 2014

09-01-2013 , 07:49 AM
Hello all!
My name is Stan Combs and I like to fart in the movies esp when the theater is crowded. But enough about my personal life lets talk about some goals.

sept - 2014

[ ] profitable
[ ] win at least one mtt out right
[ ] keep the streak alive with only posting winning hands and not the beats.

I would like to post In here b4 and after sessions when im in Canada just to keep a log on how things are going up there.

jackmeplz69 - on stars

First session will be next Saturday and Sunday.. Already booked at caesars in Windsor (4 hr drive) and package is sold out.

Last edited by jackmeplz69; 09-01-2013 at 08:10 AM.
2000th post.... whats to be done before 2014 Quote
09-02-2013 , 12:09 PM
so are u playing online up there or live??? do u play online in windsor because im in the process of attempting to do so and it kind of sucks looking for a place
2000th post.... whats to be done before 2014 Quote
