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From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting

06-15-2023 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer

Youtube Channel AP blackjack

Every session, every time I head out there, I'm recording. I'm stock piling weeks and weeks of play. However going through it, while editing down boring times, while remaining truthful to the events that transpire, will be another tedious task. Idk when it will be released, but hopefully this excites you. If you're ever curious about the progress, feel free to DM on my IG as well!
hello, i looked at your youtube channel: and i could only find poker videos on there, i would be more interested in your blackjack content, do you have a different channel that you post BJ on?

second question - do you still own the Bay Area real estate that you bought last summer (post #186)? do you ever worry that the Bay Area market is currently going into the shitter or do you think that it will make a recovery?
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-15-2023 , 11:39 AM

Regarding the blackjack stuff, originally I had posted it all on the same youtube (AdvantagePlayer = AP = "advantaged gambling"). The short story is, Graton Casino, In Rohnert Park, in the bay area, banned me, through finding my youtube blackjack content. At least that's what they claimed. I had two thoughts regarding this. Either it's true and my blackjack stuff actually costed me like 5 figures in EV [OR] someone who hates me, reported me to the casino with evidence of what I was doing. Which given the circumstances of my keyboard nature is highly possible. All in all, I no longer post that stuff out in public anymore.

As for bay area market, I'm not sweating it too much. IIRC based on recent convo, the interest rate has gotten even higher, so my fixed rate doesnt seem so bad (for now). If it goes through the roof, I guess my partner and I will just have to relocate. Ultimately we chose the bay area for convenience/work/friends, not truly as an investment strategy. With that said, my own personal opinion, outside of work (or you didnt grow up here) I wouldn't want to live in SF/Oakland.

We are actually looking at a second property as a long term rental. And it's certainly not here in the bay.

I found out recently my friend's gf got shot as a BYSTANDER visiting. She was driving through the city and a BULLET went into her. Luckily she survived. It's rough out here in the bay.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-15-2023 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer

Regarding the blackjack stuff, originally I had posted it all on the same youtube (AdvantagePlayer = AP = "advantaged gambling"). The short story is, Graton Casino, In Rohnert Park, in the bay area, banned me, through finding my youtube blackjack content. At least that's what they claimed. I had two thoughts regarding this. Either it's true and my blackjack stuff actually costed me like 5 figures in EV [OR] someone who hates me, reported me to the casino with evidence of what I was doing. Which given the circumstances of my keyboard nature is highly possible. All in all, I no longer post that stuff out in public anymore.

As for bay area market, I'm not sweating it too much. IIRC based on recent convo, the interest rate has gotten even higher, so my fixed rate doesnt seem so bad (for now). If it goes through the roof, I guess my partner and I will just have to relocate. Ultimately we chose the bay area for convenience/work/friends, not truly as an investment strategy. With that said, my own personal opinion, outside of work (or you didnt grow up here) I wouldn't want to live in SF/Oakland.

We are actually looking at a second property as a long term rental. And it's certainly not here in the bay.

I found out recently my friend's gf got shot as a BYSTANDER visiting. She was driving through the city and a BULLET went into her. Luckily she survived. It's rough out here in the bay.
Does your girl work in tech and/or required to be in an office in San Fran?

I wonder how many software engineers who studied for years and worked blood, sweat, tears for big tech WHILE living in San Fran end up coming out of the Bay Area with almost no savings/assets (besides the very good job experience) ...

I enjoyed your youtube content ... would follow closely any content / blog you do related to poker, crypto mining, niche investment avenues.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-22-2023 , 02:47 AM
Yep she does. That's why I play poker when we carpool together. Gets my lazy-bones-ass out there. And if you follow the IG we're currently on a 13 winning streak session, averaging if I had to guess $80/hr, probably more. Heaterbox. Record is 25 sessions in a row so definitely excited there's a chance we can surpass that number again (3+ years ago)

As for tech, just depends. I know a friend/acquaintance who bought a 3.5 mil home on his own (no partner) just engineer for google. Then on the other hand, I know two people who works for paypal (product managers), and they both cannot buy a home on their own and are currently renting.

The youtube train has long departed so I won't be returning to that. Unless I'm a fool to think so. Considering other platforms atm.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
11-11-2023 , 01:43 PM
Any updates?
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
04-14-2024 , 10:29 PM
Hello 2024!

It's almost been a year since my last post, hope all is well with you guys, life's chill for me

Found some recent motivation to restart poker content. Mainly doing nothing hasn't been too kind to my mind, boredom and all.

So hoping this will kinda fill that energy-void.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
04-15-2024 , 10:50 PM

Planning on editing, voicing, graphics similar to this going forward. Will reposition chips further ahead, camera more back. Not sure if S8 (in the vid) or in s7 (facing diagonally people) or s5 (middle for direct flop) is better. Want to make this video quality great.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
04-20-2024 , 02:21 AM

Restarting poker again, about 2 days a week, going forward. This should be enough footage to record/edit/post for the following 2-3 days afterwards.

Poker god blessing me with the RNG restart boost. Like an addict.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
04-23-2024 , 04:47 PM

This is episode 5, but it's really only 3 days of play (approx 15-17 hours). Currently up around $1600+.

I noticed my play got worse around hour 5, honestly my line started making less sense (IIRC i hated the line DURING the hand, after putting chips out). It's like I'm on auto-pilot mode and not truly thinking that much. Gotta get back in mental shape.

Also at 6:23 I noticed my camera is literally peaking at my opponents cards, and I can see them in post-production. lol.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
05-06-2024 , 05:18 PM

I got the text from my dad at like 12am, to which I started thinking he picked up gambling at the age of 65. I was quite disappointed in him, and borderline angry that I couldn't sleep. As I awaited his response, I eventually fell asleep.

Woke up to the christmas morning text and it was my $4.5K sitting in a bag for like 5 years in their home. Idk how I forgot about this much money, but it says something about my laziness/mindset.

Anyways gave it to them, payment for looking after our doggo Boba. Should be enough for the year
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
05-08-2024 , 12:52 PM

Prior to yesteday session, logged approx 30 hours, over 6 sessions, running at around $32 profit. So that's $1/hour winrate.

s h i t
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-11-2024 , 11:43 PM
I got PERMA-BANNED at Bay 101 today for vlogging.

One guy came up to me, told me to delete episode 9 of my vlog, then 5-10 mins later, 3 floor people came up and told me to cash out. I pleaded my case, there's no warning. They said we don't have to.

I said, what about the other vloggers I played with (LITERALLY RECORDED MY FACE with her phone). They responded with, "they are ALL AUTHORIZED" Then it dawned on me. How do they know which vloggers I'm talking about?

I also know floor of Bay101 FOLLOW & watch my youtube vlog, and have directly contacted the VPIP/whale that they were in my vlog. Really weird sequence of actions.

Guess Matr8x is my new home now.

Also might be a hot take, but if you can't/don't want to be caught inside a casino, maybe don't ****ing be there.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
I got PERMA-BANNED at Bay 101 today for vlogging.

One guy came up to me, told me to delete episode 9 of my vlog, then 5-10 mins later, 3 floor people came up and told me to cash out. I pleaded my case, there's no warning. They said we don't have to.

I said, what about the other vloggers I played with (LITERALLY RECORDED MY FACE with her phone). They responded with, "they are ALL AUTHORIZED" Then it dawned on me. How do they know which vloggers I'm talking about?

I also know floor of Bay101 FOLLOW & watch my youtube vlog, and have directly contacted the VPIP/whale that they were in my vlog. Really weird sequence of actions.

Guess Matr8x is my new home now.

Also might be a hot take, but if you can't/don't want to be caught inside a casino, maybe don't ****ing be there.
Yeah that's a bad take, you deserve the ban you received based on your attitude. Just watched a little of one of your vlogs and you've done nothing to hide anyone's identity.

What gives you the right to violate people's privacy inside a business that says you can't? And then when you get banned for violating that policy think you have any recourse or reason to complain? That's some serious entitlement that you should probably recognize and try to fix. You're not more important than anyone else.

Good luck.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 01:46 AM
You seem to ignore the part where the female vlogger to my left put her phone to my face when we were HU in a pot, and the whole table laughed. She continues to produce content here and there at my casino. If she's not authorized by the casino to vlog what's your stance on the situation. That we both should be banned correct?

Reality of life is she won't receive anywhere the trouble I went through. That's sexist and discrimination.

Lastly regarding entitlement, I'm not entitled to anything. They can ban me all they want. I went across the street to play at Matr8x. And if Matr8x bans me, I move on to Lucky Chances. And if that 3rd casino bans me, well I'm done with poker vlogging.

Simple as that.

Also if you cant be caught inside a casino, don't be inside. That's just logical.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
You seem to ignore the part where the female vlogger to my left put her phone to my face when we were HU in a pot, and the whole table laughed. She continues to produce content here and there at my casino. If she's not authorized by the casino to vlog what's your stance on the situation. That we both should be banned correct?

Reality of life is she won't receive anywhere the trouble I went through. That's sexist and discrimination.

Lastly regarding entitlement, I'm not entitled to anything. They can ban me all they want. I went across the street to play at Matr8x. And if Matr8x bans me, I move on to Lucky Chances. And if that 3rd casino bans me, well I'm done with poker vlogging.

Simple as that.

Also if you cant be caught inside a casino, don't be inside. That's just logical.
Zero accountability on your part.

You aren't catching people inside a casino, you're broadcasting them to the wider world. Do you understand that distinction? Perhaps a school teacher wants to gamble in his off hours but doesn't want his students finding out. Whatever the reason there is an expectation of privacy inside a casino and you are violating that. And you do have an entitled attitude about it as well. You deserve your ban. If you continue to film at other casinos and do nothing to hide people's identities I hope you are banned quickly from those other casinos as well and I have half a mind to contact them myself if you do. Just blur people's faces or keep your camera at an angle to hide them, it's not that difficult. You have to have permission to film people inside of a casino. You aren't special. You aren't more important than anyone else. You aren't entitled to do whatever you want.

Instead of playing whataboutism, try taking accountability for your own actions. And not every time someone is treated differently does it come down to sexism or discrimination, quit playing the victim card. I'd wager the difference in treatment between you and this female vlogger has nothing to do with sex. You aren't the victim here, you're in the wrong.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 02:48 AM
Hi you ignored it once again.

If she's not authorized to vlog and never once asked for permission yet continues to do so without issues - that's sexism and discrimination. While you may disagree that's how it works. Don't believe me? Let's put your money where your mouth is.

Your $50K to my $10K, if my wife can vlog poker in Bay 101 Casino for 1 month.

If you truly believe it's my actions and not unfair treatment because I'm a male/pro vs female vlogger, put out the bet. She will show faces in her vlog.

Edit: To clarify the situation. My wife will capture people faces. And show their faces. If she can do it for 1 month, you lose.

Do we have a wager?

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 06-12-2024 at 02:56 AM.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
Hi you ignored it once again.

If she's not authorized to vlog and never once asked for permission yet continues to do so without issues - that's sexism and discrimination. While you may disagree that's how it works. Don't believe me? Let's put your money where your mouth is.

Your $50K to my $10K, if my wife can vlog poker in Bay 101 Casino for 1 month.

If you truly believe it's my actions and not unfair treatment because I'm a male/pro vs female vlogger, put out the bet. She will show faces in her vlog.

Edit: To clarify the situation. My wife will capture people faces. And show their faces. If she can do it for 1 month, you lose.

Do we have a wager?
So you and this female vlogger are exactly the same person except different sex? You've filmed all the same people, have the same number of vlogs, your interactions are all the same? People have complained about you and her and only you got banned? It can only be her sex that she's treated differently? You've eliminated all other factors in your head right?

You would need more evidence than just one anecdote of one male who takes zero accountability getting banned for filming. From what I can tell you are rude and unlikable, that's probably why you're being treated differently if you're being treated differently at all. Maybe it's because you're a short man. Tall men get treated better than short men, so how tall are you? No you aren't the victim in this situation.

Offering a bet of 10k to 50k makes you look bad, not good. Nobody is impressed. You know you don't expect me to put up 50k in some online pissing contest vs. you so what's the point? Why don't we just wager who has the bigger phallus big man? My D vs your D for a million dollars? That's about as grown up as you're behaving right now.

Your wife and this lady can probably get away with filming people's faces in the casino because they aren't rude and unlikable. Not because they're women. But hey I could be wrong perhaps the casino boss is a total misandrist.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 03:41 AM
Okay at what point are you willing to put out money where your mouth is, I'll meet you more than half way.

My $1K to your $5K. That's a 10x drop in stakes. For 2 vlogs. At Bay 101.

Anyone who's played with me at the casino knows I'm neutral in all areas, I don't speak unless spoken to, I don't banter or start convos, I don't care if i win or lose a big pot, and I tip moderately. No floor hates me cus I've never caused trouble, until this incident. IF you believe my character is one that is heavily leaning towards a trouble maker in a casino setting, then bet on it. We can ask other pros at Bay 101 what their perception of me is. Btw at this point you're merely speculating I'm a rude person. I don't even talk or interact in the casino.

Like I said money speaks volumes about how strong your convictions truly are.

My wife will be just like me at the casino. Quiet, reserved, not talking to anyone unless spoken to. And recording every1's faces. If she can put out 2 vlogs you lose.

Is this reasonable now? OR we need to drop stakes even more. IF YOU ARE AFRAID TO EVEN BET $1,000 then dont pretend and use "pissing context" as a sorry excuse. You have to wager some amount of money.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by Chip Wynn

Offering a bet of 10k to 50k makes you look bad, not good. Nobody is impressed. You know you don't expect me to put up 50k in some online pissing contest vs. you so what's the point? Why don't we just wager who has the bigger phallus big man? My D vs your D for a million dollars? That's about as grown up as you're behaving right now.
I won't let you use this as an excuse to back out. I was surely hoping you had 50k to put up for an escrow bet, I surely have that 10k ready anytime.

So to comply with your needs, let's drop the stakes. Instead we do $1K to $5K. I assume you can pony up $5K to prove you're willing to stand by what you've said. Or is this still considered an online pissing contest and I somehow "dont expect you do this". If that's the case, how much lower do we need to bet for it to be realistic? Or there's no amount of money you're ever betting me because you're simply scared my wife will easily vlog peoples faces away????
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer

Also might be a hot take, but if you can't/don't want to be caught inside a casino, maybe don't ****ing be there.

Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
If she's not authorized by the casino to vlog what's your stance on the situation. That we both should be banned correct?
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
Okay at what point are you willing to put out money where your mouth is, I'll meet you more than half way.

My $1K to your $5K. That's a 10x drop in stakes. For 2 vlogs. At Bay 101.

Anyone who's played with me at the casino knows I'm neutral in all areas, I don't speak unless spoken to, I don't banter or start convos, I don't care if i win or lose a big pot, and I tip moderately. No floor hates me cus I've never caused trouble, until this incident. IF you believe my character is one that is heavily leaning towards a trouble maker in a casino setting, then bet on it. We can ask other pros at Bay 101 what their perception of me is. Btw at this point you're merely speculating I'm a rude person. I don't even talk or interact in the casino.

Like I said money speaks volumes about how strong your convictions truly are.

My wife will be just like me at the casino. Quiet, reserved, not talking to anyone unless spoken to. And recording every1's faces. If she can put out 2 vlogs you lose.

Is this reasonable now? OR we need to drop stakes even more. IF YOU ARE AFRAID TO EVEN BET $1,000 then dont pretend and use "pissing context" as a sorry excuse. You have to wager some amount of money.
You have poor reading comprehension. I already explained that I think you'd win your bet as proposed just not for the reason you believe. You're clearly a rude person as evidenced by the fact that you feel entitled to film people at a casino when you aren't allowed. That's not speculation, that's you acting rudely. Not to mention jumping to make this whole interaction into a pissing contest asking me to bet an absurd amount of money. So you're not just rude but also unlikable. Your perception of yourself is off.

Originally Posted by Chip Wynn
Your wife and this lady can probably get away with filming people's faces in the casino because they aren't rude and unlikable. Not because they're women. But hey I could be wrong perhaps the casino boss is a total misandrist.
Originally Posted by TheAdvantagePlayer
I won't let you use this as an excuse to back out. I was surely hoping you had 50k to put up for an escrow bet, I surely have that 10k ready anytime.

So to comply with your needs, let's drop the stakes. Instead we do $1K to $5K. I assume you can pony up $5K to prove you're willing to stand by what you've said. Or is this still considered an online pissing contest and I somehow "dont expect you do this". If that's the case, how much lower do we need to bet for it to be realistic? Or there's no amount of money you're ever betting me because you're simply scared my wife will easily vlog peoples faces away????
You're accusing me of backing out of something I never agreed to. I never agreed to a bet, in fact I think you'd win that bet but not for the reason you believe. Also, since I think it's wrong to film people in a casino without their permission, I wouldn't agree to any sort of bet that would encourage that to take place. That's called morals.

I will however agree to bet that my D is bigger than your D, or are you going to back out of that bet? Do you not have a cool million in cash to escrow or do you have a small penis? Or both?

That's not a real offer by the way, I myself have a micro penis and five bucks to my name.

Have a good day sir.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 02:37 PM
I offered 5K to 50K, you said it was ridiculous. Then I offered 1K to 5K and you're still dodging. Okay I'll lower it a third time so it's within "reason", $500 to $2.5K for 2 vlogs with face captured.

If my wife can record people at the poker table and post showing the faces, you lose the bet. If you're so certain that my wife will get banned for doing the same thing I did, you should take this bet, it's easy money. Is there a reason you havent? It's no longer a pissing contest bro, it's $500 to $2.5K.

Truth is, you know you're scared to put money where your mouth is. The world works differently for everyone. The response I would've gotten if I was a female vlogger would 100% not be an instant ban hammer I can bet money. Oh wait, I already am. Are you willing to?

@Meeowth - can you tell this ^chip to take my bet as a social experiment and see if a female vlogger gets the same treatment as I did recording people faces at the poker table?
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 03:00 PM

I already explained that you'd win that bet because there are more factors than just your sex at play here. This is the third time I've told you that now. Quit being obtuse and disingenuous, others reading this can see through your BS. It's a bad look dude, you had a very hot bad take, got called out on it and now you keep trying to double down and pretend you're a victim of sexism. You're not a victim.

Here's a freeroll offer for you though. Have your wife take a selfie stick record a video of her walking into Bay 101 walking up to a security guard and ask "Hey I don't have prior permission or authorization to film in here, but it's okay that I film here because I'm a woman right?" and if the security guard says yes and allows her to keep filming then have her ask "And if I was a man you would say 'no' right?" and if he agrees to that, I'll send you 50k. That's a freeroll. Good luck.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 03:14 PM
Its ironic because I think the one being slow is you. The issue at hand here isn't me recording without prior authorization, the issue at hand is the punishment/response I received from the casino in response to me vlogging people's faces. The bet at hand is supposed to show that if a woman replicates my actions, the response from the casino would dramatically change (therefore my wife will do what I did in the vlog to prove so).

It's a pretty simple logic train. I had to investigate and now I understand why it's so hard for you to grasp this concept.

Your 1 thread about yourself is all I needed to know. Now I know why you considered the 50K a pissing contest (I assumed and gave too much benefit to you) and in reality you're struggling with a $5K bankroll for your online roll after a decade of playing poker. That's why you refuse to put up the bet. So let's drop the stakes for a FOURTH TIME, $250 to $1,250 for 1 vlog, my wife captures every1 face with her phone.

EDIT: you been playing poker for 20 years. and now youre full time grinding .50c/$1 & $1/2 for $2k/month. I think analytical skills aren't your thing... Makes sense why so dim bulb

Regarding your $50,000 freeroll. Why are you lying? You don't even have $50,000... If you insist you do, then escrow the $50K to a high rep 2+2 trader, I will give him 5% commission if I win.

Last edited by TheAdvantagePlayer; 06-12-2024 at 03:40 PM.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
06-12-2024 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Chip Wynn

Here's a freeroll offer for you though. Have your wife take a selfie stick record a video of her walking into Bay 101 walking up to a security guard and ask "Hey I don't have prior permission or authorization to film in here, but it's okay that I film here because I'm a woman right?" and if the security guard says yes and allows her to keep filming then have her ask "And if I was a man you would say 'no' right?" and if he agrees to that, I'll send you 50k. That's a freeroll. Good luck.
Okay please escrow this within the next couple days to a high rep 2+2 trader. We will work out the details once it's sent.

I hope you're a man of your word.
From /5 NL Live Pro to High Stakes Whale Hunting Quote
